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< td>Composition
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< th>Main Indications
Category Term Introduction Overview Composition Usage and dosage Summary of Important Literature Rhyme Functions Meaning of the Prescription Characteristics of Combination Application Addition and Subtraction Precautions for Use Discussions by Various Schools Precautions Preparation Method Identification of Modified Prescriptions
Prescription Dabu Baoming Decoction This entry is provided by Cao Wei, chief physician of Guang'anmen Hospital of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, reviewed the "Da" Astragalus, ginseng, Chuanxiong, red peony root, rehmannia root, angelica root, cinnamon, licorice, saposhnikovia, forsythia Ancient usage: Grind the above ingredients. Decoction, add burnt human feces and take. The pox is red, active and plump, and it is about to burst when pressed with fingers ("Complete Book of Pox"); the floating cysts of pox are like "Complete Record of Medical Department" quoted "Complete Book of Children's Medicine": "It is mainly used to treat the floating cysts of pox, which are empty shells like bran, without water in them < /td>
Prescriptions Duhuo Jisheng Tang Duhuo Jisheng Tang, a Chinese medicine prescription. From "Prescriptions for Emergencies". It is a dehumidifying agent. It has This entry is from Kou Qiuai, Chief Physician, Xiyuan Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, reviewed Duhuo Duhuo (9g), mistletoe, Eucommia, Achyranthes, Asarum, Gentiana macrophylla, Poria, Cinnamon heart, 1. Modern usage: decoct in water. 2. Ancient usage: grind the above ingredients, add one bucket of water, and boil. Long-term arthralgia, liver and kidney deficiency, insufficient qi and blood. Pain in waist and knees, paralysis, and difficulty in flexion and extension of limbs. 1. Original book indications Volume 8 of "Prescriptions for Emergencies: Thousand Gold Prescriptions": "Treat back pain with Duhuo Jisheng Decoction." Duhuo Jisheng, Achyranthes, and Radix Angelicae Pubescentis, Chuanxiong, Radix Angelicae Sinensis, Radix Ginseng, and Herba Eucommiae, which can bend and extend cold wind and stubborn arthralgia. Removes rheumatism, stops arthralgia pain, benefits liver and kidney, and replenishes qi and blood. This prescription is a common prescription for treating chronic arthritis with liver and kidney deficiency and insufficient qi and blood. The syndrome is caused by wind and cold. Looking at the whole prescription, it is mainly used to dispel wind, cold and dampness, supplemented by liver and kidney tonifying, qi and blood tonifying products, taking into account both evil and righteousness, dispelling evil without hurting righteousness, and supporting righteousness without leaving evil. 1. This prescription is a common prescription for treating chronic arthritis with liver and kidney deficiency and insufficient qi and blood. Clinical application is cold pain in waist and knees, limbs For patients with severe pain in arthritis, processed Chuanwu, processed Caowu, white flower snake, etc. can be added to help remove wind and dredge meridians and activate blood circulation It is not suitable for patients with damp-heat syndrome.
Prescriptions Datong Pills 《Emergency Prescriptions》 Datong Pills, the name of a Chinese medicine prescription. It comes from Volume 19 of 《Emergency Prescriptions》. It has the function of tonifying deficiency and improving essence This entry was reviewed by Chief Physician Huo Yanming of Wangjing Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. Datong Dried Rehmannia glutinosa 8 liang (240g), Asparagus cochinchinensis, dried ginger, Angelica sinensis, Dendrobium officinale, Cistanche deserticola, White Grind the above into powder, add white honey and jujube paste to make pills as big as marbles. Take one pill on an empty stomach, three times a day. Five labors and seven injuries. 《Ophthalmology Compendium》: "How to distinguish the lung disease, the white eye is swollen and red like blood, the large intestine is blocked and the big intestine is open Replenish the deficiency and replenish the essence. Dried Rehmannia root, Chinese angelica root, and peony root nourish the blood and replenish the deficiency; ginseng, white atractylodes, licorice, and poria nourish the middle and replenish the qi; Huangyan: The liver and kidney are the mother and child If the liver and kidney qi is full, then the body will be brilliant and bright. If the liver and kidney qi is insufficient, then stay away from music and sex, and be indifferent to emotions.
