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Sample data

Fax Belgium < td>Denmark td> < td> < td>China-Canada-America Electronic Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.Gongbei Customs Shenzhen, Guangdong Province < td>Huangpu Customs2010/2/28 Automobile transportation td> td> < td>
Year Deadline Business unit code Business unit name Business unit address Enterprise nature Telephone Postal Code Email Contact Product Name Product Code Quantity Quantity Unit Price Amount (USD) Place of Consumption Place of Departure Customs Port Trade Mode Transport Mode Transit Place
2010 2010/2/28 4453166160 Shenzhen Wanhua Supply Chain Co., Ltd. Rated power ≤20W chip fixed resistors 853 32110 3 Kilogram 620.333333 1861 Wujiang, Jiangsu Province Denmark Nanjing Customs General Trade Automobile Transport Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 1207240374 Shiwei Electronics (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. Wholly foreign-owned enterprise Chip fixed resistors with rated power ≤20 watts 85332110 0 Kilograms 619 Dongguan, Guangdong Province Huangpu Customs General Trade Automobile Transportation Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 3117940391 Sinnotech (China) Power Supply Co., Ltd. Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise Chip fixed resistors with rated power ≤ 20 watts 85332110 44 Kilograms 136.681818 6014 Dongguan, Guangdong Province Belgium Huangpu Customs Processing trade Automobile transportation Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 3202540012 Jabil Electronics (Wuxi) Co., Ltd. Wholly foreign-owned enterprise Chip fixed resistors with rated power ≤20 watts 85332110 0 Kilograms 269 Shenzhen, Guangdong Province Belgium Shenzhen Customs Processing trade Automobile transportation Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 3205341307 TiTi Electronic Integrated Manufacturing Services (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. Factory Building No. 23, Fengqiao Private Science and Technology Industrial Park, Suzhou New District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise 6611004 6611004 215011 Reese Chip fixed resistors with rated power ≤20 watts 85332110 1 Kilograms 1857 1857 Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Denmark Shenzhen Customs General Trade Automobile Transportation Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 3122240173 Want Electronics (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise 021 50310800 021 58541455 201206 Wang Yuqiang Rated power ≤20W chip fixed resistor 85332110 562 Kilogram 73.620996 41375 Dongguan, Guangdong Province Denmark Huangpu Customs General Trade Automobile Transportation Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 3205240081 Flextronics Electronic Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. 2nd Floor, Building C, No. 5, Xinghan Street, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu Province Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise< /td> 5127612300 5127612300 215021 Chen Wenxiang Rated power ≤20 watts chip fixed resistor 85332110 2 Kilograms 51 102 Ningbo North Canggang Bonded Zone Denmark Ningbo Customs Processing Trade Automobile Transportation Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 3702948186 Qingdao Maersk Container Industry Co., Ltd. Qingdao Chengyang District Liuting Town Wholly foreign-owned enterprise 0532-7726745 0532-7725411 266108 Cotiende Rated power ≤ 20 watts chip fixed resistor 85332110 0 Kilogram 1 06 Dongguan, Guangdong Province Denmark Huangpu Customs General Trade Automobile Transportation Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 1207240374 Shiwei Electronics (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. Wholly foreign-owned enterprise Chip fixed resistor with rated power ≤20W 85332110 11 Kilogram 6.909091 76 Dongguan, Guangdong Province Huangpu Customs Processing trade Automobile transportation Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 3122240173 Want Electronics (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Wholly foreign-owned enterprise 021 50310800 021 58541455 201206 Wang Yuqiang Rated power ≤20W chip fixed resistor 85332110 530 Kilogram 86.360377 45771 Dongguan, Guangdong Province DenmarkHuangpu Customs Processing Trade Automobile Transportation Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 3122447160 Yinglidufu Information System (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Chip fixed resistors with rated power ≤ 20 watts 85332110 3 Kilograms 999.333333 2998 Dongguan, Guangdong Province Denmark Huangpu Customs Processing trade