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Medicinal Diet Therapy Table
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Medicinal diet therapy Wushen Soup Wushen Soup is a Chinese medicinal diet. It comes from "Huizhitang Experience Prescription". It is a medicinal diet recipe for diaphoresis. This entry was reviewed by Hua Guodong, chief pharmacist of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Dongzhimen Hospital 10g each of schizonepeta, perilla leaf, and ginger, 6g tea leaves, and 30g brown sugar. The herb Nepeta in the recipe is a light herb that can dispel wind and relieve symptoms, and is good at treating headaches and fever caused by wind-cold. It is suitable for patients with mild symptoms of wind-cold cold at the beginning, with aversion to cold, body pain, and no sweating. It should not be used by patients with yin deficiency, internal heat, and spontaneous sweating due to superficial deficiency; it should not be used by patients with wind-heat symptoms of external infection. Drink while hot. Name: Nepeta Dosage: 10g. Efficacy: Relieves wind, clears rashes, and eliminates sores. ①Steps: Add appropriate amount of water to brown sugar, boil, and dissolve the brown sugar. ② Steps: Schizonepeta, [1] (Qing Dynasty) Tao Chengxi, Wang Chengxun. Huizhitang Experience Prescription [M]. Beijing: Traditional Chinese Medicine
Medicinal Diet Therapy Chuanxiong and Angelica Dahurica Stewed Fish Head Chuanxiong and Angelica Dahurica Stewed Fish Head, a Chinese medicine diet. From the "Family Diet Therapy Handbook", it is a diaphoretic drug This entry was reviewed by Wang Lixia, chief pharmacist of Guang'anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences Chuanxiong and Angelica Dahurica 3-9g each, bighead carp head 500g, onion, pepper, ginger, and salt in appropriate amounts. The Chuanxiong in the prescription can dispel wind and relieve pain, and it has the nature of ascending and dispersing, and can ascend to the head and eyes; it is also a blood qi medicine It is suitable for patients with wind-cold head wind, headache, and sinusitis; those with swollen and painful gums; those with rheumatic pain, stiffness and pain in the limbs, and pain caused by blood stasis. If you have excessive menstruation or dizziness and headache due to yin deficiency and excessive fire, it is not suitable for consumption; those with yin deficiency or stagnation of heat should not use it. Eat fish and drink soup every morning and evening. Name: Chuanxiong Dosage: 3-9g. Efficacy: Activate blood circulation and qi, dispel wind and relieve pain. ①Steps: Remove the gills from the fish head and wash it clean. ② Step: together with Chuanxiong, Angelica dahurica, onion, and radix phellodendri [1] Xiao Yanling. Family Diet Therapy Manual [M]. Beijing: Central Compilation and Translation Press, 20
Medicinal Diet Therapy Ginger Congee Ginger Congee, a Chinese medicinal diet. From "Dietary Identification Record", it is a medicinal diet recipe for diaphoresis. It has This entry was reviewed by Hua Guodong, chief pharmacist of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Dongzhimen Hospital 50g of polished rice, 5 slices of ginger, several stems of onion with roots, and appropriate amount of rice vinegar. The ginger in the recipe is pungent, warm and dispersing, which can induce sweating, relieve the symptoms, warm the stomach and stop vomiting. It is a good medicine for treating nausea caused by exogenous wind and cold. It is suitable for people with headache, body pain, no sweat and vomiting caused by exogenous wind and cold. This product is a pungent and warm medicine. People with yin deficiency, internal heat and excessive heat should not use it; people with exogenous symptoms of wind and heat should not use it. Take it while it is hot and cover yourself with a blanket until you sweat slightly all over your body. Name: Japonica rice dosage: 50g. Efficacy: Relieve hunger and replenish energy. ①Steps: Mash the ginger and cook it with japonica rice. ② Step: Add when the porridge is almost cooked [1] Zhang Mu (Qing Dynasty). Diet for Disease Control[M]. Beijing: Chinese Medicine Ancient Books Publishing House, 1