Prescriptions Buxu Yijing Datong Pills "Prescriptions for Emergencies" Buxu Yijing Datong Pills, the name of a Chinese medicine prescription. From Volume 19 of "Prescriptions for Emergencies". With This entry is from Li Yueqing, Chief Physician, Dongzhimen Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, reviewed and supplemented. Dried Rehmannia glutinosa 8 liang (240g), Asparagus cochinchinensis, dried ginger, Angelica sinensis, Dendrobium officinale, Cistanche deserticola, White Grind the above into powder, and make pills with white candied date paste, as big as marbles. Take one pill each time, on an empty stomach, three times a day. Five labors, seven injuries, and hundreds of diseases. "The Complete Works of Sun Simiao's Medicine": "Buxu Yijing Datong Pills are the main prescriptions for five labors, seven injuries, and hundreds of diseases. Dried Rehmannia glutinosa Replenish deficiency and benefit essence, dispel wind and relieve constipation. The dried Rehmannia root, Chinese angelica root and peony root in the prescription nourish blood and replenish deficiency; ginseng, white atractylodes, licorice and poria nourish the middle and benefit the body
Prescriptions Baibinlangsan Baibinlangsan is the name of a Chinese medicine prescription. It comes from the Weiji Baoshu. It has the function of healing wounds and growing flesh This entry was reviewed by Men Jiuzhang, chief physician of the Affiliated Hospital of Shanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Baibin Stir-fried betel nut, white jelly, phellodendron (peel removed) and costus root each half a liang. Grind the above into powder. Add two qian of talcum powder and mix well. If the sore is dry, apply the medicine mixed with lard in the twelfth lunar month. If it is wet, it will dry. Carbuncle. "Wei Ji Bao Shu": "White betel nut powder, heals the sore and grows flesh. Betel nut is fried, white jelly and phellodendron are removed. Heals the sore and grows flesh. This prescription has the effect of drying dampness and astringing, heals the sore and grows flesh. Betel nut, phellodendron and costus root in the prescription dry dampness and astringe It is now used to treat ecthyma (varicose vein ulcer of the lower leg).
Prescriptions Baidu Shengji San Baidu Shengji San is the name of a Chinese medicine prescription. It comes from Volume 20 of Luo's Huiyue Yijing. It is mainly used to treat smallpox This entry was written by Zhu Zhangzhi, Chief Physician of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine Review Di Gupi, Huanglian (fried), Huangbai (fried), Gallnut, and raw licorice are divided equally. ??Grind the above into powder. Mix with dry ingredients. ??After the pox is closed, it still has heat, stinks, and oozes pus. "Luo's Medical Mirror": "Baidu Shengji Powder treats the condition of still having heat, stinks, and oozes pus after the pox is closed Di Gupi cools the blood and removes Steaming; Coptis chinensis and Phellodendron chinense clear away heat and dampness, purge fire and eliminate steaming, and detoxify; Gallnut stops
Prescriptions Baosheng Wuyou Powder Baosheng Wuyou Powder is the name of a Chinese medicine prescription. It comes from "Shen's Book of Respecting Life". It has the function of promoting the circulation of qi and blood. This entry was reviewed and approved by Yang Minghui, chief physician of the First Medical Center of the General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army. Danggui (wine), Citrus aurantium (salt water), Chuanxiong, costus root, white peony root, and licorice (roasted) are ground into powder. Take two or three qian each time, decoct in water and take twice a day. If the water of the placenta has broken and the blood has dried up, the vital energy will be obstructed and the fetus will be obstructed, and the labor will be difficult. Jiyin Gangmu: "Baosheng Wuyou Powder, treats pregnancy, body comfort, aversion to sweet and fatty food, worry and pleasure Promote the flow of qi and blood. Angelica can replenish blood and activate blood circulation, regulate menstruation and relieve pain. Chuanxiong can activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, promote qi and relieve depression. Citrus aurantium can regulate qi and relieve depression
