
  Earthquakes are one of the most frequent and most serious natural disasters in the world, and are a major global problem facing the survival and development of mankind today. Earthquake disasters have the following prominent characteristics:

  • Great destructiveness. Earthquakes can cause damage to mountains, ground and its attachments (such as vegetation and buildings), and are often accompanied by secondary disasters such as tsunamis, fires, landslides, and floods, which will cause a large number of casualties and property losses. They will also bring new disasters to modern social economy and technology, such as communication accidents and computer accidents.
  • Instantaneousness and unpredictability. Earthquakes occur in an instant, and the duration of earthquake action is very short, with a minimum of more than ten seconds and a maximum of two or three minutes causing landslides and collapse of houses. People cannot organize effective defense actions in a short time. At present and for a long time to come, the level of science and technology is still unable to predict the arrival of earthquakes.
  • Frequency. There are about 5 million earthquakes on the earth every year, that is, tens of thousands of earthquakes every day. Most of them are too small or too far away for people to feel. There are about a dozen or twenty earthquakes that can really cause serious harm to humans, and there are about one or two earthquakes that can cause particularly serious disasters.

  Earthquakes have many impacts on the economy and society. From a macro perspective, on the one hand, sudden natural disasters such as earthquakes will seriously damage the infrastructure and buildings in the affected areas, and may cause a large number of casualties, bringing negative impacts on local economic development; but on the other hand, the damage to buildings caused by natural disasters provides an opportunity for urban buildings to upgrade and seek new development, clearing the contradiction between land redevelopment and durable buildings in urban development, and also providing new impetus for local economic development. From a micro perspective, the huge damage caused by natural disasters will cause local governments to face huge financial pressure in post-disaster rescue and reconstruction in the short term, which may lead to local governments strengthening tax collection and management of enterprises within their jurisdiction to obtain fiscal revenue, which will also have a direct impact on enterprises.

  CnOpenData China Earthquake Information Data includes basic earthquake information table (year, earthquake time, latitude, longitude, depth, magnitude, etc.), surrounding cities, historical earthquakes, seismic phase records, distribution data of seismic stations, etc., which comprehensively and completely covers earthquake-related information summarized by China Earthquake Networks and other organizations, providing high-quality data resources for related research.

Time interval

See each subtable for details

Data scale

See each subtable for details

Field display

Fields of China's historical earthquake catalog information table

China's historical earthquake catalog information table before 1969 China's historical earthquake catalog information table with a magnitude of 5 or above
Time of earthquake (UTC+8) Time
Longitude (°) Longitude
Latitude (°) Latitude
Depth (km) Depth
Magnitude Magnitude (ms)
Intensity Reference location

China Earthquake Networks Earthquake Detailed Information Table Fields

China Earthquake Basic Information Table China Earthquake Surrounding Cities Table China's historical earthquake table - within 1 year of current time China's historical earthquake table - within 1 year of occurrence
Index ID (cid) Index ID (cid) Index ID (cid) Index ID (cid)
Year Year Year< /td> Year
Time of earthquake (UTC+8) Time of earthquake (UTC+8) Time of earthquake (UTC+8) Time of earthquake (UTC+8)
Latitude (°) Latitude (°) Latitude (°) Latitude (°)
Longitude (° ) Longitude (°) Longitude (°) Longitude (°)
Depth (km) Depth (km) Depth (km) Depth (km)
Magnitude (M) Magnitude (M) Magnitude (M) Magnitude (M)
Reference location Reference location Reference location Reference location
Nearby cities-distance (km) Historical earthquake time (UTC+8) Historical earthquake time (UTC+8)
Nearby cities-location Historical latitude (°) Historical latitude (°)
Nearby cities-provinces Historical longitude (°) Historical longitude (°)
Nearby cities-cities Historical depth (km) Historical depth (km)
Nearby cities-regions Historical magnitude (M) Historical magnitude (M)
Nearby cities-latitude (°) Historical location Historical location
Nearby cities-longitude (°)

中 < tr> < td>Arrival time < /tbody>
China Earthquake Networks Seismic Phase Table China Earthquake Networks Seismic Phase Record Detailed Table
Year of Earthquake Year of Earthquake
Time of Earthquake (UTC+8) Time of Earthquake (UTC+8)
Longitude (°) Longitude (°)
Latitude (°) Latitude (°)
Depth (km) Depth (km)
Magnitude Magnitude
Reference location Reference location
Number of seismic phase records Number of seismic phase records
Index ID(uuid) Station
Epicenter distance(°)
Seismic phase
Arrival time deviation
Arrival time magnitude
Period (s)
Amplitude (μm)
Index ID (uuid)

