
  China Energy Statistical Yearbook is an authoritative reference book that comprehensively reflects China's energy construction, production, consumption, and supply and demand balance. It has been edited by the Industrial and Transportation Statistics Department of the National Bureau of Statistics since 1986. Since the 2008 edition, it has been edited by the Energy Statistics Department of the National Bureau of Statistics and published by China Statistics Press for public distribution at home and abroad. Most of the data in this yearbook comes from the annual statistical reports of the National Bureau of Statistics and China Statistical Yearbook.

  **The yearbook is divided into 7 chapters: 1. Comprehensive; 2. Energy construction; 3. Energy production; 4. Energy consumption; 5. National energy balance; 6. Regional energy balance; 7. Energy data of Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions; the appendix contains energy data of Taiwan and related countries and regions, explanations of major statistical indicators, and reference coefficients for various energy conversions into standard coal. **Among them, regional energy balances are divided into single-item energy balances and comprehensive energy balances. Before compiling a comprehensive energy balance, it is necessary to first compile a single energy balance expressed in physical units, such as a coal balance, a coke balance, and an electricity balance. Then, based on the calorific value of each energy source, it is converted into the amount of standard coal to compile a national and regional comprehensive energy balance. The regional balance is in the form of a matrix of rows and columns. The items in the "rows" represent the direction of energy flow, including the form of energy resources and the direction of use, and the columns in the "columns" represent the types of energy, including various primary and secondary energy sources, such as coal and various coal products, petroleum and various petroleum products, natural gas, and electricity. This matrix-based balance can organically combine the single balance items of various energy sources to form a comprehensive balance that can more completely reflect the production, import and export, storage, processing, conversion, and consumption of various energy sources.

  CnOpenData has launched regional energy balance data for the China Energy Yearbook, covering 30 provinces including Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Shanghai, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang since 1997, including more than 30 indicators such as total coal, coal products, coke, blast furnace gas, solvent oil, petroleum coke, and natural gas, to help related research.

Data Description

  • Regional Coverage: National statistics do not include the Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions and Taiwan Province. The energy balance accounting scope does not include non-commodity energy, and the energy balance data for the Tibet Autonomous Region is temporarily unavailable.
  • Symbol Usage: "Space" in each table of the yearbook indicates that the statistical indicator data is less than the minimum digit of this table, the data is unknown, or there is no data for this item; "#" indicates the main item. The industry classification adopts the latest industry classification standard of the 2017 edition.

Time interval

By release date: 1998-2022

Field display

Data field table of regional energy balance table in China Energy Yearbook (1997-2018) Data field table of regional energy balance table in China Energy Yearbook (2004) Data field table of regional energy balance table in China Energy Yearbook (2 019) China Energy Yearbook Regional Energy Balance Data Field Table (2012/2020/2021)
Region Region Region Region
Year Year Year
Item Item Project Project Project
Project (English) Project (English) Project (English) Project (English)
Coal Total (10,000 tons)Coal Total (104 tons) Coal Total (10,000 tons)Coal Total (104 tons) Coal Total (10,000 tons)Coal Total (104 tons)
Raw Coal (10,000 tons) Raw Coal (10,000 tons) Coal(104 tons) Raw Coal(10,000 tons) Raw Coal(10,000 tons)
Washed Coal(10,000 tons) Washed Coal(10,000 tons) Washed Coal(10,000 tons) Washed Coal(10,000 tons) Washed Coal(10,000 tons)
Other Washed Coal(10,000 tons) Other Washed Coal(10,000 tons) Other Washed Coal(10,000 tons) Other Washed Coal(10,000 tons) tons) Other washed coal (10,000 tons) Washed (104 tons)
Coal briquettes (10,000 tons) Briquettes (104 tons) Coal briquettes (10,000 tons) Briquettes (104 tons) Coal products (10,000 tons) Briquettes (104 tons) Coal briquettes (10,000 tons) Briquettes (104 tons)
Gangue (10,000 tons) Gangue (104 tons) Coke (10,000 tons) Coke (104 tons) Gangue (10,000 tons) Gangue (104 tons) Coal products (10,000 tons) Briquettes (104 tons) tons)
Coke (10,000 tons) Coke (104 tons) Coke oven gas (100 million cubic meters) Coke Oven (108 cu.m) Coke (10,000 tons) Coke (104 tons) Gangue (10,000 tons) Gangue (104 tons)
Coke oven gas (100 million cubic meters) Coke Oven (108 cu.m) Other gas (100 million cubic meters) Other Gas (108 cu.m) Coke oven gas (100 million cubic meters) Coke Oven (108 cu.m) Coke (10,000 tons) Coke (104 tons)
Blast Furnace Gas (100 million cubic meters) Blast Furnace (108 cu.m) Other coking products (10,000 tons) Coking (104 tons) Blast Furnace Gas (100 million cubic meters) Blast Furnace (108 cu.m) Coke Oven Gas (100 million cubic meters) Coke Oven (108 cu.m)
Converter Gas (100 million cubic meters) Converter (10⁸ cu.m) Oil Products (10,000 tons) Products (104 tons) Converter Gas (100 million cubic meters) Converter (10⁸ cu.m) Blast Furnace Gas (108 cu.m)
Other Gas (108 cu.m) Crude Oil (104 tons) Other Gas (108 cu.m) Converter Gas (10⁸ cu.m)
Other Coking Products (10,000 tons) Gasoline (104 tons) Other Coking Products (10,000 tons)Other Gas (108 cu.m)
Oil Products (10,000 tons) Products (104 tons) Kerosene (104 tons) Oil Products (10,000 tons) Products (104 tons) Other Coking Products (10,000 tons) Coking (104 tons)
Crude Oil (10,000 tons) Diesel Oil (10,000 tons) Crude Oil (10,000 tons) Oil Products (10,000 tons) Products (104 tons) tons)
Gasoline (104 tons) Fuel Oil (104 tons) Gasoline (104 tons) Crude Oil (104 tons)
Kerosene (104 tons) LPG (104 tons) Kerosene (104 tons) Gasoline (104 tons)
Diesel Oil (104 tons) tons) Refinery (104 tons) Diesel (104 tons) Kerosene (104 tons)
Fuel Oil (104 tons) Natural Gas (108 cu.m) Fuel Oil (104 tons) Diesel (104 tons)
Naphtha (104 tons) Other Petroleum Products (10⁴ tons) Naphtha (104 tons) Fuel Oil (104 tons)
Lubricants (104 tons) Other coking products (104 tons) Lubricants (104 tons) Naphtha (104 tons)
Petroleum (104 tons) Heat (1010 kJ) Petroleum (104 tons) tons) Lubricants (104 tons)
Solvent oil (10,000 tons) White Spirit (104 tons) Electricity (108 kW·h) Solvent oil (10,000 tons) White Spirit (104 tons) Paraffin (10,000 tons) Petroleum (104 tons)
Petroleum asphalt (10,000 tons) Bitumen (104 tons) Other energy (10,000 tons of standard coal) OtherEnergy (104 tce) Petroleum asphalt (10,000 tons) Bitumen (104 tons) Solvent oil (10,000 tons) White Spirit (104 tons)
Petroleum (104 tons) Petroleum (104 tons) Bitumen (104 tons)
Liquefied petroleum gas (10,000 tons)LPG (104 tons) Liquefied petroleum gas (10,000 tons)LPG (104 tons) Petroleum (104 tons)
Refinery dry gas (10,000 tons)Refinery (104 tons) Refinery dry gas (10,000 tons)Refinery (104 tons) tons) Liquefied petroleum gas (10,000 tons) LPG (104 tons)
Other petroleum products (10,000 tons) Other Petroleum Products (10⁴ tons) Other petroleum products (10,000 tons) Other Petroleum Products (10⁴ tons) Refinery dry gas (10,000 tons) Refinery (104 tons)
Natural Gas (108 cu.m) Natural Gas (108 cu.m) Other petroleum products (10,000 tons) Other Petroleum Products (10⁴ tons) tons)
Liquefied natural gas (10,000 tons)LNG(104 tons) Liquefied natural gas (10,000 tons)LNG(104 tons) Natural Gas (108 cu.m)
Heat (10,000 million kilojoules)Heat (1010 kJ) Heat (10,000 million kilojoules)Heat (1010 kJ) Liquefied natural gas (10,000 tons)LNG(104 tons)
Electricity (108 billion kWh) kW·h) Electricity (108 kW·h) Heat (1010 kJ)
Other Energy (10,000 tons of standard coal)OtherEnergy (104 tce) Other Energy (10,000 tons of standard coal)OtherEnergy (104 tce) Electricity (108 kW·h)
Other Energy (10,000 tons of standard coal)OtherEnergy (104 tce)

