
  Living cost mainly refers to the various costs incurred between the location of the house and the owner’s usual work and living circle. It is generally believed that the living circle with a radius of 5 kilometers is the basis for calculating the basic living cost. The part below or above will reduce or increase the living cost accordingly.

  The global resident living cost data launched by CnOpenDatadistinguishes between the national and city levels, covering three modules including global residents’ living cost, real estate prices, and quality of life. The living cost covers food prices, taxi prices, fuel prices, etc., and the quality of life covers transportation, sanitation, pollution, safety, etc., providing support for related research.

Time interval

Different tables have different time periods, please see the sub-table for details.

Field display

Cost of living at the national level

Level indicatorCurrency Unit
Cost of living structure table at the national level (US dollars) Cost of living structure table at the national level (local currency) Cost of living index table at the national level Food price table at the national level (US dollars) Food price table at the national level (local currency) Food price index table at the national level Fuel price table at the national level (US dollars) Fuel price table at the national level (local currency) Taxi fare table at the national level (US dollars) Taxi fare table at the national level (local currency) National price index table
Country Country Year Country Country Index Name Country Country Country Year
Summary< /td> Overview Region Percentage of Western Food Types Percentage of Western Food Types Country Expense Type Expense Type City City Index Name
Source Source Country Percentage of Asian food types Percentage of Asian food types Index Amount Amount Starting price Starting price Country
Update date Update New date Cost of living index Primary index Primary index Update date Range Range Price per kilometer Price per kilometer Index
Expenditure percentage Expenditure percentage Rental index Secondary index Secondary index Data source Currency unit Currency unit 1 hour waiting fee 1 hour waiting fee
First level index First level index Cost of living plus rental index Median price Median price Remarks Currency unit Currency unit
Level indicator Level indicator Grocery Index Price Range Price Range
Median Price Median Price Restaurant Price Index Currency Unit
Price Range Price Range Local Purchasing Power Index
Currency unit Currency unit

City level living cost situation

< td>

Real estate prices at the national level

City level living cost structure table (US dollars) City level living cost structure table (local currency) City level living cost index table City level Food price list (US dollars) Food price list at city level (local currency) Food price index list at city level Fuel price list at city level (US dollars) Fuel price list at city level (local currency) Taxi fare list at city level (US dollars) Taxi fare list at city level (local currency) Estimated taxi fare list at city level (US dollars) Estimated taxi fare list at city level (local currency) City price index list
Country Country Year Country Country Index name Country Country Country Country Country Country Year
City City Region City City City City City City City City City Index Name
Summary Summary City Western Food Type Percentage Western Food Type Percentage Index Cost Type Cost Type Cost Type Cost Type Distance Distance City
Source Source Cost of Living Index Asian Food Type Share Share of Asian food types Update date Amount Amount Price Price Estimated price Estimated price Index
Update date Update date Rental index First-level index First-level index Data source Scope Scope Scope Distance Distance
Expenditure ratio Expenditure ratio Cost of living plus rental index Secondary index Secondary index Notes Currency unit Currency unit Currency unit Currency unit Estimated price Estimated price
Primary index Primary index Grocery index Median price Median price Distance Distance
Secondary indicators Secondary indicators Restaurant price index Price range Price range Estimated price Estimated price
Median price Median price Local purchasing power index Currency unit Currency unit Distance Distance
Price range Price range Estimated price Estimated price
Currency unit Currency unit Distance Distance
Estimated price Estimated price
Real estate price table at the national level (US dollars) Real estate price table at the national level (local currency) Real estate price index table at the national level
Country Country Year
Source Source Region
Update date Update date City
Price-to-income ratio Price-to-income ratio Price-to-income ratio
Mortgage as a percentage of income Mortgage as a percentage of income Downtown rental income
Affordability index Affordability index Non-downtown rental income
Downtown house price to rent ratio Downtown house price to rent ratio Downtown house price to rent ratio
Non-downtown house price to rent ratio Non-downtown house price to rent ratio Non-downtown house price to rent ratio
Downtown rental income Downtown rental income Mortgage Proportion of loan to income
Total rental income outside the city center Total rental income outside the city center Affordability index
First-level index First-level index
Secondary index Secondary index
Median price Median price
Price range Price range
Currency unit Currency unit

Real estate prices at the city level

Price to income ratio Mortgage as a percentage of income
Real estate price table at the city level (US dollars) Real estate price table at the city level (local currency) Real estate price index table at the city level
Country Country Year
City City Region
Source Source City
Update date Update date
Price to income ratio Price to income ratio City center rental income
Mortgage as a percentage of income Mortgage as a percentage of income Non-city center rental income
Affordability index< /td> Affordability Index Ratio of house price to rent in the city center
Ratio of house price to rent in the city center Ratio of house price to rent in the city center Ratio of house price to rent outside the city center
Ratio of house price to rent outside the city center Ratio of house price to rent outside the city center Ratio of house price to rent outside the city center
Total rental income in the city center Total rental income in the city center Affordability index
Total rental income outside the city center Total rental income outside the city center
First-level index First-level indicators
Second-level indicators Second-level indicators
Median price Median price
Price range Price range < /td>
Currency Unit Currency Unit