Fields of regional distribution information table of China Seismological Network

Regional distribution information table of China Seismological Network
Station name
Station code
Longitude (°)
Latitude (°)
Network code

Sample data

Catalogue of Chinese historical earthquakes Information table - China's historical earthquake catalog information table before 1969

Earthquake time (UTC+8) Longitude (°) Latitude (°) Depth (km) Magnitude Intensity Accuracy
1969/12/21 23:38:57 76°54" 39°54" 3.3 4 9
18°12" 2.4 5.2 2
1969/12/19 14:51:05 88°12" 31°12" 4 2
1969/12/17 16:00:04 110°36" 18°30" 5.1 3
1969/12/07 121° 54" 23°54" 3 4.7 9
1969/11/28 24:15:70 106°12" 38°06" 4 2
1969/11/24 10:01:08 99°06" 31°00" 4.6 2
1969/11/21 15:38:33 101°00" 36°42" 4.25 4
1969/11/18 52:83:30 77°00" 40°12" 4.5 3
1969/11/16 95°30" 34°42" 4.6 5
1969/11/12 119°24 " 15°30" 3.3 4.4 9
1969/11/06 45:84:00 101°48" 32°42" 5.3 2
1969/11/05 16:09:16 76°06" 36°12" 3.8 4.6 9
1969/11/03 120°24 " 20°24" 2.3 5.1 9
1969/11/02 12:13:12 97°54" 25°24" 4 2
1969/11/01 13:52:20 121°30" 24°12" 4.8 9
1969/11/01 10:38:41 121°00" 23°12" 5.8 5 9
1969/10/30 84:75:80 121°30 " 22°24" 3.6 4.7 9
1969/10/26 122°18" 24°48" 7.8 5.1 9
1969/10/17 101° 18" 38°43" 4 1
1969/10/12 14:14:25 101°12" 20°42" 4.5 3
1969/09/29 25:32:60 73°24" 39°30" 5 3
1969/09/28 17:51:08 75°12" 38°48" 4.9 9
1969/09/27 17:51:08 102°24" 32°30" 4 2
1969/09/26 71:03:70 101°48" 32°30" 5.1 2
1969/09/26 11:01:50 102°00" 32°24" 4 2
1969/09/25 14:29:55 107°12" 38°54" 4 3
1969/09/23 15:50:53 122°12" 40°06" 4.25 3
1969/09/21 35:73:30 105°14" 33°16" 4.5 1
1969/09/20 35:30:90 104°30" 34°20" 4 1
1969/09/19 119°36 " 38°12" 3.2 4 2
1969/09/17 51:93:10 75°00" 39°42" 6.2 4.8 9
1969/09/15 22:46:23 74°48 " 39°42" 3.8 5.5 9
1969/09/14 22:46:23 74°48" 39°42" 4.3 5.5 VII 9
1969/09/12 55:73:20 125 °00" 35°30" 4.25 2
1969/09/05 19:42:13 121°48" 22°54" 5.8 3
1969/09/05 21:24:19 99°42" 30°24" 4 2
1969/08/28 11:58:36 73°30" 39°00" 0.9 5.6 2
1969/08/28 12:06:27 73°42 " 39°00" 7.3 4.9 9
1969/08/24 16:38:00 87°12" 41°48" 4.25 2
1969/08/16 21:04:17 82°18" 41°24" 4 3
1969/08/15 15:15:38 94°42" 30°18" 4.2 9
1969/08/12 85:34:50 83°00" 32°18" 3.9 4.5 9

China's Historical Earthquake Catalog Information Table - China's Historical Earthquake Catalog Information Table of Magnitude 5 and Above

