
  In the process of building a socialist economy with Chinese characteristics, my country has established a large number of economic zones with local characteristics, such as economic development zones, high-tech industrial development zones, border economic cooperation zones, and special customs supervision zones, relying on the regional advantages of various regions. In August 1988, China's national high-tech industrialization development plan, the Torch Plan, began to be implemented. In 1992, the State Council approved the establishment of the first border economic cooperation zone. As an important carrier for the country to attract foreign investment, economic zones in various regions have made significant contributions to the economic development process of my country's reform and opening up.

  Whether it is a national or provincial economic zone, it is often accompanied by necessary policies such as infrastructure construction, enterprise support, and tax and land preferences, and it is given special historical significance according to the different regions and establishment purposes. After joining the WTO, China's economy has become more closely connected with the world economy. Development zones have attracted large multinational companies, and foreign capital has been introduced on a large scale and in batches. Advanced technology, equipment and management concepts have also come with it, which has directly greatly promoted the process of China's industrial modernization. But at the same time, there are too many development zones, and the phenomenon of blindly occupying land and opening without development is quite serious. In response to the excessive and excessive development zones of various types across the country, and some places occupying arable land in the name of development zones and infringing on the interests of farmers, the State Council has deployed and carried out the cleanup and rectification of various development zones across the country since July 2003. In early 2007, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Land and Resources, and the Ministry of Construction jointly issued the "China Development Zone Review Announcement Catalog (2006 Edition)". After more than three years of rectification, as of December 2006, the number of various development zones across the country has been reduced from more than 6,000 to more than 1,000, and the planned area has been reduced from nearly 40,000 square kilometers to more than 9,000 square kilometers.

  After decades of development, development zones have become the engine of rapid growth of local economies. my country will continue to actively promote all-round development, strengthen regional planning, improve development levels, and achieve healthy development.

  CnOpenData has compiled the basic statistical indicator data of China's development zones, covering the relevant basic statistical indicators of my country's development zones from 2017 to 2023, such as GDP, fixed asset investment, and total industrial output value, which is of great significance to the research of regional economics, industrial economics, etc.

Time interval

2017-2023, but it should be noted that this data does not have relevant indicators for all development zones and all years, please contact customer service for details.

Field display

Data field table of basic statistical indicators of China's development zones
Name of development zone
Type of development zone
GDP (100 million yuan)
GDP growth rate (%)
Fixed asset investment (100 million yuan)
Fixed asset investment growth rate (%)
Total import and export volume (US$ billion)
Total industrial output value (RMB100 million)
Total retail sales of consumer goods (RMB100 million)
Total retail sales of consumer goods growth rate (%)
General public budget revenue (RMB100 million)
General public budget revenue growth rate (%)
Transfer payment revenue (RMB100 million)
Tax revenue (100 million yuan)
Government fund revenue (100 million yuan)
General public budget expenditure (100 million yuan)
Government fund expenditure (100 million yuan)
Local government debt balance (100 million yuan)
Local government debt limit (100 million yuan)
Year of establishment
Leading industry