Quality of Life at National Level

Quality of Life at National Level Quality of Life Index at National Level Transportation at National Level Transportation Index at National Level Health Care at National Level Health Care Index at National Level Pollution at National Level Pollution Index at National Level Crime and Security at National Level Crime and Security Index at National Level
Country Year Country Year Country Year Country Year
Update Date< /td> Region Number of Contributors Region Number of Contributors Region Number of Contributors Region Number of Contributors Region
Minimum Number of Contributors Country Update date City Update date City Update date Country Update date Country
Highest number of contributors Quality of life index Transportation index Transportation index Number Health Index Health Index Pollution Index Pollution Index Crime Index Crime Index
Indicator Name Purchasing Power Index Time Index Time Index First Level Indicator Health exp index Pollution exp degree Pollution exp index Safety index Safety index
Value Safety index Time exp index Time exp index Secondary index First-level index First-level index
Level Health index Efficiency index Invalidity index Value Secondary index Secondary indicators
Cost of living index CO2 emission index CO2 emission index Grade Value Value
House price to income ratio Commuting mode ratio Grade Grade
Commuting time index< /td> First-level indicator
Pollution index Second-level indicator
Climate Index Value

Quality of life at the city level

< td>Region < td> < td> d>
Quality of life at the city level Quality of life index at the city level Transportation at the city level Transportation index at the city level Reference table of transportation distance at the city level Health care at the city level Health care index at the city level Pollution at the city level Pollution index at the city level Crime and safety at the city level Crime and safety index at the city level
Country Year Country Year Country Country Year Country Year
City Region City City City Region City Region City Region
Update Date City Contributors City Destination Number of Contributors City Number of Contributors City Number of Contributors City
Minimum Number of Contributors Quality of Life Index Update Date Transportation Index Distance Update date Health index Update date Pollution index Update date Crime index
Number of highest contributors Purchasing power index Traffic index Time index Expected consumption Time Health Index Health Exp Index Pollution Index Pollution Exp Index Crime Index Safety Index
Indicator Name Safety Index Time Index Time Exp Index First level index Pollution Exp degree Safety index
Value Health index Time exp index Invalid index Secondary indicators Primary indicators Primary indicators
Level Cost of living index Efficiency index CO2 emission index Value Secondary indicators Secondary indicators
House price to income ratio CO2 emission index Level Value Value
Commuting time index Commuting mode ratio Level Level
Pollution index First level index
Climate index Secondary indicators

Sample data

Due to the complex data structure and the large number of branch tables, only some samples are shown on the introduction page. For detailed field indicators and sample data, click on the branch pages of each module on the right to view them.

Cost of living structure at the national level (US dollars)