Time Longitude Latitude Depth Magnitude (ms) Reference Location
2018-10-31 16:29:55 102.08 27.7 19000 5.1 Xichang City, Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan
2018-11-04 05:36:19 77.63 40.24 22000 5.1 Atushi City, Kizilsuzhou, Xinjiang
2018-11-26 07:57:24 118.6 23.28 20000 6.2 Taiwan Strait
2018-12-16 05:21:05 121.8 23.71 26000 5.2 Southeastern waters of Hualien, Taiwan
2018-12-16 12:46:07 104.95 28.24 12000 5.7 Xingwen County, Yibin City, Sichuan Province
2018-12-20 19:08:08 74.75 39.08 10000 5.2 Akto County, Kizilsuzhou, Xinjiang
2018-12-24 03:32:21 87.64 30.32 8000 5.8 Xietongmen County, Shigatse City, Tibet
2019-01-03 08:48:06 104.86 28.2 15000 5.3 Gong County, Yibin City, Sichuan
2019-01-12 12:32:02 75.59 39.57 10000 5.1 Shufu County, Kashgar Prefecture, Xinjiang
2019-01-20 22:28:33 87.77 30.09 10000 5 Xietongmen County, Shigatse City, Tibet
2019-01-24 16:34:54 120.71 19.5 10000 5 Southeast of Dongsha Islands in the South China Sea
2019-01-30 13:21:34 122.43 23.77 20000 5.2 Southeast of Hualien, Taiwan
2019-02-02 05:54:41 83.34 46.73 16000 5.2 Tacheng City, Tacheng District, Xinjiang
2019-02-16 18:01:30 125.05 25.2 10000 5 Near Taiwan Chiwei Island
2019-03-03 03:46:19 120.4 18.62 10000 5.5 Southeast of Dongsha Islands in the South China Sea
2019-03-08 10:32:14 121.34 22.46 11000 5.3 Southeastern Taiwan
2019-03-28 05:36:31 90.89 38.28 9000 5 Qinghai Haixi Prefecture Mangya Administrative Committee
2019-04-03 09:52:56 120.87 22.95 12000 5.7 Taiwan Province Taitung County
2019-04-04 09:56:56 120.85 22.95 10000 5.3 Taitung County, Taiwan Province
2019-04-09 23:13:22 121.61 23.96 10000 5 Sea area near Hualien, Taiwan
2019-04-18 13:01:05 121.65 24.02 24000 6.7 Sea near Hualien, Taiwan
2019-04-24 04:15:48 94.61 28.4 10000 6.3 Medog County, Nyingchi City, Tibet
2019-05-18 06:24:48 124.75 45.3 10000 5.1 Ningjiang District, Songyuan City, Jilin
2019-06-04 17:46:16 121.75 22.82 9000 5.8 Northeastern waters of Taitung, Taiwan
2019-06-17 22:55:43 104.9 28.34 16000 6 Changning County, Yibin City, Sichuan Province
2019-06-17 23:36:01 104.77 28.43 16000 5.1 Gong County, Yibin City, Sichuan Province
2019-06-18 07:34:33 104.89 28.37 17000 5.3 Changning County, Yibin City, Sichuan Province
2019-06-22 22:29:56 104.77 28.43 10000 5.4 Gong County, Yibin City, Sichuan Province
2019-07-04 10:17:58 104.74 28.41 8000 5.6 Gong County, Yibin City, Sichuan Province
2019-07-12 05:21:57 122.81 23.9 7000 5.1 East China Sea, Hualien, Taiwan
2019-07-13 08:57:41 128.26 29.15 230000 6 East China Sea (west of Ryukyu Islands)
2019-07-19 17:22:14 92.89 27.67 10000 5.6 Tsona County, Shannan City, Tibet
2019-07-23 04:46:58 124.36 25.08 130000 5 Waters near Taiwan's Diaoyu Islands
2019-07-27 04:16:58 121.78 20.83 20000 5.3 Waters near the Philippine Batanes Islands (Bashi Channel)
2019-07-27 07:37:59 121.96 20.8 10000 5.9 Waters near the Philippine Batanes (Bashi Channel)
2019-07-27 09:24:42 121.88 20.74 10000 5.5 Waters near the Philippine Batanes (Bashi Channel)
2019-07-27 18:11:32 121.87 20.98 4000 5 Waters near the Philippine Batanes (Bashi Channel)
2019-08-08 05:28:02 121.96 24.52 30000 6.4 Waters near Yilan, Taiwan
2019-08-18 12:05:14 121.57 23.74 6000 5 Southeastern waters of Hualien, Taiwan
2019-09-05 21:58:35 116.16 14.77 20000 5.2 South China Sea (Zhongsha Islands)
2019-09-08 06:42:13 104.79 29.55 10000 5.4 Weiyuan County, Neijiang City, Sichuan Province
2019-09-16 20:48:39 100.35 38.6 11000 5 Ganzhou District, Zhangye City, Gansu Province
2019-10-06 04:18:18 128.16 28.01 16000 5.1 East China Sea (West of Ryukyu Islands)
2019-10-06 04:32:25 127.96 27.96 42000 5 East China Sea (West of Ryukyu Islands)
2019-10-12 22:55:24 110.51 22.18 10000 5.2 Beiliu City, Yulin City, Guangxi
2019-10-12 22:55:26 110.52 22.16 10000 5.1 Beiliu City, Yulin City, Guangxi
2019-10-17 19:44:31 122.58 24.02 16000 5.1 East China Sea of Hualien, Taiwan
2019-10-27 13:29:45 78.82 41.21 11000 5 Wushi County, Aksu Prefecture, Xinjiang
2019-10-28 01:56:48 102.69 35.1 10000 5.7 Xiahe County, Gannan Prefecture, Gansu Province
2019-11-25 09:18:19 106.65 22.89 10000 5.2 Guangxi Baise City Jingxi City

