
  China's listed companies' transaction information data is a database jointly developed by CnOpenData and Tonglian Data, which contains 18 tables, namely:

  • Investor situation statistics table: record the number of new investors, the number of investors at the end of the period, the number of natural persons, and other statistical data within the period, such as within a month. (Weekly data has stopped updating in February 2019, and monthly data is maintained)
  • Investor account statistics table: fund balance and changes of securities and stock option investors.
  • Block transaction table: obtain block transaction information of Shanghai and Shenzhen stocks, bonds, and funds, including transaction price, transaction volume, transaction amount, business department, etc. The exchange publishes data, and the update time may be delayed.
  • Block Trade Intention Declaration Form: records the block trade intention declaration information announced by the Shanghai Stock Exchange on each trading day, including securities information, declaration date, price, and quantity data. The data of the previous trading day can be obtained on this trading day.
  • Margin Trading Total Table: obtains the summary information of margin trading announced by the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges on each trading day, including trading volume and transaction amount. The data of the previous trading day can be obtained on this trading day.
  • Margin Trading Details Table: obtains the specific information of margin trading announced by the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges on each trading day, including underlying securities information, margin trading amount, and quantity data. The data of the previous trading day can be obtained on this trading day.
  • Margin Trading Market Daily Data Statistics Table: records the daily data statistics of the margin trading market.
  • Margin Trading Guarantee Stock Daily Data Statistics Table: records the daily data statistics of margin trading guarantee stocks.
  • Margin Trading Broker Business Statistics Table: records the business information of margin trading brokers.
  • Margin securities table: information on securities that can be used as margin on each trading day published by Orient Securities, Guotai Junan Securities, Guosen Securities, Huatai Securities, Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shenwan Hongyuan Securities, Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Galaxy Securities, and CITIC Securities.
  • Securities for margin trading table: records information on securities for margin trading, including code, whether it is the underlying security, underlying type, inclusion and exclusion dates, and other specific information.
  • Margin trading fee table: records changes in margin trading fees of major securities companies, including institution abbreviations, internal institution IDs, margin interest rates, margin trading fee rates, effective time, and expiration time.
  • Repo Transaction Summary: Records the information of repo and repo transactions on each trading day, including the beginning balance of repo period, the ending balance of repo period, the repayment amount of repo financing, the financing amount on the day, the financing amount on the day (7 days, 14 days, 28 days, 91 days, 182 days), the beginning balance of repo period, the number of repo loans, the ending balance of repo period, and the ending balance of repo period. The data of the previous trading day can be obtained on this trading day.
  • Repo Transaction Summary: Records the information of repo transactions on each trading day, including the securities code, the beginning balance of repo period, the ending balance of repo period, the ending balance of repo period, and the number of repo loans. The data of the previous trading day can be obtained on this trading day.
  • Strategic placement lending information table: records the number of shares that investors of Sci-Tech Innovation Board listed companies can lend to securities companies for margin trading, lending balance, and the number of restricted and non-restricted shares after lending before the opening of each trading day during the strategic placement period.
  • Credit securities account investor status table: records the investor status of credit securities accounts opened each month, including the number of individual and institutional investors in credit securities accounts at the beginning and end of the period, and the number of individual and institutional investors in credit securities accounts newly opened and closed this month.
  • Agreement transfer public information table: records the public information of agreement transfer of listed companies on the Beijing Stock Exchange.
  • Foreign investor shareholding information table: records the foreign investor shareholding information disclosed by the exchange.

Time interval

  • Investor status statistics: 2015.04.30-2023.10.18
  • Investor account statistics: 2012.03.30-2023.10.18
  • Block transaction table: 2002.03.19-2023.10.18
  • Block transaction intention declaration form: 2005.06.27-202 3.10.18
  • Total margin trading volume: 2010.03.31-2023.10.18
  • Details of margin trading: 2010.03.31-2023.10.18
  • Daily statistics of margin trading market: 2015.04.29-2023.10.18
  • Daily statistics of margin trading stocks: 2015.04.28-2023.10.18
  • Margin trading securities Business statistics table: 2010.08.17-2023.10.18
  • Securities that can be used as margin: 2010.03.29-2023.10.18
  • Securities subject to margin trading: 2010.03.31-2023.10.18
  • Margin trading rate table: 2010.03.19-2023.10.18
  • Refinancing transaction summary table: 2012.08.30-2023.10.18
  • < li>Summary of repo transactions: 2013.02.28-2023.10.18
  • Strategic placement loan information table: 2019.07.22-2023.10.18
  • Credit securities account investor status table: 2011.01.01-2023.10.18
  • Agreement transfer public information table: 2021.10.08-2023.10.18
  • Foreign investors' shareholding information table: 2006.07.25-2023 .10.18