Prescriptions Baotaisan Baotaisan, the name of a Chinese medicine prescription. From Volume 10 of "New Edition of Prescriptions". It is a tonic. It has the effect of clearing away heat. This entry was written by Yang Minghui, Chief Physician of the First Medical Center of the PLA General Hospital Review and protect Yuzhu 4 qian, Angelica 3 qian, Dipsacus asper, Eucommia ulmoides (fried) 1.5 qian each, Poria cocos, Scutellaria baicalensis ( Decoction in water. Treats pregnancy fetal fever. Internal heat and irritability, thirst, yellow urine, restless fetal movement, red tongue with white fur, stringy and slippery pulse Protect the fetus and clear heat, Scutellaria baicalensis, Amomum villosum, Four Ingredients, Schizonepeta tenuifolia, and Chrysanthemum officinale; the symptoms are excess and not deficiency, and the two must be balanced. Clear heat and stabilize the fetus.Yuzhu in the prescription nourishes yin and moistens the lungs, nourishes the stomach and produces fluid ; Angelica sinensis nourishes blood and activates blood circulation, regulates menstruation and relieves pain; Dipsacus asper nourishes the liver
Prescriptions Baoying Sophora japonica powder Baoying Sophora japonica powder, a Chinese medicine prescription. From Volume 21 of "Yongleiqian Fang". It has the effect of dispelling wind and clearing the body This entry was provided by Yang Minghui, Chief Physician of the First Medical Center of the PLA General Hospital Audit and guarantee Equal parts of schizonepeta spicata, Sophora japonica, Citrus aurantium (fried with bran and remove the pulp), and licorice. Grind the above medicines into fine powder. 1.5-3g each time, mixed with honey soup. Children have bloody stools due to heat. Soothe wind and clear the intestines, cool blood and stop bleeding. In the prescription, schizonepeta can relieve the exterior and dissipate wind, clear rashes, and eliminate sores; Sophora japonica can cool blood Stop bleeding, clear liver and purge fire; Citrus aurantium Avoid taking spicy and dry products.
Prescriptions Beijinsan Beijinsan, a Chinese medicine prescription. From "Shen's Book of Life". It has the effect of regulating qi and removing blood stasis. This entry was reviewed and prepared by Yang Minghui, chief physician of the First Medical Center of the General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army Four liang (fried) of Cyperus rotundus (120g), one liang and two qian (36g) of Angelica sinensis tail, and five spirit fat Boiled in water. Mainly treats uterine bleeding caused by liver qi stagnation, blood stasis, or abdominal pain during menstruation, and postpartum lochia A good prescription for women is to cook Jinsan, Lingzhi, Guixiang together; it regulates qi, removes blood stasis, and stops abdominal pain. It is often used by women after childbirth. Regulates qi and removes blood stasis. In this prescription, Xiangfu soothes the liver and promotes qi, while Danggui nourishes blood and harmonizes blood. The tail of the two is used to specialize in removing blood stasis and activating blood circulation. Five Commonly used in modern times to treat irregular menstruation, pelvic inflammatory disease, uterine bleeding, postpartum lochia, and epigastric pain. If there is blood stasis and stagnation, and the amount of menstruation is small in the late period, combine with Siwu Decoction to nourish and regulate blood; for abdominal pain, add Puhuang, Wuyao, and Yanhu
Prescriptions Beishusan Beishusan is the name of a Chinese medicine prescription. It comes from Volume 5 of "Shizhai Baiyixuanfang". It is mainly used to treat alcohol addiction and phlegm. This entry was reviewed by Yang Minghui, Chief Physician of the First Medical Center of the General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army. Two liang (60g) of Atractylodes macrocephala, one liang (30g) of Aconite (blasted, peeled and navel removed). Ancient usage: Pulp the above and divide it into three doses. Boil a large cup of water and ten slices of ginger, and take on an empty stomach. Zangfu Wine addiction and phlegm. The original recipe is selected from "Shi Zhai Bai Yi Xuan Fang": "To treat wine addiction and phlegm, double the amount of Shu San, Ji Chengdi took it repeatedly and it was effective For those who have yang deficiency and are addicted to alcohol, the wine will turn into cold, which is easy to form cold phlegm and wine addiction. Double this recipe In one recipe, except for the aconite, add one liang of dried ginger and cinnamon, grind them into powder, and make honey pills the size of sycamore seeds. Take 25 pills each time. Take with rice water before meals, great effect.