Sample data

5,076.42 Qingdao Economic and Technological Development Zone < td>2017 100.96 d> > d> d>2017 < td> < td>Zhengzhou Economic Development Zone Comprehensive Bonded Zone td>2017 td> d> td>
Year Name of development zone Region Type of development zone GDP (100 million yuan) GDP growth rate (%) Fixed asset investment (100 million yuan) Fixed asset investment growth rate (%) Total import and export volume (100 million US dollars) Total industrial output value (100 million yuan) Total retail sales of consumer goods (100 million yuan) Total retail sales of consumer goods growth rate (%) General public budget revenue (100 million yuan) /th> General public budget revenue growth rate (%) Transfer payment revenue (100 million yuan) Tax revenue (100 million yuan) Government fund revenue (100 million yuan) General public budget expenditure (100 million yuan) Government fund expenditure (100 million yuan) Local government debt balance (100 million yuan) Local government debt limit (100 million yuan) Year of establishment Leading industry
2017 Shanghai Pudong New Area Pudong New Area National New District 10,741.88 8.9 1,903.70 2,897.75 10,061.81 2,201.34 996.26 8.5 238.28 1,257.69 327.39 827.75 1,2 43.20 1990 Headquarters economy, strategic emerging industries, cultural industries, modern agriculture
2017 Qingdao West Coast New Area Huangdao District National New Area 3,212.71 2,261.97 15 262.52 5,270.90 579.54 12.3 231.29 31.58 184.82 115.57 190.76 126.78 75.1 105.15 2014 Automobile manufacturing, home appliances and electronics, petrochemicals, shipbuilding and heavy industry, mechanical equipment, shipping and logistics
2017 Guangzhou Development Zone Guangzhou City Other national development zones 2,639.45 7 956.87 32.7 357.16 5,728.12 160.32 16.5 140.2 139.43 230.54 101.58 154.49 183.13 1984 New generation of information technology, biology and health, new materials
2017 Chongqing Liangjiang New District Chongqing City National New District 2,532.57 10.2 2,166.69 12.4 244.69 1,233.02 9.2 2010 Automobile, electronic information industry, equipment manufacturing industry
2017 Suzhou Industrial Park Suzhou City National Economic Development Zone 2,388.11 7.4 857.8 4,268.60 456.27 12.2 317.81 10.31 299.43 139.92 209.03 140.05 95.94 132.42 1994 Biomedicine, Nanotechnology Application, Artificial Intelligence
2017 Xiangjiang New District Changsha City National New District 2,208.85 11.2 2,313.37 16.3< /td> 33.11 697.14 14.8 51.13 10.64 72.6 68.55 73.61 75.75 2015 Modern service industry, strategic emerging industries, advanced manufacturing, headquarters economy, eco-tourism and leisure, modern urban agriculture
2017 Huangdao District National Economic Development Zone 2,154.55 10 991 0.2 190 9.1 1984 Ports, home appliances, petrochemicals, automobiles , shipbuilding and repair, marine engineering
2017 Dalian Jinpu New District Jinzhou District National New District 2,102.70 7.5 442 21.9 2,666.50 608.6 9.3 144.13 15.02 122.77 23.77 155.82 21.46 504.84 2014 Equipment manufacturing, petrochemicals, electronic information, complete vehicles and parts, port and shipping logistics
2017 Changsha High-tech Industrial Development Zone Yuelu District National High-tech Zone 1,820.12 486.86 0.46 13.1 38.58 0.03 31.77 1991 Advanced equipment manufacturing, new generation information technology (mobile Internet), new energy and energy conservation and environmental protection
2017 Chengdu High-tech Industrial Development Zone Chengdu City National High-tech Zone 1,665.80 10 944.8 26.4 644.7 11 156.8 8.9 25.35 136.53 68.41 199.05 56.24 36.64 1991 Electronic information, biomedicine, new economy
Wuxi High-tech Industrial Development Zone Wuxi City National High-tech Zone 1,618.81 8.1 898.87 1.1 432.62 3,855.02 311.27 10.1 176.1 9.7 162.7 64.9 112.7 64.9 1992 Electronic equipment, electrical machinery and equipment
2017 Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone Daxing District National Economic Development Zone 1,572.84 12.2 358.48 -7.3 170.9 3,424.88 419.6 5.4 214.6 184.4 1994 Robotics and intelligent manufacturing, biotechnology and big health, high-end automobiles and new energy intelligent automobiles, new generation information technology
2017 Beijing Daxing Economic Development Zone Daxing District Provincial Development Zone 1,572.84 12.2 3 58.48 -7.3 170.9 3,424.88 419.6 5.4 214.6 26.7 184.4 2000 Cultural and Art Industry
2017 Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone Hannan District National Economic Development Zone 1,443.33 8.32 869 12.2 138.66 130.69 49.89 71.98 38.95 73.6 1993 Automobiles and parts, Electronic appliances, biomedicine
2017 Yantai Economic and Technological Development Zone Fushan District National Economic Development Zone 1,404.80 7.5 609.6 9.2 251.19 148.3 10.6 103.5 12.4 8.7 85.48 26.26< /td> 28.49 162.27 164.9 1984 Mechanical manufacturing, electronic information
2017 Kunshan Economic and Technological Development Zone Kunshan City National Economic Development Zone 1,358.03 231.17 641.4 14.39 43 11.65 1992 Optoelectronic semiconductors, electronic information, intelligent equipment, new energy vehicles, modern services
2017 Changzhou High-tech Industrial Development Zone Changzhou City National High-tech Zone 1,340.16 8.1 87 2.76 8.1 115.01 328.14 12.3 111.39 8.58 36.81 96.41 99.66 61.13 107.47 51.78 53.07 1992 Equipment manufacturing, new materials, photovoltaics
201 7 Jiangning Economic and Technological Development Zone Jiangning District National Economic Development Zone 1,320.30 10 2,447.10 136.1 4.4 2010 High-end equipment industry, green smart car industry, artificial intelligence and future network, software information service industry
2017 Zibo Comprehensive Bonded Zone Zibo City National Customs Supervision Area < /td> 2020 Trade, e-commerce, logistics, e-commerce, electronic information
2017 Jinan New and Old Kinetic Energy Conversion Start-up Zone Jinan City National New District 2021