Medicinal Diet Therapy Shengdihuang Congee Shengdihuang Congee, a Chinese medicine diet. From Erruting Qunfangpu, it is a heat-clearing medicinal diet recipe This entry was reviewed by Hua Guodong, chief pharmacist of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Dongzhimen Hospital Shengdihuang juice 50ml, 2 slices of ginger, 60g of polished rice. The raw rehmannia in the recipe is sweet and slightly bitter, cold in nature, rich in juice, bitter in taste and cold in nature, so it can clear heat and cool blood. This product is suitable for those with high fever, irritability, vomiting, nosebleed and spots caused by heat entering the blood, or low fever in the late stage of fever. It is not suitable for the initial onset of fever or febrile disease, otherwise it is easy to linger on the evil and dampness. Mix well and take on an empty stomach. Name: Raw rehmannia juice dosage: 50ml. Efficacy: Clear heat, promote body fluid, cool blood and stop ①Steps: Take an appropriate amount of raw rehmannia, wash and cut into sections, squeeze the juice for later use. ② Step: First use japonica rice. [1] Wang Xiangjin. Erruting Qunfangpu [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Jiaotong University Press,
Medicinal diet therapy Sweating soybean porridge Sweating soybean porridge, a Chinese medicinal diet. It comes from "Taiping Shenghui Fang" and is a medicinal diet recipe for diaphoresis. This entry was reviewed by Wang Lixia, chief pharmacist of Guang'anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. 27g soybean, 1 handful of schizonepeta, 22.5g ephedra (remove the root node), 30g kudzu root (file), 22.5g gardenia kernel, 90g gypsum (crushed and wrapped in cotton), 7 stalks of scallion (cut), 15g ginger (cut), 54g japonica rice. This recipe uses fermented black beans as the main ingredient, which can not only disperse and relieve the exterior pathogens, but also clear the interior and eliminate restlessness to relieve the symptoms. It is suitable for patients with wind-cold in the exterior and internal heat, with symptoms such as aversion to cold, high fever, headache, body pain, no sweat, thirst, thirst, red tongue with yellow fur, and floating pulse. It is not suitable for patients with wind-heat in the exterior. Eat on an empty stomach. Name: Fermented black beans dosage: 27g. Efficacy: Relieving exterior pathogens, relieving depression, and detoxifying. ①Steps: First decoct all the medicines, remove the residue and take the juice. ②Steps: Then add rice and cook into porridge. [1][Northern Song Dynasty] Wang Huaiyin, Wang You. Taiping Shenghui Fang [M]. Ancient Chinese Medical Books. [2
Medicinal Diet Therapy Junxin Bamboo Leaf Soup Junxin Bamboo Leaf Soup, a Chinese medicinal diet. An empirical recipe, a heat-clearing medicinal diet recipe. It has the effects of clearing the heart and lowering the spleen and stomach. This entry was reviewed by Wang Lixia, chief pharmacist of Guang'anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. Junxin 15g, bamboo leaf 10g. The rush in the recipe is sweet and light, cold in nature, enters the heart and small intestine meridians, clears the heart fire, and relieves the small intestine. This product is suitable for children who cry at night and adults who are upset. People with weak spleen and stomach should not drink it in large quantities. Drink instead of tea. Name: Rush wick dosage: 15g. Efficacy: Clears heart fire and promotes urination. Name ① Steps: Clean the herbs. ② Steps: Brew with boiling water. [1] Experienced recipe [M]. Ancient Chinese Medicine Books. [2] Shi Liping, Ying Senlin. Practical Chinese Medicine
Medicinal diet therapy Qingluo Drink Qingluo Drink, a Chinese medicine diet name. It comes from "Wenbing Tiaobian", which is a heat-clearing medicinal diet recipe. This entry was reviewed by Li Peihong, chief pharmacist of Xiyuan Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. 6g of watermelon rind, 6g of fresh lentil flower, 6g of fresh silver flower, 6g of loofah peel, 6g of fresh lotus leaf edge, and 6g of fresh bamboo leaf heart. The main medicine in the prescription, watermelon rind, is the mesocarp of watermelon, also known as watermelon rind and watermelon rind. It is generally eaten. This product is suitable for those with summer heat syndrome with fever, thirst, and unclear head. Not suitable for people with spleen and stomach deficiency. Take twice a day. Name: Watermelon rind Dosage: 6g. Efficacy: quench thirst, moisten intestines and relieve constipation. ①Steps: Decoction with water. [1] Qi Yousong. Pharmacological Research on Classical Chinese Medicine Prescriptions [M]. Beijing: China Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy.