Note: 2004 and 2012 are listed separately and are not included in the 1997-2018 fields.

Sample data

Region Year Project Project (English) Coal Total (10,000 tons) Raw Coal (10,000 tons) Cleaned (10,000 tons) Other washed coal (10,000 tons) Briquettes (104 tons) Coal products (10,000 tons) Gangue (10,000 tons) Coke (10,000 tons) tons) Coke Oven Gas (108 cu.m) Blast Furnace Gas (108 cu.m) Converter Gas (10⁸ cu.m) Other Gas (108 cu.m) Other Coking Products (104 tons) Oil Products (104 tons) Crude Oil (104 tons) Gasoline (104 tons) Kerosene (104 tons) Diesel Oil (104 tons) tons) Fuel Oil (104 tons) Naphtha (104 tons) Lubricants (104 tons) Petroleum (104 tons) White Spirit (104 tons) Bitumen (104 tons) Petroleum (104 tons) LPG (104 tons) Refinery (104 tons) Other Petroleum Products (10⁴ tons) Natural Gas (108 million cubic meters) cu.m) Liquefied natural gas (10,000 tons)LNG(104 tons) Heat(1010 kJ) Electricity(108 kW·h) Other energy(10,000 tons of standard coal)OtherEnergy(104 tce)
安徽 2020 一.可供本地区消费的能源量 Total Primary Energy Supply 16885.64 18496.99 -367.44 -1292.34 48.43 86.05 92.42 -66.91 1564.53 711.03 433.54 -35.18 465.44 6.58 -16.16 1.27 0.2 0.34 1.05 -11.44 -3.26 11.11 66.57 3.5 -128.35 447.92
安徽 2020 1.一次能源生产量 Indigenous Production 11084.44 11084.44 2.24 253.13 447.92
安徽 2020 2.回收能 Recovery of Energy 10398.99 7947.53 2199.05 194.86 57.55 84.01 989.35 966.12 457.87 0.01 468.96 10.44 1.46 0.18 0.34 2.59 7.87 4.4 12 64.33 425.1
安徽 2020 3.外省(区、市)调入量 Moving In from Other Provinces 708.5 708.5
安徽 2020 4.进口量 Import
安徽 2020 5.境内轮船和飞机在境外的加油量 Domestic Airplanes&Ships Refueling in Abroad 4638.82 604.62 2501.71 1519.35 13.14 895.07 66.91 115.91 27.53 34.34 4.06 3.58 17.2 0.15 3.93 19.32 5.8 0.23 806.58
安徽 2020 6.本省(区、市)调出量(-) Sending Out to Other Provinces(-)
安徽 2020 7.出口量(-) Export(-)
安徽 2020 8.境外轮船和飞机在境内的加油量(-) Oversea Airplanes&Ships Refueling in China(-) 41.03 69.64 -64.78 32.15 4.02 2.04 -1.86 5.81 2.53 3.2 -0.85 0.54 -0.28 1.04 -0.04 0.02 2.39 0.01 -1.86 -0.89 3.73
安徽 2020 9.库存增(-)、减(+)量 Stock Change -12835.32 -14583.82 367.85 1387.94 -7.29 -75.23 1228.35 29.36 265.28 14.42 80.29 1.9 -710.4 256.16 46.83 183.45 13.64 16.16 26.16 70.22 26.53 73.15 -2.29 0.93 14034.67 2555.84 -396.08
安徽 2020 二.加工转换投入(-)产出(+)量 Input(-) & Output(+) of Transformation -9718.09 -9523.86 -186.94 -7.29 -220.2 -6.53 -156.9 -15.75 -0.39 -0.39 -1.79 -8320.2 2555.84 -404.19
安徽 2020 1.火力发电 Thermal Power -728.61 -711.92 -16.69 -19.76 -1.08 -12.09 -0.93 -0.09 -0.09 -0.45 13049.6 -16.95
安徽 2020 2.供热 Heating Supply -638.25 -4266.93 2037.11 1591.57 164.73
安徽 2020 3.洗选煤 Coal Washing -1669.26 -1669.26 1228.35 36.97 80.29
安徽 2020 4.炼焦 Coking -26.34 -26.34 86.27 -710.4 256.16 46.83 183.93 13.64 16.16 26.16 70.34 37.9 145.55
安徽 2020 5.炼油及煤制油 Petroleum Refineries -83.89 -0.12 -11.37 -72.4
安徽 2020 #油品再投入量(-) Petroleum Products Input (-) -54.77 -54.77 0.08 25.06
安徽 2020 6.制气 Gas Works
安徽 2020 #焦炭再投入量(-) Coke Input (-) -0.13 0.93
安徽 2020 7.天然气液化 Natural Gas Liquefaction
安徽 2020 8.煤制品加工 Briquettes 434.27 31.1 9305.27
安徽 2020 三.损失量 Loss 126.82
安徽 2020 四.终端消费量 Total Final Consumption 4051.71 3914.14 95.78 41.79 11.69 1321 29.36 265.28 14.42 13.38 1565.9 0.63 689.7 11.65 648.89 20.22 1.27 0.2 0.35 1.05 14.72 66.96 25.99 84.26 64.27 4.43 14034.67 2300.68 51.84
安徽 2020 1.农、林、牧、渔业 Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Fishery Conservancy 23.96 23.96 102.94 22.89 80.06 37.48
安徽 2020 2.工业 Industry 3981.39 3867.51 95.78 18.11 11.69 1321 29.36 265.28 14.42 13.38 186.12 0.63 2.9 0.23 49.9 3.85 1.27 0.2 0.35 1.05 14.72 0.77 25.99 84.26 28.25 4.43 11424.44 1423.97 51.84
安徽 2020 #用作原料、材料 Non-Energy Use 1058.1 1021.23 36.87 2.44 0.17 6.23 51.75 0.02 0.22 0.02 0.12 0.16 0.79 6.53 0.06 43.83 0.1 0.03
安徽 2020 3.建筑业 Construction 22.56 22.56 104.2 34 68.33 1.88 39.53
安徽 2020 4.交通运输、仓储和邮政业 Transport, Storage and Post 0.12 0.12 664.98 219.81 11.42 419.23 14.5 0.03 3.08 2.48 50.9
安徽 2020 5.批发、零售业和住宿、餐饮业 Wholesale, Retail Trade and Hotel, Restaurants 29.84 19.68 10.16 4.7 544.29 117.57
安徽 2020 6.其他 Others 121.82 105.43 16.39 2.69 223.48
安徽 2020 7.生活消费 Residential Consumption 23.68 23.68 355.99 285 4.83 66.17 25.55 2063.45 407.75
安徽 2020 城镇 Urban 8.08 8.08 233.26 204.4 1.12 27.74 25.55 2063.45 177.05
安徽 2020 乡村 Rural 15.6 15.6 122.74 80.6 3.71 38.43 230.69
安徽 2020 五.平衡差额 Statistical Difference -1.39 -0.98 0.41 -0.18 -0.65 -0.87 -0.23 0.53 0.54 -0.01