Field display

< /tr> < td>Information codeSEC_VOL Margin Trading Volume d> < td> tr>
Investor situation statistics table - English field Investor situation statistics table - Chinese field Investor account statistics table - English field Investor account statistics table - Chinese field Block transaction table - English field Block transaction table - Chinese field Declaration form for intention of large-scale transaction-English field Declaration form for intention of large-scale transaction-Chinese field Total table of margin trading-English field Total table of margin trading-Chinese field Detail table of margin trading-English field Detail table of margin trading-Chinese field Daily statistics table of margin trading market-English field Daily statistics table of margin trading market-Chinese field
ID Auto-increment ID ID Auto-increment ID ID Auto-increment ID ID Information encoding ID Auto-increment ID ID Auto-increment ID ID
BEGIN_DATE Start date BEGIN_DATE Start date TRADE_NUM Serial number TRADE_NUM Serial number TRADE_DATE Credit transaction date TR ADE_DATE Credit transaction date PUBLISH_DATE Publication date
END_DATE End date END_DATE End date TRADE_DATE Transaction date RECORD_DATE Declaration date EXCHANGE_CD Securities market SECURITY_ID Underlying security ID TRADE_DATE Transaction date
NEWLY_INCREASED Number of new investors CAPITAL_TYPE Fund category SECURITY_ID Security internal ID SECURITY_ID Security ID CURRENCY_CD Currency type CURRENCY_CD Currency type FIN_VAL Financing balance
NEWLY_INCREASED_NATURAL Natural person ENDING_BALANCE Ending balance CURRENCY_CD Currency type TICKER_SYMBOL Transaction code FIN_VAL Today's financing balance FI N_VAL Today's margin balance SEC_VAL Securities lending balance
NEWLY_INCREASED_NONNATURAL Non-natural person DAILY_AVERAGE Daily average TRADE_PRICE Transaction price C URRENCY_CD Currency type FIN_BUY_VAL Today's margin purchase amount FIN_BUY_VAL Today's margin purchase amount TRADE_VAL Margin trading balance
ENDING_NUMBER Number of investors at the end of the period TRANS_IN Transfer amount TRADE_VAL Transaction amount TRADE_CD Buy and sell direction SEC_VOL Today's margin balance FIN_REFUND_VAL Today's financing repayment amount TRADE_VAL_PCT Margin balance Amount accounts for the proportion of A-share circulating market value
ENDING_NATURAL Natural person TRANS_OUT Transfer amount TRADE_VOL Trading volume BID_PRICE Price SEC_VAL The amount of margin lending balance today Today's margin balance FIN_BUY_VAL Margin purchase amount
ENDING_NATURAL_A Investors with A-share accounts NET_TRANS_IN Net transfer in (out) amount BUYER_BD Buyer's sales department BID_VOL Quantity SEC_SELL_VOL Short selling volume today SEC_SELL_VOL Short selling volume today SEC_SELL_VAL Short selling amount
ENDING_NATURAL_B B shares account opened for investment REMARK Remarks SELLER_BD Seller's Sales Department REMARK Remarks TRADE_VAL Today's margin trading balance SEC_REFUND_VOL Today's margin trading repayment amount TRADE_AMT
ENDING_NONNATURAL Non-natural person UPDATE_TIME Update Time UPDATE_TIME Update Time UPDATE_TIME Update Time FIN_RATIO Daily margin trading accounts for the margin trading balance SEC_VAL Today's margin trading balance TRADE_AMT_PCT Margin trading accounts for the A-share trading balance
ENDING_NONNATURAL_A Investors who have opened A-share accounts UPDATE_TIME Update time TRADE_VAL Today's margin trading balance SEC_NUM Number of securities companies
ENDING_NONNATURAL_B Investors who have opened B-share accounts UPDATE_TIME Update time BD_NUM Number of business departments
ENDING_HOLDING Number of investors holding positions at the end of the period INDI_INVESTOR_NUM Number of individual investors
ENDING_HOLDING_A Investors holding A shares INST_INVESTOR_NUM Number of institutional investors
ENDING_HOLDING_B Investors holding B shares TRADE_INVESTOR Number of investors participating in the transaction
ENDING_TRADING Investors participating in the transaction during Quantity TRADE_LIB_INVESTOR Number of investors with margin trading liabilities
ENDING_TRADING_A Investors trading A shares MARGIN_MKT_VALUE Market value of securities that can be used as margin
ENDING_TRADING_B< /td> Investors trading B shares GUAR_AMOUNT Guaranteed funds
STAT_CYCLE Statistics Period GUAR_VALUE Total value of collateral
UPDATE_TIME Update time AVG_GUAR_RATIO Average maintenance guarantee ratio
UPDATE_TIME Update time
Margin trading and securities lending guarantee stocks daily data statistics table - English field Margin trading and securities lending guarantee stocks daily data statistics table Statistics table - Chinese fields Securities business statistics table for margin trading - English fields Securities business statistics table for margin trading - Chinese fields Securities table for margin trading - English fields Securities table for margin trading - Chinese fields Securities table for margin trading - English fields Securities table for margin trading - Chinese fields Securities rate table for margin trading - English fields Securities rate for margin trading Table - Chinese fields
ID Information code ID Information code ID Auto-increment ID ID Auto-increment ID ID Auto-increment ID
SECURITY_ID Securities internal ID SECURITY_ID Securities internal ID SECURITY_ID Securities internal ID SECURITY_ID Securities internal ID PARTY_SHORT_NAME Institutional abbreviation