Automobile transportation Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 3304940628 Hengnuo Microelectronics (Jiaxing) Co., Ltd. Xincheng Town Industrial Park, Xiuzhou District, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province Wholly foreign-owned enterprise 0573 2091019 314000 Richard Rated power ≤20W chip fixed resistor 85332110 5 Kilogram 172.4 862 Panyu, Guangdong Province Belgium Guangzhou Customs Processing trade Automobile transportation Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 3223942051 Kunshan Yuansong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Wholly foreign-owned enterprise Chip fixed resistors with rated power ≤20 watts 85332110 0 Kilogram 2511 Dongguan, Guangdong Province Belgium Huangpu Customs Processing Trade Automobile Transportation Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 4403949740 Chip fixed resistors with rated power ≤20 watts 85332110 0 Kilograms 2572 Zhongshan, Guangdong Province North Korea Processing Trade Automobile Transportation Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 3205241083 Noratong Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise Chip fixed resistors with rated power ≤ 20 watts 85332110 1 Kilogram 310 310 Dongguan, Guangdong Province Poland Huangpu Customs Processing trade Automobile transportation Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 4403965466 Shenzhen Guangming New District Economic Development Co., Ltd. Rated power ≤ 20 watts chip fixed resistor 85332110 4 Kg 6 24 Poland Shenzhen Customs Processing trade River and sea transport Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 4419910022 Dongguan Foreign Processing and Assembly Service Company 3rd Floor, Foreign Economic Building, No. 2 Xizheng Road, Guancheng, Dongguan City State-owned enterprise 0769 2235983 0769 2235983 511700 You Kuangzheng Chip fixed resistors with rated power ≤20 watts 85332110 0 Kilograms 10 Dongguan, Guangdong Province Barbados Shenzhen Customs Processing Trade Automobile Transportation Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 3205341307 TITI Electronic Integrated Manufacturing Services (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. Factory Building No. 23, Fengqiao Private Science and Technology Industrial Park, Suzhou New District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province Wholly foreign-owned enterprise 6611004 6611004 215011 Reese Chip fixed resistors with rated power ≤20 watts 85332110 13 Kilograms 215.692308 2804 Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Barbados Shenzhen Customs General Trade Automobile Transport Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 3122241184 Shanghai Juyi Information Technology Co., Ltd. Wholly foreign-owned enterprise Chip fixed resistors with rated power ≤ 20 watts 85332110 0 Kilograms 29 Shenzhen, Guangdong Province Iceland Shenzhen Customs Processing trade Automobile Transportation Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 3205241083 Noratong Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise Chip fixed resistors with rated power ≤20 watts 85332110 1 Kilograms 503 503 Dongguan, Guangdong Province Denmark Processing Trade Automobile Transportation Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 3205241200 Oulang Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. < /td> Chip fixed resistors with rated power ≤ 20 watts 85332110 3 Kilograms 5125 15375 Dongguan, Guangdong Province Belgium Huangpu Customs General Trade Automobile Transportation Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 3225940288 Feixu Electronics (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. Wholly foreign-owned enterprise Rated power ≤ 20 watts chip fixed resistor 85332110 0 Kilograms 70 Shenzhen, Guangdong Province Iceland Shenzhen Customs Processing Trade Automobile Transportation Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 330296 8745 Ningbo Jinmao Import & Export Co., Ltd. Rated power ≤ 20 watts chip fixed resistor 85332110 0 Kilograms 2 Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Iceland Shenzhen Customs General Trade Automobile Transportation Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 3205240771 Aoda Electronics (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. No. 23, Dongjing Industrial Square, Louqin East District, Suzhou Industrial Park Wholly foreign-owned enterprise 0512-62568281 215123 Ming Li Rated power ≤ 20 watt chip fixed resistors 85332110 0 Kilograms 30 Dongguan, Guangdong Province Iceland Huangpu Customs General trade Automobile transportation Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 