Prescriptions Beiyusan Beiyusan is a Chinese medicine prescription. It comes from Volume 15 of "The Complete Works of Chishui Xuanzhu". It has the effect of astringing the intestines and consolidating the body This entry was provided by Yang Minghui, Chief Physician of the First Medical Center of the PLA General Hospital Galnut and Sanguisorba officinalis are divided equally. Grind the above into powder. Take 5 fen or 1 qian (1.5-3g) each time, and mix with rice water. Prolapse of the anus in children. Astringent and prevent prolapse. Galnut is sour, salty and cold, can restrain the lungs and reduce fire, astringent and stop bleeding; Sanguisorba officinalis is bitter, sour and slightly cold, can cool blood and stop prolapse. < /td>
Prescriptions Baijiangsan Baijiangsan, a Chinese medicine prescription. From Volume 4 of "Guide to Throat Syndrome". Mainly used for throat syndrome, yin deficiency and excessive fire This entry was written by Zhu Zhangzhi, chief physician of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine Review Two qian of Phellodendron chinense, eight fen of dried ginger. Roast them together until they become charcoal (keep the essence), grind them into very fine powder. Blow it. Throat syndrome, yin deficiency and excessive fire. This prescription uses Phellodendron chinense to strengthen yin and reduce fire as the main medicine, and a small amount of dried ginger is used as a pungent ingredient to disperse fire knots, which has the effect of raising yang and lowering yin
Prescriptions Banqian Powder Banqian Powder is a Chinese medicine prescription. It comes from Volume 218 of Puji Fang. It has the functions of nourishing qi and blood, warming the body This entry was reviewed by Zhu Zhangzhi, chief physician of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine Two large Chuanxiong (filed into four pieces) (6g), one large aconite (pounded into fine powder with the skin) Take half a coin each time, mix with onion tea, and take at any time. Headache caused by qi deficiency. Replenish qi and nourish blood, warm yang and relieve pain. Liuxiong, with its dispersing nature, also runs through the liver meridian, and is a blood medicine in qi. It goes up to the head and eyes to treat headaches. First, Chuanxiong is a blood medicine in qi, and Fuzi is a medicine for replenishment. The two are combined to replenish the middle and move, replenishing without stagnation; second, Fuzi can lead Chuanxiong into the blood to nourish the insufficient true yin. If the wind-cold is more severe, and there is cold phlegm in the chest, and vomiting clear water, add ginger. Mix the above with water and Fuzi powder like flour, wrap Chuanxiong in four places. If a little aconite powder is added to the noodles, after wrapping, use a needle to pierce several holes, and use real brain, Qiongqiong Fuzi Decoction is made of half a coin powder and ginger. The former is good at treating headaches caused by wind and cold, while the latter is more prone to headaches caused by yang deficiency.