TICKER_S YMBOL Stock Code TICKER_SYMBOL Stock Code TICKER_SYMBOL Stock Code TICKER_SYMBOL Stock Code PARTY_ID Internal ID of the organization
PUBLISH_DAT E Publication date SEC_SHORT_NAME Securities short name PUBLISH_DATE Publication date TARGET_TYPE Target type FIN_FEE Financing rate
TRADE_DATE Trading date PUBLISH_DATE Publishing date END_DATE Expiring date INTO_DATE Inclusion date SEC_FEE Securities lending fee
PRE_GUAR_SEC_VOL Number of securities guaranteed at the end of the previous trading day END_DATE End date CONVERT_RATE Conversion rate OUT_DATE EFF_DATE Effective date
GUAR_SEC_CHG Change in the number of collateral securities on the day TR ADE_END_VAL Margin trading balance at the end of the period UPDATE_TIME Update time IS_TARGET Is it the target security END_DATE Expiration date
GUAR_SEC_VOL The number of securities guaranteed at the end of the day CO MP_END_YEAR Increase or decrease compared with the end of the previous year CONCENT_GROUP Concentration grouping UPDATE_TIME Update time IS_NEW Is it the latest
GUAR_SEC_VALUE Market value of guaranteed securities at the end of the day M ARKET_SHARE Market share TRANSFER_STATUS Buy and transfer status UPDATE_TIME Update time
MARKET_VALUE Total market value of securities at the end of the day UPDATE_TIME /td> Update time
GUAR_SEC_VALUE_PCT The proportion of the market value of the guaranteed securities to the total market value of the securities at the end of the day
UPDATE_TIME Update time
Transaction dateTICKER_SYMBOL td> < td> < /tr>
Refinancing transaction summary table - English field Refinancing transaction summary table - Chinese field Refinancing transaction summary table - English field Refinancing transaction summary table - Chinese field Strategic placement loan information table - English field Strategic placement loan information table - Chinese field Credit securities account investor status table - English field Credit securities account investor status table - Chinese field Agreement transfer public information table-English field Agreement transfer public information table-Chinese field Foreign investor shareholding information table-English field Foreign investor shareholding information table-Chinese field
ID Auto-increment ID ID Auto-increment ID ID Auto-increment ID ID Information code ID Auto-increment ID ID Auto-increment ID
TRADE_DATE Transaction date TRADE_DATE Transaction date TRADE_DATE Transaction date BEGIN_DATE Start date SECURITY_ID Security internal ID TRADE_DATE Transaction date
FIN_OPEN_VAL Opening balance of transfer financing SECURITY_ID Security ID SECURITY_ID Security ID END_DATE End date TICKER_SYMBOL Stock code EXCHANGE_CD Trading market code
FIN_END_VAL Ending balance of refinancing period Security code TICKER_SYMBOL Security code BEGIN_VOL Number of investors in credit securities accounts opened at the beginning of the period SEC_SHORT_NAME Security short name SECURITY_ID Security internal ID
FIN_REFUND_VAL Refinancing repayment amount SEC_OPEN_VOL Opening balance of refinancing securities REST_SHARES Restricted shares BEGIN_P_VOL Number of individual investors in credit securities accounts opened at the beginning of the period TRADE_DATE Transaction Date of transaction TICKER_SYMBOL Securities code
FIN_BUY_VAL Finance amount of the day SEC_END_VOL End balance of repo NOREST_SHARES Non-restricted shares BEGIN_INST_VOL Number of institutional investors with credit securities accounts opened at the beginning of the period TRADE_PRICE Transfer price SEC_SHORT_NAME Securities abbreviation
FIN_BUY_VAL_7D Daily financing amount (7 days) SEC_END_VAL Ending balance of securities lending LE ND_SHARES Shares available for lending NEWLY_VOL Number of investors with newly opened credit securities accounts TRADE_VOL Number of transactions A_SHARE_HOLD_SUM Number of A shares held
FIN_BUY_VAL_14D Daily financing amount (1 4 days) SEC_LEND_VOL Amount of securities lending LEND_VOL Loan balance NEWLY_P_VOL Number of individual investors opening new credit securities accounts TRADE_REASON Reason for transfer HOLD_PCT_T Percentage of total share capital of the company
FIN_BUY_VAL_28D Daily financing amount (28 days) UPDATE_TIME Update time LEND_TOP The upper limit of shares that can be lent NEWLY_INST_VOL The number of institutional investors who have newly opened credit securities accounts TRADE_REASON_ DESC Description of transfer reason UPDATE_TIME Update time
FIN_BUY_VAL_91D Finance amount on the day (91 days) UPDATE_TIME Update time CNCL_VOL New Number of investors who have closed their credit securities accounts UPDATE_TIME Update time
FIN_BUY_VAL_182D Daily financing amount (182 days) CNCL_P_VOL New Number of individual investors who have closed their credit securities accounts
SEC_OPEN_VOL Opening balance of repo securities CNCL_INST_VOL Number of institutional investors who have newly closed their credit securities accounts
SEC_LEND_VOL Amount of securities lending END_VOL Number of investors in credit securities accounts opened at the end of the period
SEC_END_VOL End-of-period balance of repo securities END_P_VOL Number of individual investors with credit securities accounts opened at the end of the period
SEC_END_VAL Ending balance of repo securities END_INST_VOL Number of institutional investors with credit securities accounts opened at the end of the period
UPD ATE_TIME Update time STAT_CYCLE Statistical period
UPDATE_TIME Update time