安徽 2020 六.消费量合计 Total Final Consumption 16887.03 18497.96 1669.26 299.41 49.08 251.65 1321 36.97 434.27 31.1 13.38 1564 711.03 689.7 11.65 649.37 20.22 1.27 0.2 0.35 1.05 14.72 67.08 37.36 156.66 66.52 4.43 22354.87 2427.5 472.98
北京 2020 一.可供本地区消费的能源量 Total Primary Energy Supply 134.98 106.7 28.28 0.01 1364.32 781.77 215.23 354.82 -47.86 -4.55 65.95 0.99 14.22 3.26 -0.38 -19.14 188.82 19 827.15 705.65 257.43
北京 2020 1.一次能源生产量 Indigenous Production 19.98 21.38 257.43
北京 2020 2.回收能 Recovery of Energy 131.86 103.59 28.28 2781.05 783.03 819.32 304.55 774.31 70.34 0.98 14.45 14.06 188.82 19.01 827.15 689.02
北京 2020 3.外省(区、市)调入量 Moving In from Other Provinces 75.87 75.87
北京 2020 4.进口量 Import 76.9 76.9
北京 2020 5.境内轮船和飞机在境外的加油量 Domestic Airplanes&Ships Refueling in Abroad 21.74 21.74 0.27 1557.55 611.96 83.69 814.61 4.53 6.09 1.43 0.4 34.83 19.98 4.75
北京 2020 6.本省(区、市)调出量(-) Sending Out to Other Provinces(-)
北京 2020 7.出口量(-) Export(-) 26.15 26.15
北京 2020 8.境外轮船和飞机在境内的加油量(-) Oversea Airplanes&Ships Refueling in China(-) 24.86 24.86 0.28 14.21 -1.26 7.87 7.35 -7.56 -0.02 1.7 -0.22 4.69 0.03 1.63 -0.01
北京 2020 9.库存增(-)、减(+)量 Stock Change -59.53 -59.53 -81.18 -779.64 207.83 103.06 160 4.75 -2.02 7.55 -3.25 28.28 63.65 128.61 -119.82 -0.67 19716.8 435.83 -132.76
北京 2020 二.加工转换投入(-)产出(+)量 Input(-) & Output(+) of Transformation -21.72 -21.72 -6.49 -0.16 -5.1 -0.02 -0.24 -0.97 -66.89 -321.86 436.09 -135.96
北京 2020 1.火力发电 Thermal Power -37.82 -37.82 -59.43 -0.25 -0.07 -43.59 -0.43 -6.06 -9.03 -51.74 -0.67 19774.02 -0.25
北京 2020 2.供热 Heating Supply
北京 2020 3.洗选煤 Coal Washing
北京 2020 4.炼焦 Coking 245.34 -779.64 207.83 103.06 160.41 4.82 173.43 7.55 45.44 29.3 81.75 211.39 -18.99
北京 2020 5.炼油及煤制油 Petroleum Refineries -248.22 -175.45 -72.77
北京 2020 #油品再投入量(-) Petroleum Products Input (-) 3.67 -0.57 4.24 22.19
北京 2020 6.制气 Gas Works -16.05 -16.05 -1.2
北京 2020 #焦炭再投入量(-) Coke Input (-)
北京 2020 7.天然气液化 Natural Gas Liquefaction
北京 2020 8.煤制品加工 Briquettes 264.64
北京 2020 三.损失量 Loss 2.12 2.12 7.46 44.15
北京 2020 四.终端消费量 Total Final Consumption 75.45 47.17 28.28 0.01 1280.87 423.06 457.88 112.14 0.2 63.93 0.99 21.77 0.01 27.9 63.51 109.46 61.83 18.33 20601.16 1095.82 125.1
北京 2020 1.农、林、牧、渔业 Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Fishery Conservancy 1.7 1.7 4.01 2.23 1.74 0.04 0.03 16.18 0.06
北京 2020 2.工业 Industry 37.67 37.67 284.14 6.55 0.04 8.57 0.04 63.93 0.99 21.77 0.01 9.25 63.51 109.46 10.77 1.43 4734.59 225.49 7.48
北京 2020 #用作原料、材料 Non-Energy Use 182.53 63.93 0.99 21.77 0.03 2.63 93.16
北京 2020 3.建筑业 Construction 0.01 0.01 22.84 7.07 15.43 0.33 0.36 132.09 24.85 0.3
北京 2020 4.交通运输、仓储和邮政业 Transport, Storage and Post 0.2 0.2 557.36 28.42 457.3 67.36 0.15 4.12 2.81 16.91 661.17 58.57 6.32
北京 2020 5.批发、零售业和住宿、餐饮业 Wholesale, Retail Trade and Hotel, Restaurants 0.02 0.02 0.01 21.5 16 3.66 0.01 1.83 5.5 1333.06 91.21 4.65
北京 2020 6.其他 Others 0.03 0.03 49.79 32.21 0.54 15.38 1.66 26.52 8283.26 399.73 42.47
北京 2020 7.生活消费 Residential Consumption 35.83 7.55 28.28 341.25 330.58 10.67 15.84 5457 279.79 63.83
北京 2020 城镇 Urban 7.55 7.55 336.65 330.58 6.07 14.07 5457 230.7 22.43
北京 2020 乡村 Rural 28.28 28.28 4.6 4.6 1.78 49.1 41.4
北京 2020 五.平衡差额 Statistical Difference 0.14 0.14 -0.3 -57.22 1.52 -0.43
北京 2020 六.消费量合计 Total Final Consumption 134.98 106.7 28.28 0.01 1364.18 781.77 423.06 457.88 112.55 0.27 239.38 0.99 21.77 48.7 28.93 85.86 192.24 189.12 19 20923.03 1140.22 280.05
福建 2020 一.可供本地区消费的能源量 Total Primary Energy Supply 8960.56 8811.35 181.23 -49.72 17.7 654.59 2312.37 2528.74 212.03 -263.38 17.17 -5.1 -51.9 11.43 0.24 2.43 -58.9 16.01 -58.59 -37.81 51.14 7.54 932.26 294.07
福建 2020 1.一次能源生产量 Indigenous Production 658.54 658.54 1085.74 294.07
福建 2020 2.回收能 Recovery of Energy 4411.53 4230.11 181.42 667.04 866.18 396.11 271.12 113.64 28.53 12.36 0.24 2.11 25.48 16.59 9.79 1.5
福建 2020 3.外省(区、市)调入量 Moving In from Other Provinces 5137.34 5137.34 2557.52 2557.52 41.35 7.54
福建 2020 4.进口量 Import
福建 2020 5.境内轮船和飞机在境外的加油量 Domestic Airplanes&Ships Refueling in Abroad 1367.13 1317.62 49.51 1037.66 168.24 264.76 239.44 119.39 81.54 50.62 5.29 58.68 49.7 154.98
福建 2020 6.本省(区、市)调出量(-) Sending Out to Other Provinces(-)
福建 2020 7.出口量(-) Export(-)
福建 2020 8.境外轮船和飞机在境内的加油量(-) Oversea Airplanes&Ships Refueling in China(-) 120.28 102.98 -0.19 -0.21 17.7 -12.45 -73.67 -28.78 -15.84 1.38 -14.51 0.65 1.11 -0.93 0.32 -8.28 -4.18 0.09 -4.7
福建 2020 9.库存增(-)、减(+)量 Stock Change -6959.94 -6865.84 -181.23 72.4 14.73 223.46 3.34 160.9 9.54 7.73 7.39 -251.3 -2525.03 318.87 386.89 387.89 148.77 187.83 122.02 9.43 119.96 123.63 468.44 -12.61 14908.91 1565.31 -232.27