Prescriptions Bian Que Dingxiang Powder Bian Que Dingxiang Powder is the name of a Chinese medicine prescription. It comes from Volume 2 of "Medical Mind". It has the effect of warming and nourishing the middle jiao, This entry was reviewed by Liu Qingquan, chief physician of Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital. Bian Que Dingxiang Powder, in Five cloves, five persimmon calyxes, five fen of licorice (roasted), and one qian of dried ginger. The above is ground into powder. Take it with boiling soup and take it together with Fuzi Lizhong Decoction. The middle-jiao deficiency and coldness cause qi reversal and hiccups. Warm and nourish the middle-jiao, descend the reverse and stop the hiccups. This prescription is mainly used for the deficiency and coldness of the middle-jiao, the inability to warm and move, the stomach is out of harmony and descending, and the qi rises. The method should be strong. This prescription is used for the coldness of the three yin meridians, the stomach qi is about to stop and hiccups. The symptoms are coldness, aversion to cold, diarrhea, clear stool, hiccups and low voice. 1. Persimmon Calyx Soup: Cloves, Persimmon Calyx, Ginger. Decoction in water. Treats chest fullness and hiccups. 2. Persimmon Powder:
Prescriptions Bai Ren San Bai Ren San, the name of a Chinese medicine prescription. It comes from Volume 5 of Qian Jin Yao Fang, and its name can be found in Volume Qi Xiao Liang Fang This entry was reviewed by Zhu Zhangzhi, Chief Physician of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine Saposhnikovia divaricata 1.5 liang (45g), cypress seed and white ginseng each 1 liang (30g). Grind the above into powder. Mix with milk and apply on the fontanelle, once a day. It will be known in ten days and healed in twenty days. The fontanelle of a child is open and not closed. 1. "The Great Doctor Ma's Pediatric Pulse Treasures": "There is a symptom of cranial dissociation, the fontanelles do not close, this is kidney qi Nourish the liver and kidney. Saposhnikovia divaricata is pungent, sweet and slightly warm, dispels wind and relieves the symptoms; Platycodon grandiflorum enters the kidney meridian, nourishes the heart and calms the mind, and stops sweating; Bletilla striata is bitter
Prescriptions Bugan Kochia Seed Powder Bugan Kochia Seed Powder is the name of a Chinese medicine prescription. It comes from Volume 33 of Taiping Shenghui Fang. It has the function of nourishing This entry is provided by Liu Qingquan, chief physician of Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, reviewed Bugan Difuzi Powder, Kochia seeds (dried in the shade, pounded into powder) 1 jin, Shengdihuang (clean soup, pounded and squeezed to extract juice) 5 jin. 1. Modern dosage: decoction, 9-15 grams. Appropriate amount for external use. 2. Ancient dosage: above 1. Taiping Shenghui Fang: liver deficiency and blurred vision. 2. Shengji Zonglu: wind-heat and red, swollen and painful eyes 1. Prescription theory selection Qianjin Fang Yanyi: "Kochia seeds promote urination and treat bladder heat; Shengdi nourishes the liver and improves eyesight. Di Fu Zi Gong is similar to Huang Bai, and has the effect of clearing dampness and heat, but its effect is slightly weaker; it can clear heat when combined with Sheng Di
Prescriptions Cibai San Cibai San, the name of a Chinese medicine prescription. It comes from the "Health Family Treasure" quoted in the first volume of "Jiu Ji Xuan Fang". It has This entry was reviewed by Su Huiping, chief physician of Dongzhimen Hospital of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Cibai leaves (steamed to dryness) 1.5 liang, ginseng 1 liang, and schizonepeta (burned ash) 1 liang. Take two qian of each dose, add two qian of Feiluo noodles and mix with freshly drawn water to make a thin paste. Blood gushed out like a spring, 1. "Jiuji Selected Prescriptions" quoted "Wei Sheng Jia Bao": Vomiting blood and bleeding, the symptoms are all due to internal damage, or due to 1. "Eastern Medicine Treasure Mirror": "Nine orifices bleeding, suitable for the prescription of Platycladus orientalis powder as shown above." "Zhongtong Medical Dictionary" quoted "Zhengzhi Zhunsheng": Stop bleeding. Platycladus orientalis leaves, bitter and yin-nourishing, with astringent blood, specialize in clearing the upper reverse blood, and match with the hemostatic schizonepeta, One is the combination of blood-tonifying drugs and hemostatic drugs; the other is to use ginseng, a qi-tonifying drug, because blood does not grow by itself, it needs drugs that generate yang qi to grow, and when yang grows, yin grows, and blood is prosperous.