China Earthquake Networks Earthquake Detailed Information Table - China Earthquake Basic Information Table

Index ID (cid) Year Earthquake Time (UTC+8) Latitude (°) Longitude (°) Depth (km) Magnitude (M) Reference Location
CD20211031235152.00 2021 2021-10-31 23:51:52 39.60 118.13 5 2.3 河北唐山市路南区
CC20211030191142.00 2021 2021-10-30 19:11:41 -7.55 125.55 10 5.0 班达海
CC20211030160517.00 2021 2021-10-30 16:05:17 -19.55 -177.25 380 5.3 斐济群岛
CC20211030035526.00 2021 2021-10-30 03:55:26 -15.25 -74.20 50 5.2 秘鲁
CC20211030034225.00 2021 2021-10-30 03:42:25 -29.60 -175.75 10 5.5 新西兰克马德克群岛
CC20211030003714.00 2021 2021-10-30 00:37:14 36.13 77.72 7 3.1 新疆喀什地区叶城县
CD20211027014702.00 2021 2021-10-27 01:47:01 42.34 83.88 9 4.7 新疆阿克苏地区库车市
CC20211026134843.00 2021 2021-10-26 13:48:43 -58.30 -14.95 10 5.6 南桑威奇群岛
CD20211026113034.00 2021 2021-10-26 11:30:33 33.36 92.12 10 3.1 青海海西州唐古拉地区
CC20211026060508.00 2021 2021-10-26 06:05:08 -3.25 140.90 10 5.2 印尼巴布亚省
CC20211024131135.00 2021 2021-10-24 13:11:34 24.55 121.80 60 6.3 台湾宜兰县
CD20211023182454.00 2021 2021-10-23 18:24:54 38.15 93.79 10 3.0 青海海西州茫崖市
CD20211023111604.00 2021 2021-10-23 11:16:03 24.09 121.69 10 4.9 台湾花莲县海域
CD20211022171916.00 2021 2021-10-22 17:19:16 25.73 100.00 8 3.4 云南大理州漾濞县
CC20211021163645.00 2021 2021-10-21 16:36:45 32.00 138.60 350 5.6 日本本州东南海域
CC20211021161043.00 2021 2021-10-21 16:10:43 -25.25 -179.68 500 5.8 斐济群岛以南海域
CD20211021081223.00 2021 2021-10-21 08:12:22 43.77 84.15 11 4.2 新疆伊犁州尼勒克县
CD20211020044634.00 2021 2021-10-20 04:46:33 46.55 90.07 15 3.0 新疆阿勒泰地区青河县
CC20211019133233.00 2021 2021-10-19 13:32:32 34.65 28.25 40 5.9 地中海
CC20211018183217.00 2021 2021-10-18 18:32:16 28.54 87.41 10 3.8 西藏日喀则市定日县
CC20211018152653.00 2021 2021-10-18 15:26:53 -13.65 166.95 100 6.1 瓦努阿图群岛
CD20211018134918.00 2021 2021-10-18 13:49:17 24.22 121.76 31 4.3 台湾花莲县海域
CD20211018102057.00 2021 2021-10-18 10:20:56 29.26 103.99 8 3.2 四川乐山市犍为县
CD20211018084115.00 2021 2021-10-18 08:41:14 29.25 103.93 10 3.1 四川乐山市犍为县