Medicinal Diet Therapy Fangfeng Congee Fangfeng Congee is a Chinese medicine diet. It comes from Qianjin Yueling. It is a medicinal diet recipe for diaphoresis. It has This entry was reviewed by Wang Lixia, Chief Pharmacist of Guang'anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. Fangfeng 10-15g, 2 scallions, 100g polished rice. Fangfeng in the recipe is pungent, warm, and lightly dispersing, moisturizing without being dry, mainly dispelling wind and diaphoresis, relieving dampness and relieving pain, and can expel evil from the hair. It is suitable for patients with fever, fear of cold, aversion to wind, spontaneous sweating, headache, and body pain caused by exogenous wind and cold. This product is a pungent and warm medicine. It should not be used by people with symptoms of yin deficiency, internal heat and excessive heat; it should not be used by people with external symptoms of wind-heat. Take it every morning and evening. Name: Saposhnikovia divaricata Dosage: 10-15g. Efficacy: dispel wind and relieve exterior symptoms, overcome dampness and stop phlegm ① Steps: First boil Saposhnikovia divaricata and scallion white to extract juice and remove residue. ② Steps: Cook glutinous rice as usual [1] (Tang Dynasty) Sun Simiao. Qianjin Yueling [M]. Ancient Chinese Medical Books. [2] Xie Mengzhou
Medicinal Diet Therapy Gypsum glutinous rice soup Gypsum glutinous rice soup, a Chinese medicinal diet. From "Medical Records of Chinese and Western Medicine", it is a heat-clearing medicated diet. This entry was reviewed by Hua Guodong, chief pharmacist of Dongzhimen Hospital of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. 60g of raw gypsum and 60g of polished rice. This recipe is adapted from Baihu Decoction in "Treatise on Febrile Diseases". The gypsum in the recipe is pungent and sweet, very cold in nature, and enters the lungs. This product is suitable for patients with symptoms such as high fever, headache, red face, irritability, sweating, thirst, and strong pulse caused by exogenous cold evil entering the body and transforming into heat, or warm-heat evil in the qi. It is contraindicated for patients with unresolved superficial symptoms and undeveloped internal symptoms; this recipe is prohibited for patients with qi deficiency and fever. Take it while it is hot, 1-2 doses per day. Name: Raw gypsum dosage: 60g. Efficacy: Clears away heat and purges fire, relieves restlessness and quenches thirst. ① Steps: Add water to the above two ingredients and boil. ② Steps: When the rice is cooked, remove the residue and take the juice. [1] Zhang Xichun. Records of Chinese and Western Medicine[M]. Guangdong: Shanxi Science and Technology Press.
Medicinal Diet Therapy Silver Flower Tea Silver Flower Tea is a Chinese medicinal diet. From "Diet Therapy and Prescriptions for Diseases". It is a medicinal diet for relieving exterior symptoms. This entry was reviewed by Hua Guodong, Chief Pharmacist of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Dongzhimen Hospital. Silver Flower 20g, tea leaves 6g, white sugar 50g. The honeysuckle in the recipe can be used to disperse and clear away heat and detoxify. It is used for exogenous wind-heat or febrile disease at the beginning of the disease. It is suitable for people with wind-heat cold with fever, slight aversion to wind and cold, dry throat and thirst. It should not be used by people with yang deficiency or spleen deficiency and loose stools. It can be taken as tea for 2-3 consecutive days. Name: Honeysuckle Dosage: 20g. Efficacy: Clear away heat and detoxify, disperse wind-heat. ①Steps: Decoction in water. [1] Wen Ruyu, Xiao Bo. Diet therapy and proven recipes for diseases [M]. Xi'an: Tianze Press.
Medicinal diet therapy Baiweiyin Baiweiyin, a Chinese medicinal diet. From "Common Chinese Herbal Medicines", it is a heat-clearing medicinal diet recipe. This entry was reviewed by Wang Lixia, chief pharmacist of Guang'anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. Baiwei 10g, Humulus flower and fruit 10g (or Humulus 10g), Digupi 12g. The Humulus flower and fruit in the recipe refers to the fruit spike of Humulus, a plant of the genus Humulus in the Moraceae family. The whole herb (Humulus) can also be used. This product is suitable for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, hot flashes, night sweats, cough or hemoptysis. Use with caution in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis who do not have the syndrome of Yin deficiency and internal heat. Drink as tea. Name: Baiwei Dosage: 10g. Efficacy: Clearing heat and cooling blood, diuresis and relieving stranguria, relieving phlegm ①Steps: Decoction in water to extract juice, drink as tea. Lin Yuandong, Qiu Songping. Chinese Medicine Diet Therapy[M].1992.120.
