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Table of A-share listed companies’ digital economic inventions authorized patent affairs
Index ID (patent ID)
Securities code
Fiscal year
Name of associated company
Relationship with listed company
Major category code
Major Class name
Middle class code
Middle class name
Small class code
Small class name
Serial number
Event type

Sample data

010609 < td>030301
Index ID (patent ID) Securities code Fiscal year Name of associated company Relationship with listed company Major category code Major category name Middle category code Middle category name Small category code Small category name Serial number Code Event type Date Description
CN104506886B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 03 Digital technology application industry 0302 Telecommunications, radio and television and satellite transmission services 030203 Satellite Transmission Service 1 C06 Publication 2015-04-08
CN104506886B 60083 9 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of a listed company 03 Digital technology application industry 0302 Telecommunications, radio and television and satellite transmission services 030203 Satellite transmission services 2 SE01 Entry into force of request for substantive examination 2015-05-06
CN104506886B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 03 Digital technology application industry 0302 Telecommunications, radio and television and satellite transmission services 030203 Satellite transmission services 3 C10 Entry into substantive examination 2015-05-06
CN104506886B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 03 Digital technology application industry 0302 Telecommunications, radio and television and satellite transmission services 030203 Satellite transmission services 4 GR01 Patent grant 2018-06-01
CN104506886B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 03 Digital technology application industry 0302 Telecommunications, radio and television and satellite transmission services 030203 Satellite transmission services 5 GR01 Patent grant 2018-06-01
CN104601370B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 01 Digital product manufacturing 0102 Communication and radar equipment manufacturing 010201 Communication system equipment manufacturing 0 C06 Publication 2015-05-06
CN104601370B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 01 Digital product manufacturing 0102 Communication and radar equipment manufacturing 010201 Communication system equipment manufacturing 1 PB01 Publication 2015-05-06
CN104601370 B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 01 Digital product manufacturing 0102 Communication and radar equipment manufacturing 010201 Communication system equipment manufacturing 2 C10 Entry into substantive examination 2015-05-27
CN104601370B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 01 Digital product manufacturing 0102 Communication and radar equipment manufacturing 010201 Communication system equipment manufacturing 3 SE01 Entry into force of request for substantive examination 2015-05-27
CN104601370B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 01 Digital product manufacturing 0102 Communication and radar equipment manufacturing 010201 Communication system equipment manufacturing 4 GR01 Patent grant 2018-06-01
CN104601370B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 01 Digital product manufacturing 0102 Communication and radar equipment manufacturing 010201 Communication system equipment manufacturing 5 GR01 Patent grant 2018-06-01
CN104601370B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 01 Digital product manufacturing 0106 Other digital product manufacturing Industrial automatic control system device manufacturing 0 C06 Publication 2015-05-06
CN104601370B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company< /td> 01 Digital product manufacturing 0106 Other digital product manufacturing 010609 Industrial automatic control system device manufacturing 1 PB01 Publication 2015-05-06
CN104601370B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 01 Digital product manufacturing 0106 Other digital product manufacturing 010609 Industrial automatic control system device manufacturing 2 C10 Entry into substantive examination 2015-05-27
CN104601370B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 01 Digital product manufacturing 0106 Other digital product manufacturing 010609 Industrial automatic control system device manufacturing 3 SE01 Entry into force of request for substantive examination 2015-05-27
CN104601370B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 01 Digital product manufacturing 0106 Other digital product manufacturing 010609 Industrial automatic control system device manufacturing 4 GR01 Patent grant 2018-06-01
CN104601370B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 01 Digital product manufacturing 0106 Other digital product manufacturing 010609 Industrial automatic control system device manufacturing 5 GR01 Patent grant 2018-06-01
CN104601370B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 03 Digital technology application industry 0303 Internet related services Internet access and related services 0 C06 Publication 2015-05-06
CN104601370B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of a listed company 03 Digital Technology Application Industry 0303 Internet Related Services 030301 Internet Access and Related Services 1 PB01 Publication 2015-05-06
CN104601370 B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 03 Digital technology application industry 0303 Internet related services 030301 Internet access and related services 2 C10 Entry into substantive examination 2015-05-27
CN104601370B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 03 Digital technology application industry 0303 Internet related services 030301 Internet access and related services 3 SE01 Entry into force of request for substantive examination 2015-05-27
CN104601370B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 03 Digital technology application industry 0303 Internet related services 030301 Internet access and related services 4 GR01 Patent grant 2018-06-01