Prescriptions Chengqing Powder Chengqing Powder is the name of a Chinese medicine prescription. It comes from Volume 7 of Wanbing Huichun. It is mainly used to treat white stools in children, small This entry was reviewed by Zhao Jinxi, chief physician of Dongzhimen Hospital of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. Cheng Atractylodes macrocephala, Poria cocos, white peony root (fried), Coptis chinensis (fried with ginger juice), Alisma orientalis, and hawthorn (seed removed) are each ground. Decoction in water, take on an empty stomach. White stools in children, turbid urine, or cleared like rice water. "Wan Bing Hui Chun": "Treat newborns, within seven days, there is blood in the urine and stool, this is due to the fetus Atractylodes macrocephala is sweet, bitter and warm, it strengthens the spleen and dries dampness; Poria cocos is sweet, light and flat, it promotes diuresis and eliminates dampness; Alisma orientalis promotes diuresis and eliminates dampness
Prescriptions Chengquan Powder Chengquan Powder is the name of a Chinese medicine prescription. It comes from Volume 5 of "Zheng Zhi Zhun Sheng·Pediatrics". It is mainly used to treat smallpox This entry is provided by Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Dongzhimen Hospital Zhao Jinxi, Chief Physician, Review and Clear Astragalus, Angelica, Safflower. Put the above medicines and wine into the pot and cook it tightly. Also use cicada slough and golden pill (the hard stone behind the tail of a rooster) to fine Pan Huang in pox. 1. "Zhenzhi Zhunsheng·Pediatrics" Volume 5: "If the pox is clear and pus is clear, the poison is gone and everything is perfect, so why is there Ban Huang Astragalus is sweet and warm, detoxifies and discharges pus , promote tissue regeneration and heal sores; Angelica sinensis replenishes blood and activates blood circulation; safflower activates blood circulation, removes blood stasis and relieves pain
Prescriptions Chonghe Powder Chonghe Powder is the name of a Chinese medicine prescription. It comes from Volume 7 of "Shi Zhai Baiyi Xuan Fang". It is mainly used to treat colds and wind-heat This entry was reviewed by Zhao Jinxi, chief physician of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Dongzhimen Hospital Atractylodes lancea 6 liang (1.8kg), Schizonepeta spicata 2 liang (900g), Licorice 1 liang 1 qian The above is a coarse powder. Take three grams each time, add one and a half cups of water, boil until eight parts are left, remove the residue and take it hot, at any time. Cold caused by wind-heat, unclear head, heavy nasal congestion, limb fatigue, bending over and tears. 1. Prescriptions selected from "Shiyi Dexiao Fang": "Treat cold and heat without regulation, improper management, and take off clothes when it is warm Schizonepeta dispels wind and relieves the exterior, and its spike is the best. Atractylodes dispels cold and relieves the exterior, and strengthens the spleen. Licorice
Prescriptions Red Bean and Angelica Powder Red Bean and Angelica Powder, the name of a Chinese medicine prescription. It comes from "Golden Chamber Synopsis". It has the effect of discharging pus and blood, removing dampness and heat This entry is from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Dongzhimen Hospital Zhao Jinxi Chief Physician Review Red Red beans (soaked until sprouts, dried) three liters (30g), angelica three liang (10g). The above is powder. Take one square inch each time, with rice water, three times a day. Fever and fox madness, bleeding, blood first and then stool, intestinal carbuncle pus in stool. 1. "Golden Chamber": "The patient has a rapid pulse, no fever, slightly irritable, silent but wanting to lie down, sweating, Red bean and angelica powder can remove obstruction, and the accumulation of toxins turns into pus with rice water; damp heat turns into pus and fox madness, activate blood circulation, expel pus and clear damp heat. Expel pus and blood, remove damp heat. This prescription is used for the symptoms of fox-induced madness caused by damp-heat accumulation and pus formation. Red beans are used to clear away heat, expel dampness, and expel pus from the carbuncle. Symptoms include bleeding first and then stool, and anal ulceration and suppuration. It is clinically used for intestinal carbuncle, stool poison, and various diseases of lower body with bad blood; hemorrhoid bleeding; blood in stool; and leucorrhea.