2017 Qingdao Shilaoren National Tourism Resort Laoshan District Other National Development Zones 1992 Entertainment industry
2017 Kaifeng Economic and Technological Development Zone Kaifeng City National Economic and Technological Development Zone 2010 Equipment manufacturing, automobiles and parts
2017 Luoyang Economic and Technological Development Zone Luoyang City National Economic Development Zone 3.53 18.9 6.01 2 .78 9.11 0.08 2012 High-end equipment manufacturing, high-end services
2017 Hongqiqu Economic and Technological Development Zone Linzhou City National Economic Development Zone 2012 High-end equipment manufacturing, high-tech industry
2017 Xinxiang Economic and Technological Development Zone Xinxiang City National Economic Development Zone 4.42 14.6 0.61 3.45 2.22 4.53 2.46 6.5 6.85 2012 Green fiber, information communication, high-end equipment
2017 Puyang Economic and Technological Development Zone Puyang City National Economic Development Zone 7.09 4.05 6.32 9.93 1.08 0.12 3.11 2013 Chemical industry, equipment manufacturing industry, emerging industries, logistics and warehousing industry
2017 Xuchang Economic and Technological Development Zone Xuchang City National Economic Development Zone 5.16 0.65 0.99 4.31 0 3.77 0.56 3.27 3.82 2010 Elevator manufacturing, intelligent equipment, power equipment
2017 Yibin Economic Development Zone (Demonstration Zone) Luoyang City National Economic Development Zone
Zhengzhou High-tech Industrial Development Zone Zhengzhou City National High-tech Zone 36.53 10.13 17.14 30.85 6.7 43.9 48.16 73.04 78.76< /td> 1991 Electronic information, equipment manufacturing
2017 Luoyang High-tech Industrial Development Zone Jianxi District National High-tech Zone 10.49 17.34 5.38 8.04 2.62 13.47 3.13 15.94 23.82 1992 Equipment manufacturing, new materials, high-tech services
2017 Pingdingshan High-tech Industrial Development Zone Pingdingshan City National High-tech Zone 2.36 26.33 0.91 2.12 1.63 2.94 1.52 4.58 6.58 2015 Electromechanical equipment, new materials
2017 Anyang High-tech Industrial Development Zone Anyang City National High-tech Zone 6.41 0.52 5.06 0.67 5.2 1.41 3.54 4.13 2010 New materials, new energy and environmental protection equipment, modern finance, tourism, culture and health care
2017 Jiaozuo High-tech Industrial Development Zone Jiaozuo City National High-tech Zone 10.96 8.5 2.19 6.58 0.71 12.11 0.48 8.64 2015 Food processing, equipment manufacturing, new materials
2017 Zhengzhou City National Customs Supervision Area 2016 Pipeline transportation, Internet and related service industries
2017 Zhengzhou Xinzheng Comprehensive Bonded Zone Zhengzhou City National Customs Supervision Area 2010 Aviation logistics, high-end manufacturing, modern service Industry
2017 Nanyang Wolong Comprehensive Bonded Zone Wolong District National Customs Supervision Area 2014 Other manufacturing, pipeline transportation
2017 China (Henan) Pilot Free Trade Zone Henan Province Other national development zones Advanced manufacturing, modern service industry
2017 Kaifeng Comprehensive Bonded Zone Kaifeng City National Customs Supervision Area 2020 E-commerce logistics industry
2017 Zhengluoxin National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone Henan Province Other national development zones 2016 High-end equipment manufacturing, electronic information industry, new materials industry, new energy industry, biopharmaceutical industry
2017 Henan Zhoukou National Agricultural High-tech Industry Demonstration Zone Zhoukou City Other national development zones 2022 Agriculture
2017 Jingzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone Jingzhou District National Economic Development Zone 14.03 3 .57 13.12 2.02 8.22 2.99 2011 Equipment manufacturing industry, electronic information industry, green recycling industry, modern logistics industry, green building industry
2017 Wuhan East Lake New Technology Industrial Development Zone Hongshan District National High-tech Zone 975.56 12.13 133.66 16.2 23.32 128.24 0 90.72 140.97 1991 Optoelectronic information, life and health, energy conservation and environmental protection, high-end equipment manufacturing, high-tech services
2017 Jingmen High-tech Industrial Development Zone 掇Dao District National High-tech Zone 15.74 12.1 4.14 14.59 4.87 4.64 5.28 2013 Petrochemical, New Energy Vehicles (Equipment Manufacturing), Renewable Resources Utilization and Environmental Protection, New energy and new materials, biomedicine (medical health), electronic information
2017 Huanggang High-tech Industrial Development Zone Huangzhou District National High-tech Zone < /td> 2017 Food and beverage, medical equipment, modern home furnishing, textiles
2017 Xiangning High-tech Industrial Development Zone Xiang'an District National High-tech Zone 123.5 20 153.78 2017 Intelligent equipment manufacturing, electronic information, new energy and new materials, biomedicine, food and beverage
2017 Suizhou High-tech Industrial Development Zone Zengdu District National High-tech Zone 5.76 14.96 7.42 2015 Automobile machinery, electronic information, bio-agriculture, pharmaceutical chemicals, new energy and new materials, large-scale trade and logistics, modern service industry
2017 Xiantao High-tech Industrial Development Zone Xiantao City National High-tech Zone 2015 New materials, biomedicine, electronic information, environmental protection and new energy
2017 Jingzhou High-tech Industrial Development Zone Jingzhou City National High-tech Zone 2018 Digital economy, agricultural technology, high-tech, livable new city
2017 Qianjiang High-tech Industrial Development Zone Qianjiang City National High-tech Zone 2018 Petrochemical, Biomedicine, New Energy and New Materials
2017 Wuhan Wujiashan Cross-Strait Science and Technology Industrial Development Park Wuhan City Other National Development Development area 2000