CN104601370B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 03 Digital technology application industry 0303 Internet related services 030301 Internet access and related services 5 GR01 Patent grant 2018-06-01
CN104601370B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 03 Digital technology application industry 0303 Internet-related services 030302 Internet search service 0 C06 Publication 2015-05-06
CN104601370B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Listed company Parent company 03 Digital technology application industry 0303 Internet related services 030302 Internet search services 1 PB01 Publication 2015-05-06
CN10460137 0B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 03 Digital technology application industry 0303 Internet related services 030302 Internet search services 2 C10 Entry into substantive examination 2015-05-27
CN104601370B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 03 Digital technology application industry 0303 Internet related services 030302 Internet search services 3 SE01 Entry into force of request for substantive examination 2015-05-27
CN104601370B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 03 Digital technology application industry 0303 Internet related services 030302 Internet search services 4 GR01 Patent grant 2018-06-01
CN104601370B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 03 Digital technology application industry 0303 Internet related services 030302 Internet search services 5 GR01 Patent grant 2018-06-01
CN104601370B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 03 Digital technology application industry 0303 Internet-related services 030303 Internet Game Services 0 C06 Publication 2015-05-06
CN104601370B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Listed Company Parent company 03 Digital technology application industry 0303 Internet related services 030303 Internet game services 1 PB01 Publication 2015-05-06
CN10460137 0B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 03 Digital technology application industry 0303 Internet related services 030303 Internet game services 2 C10 Entry into substantive examination 2015-05-27
CN104601370B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 03 Digital technology application industry 0303 Internet related services 030303 Internet game services 3 SE01 Entry into force of request for substantive examination 2015-05-27
CN104601370B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 03 Digital technology application industry 0303 Internet related services 030303 Internet game services 4 GR01 Patent grant 2018-06-01
CN104601370B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 03 Digital technology application industry 0303 Internet related services 030303 Internet game services 5 GR01 Patent grant 2018-06-01
CN104601370B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 03 Digital technology application industry 0303 Internet-related services 030304 Internet Information Services 0 C06 Publication 2015-05-06
CN104601370B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Listed Company Parent company 03 Digital technology application industry 0303 Internet related services 030304 Internet information services 1 PB01 Publication 2015-05-06
CN10460137 0B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 03 Digital technology application industry 0303 Internet related services 030304 Internet information services 2 C10 Entry into substantive examination 2015-05-27
CN104601370B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 03 Digital technology application industry 0303 Internet related services 030304 Internet information services 3 SE01 Entry into force of request for substantive examination 2015-05-27
CN104601370B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 03 Digital technology application industry 0303 Internet related services 030304 Internet information services 4 GR01 Patent grant 2018-06-01
CN104601370B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 03 Digital technology application industry 0303 Internet related services 030304 Internet information services 5 GR01 Patent grant 2018-06-01
CN104601370B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 03 Digital technology application industry 0303 Internet-related services 030305 Internet Security Services 0 C06 Publication 2015-05-06
CN104601370B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Listed Company Parent company 03 Digital technology application industry 0303 Internet related services 030305 Internet security services 1 PB01 Publication 2015-05-06
CN10460137 0B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 03 Digital technology application industry 0303 Internet related services 030305 Internet security services 2 C10 Entry into substantive examination 2015-05-27
CN104601370B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 03 Digital technology application industry 0303 Internet related services 030305 Internet security services 3 SE01 Entry into force of request for substantive examination 2015-05-27
CN104601370B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 03 Digital technology application industry 0303 Internet related services 030305 Internet security services 4 GR01 Patent grant 2018-06-01
CN104601370B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 03 Digital technology application industry 0303 Internet related services 030305 Internet security services 5 GR01 Patent grant 2018-06-01
CN104601370B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 03 Digital technology application industry 0303 Internet-related services 030306 Internet Data Services 0 C06 Publication 2015-05-06
CN104601370B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Listed Company Parent company 03 Digital technology application industry 0303 Internet related services 030306 Internet data services 1 PB01 Publication 2015-05-06
CN10460137 0B 600839 2018 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Parent company of listed company 03 Digital technology application industry 0303 Internet related services 030306 Internet data services 2 C10 Entry into substantive examination 2015-05-27

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