Prescription Bisheng Powder "Yang's Family Prescriptions" Bisheng Powder is the name of a Chinese medicine prescription. It comes from Volume 2 of "Yang's Family Prescriptions". Indications: All wind-cold attacks This entry is reviewed by Yang Minghui, chief physician of the First Medical Center of the General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army One piece of aconite (8 qian in height, raw, peeled and cut into four sections, one large piece of natural ginger juice Grind the above into fine powder. Take 2 qian each time, mixed with Lacha tea, and take two doses after meals. All wind-cold attacks the yang meridians, unbearable hemiplegic headaches, and yang deficiency headaches that are continuous and unhealed. The aconite in this prescription has the effects of restoring yang, rescuing adverse conditions, replenishing fire and assisting yang, and dispersing cold and removing dampness. Liangjiang has Avoid hot food when there is little.
Prescriptions Shuoningsan Shuoningsan is the name of a Chinese medicine prescription. It comes from Volume 28 of "Miscellaneous Diseases Origin and Flow of Xizhu". It has the function of nourishing and supporting This entry was provided by Zhao Jinxi, Chief Physician of Dongzhimen Hospital of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Audit sampling Astragalus, honeysuckle, angelica, angelica root, forsythia, saposhnikovia, licorice. (The original prescription does not have the dosage) Boiled in water for internal use. Hemorrhoids and carbuncle. Tonify and expel toxins. Astragalus and honeysuckle clear heat and cool blood, expel toxins and discharge pus. Both are the main drugs, and treat qi and blood deficiency.
Prescriptions Chuoxinsan Chuoxinsan is a Chinese medicine prescription. It comes from Volume 12 of Gujin Yijian. It has the effects of nourishing yin and blood, and astringing yin. This entry is from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Dongzhimen Hospital Zhao Jinxi Chief Physician Review and Sampling Rehmannia glutinosa 4 qian (12g), Angelica sinensis 4 qian (12g), dried ginger (fried black) 1 qian (3 One dose of the above. Decoction in water. Postpartum blood deficiency fever. 1. Prescriptions and Theory Selection "Medical Notes Classified Compilation": "This is to use the bitter and warm nature of dried ginger as a secondary treatment, to collect its clean and disperse it Nourishing yin and blood, consolidating yin and removing heat. Postpartum blood deficiency and yin deficiency, yang has no place to rely on, floating outside and fever. Use Rehmannia glutinosa and Angelica sinensis to nourish yin Add Scrophularia ningpoensis 3g for five-heart upset and fever, add Ophiopogon japonicus and Radix Rehmanniae if there is internal deficiency heat.
Prescriptions Cao Guo Ping Wei San Cao Guo Ping Wei San, the name of a Chinese medicine prescription. From Volume 100 of "Yi Fang Lei Ju" citing "Yi Fang Da Cheng" This entry was reviewed by Su Huiping, chief physician of Dongzhimen Hospital of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. Cao Atractylodes (peeled, soaked in rice juice for two days) 5 liang, Magnolia officinalis (peeled, ginger, fried), tangerine peel One cup of water, three slices of ginger, one jujube, decocted, or taken with salt soup. 1. "Yi Fang Lei Ju" quoted "Yi Fang Da Cheng": spleen and stomach are not harmonious, and they cannot eat. 2. "Yi 1. "Ming Fang Lei Zheng Yi Shu Da Quan Fang Shu 03": "Dui Jin Yin Zi, treat cold and heat malaria 1. "Yi Fang Lei Ju" quoted "Yi Fang Da Cheng": warm the stomach and eliminate phlegm, and remove mountain mist and miasma. 2. "Medical Introduction": regulate the spleen and stomach. Atractylodes lancea dries dampness and strengthens the spleen; Magnolia officinalis dries dampness and eliminates phlegm; Tangerine peel regulates qi and strengthens the spleen, dries dampness and eliminates phlegm; Licorice harmonizes Formula The dosage of Chinese cardamom fruit is missing.