CC20211018083700.00 2021 2021-10-18 08:37:00 29.26 103.96 10 4.3 四川乐山市犍为县
CC20211018055951.00 2021 2021-10-18 05:59:51 28.65 138.30 520 5.1 日本小笠原群岛地区
CD20211017054210.00 2021 2021-10-17 05:42:09 41.25 83.76 11 3.4 新疆阿克苏地区库车市
CD20211015183539.00 2021 2021-10-15 18:35:39 28.64 87.43 10 3.0 西藏日喀则市定日县
CC20211015104458.00 2021 2021-10-15 10:44:58 -8.93 158.51 10 6.3 所罗门群岛
CD20211015051004.00 2021 2021-10-15 05:10:03 44.20 120.24 10 4.7 内蒙古赤峰市阿鲁科尔沁旗
CD20211015005253.00 2021 2021-10-15 00:52:52 36.71 77.01 93 3.0 新疆喀什地区叶城县
CC20211014231629.00 2021 2021-10-14 23:16:28 1.19 126.15 10 5.4 印尼马鲁古海北部
CD20211014174959.00 2021 2021-10-14 17:49:59 39.66 92.42 8 3.9 新疆巴音郭楞州若羌县
CC20211014135158.00 2021 2021-10-14 13:51:57 -15.05 167.30 120 5.3 瓦努阿图群岛
CD20211014080421.00 2021 2021-10-14 08:04:20 33.67 91.86 10 4.1 青海海西州唐古拉地区
CC20211014050643.00 2021 2021-10-14 05:06:43 29.68 106.30 10 3.2 重庆沙坪坝区
CD20211014010956.00 2021 2021-10-14 01:09:55 41.96 83.92 12 3.1 新疆阿克苏地区库车市
CC20211013155532.00 2021 2021-10-13 15:55:31 -50.39 -72.46 10 5.5 阿根廷
CD20211013140243.00 2021 2021-10-13 14:02:42 41.91 83.40 21 4.1 新疆阿克苏地区库车市
CD20211013042418.00 2021 2021-10-13 04:24:17 30.31 94.78 10 3.0 西藏林芝市波密县
CD20211013010130.00 2021 2021-10-13 01:01:30 39.76 118.44 11 2.0 河北唐山市古冶区
CD20211012184837.00 2021 2021-10-12 18:48:36 41.17 83.49 10 3.6 新疆阿克苏地区库车市
CD20211012183718.00 2021 2021-10-12 18:37:17 40.53 123.06 5 3.2 辽宁鞍山市岫岩县
CC20211012173138.00 2021 2021-10-12 17:31:38 43.39 86.95 13 3.0 新疆乌鲁木齐市乌鲁木齐县
CC20211012172405.00 2021 2021-10-12 17:24:05 34.95 26.35 30 6.3 希腊克里特岛附近海域
CD20211012083150.00 2021 2021-10-12 08:31:50 30.34 94.83 10 3.7 西藏林芝市波密县
CC20211012071000.00 2021 2021-10-12 07:10:00 48.20 154.17 10 5.6 千岛群岛
CD20211012065129.00 2021 2021-10-12 06:51:28 39.75 118.42 13 2.3 河北唐山市古冶区
CD20211011234005.00 2021 2021-10-11 23:40:04 40.18 75.96 9 3.0 新疆克孜勒苏州阿图什市
CC20211011203436.00 2021 2021-10-11 20:34:36 0.84 126.16 30 5.4 印尼马鲁古海