福建 2020 二.加工转换投入(-)产出(+)量 Input(-) & Output(+) of Transformation -5843.9 -5843.9 -0.22 -64.76 -12.44 -40.27 -0.75 -0.09 -10.54 -28.89 -12.09 -4472.26 1565.31 -230
福建 2020 1.火力发电 Thermal Power -747.94 -747.94 -0.4 -14.4 -1.03 -29.3 -0.6 -7.83 -16.68 -4.19 -0.52 15367.52 -2.27
福建 2020 2.供热 Heating Supply -0.6 -73 72.4
福建 2020 3.洗选煤 Coal Washing -272.08 -90.85 -181.23 223.46 3.96 7.39
福建 2020 4.炼焦 Coking -108.26 -2525.03 318.87 386.89 389.24 168.28 187.83 122.02 36.65 119.96 156.71 530.32
福建 2020 5.炼油及煤制油 Petroleum Refineries -73.47 -11.59 -61.88
福建 2020 #油品再投入量(-) Petroleum Products Input (-) -99.02 -99.02 7.73
福建 2020 6.制气 Gas Works
福建 2020 #焦炭再投入量(-) Coke Input (-)
福建 2020 7.天然气液化 Natural Gas Liquefaction 3.6 -11.13 14.73
福建 2020 8.煤制品加工 Briquettes 240.06 23.01 4013.65
福建 2020 三.损失量 Loss 83.84
福建 2020 四.终端消费量 Total Final Consumption 2000.62 1945.51 22.68 32.43 878.05 3.34 160.9 9.54 7.73 7.39 2061.07 3.71 530.9 123.51 405.06 143.67 135.93 11.43 0.24 2.43 63.12 25.44 61.37 123.63 430.63 38.53 7.54 14908.91 2413.73 61.8
福建 2020 1.农、林、牧、渔业 Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Fishery Conservancy 28.3 28.3 71.7 27 0.6 34 6 2.3 1.8 42.62 1.8
福建 2020 2.工业 Industry 1950.3 1895.19 22.68 32.43 878.05 3.34 160.9 9.54 7.73 7.39 868.86 3.71 76.39 0.4 26 25.64 135.93 4.13 0.24 2.43 3.06 25.44 11.23 123.63 430.63 32.23 7.54 14908.91 1458.58 60
福建 2020 #用作原料、材料 Non-Energy Use 72.01 71.37 0.64 0.74 275.33 2.24 2.84 270.25
福建 2020 3.建筑业 Construction 2 2 137.34 39.48 36.8 60.06 1 0.9 38.26
福建 2020 4.交通运输、仓储和邮政业 Transport, Storage and Post 1.02 1.02 767.83 241.63 122.51 283.36 112.03 5 3.3 2.06 42.8
福建 2020 5.批发、零售业和住宿、餐饮业 Wholesale, Retail Trade and Hotel, Restaurants 2.5 2.5 13.18 8.9 4 0.28 0.6 131.54
福建 2020 6.其他 Others 6 6 26.86 22 4.8 0.06 0.3 196.46
福建 2020 7.生活消费 Residential Consumption 10.5 10.5 175.3 115.5 16.1 43.7 2.44 503.47
福建 2020 城镇 Urban 2.05 2.05 96 70 4.5 21.5 2.1 251.47
福建 2020 乡村 Rural 8.45 8.45 79.3 45.5 11.6 22.2 0.34 252
福建 2020 五.平衡差额 Statistical Difference
福建 2020 六.消费量合计 Total Final Consumption 8960.56 8811.35 181.23 22.68 32.43 878.05 3.96 240.06 23.01 7.73 7.39 2312.37 2528.74 530.9 123.51 406.41 163.18 135.93 11.43 0.24 2.43 63.12 52.66 61.37 156.71 492.51 51.14 7.54 19381.17 2497.57 294.07
甘肃 2020 一.可供本地区消费的能源量 Total Primary Energy Supply 7245.45 7186.37 264.19 -256.15 51.04 22.1 65.43 4.65 881.62 1483.92 -241.21 -78.92 -260.98 0.02 1.21 -0.07 -2.9 -0.35 18.92 -8 7.93 -37.95 37.16 -9.61 474.67 34.21
甘肃 2020 1.一次能源生产量 Indigenous Production 3859.01 3859.01 968.74 968.74 3.9 886.4 35.46
甘肃 2020 2.回收能 Recovery of Energy 4799.33 4409.03 326.4 63.9 21.9 63.85 9.73 550.54 524.47 0.86 17.2 8.01 33.27 375.59
甘肃 2020 3.外省(区、市)调入量 Moving In from Other Provinces
甘肃 2020 4.进口量 Import
甘肃 2020 5.境内轮船和飞机在境外的加油量 Domestic Airplanes&Ships Refueling in Abroad 1625.79 1318.33 57.42 250.04 744.47 305.57 78.22 311.41 0.32 2.93 0.43 7.87 37.72 9.15 787.32
甘肃 2020 6.本省(区、市)调出量(-) Sending Out to Other Provinces(-)
甘肃 2020 7.出口量(-) Export(-)
甘肃 2020 8.境外轮船和飞机在境内的加油量(-) Oversea Airplanes&Ships Refueling in China(-) 212.9 236.66 -4.79 -6.11 -12.86 0.2 1.58 -5.08 106.81 -9.29 64.36 -0.7 50.43 0.02 0.35 0.25 0.03 0.08 1.72 -0.13 -0.08 -0.23 -0.01 -0.46 -1.25
甘肃 2020 9.库存增(-)、减(+)量 Stock Change -5760.89 -5817.61 -264.19 305.27 15.64 -19.25 516.84 11.58 124.1 7.85 2.07 27.96 -177.1 -1467.55 450.78 86.52 542.31 2.21 4.24 0.19 2.91 0.37 39.8 15.16 77.81 68.15 -2.59 12.9 17197.44 911.93 -32.57
甘肃 2020 二.加工转换投入(-)产出(+)量 Input(-) & Output(+) of Transformation -3983.7 -3983.7 -23.52 -0.7 -20.72 -0.98 -0.72 -0.17 -0.55 -1067.56 911.93 -31.77
甘肃 2020 1.火力发电 Thermal Power -933.16 -911.4 -8.52 -13.24 -6.35 -0.08 -0.65 -0.16 -9.5 -0.05 -9.45 -0.54 15493.11 -0.8
甘肃 2020 2.供热 Heating Supply -112.13 -744.44 305.57 326.74 10.62
甘肃 2020 3.洗选煤 Coal Washing -723.45 -153.69 -569.76 516.84 12.36 27.96
甘肃 2020 4.炼焦 Coking -164.61 -1467.55 450.78 86.52 542.53 2.21 4.24 0.19 2.91 0.37 39.8 15.16 87.81 70.42
甘肃 2020 5.炼油及煤制油 Petroleum Refineries -2.27 -2.27
甘肃 2020 #油品再投入量(-) Petroleum Products Input (-) -6.44 -0.22 -6.22 2.07
甘肃 2020 6.制气 Gas Works
甘肃 2020 #焦炭再投入量(-) Coke Input (-) -2.05 12.9
甘肃 2020 7.天然气液化 Natural Gas Liquefaction -2.01 -24.16 -6.73 28.88
甘肃 2020 8.煤制品加工 Briquettes 145.47 8.99 2771.89
甘肃 2020 三.损失量 Loss 64.12
甘肃 2020 四.终端消费量 Total Final Consumption 1484.56 1368.76 49.12 66.68 2.85 582.27 11.58 124.1 7.85 2.07 32.61 704.52 16.37 209.57 7.6 281.33 2.23 5.45 0.12 0.01 0.02 18.92 31.8 23.09 77.81 30.2 34.57 3.29 17197.44 1311.58 1.64