Medicinal Diet Therapy Di Gupi Drink Di Gupi Drink, a Chinese medicine diet. It comes from Qianjin Yaofang, and is a heat-clearing medicinal diet recipe. This entry was reviewed by Wang Lixia, chief pharmacist of Guang'anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. 15g of Radix Lycii, 6g of Radix Ophiopogonis, and 6g of wheat. The Radix Lycii in the recipe is the root bark of the plant Lycium barbarum, which is sweet and cold in nature. It is good at clearing away heat and stopping night sweats. This product is suitable for people with yin deficiency, hot flashes, and night sweats. Use with caution for people with exogenous fever. Drink as tea, 1 dose per day, divided into two doses. Name: Radix Lycii Dosage: 15g. Efficacy: Cool blood and remove steam, clear lungs and reduce fire. ①Steps: Wash Radix Lycii, Radix Ophiopogonis, and wheat separately. ② Step: Combine the above [1] Sun Simiao. Prescriptions for Emergencies[M]. Beijing: People's Medical Publishing House,
Medicinal Diet Therapy Sangju Bozhu Yin Sangju Bozhu Yin, a Chinese medicinal diet. It comes from "Guangdong Herbal Tea Prescriptions", which is a medicinal diet for relieving exterior symptoms. This entry was reviewed by Li Peihong, Chief Pharmacist, Xiyuan Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. Mulberry leaves, chrysanthemums 5g each, bitter bamboo leaves, white grass roots 30g each, mint 3g. The mulberry leaves in the recipe are sweet, bitter and cold, light and cooling, and can clear the lung meridian and the wind-heat on the surface. Chrysanthemum is pungent and sweet. Suitable for people with wind-heat cold with mild fever, slight aversion to wind and cold, dry throat, thirst and cough. Not suitable for people with yang deficiency or spleen deficiency and loose stools. Drink frequently instead of tea. Name: Mulberry leaf Dosage: 5g. Efficacy: Disperse wind-heat, clear lungs and moisten dryness, clear liver. ① Steps: Put the washed mulberry leaves, chrysanthemums, bitter bamboo leaves, white grass roots and mint into the teapot. [1] Guangdong herbal tea recipe [M]. Ancient Chinese Medical Books. [2] Wang Zheyue. Chinese Medicinal Diet.
Medicinal Diet Therapy. Ginger Sugar and Perilla Leaf Drink. Ginger Sugar and Perilla Leaf Drink, a Chinese medicinal diet. From "Ben Cao Hui Yan", it is a medicinal diet formula for diaphoresis. This entry was reviewed by Li Peihong, chief pharmacist of Xiyuan Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. 3g ginger, 3g perilla leaf, 15g brown sugar. The perilla leaf in the recipe is pungent and warm, which can release the cold, regulate qi and nourish the body, and can treat colds and fever caused by wind and cold. This product is suitable for people with fever, chills, headache and body pain caused by wind and cold; it is more suitable for people with gastrointestinal colds with nausea, vomiting, stomachache, abdominal distension and other symptoms. It is not suitable for people with yin deficiency, internal dampness and heat, or external wind and heat. Take it twice a day while it is hot. Name: Ginger dosage: 3g. Efficacy: Dispel cold, warm the middle and stop vomiting, resolve phlegm ① Steps: Wash ginger and perilla leaves, cut into thin strips, put them in a teacup, and soak them in boiling water [1] Ni Zhumo. Bencao Huiyan [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Science and Technology Press, 2005
Medicinal diet therapy Chi porridge Chi porridge, a Chinese medicine diet. It comes from "Shengji Zonglu", which is a medicinal diet recipe for dispelling cold. It has the effect of relieving cold This entry was reviewed by Wang Lixia, chief pharmacist of Guang'anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences 15g fermented black beans, 3 stalks of green onion (cut into sections), 6g mint, 6g ginger (sliced), 100g sheep marrow, 100g white rice, a little fine salt. The fermented black beans in the recipe are bitter and cold, and can relieve the symptoms of the disease, relieve depression, and detoxify. It is a medicine for treating seasonal diseases, epidemics, and malaria. This product is suitable for those with sores at the beginning, with local redness, swelling, heat, and pain, but pus has not yet formed. It should not be used for those with sores that have already formed or have become purulent. Take it warm on an empty stomach. Name: Fermented black beans Dosage: 15g. Efficacy: Relieve the symptoms of the disease, relieve depression, and detoxify. ①Steps: First fry the onion, ginger, and fermented black beans. ②Steps: Add mint later. ③ Steps: [1] [Song] Zhao Ji. Shengji Zonglu [M]. Beijing: China Traditional Chinese Medicine Press, 2