Prescriptions Changfu Powder Changfu Powder is the name of a Chinese medicine prescription. It comes from Volume 6 of "Youke Shimizu". It has the effect of opening up the orifices and benefiting the kidneys This entry is from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Dongzhimen Hospital Su Huiping Chief Physician Review Acorus Aconite (fried) and Acorus calamus are divided equally Grind into powder. Wrap with cotton and plug the ears. Pain in the ears of children. 1. The original prescription is selected from "Pediatrics Explanation": "Liu Wansu said: The ear is the orifice of the heart and kidney, the liver and gallbladder Open the orifice and benefit the kidney. Aconite belongs to the kidney meridian and has the effect of assisting the fire, detoxifying and relieving pain. The kidney opens the orifice to the ear, and the children's ear Diagnostic points: swelling and pain in the ears, and there is often a buzzing in both ears. Avoid spicy and dry products.
Prescriptions White tooth medicine Shengma powder White tooth medicine Shengma powder, a Chinese medicine prescription. From "Imperial Pharmacy Prescriptions". It has the effects of dispelling wind and relieving pain, eliminating wind and relieving pain. This entry was reviewed by Zhu Zhangzhi, chief physician of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine. Chuanxiong four qian (12g), Shengma one liang (30g), Ligusticum chuanxiong one liang (30g), Grind the above into powder, and mix it with gauze three times. Use a toothbrush to dip a little medicine to brush your teeth, and rinse with warm water. Pain caused by wind toothache and swollen and hard gums that do not disappear. Dispel wind and relieve pain, reduce swelling and resolve knots. This prescription is mainly used to treat wind invading the gums, causing toothache and swollen gums that do not go away. The soap in the prescription is pungent, dispersing, warming and unblocking. 1. Asarum and gypsum are combined into "Erxinsan", which is an effective prescription for treating wind-fire teeth. 2. Gypsum is a soft and smooth abrasive, which works with soap to remove dirt. Soap, burn and preserve.
Prescriptions Busun Danggui Powder Busun Danggui Powder is a Chinese medicine prescription. It comes from Volume 8 of Taiping Huimin Hejijufang. It has the function of activating ... ?? "Ren Zhai Zhi Zhi Fang Lun": "Busun Danggui Powder treats pain caused by falling off a horse or a carriage, wrist injury or arm fracture, activates blood circulation and dredges the collaterals, warms the meridians and relieves pain. In the formula, Ze Lan activates blood circulation and dissolves blood stasis, promotes water circulation and reduces swelling; Fu Zi restores yang and rescues adverse conditions, replenishes fire and helps yang; Dang Gui replenishes blood Patients are in the recovery stage, pain has not stopped, and function has not recovered. Avoid raw onions, pork, cold water, and cabbage.
Prescriptions Daohuansan Daohuansan is the name of a Chinese medicine prescription. It comes from Volume 15 of Xuanming Lunfang. It has the function of activating blood circulation and opening the orifices. This entry was written by Wang Junhong, Chief Physician of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Dongzhimen Hospital Rhubarb (half the amount for urinary obstruction) and Schizonepeta spicata (half the amount for defecation obstruction) are divided equally. Grind the above medicines into powder. Take one or two coins each time, and mix with warm water. Long-term and new urinary obstruction, acute pain in the lower abdomen, and swelling and pain in the anus. Activate blood circulation and open the orifices. Use the light and clear Schizonepeta to raise the yang; use the heavy and turbid rhubarb to lower the yin; after the clear yang comes out Rhubarb is mainly used to lower, and Schizonepeta spicata is mainly used to raise. The two medicines are matched and used together, one to raise and the other to lower, and they control each other. /td> Clinically used for prostate cancer, acute pain in the lower abdomen, and swelling and pain in the anus. Add duckweed and dead worms to treat swelling and pain in the head and face; add late silkworm feces and wax gourd seeds to treat anal abscesses; add saposhnikovia to treat wind-heat vertigo; add saposhnikovia and Chuanxiong to treat dizziness in the head.

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