
  China News Popularity Statistics is a database jointly developed by CnOpenData and Tonglian Data, which obtains news popularity information, including fields such as news title, news popularity and global news popularity.

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Field display

China News Hotness Information Table - English Field China News Hotness Information Table - Chinese Field
ID Auto-increment ID
NEWS_TITLE News title
POPULARITY News popularity
GLOBAL_POPULARITY Global news popularity
EFFECTIVE_TIME Effective time of news
UPDATE_TIME Update time

Sample data

Auto-increment ID News ID News URL News title News popularity Global news popularity News effective time Update time
4472382898 153124427 https://api3.cls.cn/share/article/1482685 Russia's CPI rose 0.87% month-on-month in September, and the expected increase was 0.75% 0.17831120287084554 0.0006931771771932 2023-10-12 00:05:30 2023-10-14 16:00:23
4472391196 153124612 https://api3.cls.cn/share/article/1482687 Biotech company Tempest's increase expanded to 16 times 0.17831120287084554 0.0006185615764327 2023-10-12 00:12:33 2023-10-14 18:10:21
4472399512 153124670 https://api3.cls.cn/share/article/1482689 According to Cailianshe on October 12, ECB board member Casax said that the early end of the reinvestment of the Pandemic Bond Purchase Program (PEPP) should be discussed. 0.11250184328633274 0.0004152467963231 2023-10-12 00:16:38 2023-10-14 17:07:11
4472399513 153124679 http://finance.sina.com.cn/focus/app/7x24_share.shtml?id=3313473 ECB board member Casax: Appropriate interest rates can bring inflation to 2% in the second half of 2025, but the door to raising interest rates cannot be closed. 0.16875276492949912 0.000616558344453 2023-10-12 00:17:45 2023-10-14 17:18:58
4 472407839 153124363 https://finance.eastmoney.com/a/202310122866899039.html Zhejiang Xiantong, the leader in automotive sealing strips, exclusively supplies Huawei with full-vehicle sealing strips. The company's gross profit margin remains high and profitability is stable 0.17831120287084554 0.0006874247026503 2023-10-12 00:03:01 2023-10-14 16:06:49
4472407840 153124726 https://gu.qq.com/resources/shy/news/detail-v2/index.html?#/index?id=FN20231012002054842d5c41 Bostic of the Federal Reserve said that we need to do everything we can to reduce inflation to 2%. 0.17831120287084554 0.0006716948545988 2023-10-12 00:21:33 2023-10-14 16:50:11
4472407841 153124735 https://www.sohu.com/a/727528440_115362 Main business gross profit margin declines year by year Dapu Technology plans to list on the Science and Technology Innovation Board 0.2033307602041067 0.000097423823398 2023-10-12 00:21:51 2023-10-16 05:57:25
4472416197 153124860 https://api3.cls.cn/share/article/1482692 According to Cailianshe on October 12, ExxonMobil CEO said that layoffs are not considered for the time being and that drilling operations will be improved to save costs. 0.11250184328633274 0.0004261532227143 2023-10-12 00:27:20 2023-10-14 16:50:11
4472416198 153124861 https://xueqiu.com/5124430882/262971517 The Australian dollar fell more than 0.50% against the U.S. dollar AUD/USD and is now at 0.6399. 0.1487193473668184 0.000477302073096 2023-10-12 00:27:20 2023-10-14 19:48:44
44 72416199 153124891 https://m.21jingji.com/article/20231012/herald/de7a3dee518cbf8ff1254d91c208ea59.html Winter early? LVMH's third-quarter growth rate was halved month-on-month, and the luxury market was alarmed 0.2766905905333849 0.0002289338133146 2023-10-12 00:29:04 2023-10-15 20:14:27
4472424590 153124377 http://finance.sina.com.cn/focus/app/7x24_share.shtml?id=3313463 IMFC: The United Kingdom, Ghana, Switzerland, Finland and Belgium support the US proposal to achieve a "proportional" increase in IMF quota funds without changing equity. 0.09871403937676926 0.0002295437330601 2023-10-12 00:03:59 2023-10-15 01:13:22