甘肃 2020 1.农、林、牧、渔业 Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Fishery Conservancy 36.6 32.1 4.5 39.5 4.4 35.1 51.22
甘肃 2020 2.工业 Industry 1069.77 1019.47 49.12 1.18 2.85 582.27 11.38 124.1 7.85 2.07 32.61 196.43 16.37 1.15 0.1 14.07 2.23 5.45 0.12 0.01 0.02 9.1 31.8 8 77.81 30.2 9.7 3.29 9379.9 961.98 1.64
甘肃 2020 #用作原料、材料 Non-Energy Use 118.14 106.71 10.73 0.7 29.56 15.99 44.21 0.09 0.11 5.45 0.06 0.35 5.66 7.87 24.62 3.23
甘肃 2020 3.建筑业 Construction 14.5 14.5 37.42 12.95 14.65 9.82 90.3 17.02
甘肃 2020 4.交通运输、仓储和邮政业 Transport, Storage and Post 14.3 14.3 247.6 51.8 7.5 188.3 4.85 398 59.9
甘肃 2020 5.批发、零售业和住宿、餐饮业 Wholesale, Retail Trade and Hotel, Restaurants 20.1 20.1 19.11 12.8 4.61 1.7 4.5 930 38.79
甘肃 2020 6.其他 Others 19.1 19.1 64.97 47.37 17.6 7.42 943 67.14
甘肃 2020 7.生活消费 Residential Consumption 310.19 249.19 61 0.2 99.49 79.1 7 13.39 8.1 5456.24 115.53
甘肃 2020 城镇 Urban 40.74 17.24 23.5 0.2 60.58 49.69 1.8 9.09 8.1 5456.24 62.59
甘肃 2020 乡村 Rural 269.45 231.95 37.5 38.91 29.41 5.2 4.3 52.94
甘肃 2020 五.平衡差额 Statistical Difference 10.9
甘肃 2020 六.消费量合计 Total Final Consumption 7245.45 7186.37 569.76 70.59 79.92 32.72 582.27 12.36 145.47 8.99 2.07 32.61 881.62 1483.92 209.57 7.6 281.55 2.23 5.45 0.12 0.01 0.02 18.92 31.8 23.09 87.81 32.47 35.38 3.29 18265 1375.7 34.21
广东 2020 一.可供本地区消费的能源量 Total Primary Energy Supply 16514.14 15496.27 879.53 21.65 116.69 339.07 414.71 2.71 0.46 1.61 -29.78 6192.18 6249.93 300.59 -388.68 -51.05 -73.92 588.52 -6.81 -2.05 -8.03 -139.88 -100.26 310.28 7.24 -493.7 212.58 447.71 -3231.64 3323 963.2
广东 2020 1.一次能源生产量 Indigenous Production 1613.15 1613.15 131.59 1622.79
广东 2020 2.回收能 Recovery of Energy 12937.47 11340.5 1457.31 26.81 112.85 348.35 390.83 2.71 0.46 1.61 812.55 558.56 120.06 126.69 7.24 80.99 1880.19 963.2
广东 2020 3.外省(区、市)调入量 Moving In from Other Provinces 6461.23 6461.23 30.52 8768.69 6391.52 39.56 10.5 105.8 370.93 37.71 2.3 0.94 0.39 88.86 579.17 1141.01 1438.37
广东 2020 4.进口量 Import 80.78 56.63 0.49 23.66
广东 2020 5.境内轮船和飞机在境外的加油量 Domestic Airplanes&Ships Refueling in Abroad 3174.34 2577.31 597.03 29.78 4251.93 1783.51 297.41 60.78 42.29 2.42 8.56 94.21 145.86 184.78 1632.11 988.82 3231.64 0.67
广东 2020 6.本省(区、市)调出量(-) Sending Out to Other Provinces(-) 0.16 0.16 871.4 26.65 304.59 161.57 184.11 97.87 2.98 1.95 0.24 0.05 0.83 90.43 0.13 179.31
广东 2020 7.出口量(-) Export(-) 76.79 14.48 1.87 60.44
广东 2020 8.境外轮船和飞机在境内的加油量(-) Oversea Airplanes&Ships Refueling in China(-) 289.94 271.85 19.25 -5.16 4 -9.28 -6.64 117.13 55.42 46.62 -11.41 3.88 15.71 90.9 0.75 0.02 -0.17 -46.01 -42.43 6.32 -2.47 -1.84
广东 2020 9.库存增(-)、减(+)量 Stock Change -12842.91 -11940.69 -879.53 -22.69 -339.07 596.98 14.53 208.26 17.74 32.99 -596.46 -6211.95 1206.18 668.74 1589.96 359.65 108.3 26.68 2.3 8.66 417.38 152.17 309.21 119.6 646.66 -101 -386.77 31811.19 3603.12 -843.12
广东 2020 二.加工转换投入(-)产出(+)量 Input(-) & Output(+) of Transformation -10919.44 -10816.64 -102.8 -339.07 -4.88 -107.11 -10.34 -63.73 -0.01 -2.36 -18.43 -40.65 -1.62 -0.66 -91.45 -347.13 -4225 3603.12 -813.83
广东 2020 1.火力发电 Thermal Power -950.39 -921.59 -28.8 -0.51 -31.27 -1.53 -238.22 -0.21 -174.43 -54.83 -0.08 -6.52 -2.15 -9.34 -39.64 29880.26 -26.19
广东 2020 2.供热 Heating Supply
广东 2020 3.洗选煤 Coal Washing -879.53 -879.53 596.98 19.92 32.99
广东 2020 4.炼焦 Coking 1391.13 -6211.95 1206.19 668.74 1592.53 576.73 520.82 31.13 2.3 8.66 417.38 247.65 464.49 210.18 1656.28 -0.21 1.68
广东 2020 5.炼油及煤制油 Petroleum Refineries -1683.52 -24.22 -412.52 -4.45 -155.2 -80.33 -1006.8 -67.12
广东 2020 #油品再投入量(-) Petroleum Products Input (-) -120.8 -120.8 -2.12 -2.11 -0.01 62.34
广东 2020 6.制气 Gas Works
广东 2020 #焦炭再投入量(-) Coke Input (-)
广东 2020 7.天然气液化 Natural Gas Liquefaction 27.25 -81.66 108.91
广东 2020 8.煤制品加工 Briquettes 346.64 29.61 6155.93
广东 2020 三.损失量 Loss 1.44 1.44 0.35 0.03 17.55 9.82 1.43 0.67 1.59 0.58 1.02 0.58 0.21 1.65 0.21 1.44 223.84
广东 2020 四.终端消费量 Total Final Consumption 3669.79 3554.14 21.65 94 1011.69 14.53 210.62 18.17 1.61 3.21 5578.17 28.16 1505.34 279.39 1537.32 285.15 695.8 19.87 0.25 0.63 277.5 51.91 618.91 126.63 151.31 111.37 59.5 28579.55 6702.28 120.08
广东 2020 1.农、林、牧、渔业 Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Fishery Conservancy 40.52 40.52 164.41 36.62 115.91 11.88 139.24
广东 2020 2.工业 Industry 3514.37 3417.17 21.65 75.55 1011.69 14.53 210.62 18.17 1.09 3.21 1480.11 28.16 30.38 2.43 173.11 62.96 695.8 1.37 0.25 0.63 14.04 51.91 141.13 126.63 151.31 74.95 59.5 28575.82 3917.78 120.08