Medicinal Diet Therapy Wolfberry Leaf Porridge Wolfberry Leaf Porridge, a Chinese medicinal diet. It comes from "Taiping Shenghui Fang" and is a heat-clearing medicinal diet recipe. This entry was reviewed by Li Peihong, Chief Pharmacist, Xiyuan Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences Fresh wolfberry leaves 250g (half the dry product), light fermented black beans 60g, polished rice 250g. Wolfberry leaves are the tender leaves of the Solanaceae plant wolfberry, commonly known as wolfberry heads and wolfberry buds, and are mostly used as wild vegetables in the folk This product is suitable for people with fever, irritability and thirst due to fatigue. Use with caution in patients with exogenous fever. 1-2 times a day. Name: Fresh wolfberry leaf Dosage: 250g. (half for dried wolfberry) Effect: Tonic ① Step: First, boil the fermented black beans with water, remove the residue and take the juice. ② Step: Then use the fermented black bean juice to cook rice porridge [1] Wang Huaiyin. Taiping Shenghui Fang [M]. Beijing: People's Medical Publishing House,
Medicinal diet therapy Gypsum Wumei Drink Gypsum Wumei Drink, a Chinese medicinal diet. It comes from "Wai Tai Mi Yao" and is a medicinal diet recipe for clearing heat. This entry was reviewed by Hua Guodong, Chief Pharmacist of Dongzhimen Hospital of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. 150g of raw gypsum, 20 black plums, and appropriate amount of white honey. Raw gypsum is the main ingredient in the prescription, which is good at clearing the fire of the lungs and stomach, and has the effects of relieving fever, promoting body fluid and quenching thirst. This product is suitable for patients with febrile diseases whose heat evil has not been completely eliminated, patients with high fever caused by qi-heat damaging body fluid, patients with sweating, thirst, red face, aversion to heat, and strong pulse. People with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold should not take this prescription. After stirring well, you can drink it in appropriate amount. Name: Raw gypsum Dosage: 150g. Efficacy: Clears away heat and purges fire, relieves restlessness and quenches thirst ① Steps: Crush the gypsum, wrap it in gauze, and fry it with black plums. ② Steps: Remove the residue and take 1Wang Tao. Wai Tai Mi Yao [M]. Ancient Chinese Medicine Books. [2] Zhou Fan. Sugar
Medicinal Diet Therapy Wu Zhi Yin Wu Zhi Yin, a Chinese medicinal diet. It comes from "Wen Bing Tiao Bian", which is a medicinal diet recipe for clearing heat. This entry was reviewed by Hua Guodong, Chief Pharmacist, Dongzhimen Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. 200g raw pear, 500g water chestnut, 100g fresh reed root (half the amount of dry product), 50g fresh ophiopogon (half the amount of dry product), 500g lotus root. The raw pear, water chestnut and lotus root in the recipe are all fruits or vegetables. Pear tastes sweet and slightly sour, and is cold in nature. This product is suitable for those with mild fever, dry mouth and persistent dry cough caused by febrile diseases. This recipe has a slight adverse reaction of laxative effect, so patients with spleen deficiency and loose stools should use it with caution. This product can be drunk after being refrigerated or stewed. Name: Raw pear dosage: 200g. Efficacy: quench thirst, clear lungs and relieve cough. Name ① Steps: Peel and core the pear, peel the water chestnut, wash the reed root, chop the Ophiopogon japonicus, and peel the lotus root [1] Wu Jing. Treatise on Warm Diseases[M]. Beijing: China Medical Science and Technology Press, 201
Medicinal Diet Therapy Mint Tea Mint tea is a Chinese medicine diet. It comes from Puji Fang and is a medicinal diet recipe for relieving exterior symptoms. It has benefits This entry was reviewed by Wang Lixia, chief pharmacist of Guang'anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences 30 mint leaves, 2 slices of ginger, 5g ginseng, 30g gypsum, and 2g ephedra. The raw gypsum in the recipe is pungent, sweet and cold, and enters the lung and stomach meridians. The "Medical Records of Zhongzhong Canxi" says that it is cool and can This product is suitable for people with weak constitution or wind-heat cold in the elderly, with symptoms such as fever, headache, sore throat, and uncomfortable cough. Do not use it for people with spleen and stomach deficiency and external infection. Drink as tea. Name: Mint leaves Dosage: 30 pieces. Efficacy: Disperse wind-heat, clear the head, ① Step: Grind the 5 medicines into coarse powder. ② Step: Decoction in water and filter the juice. [1] Zhu Su. Puji Fang [M]. Beijing: People's Medical Publishing House, 1982.[
