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Community Information Table
Case #
Shooter Last Name
Shooter First Name
Location (Code)
Location (Specify)
Shooting Start Time
Shooting End Time
Time of Day
Zip Code
Total Population
Median Age
% White Alone
% Female Household
% Rental Units
% Employed
% High School Graduate
% College Graduate
% Without Health Insurance
Nearest Hospital (Miles)
N Mental Health Providers in Zip Code
N Gun Stores in Zip Code
Size of Police Dept
Homicide Rate

Sample Data

33.2 < td>53.9 < td>K-12 School85 82 < td>62.3 < td>63.1 < td>34.1 < td>11.2Workplace 10
Case # Shooter Last Name Shooter First Name Location (Code) Location (Specify) Shooting Start Time Shooting End Time Time of Day Zip Code Total Population Median Age % White Alone % Female Household % Rental Units % Employed % High School Graduate % College Graduate % Without Health Insurance Nearest Hospital (M iles) N Mental Health Providers in Zip Code N Gun Stores in Zip Code Size of Police Dept Homicide Rate
57 Simpson James 6 Workplace 78410 277,454 71.6 15.4 40.4 56.7 75.8 19.6 435 4.69
58 Woods Willie 6 Workplace 90012 30,577 35 20.3 10.2 88.2 24.5 12.9 1.6 1 0 9,324 23.8
59 Vernon Michael 4 Retail 12:00 1 10462 75,784 34.9 32.3 23.3 78.1 56.1 24.9 9.7 1 4 1 4 0,000 21
60 McCr ee Clifton 6 Workplace 5:00 0 33316 10,668 45.5 91 4.6 43.6 60.4 91.7 42.7 0 0 500 16.33
61 Tornes Kenneth 6 Work place 39201 1,089 30 19.5 19.8 80.2 9.4 56.3 17.6 1.7 2 0 430 47.14
62 Drega Carl 7 Public (0)3576 3,864 41.1 98.6 8.0 29.3 60. 4 73.1 11.1 19.4 2.3 2 0
63 Wise Hastings 6 Workplace 15:00 1 29801 25,989 36.7 53.7 18.5 30.7 52.4 75.1 20.1 3.5 5 0 85 7.94
64 Serrano Nelson 6 Workplace 33830 25,7 23 35.4 69.4 16.3 26.4 53.4 73.0 13.8 2.8 3 0 54
65 Torres Arturo 6 Workplace 15:05 1 92865 18,039 34.3 72.6 13.2 33.5 65.2 24.2 6.3 2.9< /td> 3 3 156 0.84
66 Beck Matthew 6 Workplace 0 (0)6067 29,274 41.9 92.5 10.7 19.4 64.5 85.5 29.1 4.2 0 2 0
67/68 Golden (and Mitchell Johnson) Andrew 0 K-12 School 12:35 12:51 1 72404 16,546 32.5 93.9 8.8 28.6 71 86.3< /td> 32.5 6.7 7 8 159 1.9
69 Kinkel Kip 0 7:55 0 97478 32,124 35.6 93.1 11.4 28.2 63.3 14.8 7.3 1 2 100 7.2
70 Miller Shon 3 House of Worship 13:00 14:45 1 70737 28,474 32.5 80.6 12.3 20.3 63.0 80.7 12.2 10 5 43 36.4
71/72 Harris (and Dylan Klebold ) Eric 0 K-12 School 11:20 12:08 0 80123 41,552 36.1 90.5 7.3 25.6 70.9 18.2 29.7 6.8 9 1 80 2.2
73 Floyd Zane 4 Retail 5:16 5:24 0 89119 49,445 33.2 51.2 12.4 78.4 62.9 34.2 2.6 0.6 5 0 2,353 12.8
74 Barton Mark 6 Work place 15:00 20:00 1 30305 21,380 37.7 91.5 3.4 47.4 67.3 94.8 69.3 3.7 7 0 1,500
75 Ashbrook Larry 3 House of Worship 19:00 2 76133 46,073 36.0 70.7 12.6 32.8 64.0 86.1 31.2 2.9 3 1 1,242
76 Uyesugi Bryan 6 Work place 8:00 15:00 0 96813 21,435 41 20.6 11 58.9 50.6 29.9 1.1 3 2 2,700 1.94
77 Izquierdo-Leyva Silvio 6 Workplace (Hotel / Motel) 15:10 1 33607 22,801 37.1 50.2 21.3 48.7 49 14.4 5.3 4 0 998 13.55
78 Harris Robert 6 W orkplace 75062 41,566 32 67.6 11.6 53.6 69 81.5 28.3 9.8 0 0 39 3.1
79 Baumhammers Richard 7 Hate Over Crime Many Sites 14:00 15:15 1 15205 22,586 37.8 87.3 12.7 38.6 63. 1 87.7 26.5
80 McDermott Michael Workplace 11:00 0 (0)1880 24,809 38.9 96.9 9.7 28 66.5 90.6 39.7 4.1 4 0 0
81 Park Ki Yung 4 Retail 12:00 12:00 1 77036 76,146 28.3 37.2 16.9 81.1 58.5 64.9 21. 1 1.9 5 2 4,905 13.4
82 Baker William 6 Workplace 9:45 9:57 0< /td> 60532 27,341 33.7 84 6.3 43.9 73.4 94.8 50.4 7.7 5 0 43
83 Stagner Steven 4 Retail 0:00 0:05 3 81650 10,319 31. 9 89.4 8 34.9 68.5 82 14.5 32.2 29 0 2 20
84 Ferguson Joseph 6 Workplace 23:18 23:00 3 95818 21,298 37.4 60.8 13 49.2 59.7 83.5 37.1
85 Lockey William 6 Workplace 8:00 0 46628 26,726 34 63.7< /td> 18.3 30.2 62.9 79.3 18.4 3.8 1 0 255 19.37
86 Patterson Emanuel Burl 6 Employment Agency 6:30 14:30 0 35805 21,096 32.5 58.1 19.8 63.8 57.5 71 11.4 30.6 1.5 1 0 369
87 Williams Doug 6 Workplace 9:40 0 39301 28,485 51 21.9 39.2 50.7 67 6.2 7 3 115 4.95
88 Tapia Salvador 6 Workplace 8:37 0 60609 2,896,016 31.5 42 18.9 56.2 55.1 71.8 25.5 13,400 22.04
89 Reeves Ralph 5 Restaurant / Bar / Nightclub 15:30 23:00 1 83822 1,890 38.3 96 7.7 17 51.2 48 .9 0 29.1 0.6 0 0 16
90 Brown Elijah 6 1 66106 24,283 32.3 77.5 16.3 31.2 62 73.8 8.3 6.3 1 0 372
91 Vang Chai 8 Hunt ing Trip 13:00 18:00 1 54835 16,196 42.1 81.7 10 22.9 56.4 84.7 16.5 13.2 28.7 3 1
92 Gale Nathan 5 Restau rant/Bar/ Nightclub 22:20 3 43229 46,347 33.1 48.8 18.1 57.5 61.7 31 23.2 5.1 4 1 1,812 15
93 Nichols Brian 2 Government Building / Place of Civic Importance 8:55 11:24 0 30303 5,934 22 30.1 5.7 80.2 34.2 10 8.9 0.9 5 0 1,500 25.8
94 Ratzmann Terry 3 House of Worship 53005 19,425 46.6 90.9 5.9 9.6 61.1 96.3 51.7 9 3 65 0
95 Weise Jeffrey 0 K-12 School 14:49 14:58 1 55671 3,371 24.8 0.8 37.5 36.5 48.4 82 5.5 0.9 2 0 41

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