1301962070 Shijiazhuang Aoer Technology Co., Ltd. Chip fixed resistors with rated power ≤20W 85332110 1 Kilogram 321 321 Dongguan, Guangdong Province Australia Huangpu Customs General trade Automobile transportation Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 3225940733 Gidis Electronics (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. Linhu Economic Development Zone, Wujiang, Jiangsu Province Wholly foreign-owned enterprise 0512-63276002 215211 Zeng Yongyuan Rated power ≤20 watts chip fixed resistor 85332110 0 Kilogram 41 Zhuhai Special Economic Zone Australia Gongbei Customs General Trade River and Sea Transport Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 3205331818 Suzhou Shangang Electronics Co., Ltd. Fixed Chip Power ≤20W Resistor 85332110 110 Kilogram 13.127273 1444 Shenzhen, Guangdong Province Australia Shenzhen Customs General Trade Automobile Transportation Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 3103960091 Shanghai Jingshen International Trade Co., Ltd. Chip fixed resistors with rated power ≤20 watts 85332110 4 Kilograms 24 96 Dongguan, Guangdong Province Australia Huangpu Customs Processing trade Automobile transportation Hong Kong
2010 4403944494 Hongfujin Precision Industry (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. No. 2, Donghuan 2nd Road, Yousong 10th Industrial Zone, Longhua Town, Bao'an District, Shenzhen Wholly foreign-owned enterprise 0755-28129188-71480 0755-28128070 518109 Jian Yibin Chip fixed resistors with rated power ≤20 watts 85332110 0 Kilograms 112 Shenzhen, Guangdong Province Austria Shenzhen Customs Processing Trade Automobile Transportation Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 4419940578 Dongguan Wangshi Gangjian Electronics Co., Ltd. Tutang Village, Changping Town, Dongguan City Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise 0769-83903333 0769 3392121 523581 He Shucan Rated power ≤20W chip fixed resistor 85332110 1 Kilogram 22 22 Shenzhen, Guangdong Province Austria Shenzhen Customs Processing trade River and sea transport Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 4403164920 Shenzhen Xinlikang Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd. Private enterprise Chip fixed resistors with rated power ≤ 20 watts 85332110 0 Kilograms 8 Nanhai, Guangdong Province Austria Guangzhou Customs General trade River and sea transport Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 3205240233 Tianhong (Suzhou) Technology Co., Ltd. Building B, Xinsu Industrial Plant, No. 5 Xinghan Street, Suzhou Industrial Park Wholly foreign-owned enterprise 0512 7618113 0512 7611708 215021 Feng Yinying Chip fixed resistors with rated power ≤20 watts 85332110 1 Kilograms 546 546 Xiamen Special Economic Zone Austria Xiamen Customs Processing trade Automobile Transportation Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 4401340023 Omron (Guangzhou) Automotive Electronics Co., Ltd. Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise Chip fixed resistors with rated power ≤ 20 watts 85332110 0 Kilograms 1305 Dongguan, Guangdong Province Austria Huangpu Customs General trade River and sea transport Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 4401240245 Bo Neng (Guangzhou) Electronics Co., Ltd. 3rd floor, Building 5, Science and Technology Park, No. 9 Lanyu 4th Street, Guangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone Wholly foreign-owned enterprise 13066916622 13066916622 510730 ILKKA RONK Rated power ≤ 20W chip fixed resistors 85332110 0 Kilograms 285 Shunde, Guangdong Province Austria Guangzhou Customs Processing trade Jianghai Transportation Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 3205241225 Harman Automotive Electronics Systems (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. Chip fixed resistors with rated power ≤ 20 watts 85332110 4 Kilograms 63 252 Dongguan, Guangdong Province Austria Huangpu Customs General trade Automobile Transportation Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 4403910498 Shenzhen Baoan Foreign Economic Development Co., Ltd. 6th Floor, Customs Building, No. 28, Xin'an 3rd Road, Shenzhen State-owned Enterprise 0755 25170723 0755 25170734 518025 Shi Bixin Rated power ≤20W chip fixed resistors 85332110 5 Kilograms 17.6 88 Shunde, Guangdong Province Austria Guangzhou Customs Processing trade River and sea transport Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 3120966078 Shanghai Huiheng Industrial Development Co., Ltd. Rated power ≤20W chip fixed resistor 85332110 8 Kilogram 313 2504 Guangzhou, Guangdong Province Australia Guangzhou Customs General