Sample data

Due to the large number of branch tables under this data, only part of the table is displayed on the introduction page. For detailed field indicators and sample data, click on the branch pages of each module on the right to view them.

Investor status statistics table

< th>ENDING_NONNATURAL_A < th>UPDATE_TIME < /tr> 2023-02-11 09:00:16.640 M M M < td>217426100M < td>218405400M < td>219313700M < td>220307100M
Auto-increment ID Start date End date< /td> Number of new investors Natural persons Non-natural persons Number of investors at the end of the period Natural persons Investors with A-share accounts Investors with B-share accounts Non-natural persons Investors with A-share accounts Investors who have opened B-share accounts Number of investors holding positions at the end of the period Investors holding A-shares Investors holding B-shares Number of investors participating in transactions during the period Investors trading A-shares Investors trading B-shares Statistical period Update time
316 2023-01-01 2023-01-31 844800 841800 3100 212981000 212469100 211892 500 2370000 511900 491500 20700 M
317 2023-02-01 2023-02-28 1676800 1673000 3700 214657 800 214142200 213565900 2370000 515600 495300 20700 2023-03-18 08:00:16.650
318 2023-03-01 2023-03-31 1896200 1891700 4500 216554 000 216033800 215458000 2369700 520200 499800 20700 2023-06-02 08:00:14.393
319 2023-04-01 2023-04-30 1001900 997000 4800 2175558 00 217030800 216455400 2369200 525000 504700 20700 2023-06-02 08:00:14.397
320 2023-05-01 2023-05-31 972600 970000 2600 21852840 0 218000800 2369000 527600 507200 20600 2023-06-21 08:00:12.020
321 2023-06-01 2023-06-30 981300 978600 2600 21950970 0 218979500 2368500 530200 509900 20600 2023-07-17 08:00:08.730
322 2023-07-01 2023-07-31 910300 907800 2500 22042000 0 219887300 2368000 532700 512400 20600 2023-08-13 08:00:17.020
327 2023-08-01 2023-08-31 995900 993000 2900 22141580 0 220880300 2367400 535500 515200 20700 2023-09-17 08:00:16.527