Country Summary Source Update date Expenditure share Primary indicator Secondary indicator Median price Price range Currency unit
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Restaurants Meal, Inexpensive Restaurant 2.13 1.42-3.55 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Restaurants Meal for 2 People, Mid-range Restaurant, Three-course 9.19 7.09-21.28 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Restaurants McMeal at McDonalds (or Equivalent Combo Meal) 3.55 3.55-4.26 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Restaurants Domestic Non-Alcoholic Beer (0.5 liter draught) 3.19 1.42-7.09 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Restaurants Imported Non-Alcoholic Beer (0.33 liter bottle) 5.43 2.84-7.09 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Restaurants Cappuccino (regular) 1.15 0.43-2.13 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Restaurants Coke/Pepsi (0.33 liter bottle) 0.48 0.35-0.78 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Restaurants Water (0.33 liter bottle) 0.21 0.14-0.43 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Markets Milk (regular), (1 liter) 0.74 0.43-0.92 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Markets Loaf of Fresh White Bread (500g) 0.26 0.16-0.85 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Markets Rice (white), (1kg) 1.81 0.85-2.41 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Markets Eggs (regular) (12) 1.53 1.18-1.70 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Markets Local Cheese (1kg) 3.62 2.84-7.09 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Markets Chicken Fillets (1kg) 3.24 2.15-4.26 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Markets Beef Round (1kg) (or Equivalent Back Leg Red Meat) 5.62 4.54-7.09 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Markets Apples (1kg) 0.61 0.22-1.56 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Markets Banana (1kg) 0.84 0.57-2.13 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Markets Oranges (1kg) 0.77 0.24-2.84 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Markets Tomato (1kg) 0.52 0.28-1.13 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Markets Potato (1kg) 0.36 0.11-0.50 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Markets Onion (1kg) 0.34 0.14-0.43 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Markets Lettuce (1 head) 0.3 0.14-0.50 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Markets Water (1.5 liter bottle) 0.33 0.28-0.43 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Markets Bottle of Non-Alcoholic Wine (Mid-Range) 3.55 0.85-21.28 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Markets Domestic Non-Alcoholic Beer (0.5 liter bottle) 0.74 0.43-1.42 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Markets Imported Non-Alcoholic Beer (0.33 liter bottle) 1.56 0.99-2.55 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Markets Cigarettes 20 Pack (Marlboro) 1.42 0.85-2.84 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Transportation One-way Ticket (Local Transport) 0.28 0.22-0.43 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Transportation Monthly Pass (Regular Price) 9.93 7.09-21.28 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Transportation Taxi Start (Normal Tariff) 0.84 0.71-2.13 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Transportation Taxi 1km (Normal Tariff) 0.92 0.43-1.42 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Transportation Taxi 1hour Waiting (Normal Tariff) 1.42 1.25-4.26 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Transportation Gasoline (1 liter) 1.03 0.92-1.38 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Transportation Volkswagen Golf 1.4 90 KW Trendline (Or Equivalent New Car) 8,156.03 7,801.42-8,510.64 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Transportation Toyota Corolla Sedan 1.6l 97kW Comfort (Or Equivalent New Car) 29,812.22 19,908.13-39,716.31 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Utilities (Monthly) Basic (Electricity, Heating, Cooling, Water, Garbage) for 85m2 Apartment 87.68 21.28-170.21 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Utilities (Monthly) Mobile Phone Monthly Plan with Calls and 10GB+ Data 14.53 8.61-17.02 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Utilities (Monthly) Internet (60 Mbps or More, Unlimited Data, Cable/ADSL) 165.48 70.92-283.69 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Sports And Leisure Fitness Club, Monthly Fee for 1 Adult 9.46 5.67-14.18 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Sports And Leisure Tennis Court Rent (1 Hour on Weekend) 4.26 2.84-5.00 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Sports And Leisure Cinema, International Release, 1 Seat 2.53 1.42-4.26 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Childcare Preschool (or Kindergarten), Full Day, Private, Monthly for 1 Child 27.34 14.18-56.74 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Childcare International Primary School, Yearly for 1 Child 1,323.88 1,134.75-1,702.13 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Clothing And Shoes 1 Pair of Jeans (Levis 501 Or Similar) 16.11 4.30-25.53 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Clothing And Shoes 1 Summer Dress in a Chain Store (Zara, H&M, ...) 18.95 5.67-42.55 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Clothing And Shoes 1 Pair of Nike Running Shoes (Mid-Range) 28.37 14.18-70.92 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Clothing And Shoes 1 Pair of Men Leather Business Shoes 25.77 14.18-35.46 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Rent Per Month Apartment (1 bedroom) in City Centre 105.22 70.92-212.77 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Rent Per Month Apartment (1 bedroom) Outside of Centre 64.82 35.46-113.48 USD
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,201.9 (84,731.3AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 402.6 (28,381.6AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 33.8% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.7% lower than in China. This country had 551 entries in the past 12 months by 41 different contributors. Dec-23 Transportation: 242.37; ClothingAndShoes: 31.64; SportsAndLeisure: 50.42; Markets: 415.58; Utilities(Monthly): 315.54; RentPerMonth: 137.50; Restaurants: 154.00 Rent Per Month Apartment (3 bedrooms) in City Centre 228.2 141.84-425.53 USD

Cost of living structure at national level (local currency)