广东 2020 #用作原料、材料 Non-Energy Use 2.36 2.36 883.56 0.07 0.35 0.21 10.8 695.76 0.32 0.03 0.46 11.08 65.69 17.15 81.64 0.03
广东 2020 3.建筑业 Construction 3.87 3.87 328.35 45.13 0.27 17.96 0.56 0.06 263.46 0.91 0.28 1 97.22
广东 2020 4.交通运输、仓储和邮政业 Transport, Storage and Post 4.08 4.08 2014.2 440.08 273.35 1056.91 205.72 6.56 31.58 1.49 2.73 146.92
广东 2020 5.批发、零售业和住宿、餐饮业 Wholesale, Retail Trade and Hotel, Restaurants 42.04 42.04 272.94 94.52 140.85 15.85 21.72 7.62 428.06
广东 2020 6.其他 Others 93.84 79.68 0.04 11.61 0.06 2.45 0.45 793.59
广东 2020 7.生活消费 Residential Consumption 64.91 46.46 18.45 0.52 1224.32 778.93 3.3 20.97 421.12 26.58 1179.47
广东 2020 城镇 Urban 43.03 31.64 11.39 0.52 757.27 505.07 0.36 4.84 247 24.21 703.29
广东 2020 乡村 Rural 21.88 14.82 7.06 467.05 273.86 2.94 16.13 174.12 2.37 476.18
广东 2020 五.平衡差额 Statistical Difference
广东 2020 六.消费量合计 Total Final Consumption 16514.14 15496.27 879.53 21.65 225.6 339.07 1011.69 19.92 349.35 30.07 1.61 3.21 6192.18 6249.93 1506.78 280.06 1541.48 502.81 1109.34 24.32 0.25 0.63 277.5 147.39 774.77 217.42 1162.58 212.58 447.71 32804.55 6926.12 1027.22
广西 2020 一.可供本地区消费的能源量 Total Primary Energy Supply 8496.71 7766.41 731.08 -11.77 10.99 3.49 601.6 -38.97 1073 1276.2 -111.1 -56.99 -36.7 5.66 -10 1.92 0.04 0.25 -70.67 96.61 16.8 -39.02 31.91 1.05 960.36 657.97
广西 2020 1.一次能源生产量 Indigenous Production 413.58 413.58 48.76 48.76 0.22 905.99 657.97
广西 2020 2.回收能 Recovery of Energy 8057.94 7270.72 699.2 56.24 31.78 3.88 627.31 2287.24 1282.77 451.56 0.11 315.51 28.14 0.48 2.51 0.03 0.23 1.33 111.51 41.64 51.42 31.69 1.31 204.24
广西 2020 3.外省(区、市)调入量 Moving In from Other Provinces 0.07 0.07
广西 2020 4.进口量 Import
广西 2020 5.境内轮船和飞机在境外的加油量 Domestic Airplanes&Ships Refueling in Abroad 38.97 1266.66 50.24 573.31 58.25 349.02 21.93 10.12 0.47 73.93 15.01 24.64 89.74 149.87
广西 2020 6.本省(区、市)调出量(-) Sending Out to Other Provinces(-) 0.02 0.02 1.03
广西 2020 7.出口量(-) Export(-)
广西 2020 8.境外轮船和飞机在境内的加油量(-) Oversea Airplanes&Ships Refueling in China(-) 25.14 82.06 31.88 -68.01 -20.79 -0.39 -24.68 3.66 -5.09 10.65 1.15 -3.19 -0.55 -0.36 -0.12 0.01 0.02 1.93 0.11 -0.2 -0.7 -0.26
广西 2020 9.库存增(-)、减(+)量 Stock Change -5802.71 -5099.96 -731.03 28.28 811.82 27.36 293.04 14.38 43.1 42.35 -63.78 -1276.12 397.26 77.26 472.08 1.76 10 71.77 6.6 51.98 50.37 73.26 -5.84 1.76 9564.84 1064.89 -246.87
广西 2020 二.加工转换投入(-)产出(+)量 Input(-) & Output(+) of Transformation -4073.24 -4073.24 -6.14 -171.76 -13.2 -0.79 -26.42 -0.47 -25.95 -1.75 -1.07 -7562.19 1064.89 -223.28
广西 2020 1.火力发电 Thermal Power -441.81 -441.81 -8.17 -0.01 -2.11 -2.48 -3.57 -0.88 8761.41 -24.11
广西 2020 2.供热 Heating Supply -4.27 -69.56 37.01 28.28
广西 2020 3.洗选煤 Coal Washing -1135.72 -367.68 -768.04 811.82 33.5 42.35
广西 2020 4.炼焦 Coking 61.32 -1276.12 397.26 77.26 472.56 14.3 10.48 71.77 35.03 78.03 53.98 126.77 -2.8
广西 2020 5.炼油及煤制油 Petroleum Refineries -90.51 -10.43 -0.48 -26.05 -0.04 -53.51
广西 2020 #油品再投入量(-) Petroleum Products Input (-) -147.67 -147.67 43.08
广西 2020 6.制气 Gas Works
广西 2020 #焦炭再投入量(-) Coke Input (-) -0.41 2.83
广西 2020 7.天然气液化 Natural Gas Liquefaction
广西 2020 8.煤制品加工 Briquettes 464.8 27.58 0.81 8365.62 0.52
广西 2020 三.损失量 Loss 67.44
广西 2020 四.终端消费量 Total Final Consumption 2694 2666.45 0.05 16.51 10.99 3.49 1413.42 27.36 293.04 14.38 43.1 3.38 1009.22 0.08 286.16 20.27 435.38 7.42 1.92 0.04 0.25 1.1 103.21 68.78 50.37 34.24 26.07 2.81 9564.84 1957.81 411.1
广西 2020 1.农、林、牧、渔业 Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Fishery Conservancy 85.07 1.57 83.5 35.33
广西 2020 2.工业 Industry 2692.72 2665.17 0.05 16.51 10.99 3.49 1413.4 27.36 293.04 14.38 42.37 3.38 228.63 0.08 1.02 0.15 33.98 3.14 0.11 0.04 0.25 1.1 103.21 0.94 50.37 34.24 10.76 2.81 9564.84 1224.27 411.1
广西 2020 #用作原料、材料 Non-Energy Use 70.05 69.56 0.49 13.78 0.02 3.38 105.91 0.02 0.03 0.79 0.25 0.01 0.01 0.17 1.09 85.46 0.04 18.04 0.02 0.3 0.09
广西 2020 3.建筑业 Construction 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.27 34.02 5.52 0.01 27.32 1.11 0.06 0.18 31.9
广西 2020 4.交通运输、仓储和邮政业 Transport, Storage and Post 0.29 0.29 516.17 235.05 20.11 256.03 3.17 1.81 5.65 44.06
广西 2020 5.批发、零售业和住宿、餐饮业 Wholesale, Retail Trade and Hotel, Restaurants 0.06 0.06 40.02 13.63 10.3 16.09 1 67.06
广西 2020 6.其他 Others 0.02 0.02 12.4 3.35 9.05 148.74
广西 2020 7.生活消费 Residential Consumption 0.89 0.89 0.46 92.91 26.02 15.2 51.69 8.48 406.45
广西 2020 城镇 Urban 0.32 0.32 0.46 49.56 16.72 5.5 27.34 8.48 230.15
广西 2020 乡村 Rural 0.57 0.57 43.35 9.3 9.7 24.35 176.3
广西 2020 五.平衡差额 Statistical Difference