Investor Account Statistics Table

自增ID 起始日期 结束日期 资金类别 期末数 日平均数 转入额 转出额 净转入(转出)额 备注 更新时间
485 2017-01-03 2017-01-06 1 13341.0000 13227.0000 4139.0000 4326.0000 -187.0000 1月3日(元旦后第一个交易日)净转入344.32亿元。 2017-01-11 08:00:18.497
486 2017-01-03 2017-01-06 2 1459.0000 1437.0000 420.0000 367.0000 53.0000 1月3日(元旦后第一个交易日)净转入38.95亿元。 2017-01-11 08:00:19.533
487 2017-01-03 2017-01-06 3 48.4900 48.7000 5.0900 4.1500 0.9400 1月3日(元旦后第一个交易日)净转入0.79亿元。 2017-01-11 08:00:19.533
488 2017-01-09 2017-01-13 1 13153.0000 13632.0000 4835.0000 5204.0000 -369.0000 2017-01-18 08:00:28.623
489 2017-01-09 2017-01-13 2 1538.0000 1512.0000 489.0000 541.0000 -52.0000 2017-01-18 08:00:29.207
490 2017-01-09 2017-01-13 3 49.9400 49.5100 5.3400 3.8000 1.5400 2017-01-18 08:00:29.227
491 2017-01-16 2017-01-20 1 12631.0000 12832.0000 5602.0000 5146.0000 456.0000 2017-01-25 08:00:06.763
492 2017-01-16 2017-01-20 2 1511.0000 1619.0000 490.0000 620.0000 -130.0000 2017-01-25 08:00:08.270
493 2017-01-16 2017-01-20 3 49.2600 49.8200 5.5800 6.4200 -0.8400 2017-01-25 08:00:08.380
494 2017-01-23 2017-01-26 1 10887.0000 12021.0000 3544.0000 4608.0000 -1064.0000 1月26日(春节前最后一个交易日)净转出728.34亿元。 2017-02-04 08:30:08.617
495 2017-01-23 2017-01-26 2 1275.0000 1420.0000 367.0000 513.0000 -146.0000 1月26日(春节前最后一个交易日)净转出79.43亿元。 2017-02-04 08:30:09.470
496 2017-01-23 2017-01-26 3 46.4700 48.5700 5.2600 8.3500 -3.0900 1月26日(春节前最后一个交易日)净转出2.83亿元。 2017-02-04 08:30:09.477
497 2017-01-01 2017-01-01 1 10887.0000 12962.0000 18120.0000 19284.0000 -1164.0000 2017-02-04 08:30:09.477
498 2017-01-01 2017-01-01 2 1275.0000 1505.0000 1766.0000 2041.0000 -275.0000 2017-02-04 08:30:09.480
499 2017-01-01 2017-01-01 3 46.4700 49.2100 21.2700 22.7300 -1.4600 2017-02-04 08:30:09.480
500 2017-02-03 2017-02-03 1 11813.0000 11813.0000 949.0000 455.0000 494.0000 2月3日(春节后第一个交易日)净转入493.77亿元。 2017-02-08 08:00:16.280
501 2017-02-03 2017-02-03 2 1359.0000 1359.0000 111.0000 63.0000 48.0000 2月3日(春节后第一个交易日)净转入48.11亿元。 2017-02-08 08:00:17.413
502 2017-02-03 2017-02-03 3 47.1500 47.1500 1.7700 1.0000 0.7700 2月3日(春节后第一个交易日)净转入0.77亿元。 2017-02-08 08:00:17.483
503 2017-02-06 2017-02-10 1 12936.0000 13058.0000 4352.0000 4043.0000 309.0000 2017-02-15 08:00:08.737