4472424591 153124379 http://finance.sina.com.cn/focus/app/7x24_share.shtml?id=3313462 Russia's CPI rose 0.87% month-on-month in September. Expected to be 0.75%. Year-on-year increase of 6%, expected to be 5.90%. In September, the core CPI rose 0.92% month-on-month and 4.59% year-on-year. CPI rose 0.24% month-on-month in the week of October 9. From the beginning of the year to the week of October 9, the cumulative increase in CPI was 4.91%. 0.06580935958451284 0.0001895243192618 2023-10-12 00:03:59 2023-10-14 21:22:08
4472424592 153124380 http://finance.sina.com.cn/focus/app/7x24_share.shtml?id=3313464 U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen expressed regret that a new quota allocation formula had not yet been reached and called on the International Monetary Fund to seek a "fair and simple" adjustment. 0.16875276492949912 0.0005625535275636 2023-10-12 00:04:01 2023-10-14 18:44:34
4472424593 153124534 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzI0MzMzNzczNQ==&mid=22 47505680&idx=1&sn=7bb7718ee314b5eb5b4cff3b28dde476&chksm=e96c0878de1b816e24c9c7c86c7133905e177340346580c04d5ade0ae78cd2677def64a75a99&scene=0&xtrack=1 The growth of the market is obviously dominant-Asset allocation report from September to November (Tianfeng Macro Lin Yan) 0.06580935958451284 0.0009800199275368 2023-10-12 00:07:54 2023-10-16 10:04:54
4472424594 153124557 https://finance.eastmoney.com/a/202310122866900579.html AI bull stock 5.5 billion project "surfaced" 10 billion revenue is coming? 0.3996279289635909 0.0005038926703254 2023-10-12 00:09:40 2023-10-15 12:20:40
4 472424595 153124559 http://finance.sina.com.cn/focus/app/7x24_share.shtml?id=3313466 Fitch: Due to the geopolitical situation, the trading activity of Islamic bonds (SUKUK) will increase in the fourth quarter of 2023. 0.06580935958451284 0.0001907567071627 2023-10-12 00:10:16 2023-10-14 21:22:08
4472424596 153124674 https://www.sohu.com/a/727527838_355019 Xpeng is going to open 4S stores, and it is finally going to sell cars seriously. 0.11250184328633274 0.000415631462156 2023-10-12 00:17:24 2023-10-14 17:07:11
4 472424597 153124678 http://finance.sina.com.cn/focus/app/7x24_share.shtml?id=3313472 ECB Governing Council member Casax: The early end of the reinvestment of the Pandemic Bond Purchase Program (PEPP) should be discussed. 0.06580935958451284 0.0001930667277218 2023-10-12 00:17:45 2023-10-14 21:16:23
4472424598 153124696 https://flash.jin10.com/detail/20231012001741297800 ECB Governing Council member Casax: Consultations on raising banks' statutory reserve ratios are appropriate. 0.06580935958451284 0.0001934245899507 2023-10-12 00:19:42 2023-10-14 21:16:23
4472424599 153124699 https://flash.jin10.com/detail/20231012001806343800 ECB Governing Council member Casax: The rise in Italian bond spreads is not without reason, but it is not worrying. 0.06580935958451284 0.0001934245899507 2023-10-12 00:19:42 2023-10-14 21:16:23
4472424600 153124727 http://finance.sina.com.cn/focus/app/7x24_share.shtml?id=3313478 Bostic, Fed: We need to do everything we can to get inflation down to 2%. 0.06580935958451284 0.0001937831155015 2023-10-12 00:21:33 2023-10-14 21:16:23
4472424601 153124728 http://finance.sina.com.cn/focus/app/7x24_share.shtml?id=3313480 The 30-year German bond yield fell by about 11 basis points, hitting a new high since July 2011 on October 4, and continued to fall back 0.11250184328633274 0.0004214443955021 2023-10-12 00:21:33 2023-10-14 16:55:53