Medicinal Diet Therapy Two Watermelon Cup Two Watermelon Cup, a Chinese medicinal diet. From "Chinese Diet Therapy·Health Preservation" This entry was reviewed by Wang Lixia, Chief Pharmacist, Guang'anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences 1 watermelon (2500g), 50g reed root, 50g Imperata root, 50g snow pear, 50g sugar water chestnut, 50g fresh lychee, 50g hawthorn cake, 50g sugar lotus seeds, 100g canned Tremella, 25g Dendrobium, 25g bamboo shavings, 400g white sugar. Watermelon juice is sweet, cold and refreshing. It is good at clearing the heart and relieving restlessness, promoting fluid and quenching thirst, and promoting urination and conducting heat. This product is suitable for patients with summer heat disease with high fever, thirst, cough, dry throat, qi reversal and vomiting. This product is not suitable for people with spleen and stomach deficiency, yang deficiency, cold and dampness, and diabetic patients. Put this product in the refrigerator and freeze it for 1 to 2 hours before eating. Name: Watermelon Dosage: 2500g. Efficacy: Clears away heat and relieves fatigue ① Steps: Wash reed root, Imperata root, Dendrobium, and bamboo shavings, add water and boil to obtain 250ml of medicinal juice Peng Peng, Zhou Peng. Chinese Medicine Diet[M]. Beijing: China Traditional Chinese Medicine Press, 198
Medicinal Diet Therapy Light black bean curd and scallion stewed with tofu Light black bean curd and scallion stewed with tofu, a Chinese medicine diet name. From "Diet Therapy", it is a medicinal diet for relieving exterior symptoms This entry was reviewed by Wang Lixia, chief pharmacist of Guang'anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences Light black bean curd 12g, scallion 15g, tofu 200g. The light fermented black beans in the recipe are pungent, sweet, bitter and cold in nature. They enter the lung meridian, can ascend and disperse, and are the best remedy for relieving depression, especially long-lasting. This product is suitable for the elderly and weak who have a cold or the initial onset of wind-heat, and have symptoms such as headache, body aches, aversion to cold, slight fever, cough, sore throat, nasal congestion and runny nose. Not suitable for severe external infection. Take it while it is hot, and cover yourself with a blanket to sweat slightly after taking it. Name: Light fermented black beans Dosage: 12g. Efficacy: Relieving exterior symptoms, eliminating restlessness, relieving depression, relieving ① Steps: Add 1.5 bowls of water to tofu and fry it briefly. ② Step: Add fermented black beans and fry. [1] Liang Jianhui. Diet therapy [M]. Guangdong: Guangdong Science and Technology Press, 1992.
Medicinal diet therapy. Shuangmu steamed turtle. Shuangmu steamed turtle is a Chinese medicinal diet. It comes from "Furen Liangfang" and is a heat-clearing medicinal diet recipe. This entry was reviewed by Hua Guodong, chief pharmacist of Dongzhimen Hospital of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. 1 turtle (500-600g), 6g Fritillaria cirrhosa, 6g Anemarrhena asphodeloides, 6g Apricot kernel, 6g Peucedanum chinense, 6g Bupleurum chinense, appropriate amounts of onion, ginger, pepper, salt, sugar, rice wine, and MSG. Soft-shelled turtle, also known as turtle, round fish, and yuan fish, is rich in nutrition and tastes sweet, with the flavors of chicken, fish, and beef. This product is suitable for people with persistent low fever, bone steaming, hot flashes, and coughing and sputum. It is not suitable for people with unexposed external evil. Eat in several times. Name: Soft-shelled turtle Dosage: 500-600g. Efficacy: Skin care, lifting ① Steps: Kill the turtle, drain all the blood, peel off the shell, discard the internal organs, and cut off the claws [1] Chen Ziming. Prescriptions for Women [M]. Yangzhou: Jiangsu Guangling Printing Society, 1
Medicinal Diet Therapy Bamboo Leaf Porridge Bamboo Leaf Porridge, a Chinese medicinal diet. From "Laolao Hengyan", it is a heat-clearing medicinal diet recipe. It has This entry was reviewed by Hua Guodong, chief pharmacist of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Dongzhimen Hospital Gypsum 45g, fresh bamboo leaves 10g, polished rice 100g, white sugar 5g. The bamboo leaves in the recipe are the leaves of the bamboo plant of the genus Bambusa in the Poaceae family (its efficacy and clinical application are similar to those of bamboo leaves) This product is suitable for patients with febrile diseases with fever, thirst, irritability, red urine, mouth and tongue sores. This recipe should not be used by patients with spleen and stomach deficiency or yin deficiency fever. Take it 2-3 times a day and stop when the disease is cured. Name: Gypsum Dosage: 45g. Efficacy: Clears heat and purges fire, relieves irritability and quenches thirst. ① Steps: Wash the bamboo leaves, boil them with gypsum, remove the residue and take the juice. ② Steps [1] Cao Tingdong. Lao Lao Heng Yan [M]. Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2021.[2