Related literature

  • Lu Fangwen, Sun Weizeng and Wu Jianfeng. 2023, "Special Economic Zones and Human Capital Investment: 30 Years of Evidence from China", American Economic Journal: Economic Policy.
  • Tian, Xuan and Xu, Jiajie, 2018, "Do Place-Based Policies Promote Local Innovation and Entrepreneurship? ", Review of Finance.
  • Simon Alder, Lin Shao, and Fabrizio Zilibotti, 2016, "Economic reforms and industrial policy in a panel of Chinese cities.", Journal of Economic Growth.
  • Hua Yue and Ye Yun, 2023: "Carbon Emission Reduction Effect of Green Location-Oriented Policies - Practice from National Ecological Industrial Demonstration Parks", Journal of Quantitative Economics and Technical Economics, No. 4.
  • Li Ben and Wu Lihua, 2018: "Development Zone Establishment and Enterprise Growth: A Study of Heterogeneity and Mechanism", China Industrial Economy, No. 4.
  • Bao Qun, Tang Shi, and Liu Bi, 2017: “Local Competition, Similarity of Leading Industries and Domestic Overcapacity”, World Economy, No. 10.
  • Wang Bing and Nie Xin, 2016: “Industrial Agglomeration and Environmental Governance: Help or Obstacle—Evidence from Quasi-natural Experiments in the Establishment of Development Zones”, China Industrial Economy, No. 12.
  • Wang Yongjin and Zhang Guofeng, 2016: “Sources of Development Zone Productivity Advantage: Agglomeration Effect or Selection Effect?”, Economic Research, No. 7.
  • Li Lixing and Shen Guangjun, 2015: “Economic Development Zones, Regional Comparative Advantages and Industrial Structure Adjustment”, Economics (Quarterly), No. 3.
  • Zheng Jianghuai, Gao Yanyan, and Hu Xiaowen, 2008: “Enterprise “Clustering”, Technology Upgrading and Economic Performance—Empirical Analysis of the Agglomeration Effect of Development Zones”, Economic Research, No. 5.

Data update frequency

Annual update