广西 2020 六.消费量合计 Total Final Consumption 8496.71 7766.41 768.09 16.51 10.99 3.49 1413.42 33.5 464.8 27.58 43.89 3.38 1073 1276.2 286.16 20.27 435.86 19.96 0.48 1.92 0.04 0.25 1.1 131.64 94.83 53.98 87.75 31.52 3.88 17127.03 2025.25 658.49
贵州 2020 一.可供本地区消费的能源量 Total Primary Energy Supply 12041.52 13442.93 -1396.97 -8.22 3.78 -6.31 -179.74 -21.21 1228.27 484.53 49.45 598.02 0.5 0.31 0.01 2.77 66.94 25.74 38.86 2.74 253.96 71.54
贵州 2020 1.一次能源生产量 Indigenous Production 12055.33 12055.33 5.04 973.34 71.54
贵州 2020 2.回收能 Recovery of Energy 1574.06 1574.06 1217.45 479.96 48.17 598.26 0.5 0.3 0.01 2.92 61.51 25.81 33.82 2.59 0.93
贵州 2020 3.外省(区、市)调入量 Moving In from Other Provinces 4.4 4.4
贵州 2020 4.进口量 Import
贵州 2020 5.境内轮船和飞机在境外的加油量 Domestic Airplanes&Ships Refueling in Abroad 1385.38 1385.38 176.6 21.21 720.31
贵州 2020 6.本省(区、市)调出量(-) Sending Out to Other Provinces(-)
贵州 2020 7.出口量(-) Export(-) 0.29 0.29
贵州 2020 8.境外轮船和飞机在境内的加油量(-) Oversea Airplanes&Ships Refueling in China(-) -202.49 -186.46 -11.59 -8.22 3.78 -6.31 -3.14 6.71 4.57 1.56 -0.24 0.01 -0.15 1.03 -0.07 0.15
贵州 2020 9.库存增(-)、减(+)量 Stock Change -7455.12 -9073.97 1396.97 220 1.89 6.31 428.43 3.61 40.08 3.45 22.03 -2.57 -2.57 -5 5.84 1411.07 1332.11 -68.48
贵州 2020 二.加工转换投入(-)产出(+)量 Input(-) & Output(+) of Transformation -6601.3 -3424.3 -3177 -125.03 -4.57 -19.31 -2.32 -2.57 -2.57 -5.12 -4497.28 1332.11 -68.48
贵州 2020 1.火力发电 Thermal Power -46.91 -46.91 570.49
贵州 2020 2.供热 Heating Supply -238.79 -5596.61 1960.82 3397 131.34
贵州 2020 3.洗选煤 Coal Washing -568.54 -4.69 -563.85 428.43 10.85 22.03
贵州 2020 4.炼焦 Coking
贵州 2020 5.炼油及煤制油 Petroleum Refineries
贵州 2020 #油品再投入量(-) Petroleum Products Input (-) -2.67 1.05
贵州 2020 6.制气 Gas Works
贵州 2020 #焦炭再投入量(-) Coke Input (-) -0.93 5.84
贵州 2020 7.天然气液化 Natural Gas Liquefaction 0.42 -1.46 1.89
贵州 2020 8.煤制品加工 Briquettes 59.39 5.76 5337.85
贵州 2020 三.损失量 Loss 106.03
贵州 2020 四.终端消费量 Total Final Consumption 4203.78 4085.87 112.24 5.67 248.69 3.61 40.08 3.45 0.82 1225.7 484.53 49.45 595.45 0.5 0.31 0.01 2.77 66.94 25.74 33.86 8.58 1411.07 1480.04 3.06
贵州 2020 1.农、林、牧、渔业 Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Fishery Conservancy 171.17 142.25 28.92 45.7 6.5 1.2 38 14.88
贵州 2020 2.工业 Industry 2129.78 2040.79 83.32 5.67 248.69 2.42 40.08 3.45 0.82 89.99 1.55 0.1 17.67 0.5 0.31 0.01 2.77 66.94 0.15 6.62 4.05 1072.66 890.8 3.06
贵州 2020 #用作原料、材料 Non-Energy Use 433.09 432.52 0.57 7.56 20.1 0.01 0.01 2.03 18.05 0.03 0.11
贵州 2020 3.建筑业 Construction 3 3 58.02 20.02 3.2 34.8 32.14
贵州 2020 4.交通运输、仓储和邮政业 Transport, Storage and Post 0.01 0.01 519.56 229.1 44.95 245.5 3.42 4.53 37.64
贵州 2020 5.批发、零售业和住宿、餐饮业 Wholesale, Retail Trade and Hotel, Restaurants 818.73 818.73 92 45 42 5 7 52.12
贵州 2020 6.其他 Others 568.13 568.13 364 160 202 2 6 89.8
贵州 2020 7.生活消费 Residential Consumption 512.95 512.95 1.19 56.43 22.36 15.48 18.59 10.82 338.41 362.66
贵州 2020 城镇 Urban 83.31 83.31 22.97 10.99 1.98 10 8.82 338.41 217.08
贵州 2020 乡村 Rural 429.64 429.64 1.19 33.46 11.37 13.5 8.59 2 145.58
贵州 2020 五.平衡差额 Statistical Difference 382.63 283.09 99.54
贵州 2020 六.消费量合计 Total Final Consumption 11658.89 13159.84 563.85 3289.24 5.67 125.03 248.69 10.85 59.39 5.76 0.82 1228.27 484.53 49.45 598.02 0.5 0.31 0.01 2.77 66.94 25.74 39.11 8.58 5908.34 1586.07 71.54
海南 2020 一.可供本地区消费的能源量 Total Primary Energy Supply 1023.84 1023.84 0.03 501.75 1135.06 -155.5 -7.34 -192.62 -78.29 -41.61 0.1 -8.03 -81.41 -68.61 48.64 10.09 149.52 31.1
海南 2020 1.一次能源生产量 Indigenous Production 30.55 30.55 1.04 132.48 25.24
海南 2020 2.回收能 Recovery of Energy 984.85 984.85 0.03 173.55 90.67 67.04 0.1 15.74 65.68 17.04 6.08
海南 2020 3.外省(区、市)调入量 Moving In from Other Provinces 42.17 42.17 1255.79 1109.8 37.57 52 33.56 13.58 9.28 123.77
海南 2020 4.进口量 Import
海南 2020 5.境内轮船和飞机在境外的加油量 Domestic Airplanes&Ships Refueling in Abroad 582.68 64.13 91.29 136.41 66.45 41.71 19.06 80.8 82.83 107.77
海南 2020 6.本省(区、市)调出量(-) Sending Out to Other Provinces(-) 376.37 26.32 104.52 127.35 91.31 26.87 18.08 5.82
海南 2020 7.出口量(-) Export(-)
海南 2020 8.境外轮船和飞机在境内的加油量(-) Oversea Airplanes&Ships Refueling in China(-) -3.18 -3.18 0.91 -5.51 2.74 0.97 1.54 1.45 0.1 1.75 -0.61 -1.52 -0.09 -0.22
海南 2020 9.库存增(-)、减(+)量 Stock Change -803.38 -803.38 -56.27 -1134.13 267.81 113.39 280.77 113.44 41.61 8.03 100.07 2.34 150.4 -15.9 2647.04 213.06 -28.12
海南 2020 二.加工转换投入(-)产出(+)量 Input(-) & Output(+) of Transformation -757.03 -757.03 -0.02 -0.02 -5.98 -1080.66 213.06 -26.66
海南 2020 1.火力发电 Thermal Power -46.35 -46.35 -9.16 -4.38 -4.78 -8.49 2647.04 -1.46