Medicinal Diet Therapy Sesame Seed and Perilla Seed Congee Sesame Seed and Perilla Seed Congee, a Chinese medicinal diet. It comes from "Puji Benshi Fang", which is a laxative medicinal diet recipe This entry was provided by Li Peihong, Chief Pharmacist, Xiyuan Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences Review 15g each of perilla seeds and hemp seeds, 50g of polished rice. Perilla seeds in the recipe have a pungent and warm smell, enter the lung and liver meridians, and are good at descending adverse qi and clearing lung depression; hemp This product is suitable for women with postpartum depression, sweating, and constipation, as well as elderly people and patients with physical weakness. People with diarrhea should not eat it. Take it warm, 3 times a day. Name: Perilla seeds Dosage: 15g. Efficacy: descending qi and resolving phlegm, relieving cough and relieving asthma, ① Steps: Wash perilla seeds and hemp seeds, grind them into very fine powder, add water and grind them again, and take the juice. ② [1] Xu Shuwei. Puji Benshi Fang [M]. China Traditional Chinese Medicine Press, 20
Medicinal diet therapy Coriander rash drink Coriander rash drink, a Chinese medicine diet name. From "Lingnan Herbal Medicine", it is a medicinal diet formula for diaphoresis This entry was written by Hua Guodong, Chief Pharmacist, Dongzhimen Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Review 60g coriander, 40g water chestnut, 100g carrot. The coriander in the recipe is a product for sweating and rash, which can ward off all unhealthy qi, so it is suitable for those with acne that is not coming out smoothly. It is suitable for those with measles at the beginning of childhood, the rash is not coming out smoothly, and the symptoms are fever, aversion to wind, sneezing, and thirst. It is contraindicated for those with rashes that are not coming out smoothly due to excessive heat and toxicity rather than wind and cold. Take 1 dose per day, 2 times a day, drink warm, and take for 3-5 consecutive days. Name: Coriander Dosage: 60g. Efficacy: Appetite and spleen, moisturizing the intestines and relieving constipation. ①Steps: Wash and chop coriander, carrots and water chestnuts. ② Step: First, chop coriander, carrots and water chestnuts. [1] Lingnan Herbal Medicine [M]. Ancient Chinese Medicine Books. [2] Shi Liping, Ying Senlin. Practical
Medicinal Diet Therapy Anti-inflammatory Tea Anti-inflammatory Tea, a Chinese medicine diet. From "Jilin Province Chinese Medicine Cultivation and Technology", it is a heat-clearing medicine This entry was reviewed by Hua Guodong, Chief Pharmacist of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Dongzhimen Hospital 400g of dandelion, 400g of honeysuckle, 200g of mint, 50g of Sterculia lychnophora, and 100g of raw licorice. The main ingredients in the prescription, dandelion and honeysuckle, clear away heat and detoxify, and are good at treating various diseases with intense heat and toxicity. Mint This product is suitable for patients with acute pharyngitis and tonsillitis, with symptoms of red, swollen and painful throat, dry cough without sputum or spitting yellow sputum, hoarseness, accompanied by aversion to wind, thirst and thirst, constipation, red tip of tongue with thin yellow or dry yellow fur, and rapid pulse. People with spleen and stomach deficiency should not take it. Drink frequently instead of tea. Name: Dandelion Dosage: 400g. Efficacy: Clearing away heat and detoxifying, reducing swelling and dispersing nodules ① Steps: Grind dandelion, honeysuckle, mint, puffed sea, and raw licorice into fine powder (Pu [1] Cultivation and Technology of Chinese Medicinal Herbs in Jilin Province [M]. [2] Yang Shizhong. Chinese Medicine Diet Therapy
Medicinal Diet Therapy Evodia rutaecarpa Congee Evodia rutaecarpa Congee, a Chinese medicine diet name. From "Food Mirror Materia Medica", it is a medicinal diet formula for warming the interior and dispelling cold This entry was written by Hua Guodong, Chief Pharmacist, Dongzhimen Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Review Evodia rutaecarpa 2g, 50g polished rice, 2 slices of ginger, 2 stems of scallion. This recipe uses Evodia rutaecarpa and polished rice as the main ingredients. Evodia rutaecarpa is bitter and hot in nature, with a strong and aromatic smell. This product is suitable for people with cold pain in the abdomen, vomiting and acid regurgitation, vomiting and diarrhea due to cold, headache, and hernia pain. People with excess heat syndrome or yin deficiency and excessive fire should not take it. Pregnant women should take it with caution. Take it warm in the morning and evening, and consume as much as you want. Name: Evodia rutaecarpa Dosage: 2g. Efficacy: Dispel cold and relieve pain, reduce adverse reactions and stop vomiting, and help ① Steps: Grind Evodia rutaecarpa into fine powder. ② Steps: Wash polished rice and cook porridge first, and wait for the rice [1] Fei Boxiong. Collection of rare medical books (II) Materia Medica Food Appreciation Materia Medica [M].