4472424602 153124733 https://finance.eastmoney.com/a/202310122866901313.html Three-way efforts stimulate sales "triple jump"! Great Wall Motors' sales in September surged 30% year-on-year, and the long-term value was realized through action 0.2033307602041067 0.000097423823398 2023-10-12 00:21:51 2023-10-16 05:57:25
4472424603 153124754 http://gu.qq.com/resources/shy/news/detail-v2/index.html#/?id=nesSN20231011232802842d3609&s=b *ST Minkong: Some of the shares held by the controlling shareholder of the company are frozen in turn 0.06580935958451284 0.0001950431963601 2023-10-12 00:23:12 2023-10-14 21:10:42
4472424604 153124772 https://finance.eastmoney.com/a/202310122866901911.html Gaoweike's third IPO attempt: Mitsubishi products were once in default 0.2033307602041067 0.0001011934202161 2023-10-12 00:23:41 2023-10-16 05:18:46
4472424605 153124787 https://flash.jin10.com/detail/20231012002250165800 Fed Bostic: I don't think we need to take any more action on interest rates. 0.09871403937676926 0.0002417599813048 2023-10-12 00:24:01 2023-10-15 00:37:13
4472424606 153124788 https://flash.jin10.com/detail/20231012002208958800 Bostic, Fed: There are many signs that the economy is starting to slow down. 0.06580935958451284 0.0001952238755472 2023-10-12 00:24:01 2023-10-14 21:10:42
4472424607 153124827 http://finance.sina.com.cn/focus/app/7x24_share.shtml?id=3313481 ExxonMobil CEO: No layoffs for now. Drilling operations will be improved to save costs. 0.06580935958451284 0.0001954047221072 2023-10-12 00:25:16 2023-10-14 21:10:42
4472424608 153124830 http://finance.sina.com.cn/focus/app/7x24_share.shtml?id=3313485 Bostic, Fed: Stagnation of inflation will be a signal that we need to do more. 0.06580935958451284 0.0001954047221072 2023-10-12 00:25:16 2023-10-14 21:10:42
4472424609 153124958 https://www.gelonghui.com/live/1244319 Fed Bostic: I don't think more action is needed on interest rates 0.16875276492949912 0.0006362772765889 2023-10-12 00:33:48 2023-10-14 17:01:31
4472424610 153124963 https://gu.qq.com/resources/shy/news/detail-v2/index.html?#/index?id=FN2023101200332981f90473 The Australian dollar fell 0.5% against the U.S. dollar during the day to 0.6398. 0.11250184328633274 0.0004442847234775 2023-10-12 00:34:39 2023-10-14 16:12:30
4472424611 153124969 http://finance.sina.com.cn/focus/app/7x24_share.shtml?id=3313495 Moody's: A protracted conflict would continue to significantly damage Israel's economic activity and policy-making capabilities, which would test the resilience of Israel's sovereign credit status. 0.06580935958451284 0.0001985048724989 2023-10-12 00:36:26 2023-10-14 21:04:54
4472424612 153124973 http://finance.sina.com.cn/focus/app/7x24_share.shtml?id=3313493 Moody's: The Israel-Hamas conflict may have an impact on our assessment of Israeli debt. 0.09871403937676926 0.0002961076880002 2023-10-12 00:36:26 2023-10-14 21:10:42
4472432998 153124767 https://www.guandian.cn/article/20231011/359818.html Capital Circle Greentown's related parties purchased 735 million non-financial corporate debt financing instruments. Aoyuan held an overseas debt restructuring hearing on October 31 0.06580935958451284 0.0001950431963601 2023-10-12 00:23:30
4472432999 153124928 http://stock.hexun.com/2023-10-12/210531798.html Shipbuilding industry leads the world, green intelligence is the key to future development! 0.06580935958451284 0.0001977710290756 2023-10-12 00:32:18 2023-10-14 21:04:54
4472433000 153124956 http://www.news.cn/fortune/2023-10/12/c_1129911640.htm These policy measures work together to help the development of urban public transportation 0.3158326034904394 0.0003081418438717 2023-10-12 00:33:35 2023-10-15 17:20:55