海南 2020 2.供热 Heating Supply
海南 2020 3.洗选煤 Coal Washing
海南 2020 4.炼焦 Coking 483.25 -1134.13 267.81 113.39 280.79 113.44 47.13 8.03 111.62 63.19 611.98 -1.43
海南 2020 5.炼油及煤制油 Petroleum Refineries -530.34 -5.52 -7.17 -56.07 -461.58
海南 2020 #油品再投入量(-) Petroleum Products Input (-)
海南 2020 6.制气 Gas Works
海南 2020 #焦炭再投入量(-) Coke Input (-)
海南 2020 7.天然气液化 Natural Gas Liquefaction
海南 2020 8.煤制品加工 Briquettes 1080.66
海南 2020 三.损失量 Loss 17.09
海南 2020 四.终端消费量 Total Final Consumption 220.46 220.46 0.03 445.48 0.93 112.31 106.05 88.15 35.15 0.1 18.66 2.34 81.79 32.74 10.09 2647.04 345.49 2.98
海南 2020 1.农、林、牧、渔业 Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Fishery Conservancy 38.99 2.42 36.57 21.38
海南 2020 2.工业 Industry 220.46 220.46 0.03 94.96 0.93 0.36 3.82 0.17 0.1 5.45 2.34 81.79 29.71 8.67 2647.04 119.56 2.98
海南 2020 #用作原料、材料 Non-Energy Use 44.29 0.1 44.19 24.23
海南 2020 3.建筑业 Construction 16.08 6.19 9.89 9.81
海南 2020 4.交通运输、仓储和邮政业 Transport, Storage and Post 190.27 15.42 106.05 33.82 34.98 0.83 1.42 7.07
海南 2020 5.批发、零售业和住宿、餐饮业 Wholesale, Retail Trade and Hotel, Restaurants 6.05 2.98 1.23 1.84 0.95 36.2
海南 2020 6.其他 Others 52.6 49.26 2.82 0.52 78.88
海南 2020 7.生活消费 Residential Consumption 46.53 35.68 10.85 1.25 72.59
海南 2020 城镇 Urban 37.06 27.91 9.15 1.08 39.11
海南 2020 乡村 Rural 9.47 7.77 1.7 0.17 33.48
海南 2020 五.平衡差额 Statistical Difference
海南 2020 六.消费量合计 Total Final Consumption 1023.84 1023.84 0.03 501.75 1135.06 112.31 106.05 88.17 35.15 5.52 0.1 30.21 63.19 543.37 48.64 10.09 3727.7 362.58 31.1
河北 2020 一.可供本地区消费的能源量 Total Primary Energy Supply 28176.87 25334.27 3853.64 -1046.3 35.26 15.35 3868.97 3.63 -82.12 1290.1 2091.04 -94.38 -76.81 -21.57 -132.62 -98.67 -10.01 2.51 0.3 -235.27 -46.02 -24.63 -16.43 -47.34 153.64 143.56 -1593.47 1251.71 472.66
河北 2020 1.一次能源生产量 Indigenous Production 4974.74 4974.74 543.51 543.51 5.61 593.35 472.66
河北 2020 2.回收能 Recovery of Energy 31728.88 19386.45 5028.22 6188.87 1125.34 1.64 5055.43 3.63 1901.78 1222.79 167.68 1.93 70.25 147.65 26.25 0.23 2.4 0.06 35.3 2.67 91.81 132.76 148.03 148.74 1215.01
河北 2020 3.外省(区、市)调入量 Moving In from Other Provinces 1085.89 1085.89 371.58 371.58 1.65
河北 2020 4.进口量 Import
河北 2020 5.境内轮船和飞机在境外的加油量 Domestic Airplanes&Ships Refueling in Abroad 9579.65 124.33 1113.98 7249.75 1091.59 1132.23 82.12 1526.47 64.46 264.57 81.97 86.87 280.77 120.11 10.43 260.5 52.36 115.94 16.43 172.06 5.68 1593.47 556.64
河北 2020 6.本省(区、市)调出量(-) Sending Out to Other Provinces(-) 45.07 45.07
河北 2020 7.出口量(-) Export(-)
河北 2020 8.境外轮船和飞机在境内的加油量(-) Oversea Airplanes&Ships Refueling in China(-) 12.08 56.59 -60.6 14.58 1.51 13.71 -54.23 -0.3 17.62 2.51 3.23 -4.95 0.5 -4.81 0.19 0.11 0.24 -10.07 3.67 -0.5 -8.04 -1.15
河北 2020 9.库存增(-)、减(+)量 Stock Change -21354.2 -19806.4 -3853.64 1864.86 440.98 20.65 5734.37 100.85 2209.85 151 239.55 -88.94 -2077.44 514.51 90.45 472.31 158.87 103.14 10.61 282.64 53.49 136.52 63.25 102.71 -7.22 11.09 60393.08 2831.73 -280.65
河北 2020 二.加工转换投入(-)产出(+)量 Input(-) & Output(+) of Transformation -9344.67 -9249.34 -95.33 -278.28 -21.52 -1210.38 -136 -4.41 -1.59 -0.52 -1.82 -0.48 -1.46 -14801.23 2831.73 -226.96
河北 2020 1.火力发电 Thermal Power -2931.36 -2851.01 -80.35 -3.48 -5.21 -4.76 -102.4 -4.9 -7.41 -0.18 -1.78 -4.81 -0.64 -3.73 -0.68 53110.78 -51.9
河北 2020 2.供热 Heating Supply -1090.15 -5460.98 2328.72 2042.11 302.41
河北 2020 3.洗选煤 Coal Washing -8018.08 -1835.72 -6182.36 5740.93 133.08 239.55
河北 2020 4.炼焦 Coking 473.97 -2077.44 514.51 90.45 474.08 226.12 134.19 10.61 353.39 53.49 166.33 76.03 452.21 -2.54 -15.57
河北 2020 5.炼油及煤制油 Petroleum Refineries -551.09 -64.95 -31.05 -70.75 -29.81 -6.15 -348.38
河北 2020 #油品再投入量(-) Petroleum Products Input (-) -27.79 -27.79 -5.95 -0.07 2.22 13.78
河北 2020 6.制气 Gas Works
河北 2020 #焦炭再投入量(-) Coke Input (-) -1.71 11.77
河北 2020 7.天然气液化 Natural Gas Liquefaction 57.85 -381.56 -1.57 440.98 -1.35

Related literature

  • Dai Yongan and Zhang Xiao, 2023: "Spatial spillover of environmental policies and urban energy-biased technological progress", World Economy, No. 5.
  • Xu Wenli and Sun Lei, 2023: "Market-Incentive Environmental Regulation and Energy Consumption Structure Transformation - Empirical Evidence from China's Carbon Emission Trading Pilot", "Quantitative Economics and Technical Economics Research", Issue 7.
  • Liu Huajun, Shi Yin, Guo Lixiang, etc., 2022 "China's Energy Revolution in the New Era: Process, Achievements and Prospects", "Management World", Issue 7.

Data Update Frequency

Annual Update