Medicinal Diet Therapy White Flower Snake Wine White Flower Snake Wine, a Chinese medicinal food name. From the Compendium of Materia Medica, it is a recipe for rheumatism-relieving medicinal food. This entry was written by Wang Lixia, Chief Pharmacist, Guang'anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences Review 1 white flower snake, 60g Qianghuo, 60g Angelica sinensis, 60g Gastrodia elata, 60g Gentiana macrophylla, 60g Acanthopanax cortex, 30g Saposhnikovia divaricata, 4000ml glutinous rice wine. The white flower snake in the recipe, also known as Qishe or Wubushe, is sweet, salty and warm, and is good at running around, and it runs through the internal organs. This product is suitable for people with rheumatism, joint pain, tendon spasm, or hemiplegia due to stroke, crooked mouth and eyes, numbness of limbs, and long-term scabies, malignant sores, and wind leprosy. Use with caution for those with weak constitution. 1-2 cups (30-60ml) per day. Name: White flower snake Dosage: 1. Efficacy: Expel wind evil, dredge meridians, and calm convulsions. ① Steps: Wash and moisten the white flower snake with wine, remove the bone spurs, and take the meat. ② Steps: Each medicine. [1] Li Shizhen. Compendium of Materia Medica [M]. Beijing: People's Medical Publishing House, 2005.
Medicinal diet therapy. Hawthorn malt tea. Hawthorn malt tea is a Chinese medicinal diet. From "Chinese Medicinal Diet", it is a medicinal diet for digestion and sobering up. This entry was reviewed by Li Peihong, chief pharmacist of Xiyuan Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. Hawthorn 10g, raw malt 10g. The hawthorn, raw malt and its divine music in the recipe are collectively called the Three Immortals, all of which are commonly used drugs for digestion and stagnation. It is suitable for people with food poisoning, food accumulation, or those who have just recovered from a serious illness and have a weak stomach and poor appetite. Pregnant women and breastfeeding women should not drink it. It can be drunk after soaking in boiling water for 30 minutes. Name: Hawthorn Dosage: 10g. Efficacy: Digestion and stomach, promote qi and dissipate blood stasis, dissolve ① Steps: Wash and slice the hawthorn, and put it in a cup with the malt. ② Step: Pour in the opening [1] Xie Mengzhou, Zhu Tianmin. Chinese Medicine Dietology [M]. Beijing: China Traditional Chinese Medicine Publishing House
Medicinal Diet Therapy Winter Melon Porridge Winter Melon Porridge, a Chinese medicine diet. From "Zong Pu", it is a diuretic and dampness-removing medicinal diet recipe. It has This entry was reviewed by Wang Lixia, chief pharmacist of Guang'anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences 100g winter melon, 100g polished rice, MSG, salt, sesame oil, young ginger shreds, and green onions as appropriate. The winter melon in the recipe is sweet and light in taste, slightly cold in nature, and is a food and medicine product. It is a heat-clearing and diuretic product. This product is suitable for people with edema, beriberi edema, urinary incontinence (including chronic nephritis edema, liver cirrhosis ascites, etc.), as well as phlegm-heat cough, summer heat and depression, thirst, pain and swelling, hemorrhoid fistula, and obesity. People without edema should not eat a lot. Take it at will. Name: Winter melon Dosage: 100g. Efficacy: Clears away heat and relieves summer heat, beautifies the skin. ① Step: After washing the wax gourd, peel off the wax gourd skin (do not throw it away), and cut the rest into [1] Cao Tingdong. Porridge Recipe[M]. Beijing: Beijing Daily Press, 2019.[

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