trade Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 4413910005 Huiyang District Foreign Processing and Assembly Service Company Danshui Town, Huiyang City State-owned Enterprise 0752-3371663 0752-3370888 516211 Guo Lina Chip fixed resistors with rated power ≤20 watts 85332110 2 Kilograms 17.5 35 Fanyu, Guangdong Province Australia Guangzhou Customs Processing trade Automobile transportation Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 3304940628 Hengnuo Microelectronics (Jiaxing) Co., Ltd. Xincheng Town Industrial Park, Xiuzhou District, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province Wholly foreign-owned enterprises 0573 2091019 314000 Richard Chip fixed resistors with rated power ≤20 watts 85332110 1 Kilograms 1810 1810 Dongguan, Guangdong Province Australia Huangpu Customs Processing trade Automobile transportationHong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 4403948018 Entech Electronic Trading (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Rated power ≤20W chip fixed resistors 85332110 4 Kilograms 55 220 Nanning, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Australia Shenzhen Customs Processing trade Automobile transportation Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 3202540012 Jabil Electronics (Wuxi) Co., Ltd. Foreign Wholly owned enterprise Chip fixed resistor with rated power ≤20W 85332110 46 Kilogram 34.630435 1593 Shenzhen, Guangdong Province Estonia Shenzhen Customs Processing trade Automobile transport Output Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 4453961707 Shenzhen Dengda Trading Co., Ltd. Rated power ≤20 watts chip fixed resistor 85332110 2 Kilograms 78 156 Shenzhen, Guangdong Province Australia Shenzhen Customs General Trade Automobile Transportation Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 3104340360 Jabil Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Foreign-owned Invested Enterprises Rated power ≤20W chip fixed resistors 85332110 18 Kilograms 34.722222 625 Shenzhen, Guangdong Province Australia Shenzhen Customs Processing trade Automobile transportationHong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 3104340304 Quick Board Electronic Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. 2nd Floor, Hongcao Building, No. 421 Hongcao Road, Caohejing New Technology Development Zone, Shanghai Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise 021-64954551*502 021-64955236 200233 darenjin@tycoelectronics.com STEVEN GAR Chip fixed resistors with rated power ≤ 20 watts 85332110 0 Kilograms 445 Shenzhen, Guangdong Province Ireland Shenzhen Customs General trade Automobile Transportation Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 1207440202 Tianjin Ye Shui Fu Logistics Co., Ltd. Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise < /td> Chip fixed resistors with rated power ≤ 20 watts 85332110 0 Kilograms 21279 Shenzhen, Guangdong Province Ireland Shenzhen Customs Processing trade Automobile transportation Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 3122240173 Want Electronics (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Wholly foreign-owned enterprise 021 50310800 021 58541455 201206 Wang Yuqiang Rated power ≤20W chip fixed resistor 85332110 17 Kilogram 7 119 Dongguan, Guangdong Province Brazil Huang Pu Customs General Trade Automobile Transportation Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 4419942405 Dongguan Jingheng Electronics Co., Ltd. Shenshan Industrial Zone, Hengli Town, Dongguan City Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise 0769 3373716 0769 3373716 523465 Yang Wenzhou Rated power ≤20W chip fixed resistor 85332110 1 Kilogram 15 15 Dongguan, Guangdong Province Ireland Huangpu Customs Processing Trade Automobile Transportation Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 4403069189 Shenzhen Yuhetian Trading Co., Ltd. Rated power ≤ 20 watts chip fixed resistors 85332110 1 Kilograms 118 118 Wuhan, Hubei Province Ireland Wuhan Customs General Trade Air Freight Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 4419946733 Nott Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. < /td> Rated power ≤ 20 watts of chip fixed resistors 85332110 0 Kilograms 1 Zhao, Guangdong Province Celebration Ireland Shenzhen Customs Processing Trade River and Sea Transport Hong Kong
2010 2010/2/28 4453166160 Shenzhen Wanhua Supply Chain Co., Ltd. Rated power ≤ 20 watts chip fixed resistors 85332110 1 Kilograms 1001 1001< /td> Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zone Ireland Tianjin Customs General Trade Air Transport Hong Kong

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