
Time Range


Field Display

Number of institutional investors who newly sold credit securities accounts < td>Update time
Credit Securities Account Investor Status Table - English Fields Credit Securities Account Investor Status Table - Chinese Fields
ID Information Code
BEGIN_DATE Start date
END_DATE End date
BEGIN_VOL Number of investors in credit securities accounts opened at the beginning of the period
BEGIN_P_VOL Number of individual investors in credit securities accounts opened at the beginning of the period
BEGIN_INST_VOL Number of institutional investors in credit securities accounts opened at the beginning of the period
NEWLY_VOL Newly opened credit securities accounts
NEWLY_P_VOL Number of individual investors with newly opened credit securities accounts
NEWLY_INST_VOL Number of institutional investors with newly opened credit securities accounts
CNCL_VOL Number of investors with newly closed credit securities accounts
CNCL_P_VOL Number of individual investors with newly closed credit securities accounts
END_VOL Number of investors with credit securities accounts opened at the end of the period
END_P_VOL Number of individual investors with credit securities accounts opened at the end of the period
END_INST_VOL Number of institutional investors with credit securities accounts opened at the end of the period
STAT_CYCLE Statistical cycle

Sample data

Information code Start date End date Number of investors in credit securities accounts opened at the beginning of the period Number of individual investors in credit securities accounts opened at the beginning of the period Number of individual investors in credit securities accounts opened at the beginning of the period Number of institutional investors with newly opened credit securities accounts Number of individual investors with newly opened credit securities accounts Number of institutional investors with newly opened credit securities accounts Number of investors with newly closed credit securities accounts Number of individual investors with newly closed credit securities accounts Number of institutional investors with newly closed credit securities accounts Number of investors with credit securities accounts opened at the end of the period Number of individual investors with credit securities accounts opened at the end of the period Number of institutional investors with credit securities accounts opened at the end of the period Statistical period Update time
145 2023-01-01 2023-01-31 6403700 6357200 46500 22400 21 600 800 3600 3200 400 6422600 6375700 46900 M 2023-02-11 08:16:51.910
146 2023-02-01 2023-02-28 6422600 6375700 46900 44100 42800 1300 5700 5200 500 6461000 6413300 47700 M 2023-03 -18 08:17:16.827
147 2023-03-01 2023-03-31 6461000 6413300 47700 54800 53200 1600 5700 5200 500 6510000 6461300 48700 M 2023-04 -17 17:18:35.000
148 2023-04-01 2023-04-30 6510000 6461300 48700 40800 39500 1300 4700 4300 400 6546100 6496500 49600 M 2023-05 -15 09:18:09.850
149 2023-05-01 2023-05-31 6546100 6496500 49600 33600 32600 1000 4500 3900 600 6575300 6525200 50100 M 2023-06 -16 18:31:32.000
150 2023-06-01 2023-06-30 6575300 6525200 50100 38000 37000 1000 4900 4200 700 6608400 6558100 50300 M 2023-07 -14 28600 27700 900 4600 4000 600 6632300 6581700 50600 M 2023-08 -15 09:52:43.633
153 2023-08-01 2023-08-31 6632300 6581700 50600 36300 35200 1100 4900 4300 600 6663700 6612600 51100 M 2023-09-16 08:19:32.127

Data update frequency

Annual update, please contact us for special needs