Regional distribution information table of China Seismic Network

< td>LUB < td>Long Island < tr> < td>Qumalai < td>101.4GAZ 104.5 < td>SC2580 < td>BBVS-60 td>
Province Station name Station code Longitude (°) Latitude (°) Elevation Type Instrument and equipment Network code
Tianjin Qinghe QHE 90.7 46.4 1321 BBVS-60 EDAS-24IP XJ
day Jin Shajingzi SJZ 117.3 38.6 -248< /td> BBVS-60DBH EDAS-24GN TJ
Liaoning gushan GUS 123.5 39.9 80 BBVS-6 0 EDAS-24IP LN
Inner Mongolia Lubei 120.8 44.5 303 BBVS-60 EDAS-24IP NM
Inner Mongolia Mordauga MDG 120.7 51.2 721 BBVS-60 EDAS-24IP NM
Guangxi Nanning NNS 108.1 22.8 367 CMG-3ESPC EDAS-24IP GX
Shandong Chengwu CHW 115.8 34.9 63 FSS-3DBH(2s) EDAS-24IP SD
Hebei Cixian CXT 114 36.4 320 CMG-3ESPC-60 CMG-DM24 HE
Qinghai Xining CAY 99.2 23.1 1262 BBVS-60 ED AS-24IP YN
Xinjiang Shiquanhe SQHE 80 32.5 4403 CTS-1 EDAS-24L X Z
Heilongjiang Nehe NEH 124.5 48 .4 210 CMG-3ESPC EDAS-24IP HL
Inner Mongolia Hailar HLR 119.7 49.2 61 0 BBVS-120 EDAS-24IP NM
Guangdong< /td> Dongguan DOG 113.7 22.8 59 KS-2000(60s) TDE-324CI GD
Shandong CHD 120.7 37.9 51 BBVS-60 EDAS-24IP SD
Guangdong Longtankou LTK 114.6 23.6 103 CMG-3ESPC TDE-324CI GD
Jiangsu Liuhe LH 118.9 32.5 104 CMG-3ESPC CMG-DM24 JS
Shaanxi Huayin HUYT 110.1 34.5 800 BBVS-60 EDAS-24IP SN
Shandong Longkou LOK 120.5 37.5 168 BBVS-60 EDAS-24IP SD
Gansu Qingtoushan QTS 97.7 39.7 2572 BBVS- 60 EDAS-24IP GS
Anhui Foziling FZL 116.2 31.3 90 BBVS-60 EDAS -24IP AH
Shaanxi Lintong LINT 109.2 34.3 920 BBVS-60 EDAS-24IP SN
Liaoning Shenyang SNY 123.5 41.8 54 JCZ-1 EDAS-24IP LN
Sichuan Chengdu CD2 103.7 30.9 653 JCZ-1T EDAS-24IP SC
Shaanxi Zhou Zhi ZOZT 108.3 34 610 BBVS-60 EDAS-24IP SN
Qinghai Yushu YUS 97 33 3767 CTS-1EF EDAS-24GN QH
Heilongjiang Jiayin JIY 129.8 49 150 BBVS-60 EDAS-24IP HL
Shandong Dezhou DZH 116.3 37.4 35 FSS-3DBH(2s) EDAS-24IP SD
Heilongjiang Life extension YAS 128.4 45.3 260 BBVS-60 EDAS-24IP HL
Qinghai QML 95.8 34.1 4325 BBV S-60 EDAS-24IP QH
Inner Mongolia Baotou BTO 109.8 40.7 1305 BBVS-120 EDAS-24GN NM
Qinghai Menyuan MEY 37.4 2978 BBVS-60 EDAS-24IP QH
Guangdong Danggan Island DGD 114.3 22 31 KS-2000(60s) TDE-324CI GD
Ningxia Tongxin TXN 106.2 37.3 2553 BBVS-60 EDAS-24IP NX
days Tianjin Wang Kuang WAK 116.8 38.7 -247 FSS-3DBH (2S) EDAS-24GN TJ
Hubei Macheng Terrace MCH 115.1 31.1 95 CT S-1 EDAS-24L HB
Tianjin Gao Yazi 88.5 43.5 1820 BBVS-60 EDAS-24GN XJ
Sichuan Junlian JLI 28.1 480 CMG-3ESPC EDAS-24IP
Guangdong Zhongshan ZHS 113.3 22.4 50 KS-2000(60s) EDAS-24IP GD
Tianjin Tianchi TCH 88 43.8 CMG-3ESPC EDAS-24IP XJ
Shanxi Lingchuan LIC 113.2 35.6 1190 EDAS-24IP SX
Heilongjiang Tahe TAH 124.6 52.3 460 KS-2000(120s) EDAS-24IP HL
Tianjin Dongtai DOT 117.3 38.8 -273 FSS-3DBH (2S) EDAS-24IP TJ
Beijing Four Towers SZL 117.2 40.3 1063.46 BBVS-60 EDAS-2 4GN BU
Tianjin Yuepu Lake YPH 76 .7 39.2 1189 FSS-3DBH(2s) EDAS-24IP XJ
Tibet LUQ LUQ 102.4 25.5 1777 KS2000-60 EDAS-24IP YN
Guangdong Zhanjiang ZHJ 110.3 21.3 8 BBVS-60 EDAS-24GN GD
Weifang WEF 119.1 36.7 55 FSS-3DBH(2s) EDAS-24IP SD
Shanghai Daxin Middle School DAX 121.5 31.5 -375 FSS-3DBH( 2s) TDE-324CI SH
Yunnan Zhoushan ZHS 122.1 30 40 BBVS-60 EDAS-24IP ZJ


  • Yu Yewen, Gong Yaxian, Chen Binkai, et al., 2022: "Family Asset Selection under the Dual Risk Constraints of Property and Life - A Study Based on Earthquake Risk", "China Industrial Economy", Issue 5.

Data Update Frequency

Annual Update