Country Summary Source Update date Expenditure share Primary indicator Secondary indicator Median price Price range Currency unit
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Restaurants Meal, Inexpensive Restaurant 150 100.00-250.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Restaurants Meal for 2 People, Mid-range Restaurant, Three-course 687.92 500.00-1,500.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Restaurants McMeal at McDonalds (or Equivalent Combo Meal) 250 250.00-300.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Restaurants Domestic Non-Alcoholic Beer (0.5 liter draught) 225 100.00-500.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Restaurants Imported Non-Alcoholic Beer (0.33 liter bottle) 380.47 200.00-500.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Restaurants Cappuccino (regular) 80.12 30.00-150.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Restaurants Coke/Pepsi (0.33 liter bottle) 34.72 25.00-55.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Restaurants Water (0.33 liter bottle) 14.86 10.00-30.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Markets Milk (regular), (1 liter) 52.31 30.00-65.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Markets Loaf of Fresh White Bread (500g) 18.05 11.02-60.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Markets Rice (white), (1kg) 127.5 60.00-170.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Markets Eggs (regular) (12) 108 82.55-120.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Markets Local Cheese (1kg) 255.56 200.00-500.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Markets Chicken Fillets (1kg) 228.75 150.47-300.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Markets Beef Round (1kg) (or Equivalent Back Leg Red Meat) 396.25 320.00-500.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Markets Apples (1kg) 42.78 15.05-110.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Markets Banana (1kg) 59.29 40.00-150.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Markets Oranges (1kg) 54.38 16.55-200.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Markets Tomato (1kg) 36.88 20.00-80.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Markets Potato (1kg) 25.34 7.52-35.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Markets Onion (1kg) 23.89 10.00-30.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Markets Lettuce (1 head) 20.92 10.00-35.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Markets Water (1.5 liter bottle) 23.33 20.00-30.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Markets Bottle of Non-Alcoholic Wine (Mid-Range) 250 60.00-1,500.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Markets Domestic Non-Alcoholic Beer (0.5 liter bottle) 52.5 30.00-100.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Markets Imported Non-Alcoholic Beer (0.33 liter bottle) 110 70.00-180.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Markets Cigarettes 20 Pack (Marlboro) 100 60.00-200.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Transportation One-way Ticket (Local Transport) 20 15.05-30.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Transportation Monthly Pass (Regular Price) 700 500.00-1,500.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Transportation Taxi Start (Normal Tariff) 58.86 50.00-150.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Transportation Taxi 1km (Normal Tariff) 65 30.00-100.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Transportation Taxi 1hour Waiting (Normal Tariff) 100 87.90-300.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Transportation Gasoline (1 liter) 72.88 65.00-97.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Transportation Volkswagen Golf 1.4 90 KW Trendline (Or Equivalent New Car) 575,000.00 550,000.00-600,000.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Transportation Toyota Corolla Sedan 1.6l 97kW Comfort (Or Equivalent New Car) 2,095,929.89 1,391,859.78-2,800,000.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Utilities (Monthly) Basic (Electricity, Heating, Cooling, Water, Garbage) for 85m2 Apartment 6,178.26 1,500.00-12,000.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Utilities (Monthly) Mobile Phone Monthly Plan with Calls and 10GB+ Data 1,024.50 601.89-1,200.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Utilities (Monthly) Internet (60 Mbps or More, Unlimited Data, Cable/ADSL) 11,666.67 5,000.00-20,000.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Sports And Leisure Fitness Club, Monthly Fee for 1 Adult 666.67 400.00-1,000.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Sports And Leisure Tennis Court Rent (1 Hour on Weekend) 299.97 200.00-349.85 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Sports And Leisure Cinema, International Release, 1 Seat 177.96 100.00-300.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Childcare Preschool (or Kindergarten), Full Day, Private, Monthly for 1 Child 1,925.71 1,000.00-4,000.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Childcare International Primary School, Yearly for 1 Child 93,333.33 80,000.00-120,000.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Clothing And Shoes 1 Pair of Jeans (Levis 501 Or Similar) 1,135.71 300.94-1,800.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Clothing And Shoes 1 Summer Dress in a Chain Store (Zara, H&M, ...) 1,336.00 400.00-3,000.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Clothing And Shoes 1 Pair of Nike Running Shoes (Mid-Range) 2,000.00 1,000.00-5,000.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Clothing And Shoes 1 Pair of Men Leather Business Shoes 1,816.67 1,000.00-2,500.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Rent Per Month Apartment (1 bedroom) in City Centre 7,410.35 5,000.00-15,000.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Rent Per Month Apartment (1 bedroom) Outside of Centre 4,563.57 2,500.00-8,000.00 AFN
Afghanistan Summary of cost of living in Afghanistan:A family of four estimated monthly costs are 8,673.0¥ (85,015.5AFN) without rent.A single person estimated monthly costs are 2,903.3¥ (28,458.9AFN) without rent.Cost of living in Afghanistan is, on average, 32.9% lower than in China.Rent in Afghanistan is, on average, 77.4% lower than in China. This country had 546 entries in the past 12 months by 40 different contributors. Nov-23 Transportation: 244.72; ClothingAndShoes: 31.99; SportsAndLeisure: 50.89; Markets: 420.16; Utilities(Monthly): 318.98; RentPerMonth: 138.87; Restaurants: 157.50 Rent Per Month Apartment (3 bedrooms) in City Centre 16,073.54 10,000.00-30,000.00 AFN

Related literature

  • Arch G. Woodside, Pedro Mir-Bernal, Teresa Sádaba, 2023, "How democracy and authoritarianism impact nations’ QOL and happiness: Applying complexity theory tenets in building and testing case-based models", Journal of Innovation & Knowledge.
  • Hsi-Chuan Wang, 2022, "Prioritizing compactness for a better quality of life: The case of U.S. cities", Cities.
  • Philipp Reichle, Jarko Fidrmuc, Fabian Reck, 2023, "The sharing economy and housing markets in selected European cities", Journal of Housing Economics.

Data update frequency

Annual update