4472433001 153124965 https://api3.cls.cn/share/article/1482694 According to Cailianshe on October 12, European Central Bank Governing Council member Vujcic said that the eurozone economy is more in stagnation than recession. 0.17831120287084554 0.0007233391693436 2023-10-12 00:34:45 2023-10-14 15:43:08
4472433002 153124970 http://finance.sina.com.cn/focus/app/7x24_share.shtml?id=3313496 Chilean Mining Minister: Chilean National Copper Company (CODELCO) must solve its own problems. Chile hopes to open the Atacama Salt Flats to new lithium industry players. 0.06580935958451284 0.0001985048724989 2023-10-12 00:36:26 2023-10-14 21:04:54
4472433003 153124997 https://wallstreetcn.com/livenews/2552537 Ming-Chi Kuo: AMD AI chip shipments are expected to grow rapidly in 2024-25 0.2612211906531512 0.0002092423545986 2023-10-12 00:38:56 2023-10-15 20:59:17
4472449835 153125099 http://finance.sina.com.cn/focus/app/7x24_share.shtml?id=3313508 The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has proposed new rules that would prohibit companies from charging consumers "junk fees." 0.11250184328633274 0.0003079073602538 2023-10-12 00:51:33 2023-10-14 23:05:24
4472458236 153125117 https://xuangubao.cn/article/1077113 ICE sugar fell 2.0% to 26.51 cents/pound 0.11250184328633274 0.0003104839759102 2023-10-12 00:54:01 2023-10-14 22:58:56
4472466640 153124874 https://www.163.com/dy/article/IGQD1M2I05129QAF.html Norway International's independent director Geng Jianxin resigned 0.06580935958451284 0.0001959482675767 2023-10-12 00:28:18 2023-10-14 21:10:42
4472466649 153125052 https://flash.jin10.com/detail/20231012004459387800 Market news: Arab foreign ministers demanded that Israel fulfill all its international obligations as an occupying power and restart the peace process with the Palestinians. 0.06580935958451284 0.0002012811194815 2023-10-12 00:45:48 2023-10-14 20:59:10
4472466650 153125084 https://www.guandian.cn/article/20231011/359819.html Trivia OCT Asia plans to sell Shanghai Suhewan Hotel assets for 2.43 billion yuan. Shell announces plans to acquire Ai Space 0.06580935958451284 0.000203153488549 2023-10-12 00:49:48
4472466651 153125086 https://flash.jin10.com/detail/20231012005009249800 Ukrainian Prime Minister Shmygal: This year's state budget deficit will account for about 20% of GDP and will reach 21% next year. 0.06580935958451284 0.000203153488549 2023-10-12 00:50:14 2023-10-14 20:53:30
4 472466652 153125152 https://flash.jin10.com/detail/20231012005803265800 IMF Managing Director Georgieva said Ukraine's economic growth this year may be in the upper range of 1-3%. 0.11250184328633274 0.0003171670443792 2023-10-12 00:58:43 2023-10-14 22:40:38
4472466653 153125162 https://xuangubao.cn/article/1077115 The joint construction of the "Belt and Road" has attracted more than three-quarters of the world's countries and more than 30 international organizations to participate 0.2612211906531512 0.0002201742101838 2023-10-12 01:00:29 2023-10-15 20:25:45
4472466654 153125172 https://xueqiu.com/5124430882/262972303 International copper closed down 0.1% in the night session, Shanghai copper closed up 0.03%, Shanghai aluminum closed down 0.05%, Shanghai zinc closed flat, Shanghai lead closed down 0.15%, Shanghai nickel closed down 0.36%, and Shanghai tin closed up 0.64%. Alumina closed up 0.46% in the night session. Stainless steel closed up 1% in the night session. 0.1487193473668184 0.0005013094832764 2023-10-12 01:02:14 2023-10-14 19:30:52
4 472466655 153125175 http://finance.sina.com.cn/focus/app/7x24_share.shtml?id=3313528 Pimco: US economic growth and inflation have peaked, and the return rate of fixed income products is very attractive 0.24412056245535838 0.0001820882691331 2023-10-12 01:02:18 2023-10-15 22:39:59

Data update frequency

Annual update