504 2017-02-06 2017-02-10 2 1441.0000 1430.0000 495.0000 380.0000 115.0000 2017-02-15 08:00:09.537
505 2017-02-06 2017-02-10 3 51.1600 50.1000 7.5300 3.5400 3.9900 2017-02-15 08:00:09.543
506 2017-02-13 2017-02-17 1 12792.0000 13148.0000 4511.0000 4316.0000 195.0000 2017-02-22 08:00:07.910
507 2017-02-13 2017-02-17 2 1514.0000 1495.0000 491.0000 453.0000 38.0000 2017-02-22 08:00:08.360
508 2017-02-13 2017-02-17 3 52.7000 52.4300 5.7400 4.1700 1.5700 2017-02-22 08:00:08.363
509 2017-02-20 2017-02-24 1 13029.0000 13115.0000 4653.0000 4332.0000 321.0000 2017-03-01 08:00:05.553
510 2017-02-20 2017-02-24 2 1436.0000 1473.0000 473.0000 477.0000 -4.0000 2017-03-01 08:00:06.267
511 2017-02-20 2017-02-24 3 53.9600 53.9000 7.2300 5.9700 1.2600 2017-03-01 08:00:06.270
512 2017-02-27 2017-03-03 1 13596.0000 13420.0000 4824.0000 4715.0000 109.0000 2月28日净转出202.52亿元,3月1日净转入184.19亿元。 2017-03-08 08:00:08.340
513 2017-02-27 2017-03-03 2 1477.0000 1476.0000 479.0000 504.0000 -25.0000 2月28日净转出26.36亿元,3月1日净转入23.92亿元。 2017-03-08 08:00:09.300
514 2017-02-27 2017-03-03 3 55.3700 54.7400 5.9100 3.9100 2.0000 2月28日净转入0.86亿元,3月1日净转入0.16亿元。 2017-03-08 08:00:09.303
515 2017-02-01 2017-02-01 1 13178.0000 13060.0000 16531.0000 15116.0000 1415.0000 2017-03-08 08:00:09.303
516 2017-02-01 2017-02-01 2 1451.0000 1461.0000 1754.0000 1584.0000 170.0000 2017-03-08 08:00:09.310
517 2017-02-01 2017-02-01 3 54.6000 52.1000 25.0300 16.5600 8.4700 2017-03-08 08:00:09.310
518 2017-03-06 2017-03-10 1 13365.0000 13589.0000 4462.0000 4648.0000 -186.0000 2017-03-15 08:00:09.710
519 2017-03-06 2017-03-10 2 1493.0000 1493.0000 448.0000 495.0000 -47.0000 2017-03-15 08:00:10.083
520 2017-03-06 2017-03-10 3 57.4900 57.0000 5.5400 3.1900 2.3500 2017-03-15 08:00:10.090
521 2017-03-13 2017-03-17 1 13213.0000 13595.0000 5314.0000 4851.0000 463.0000 2017-03-22 08:00:07.223
522 2017-03-13 2017-03-17 2 1475.0000 1486.0000 463.0000 485.0000 -22.0000 2017-03-22 08:00:07.977
523 2017-03-13 2017-03-17 3 58.4100 58.5500 5.1100 4.2100 0.9000 2017-03-22 08:00:07.980
524 2017-03-20 2017-03-24 1 12875.0000 13235.0000 5269.0000 5119.0000 150.0000 2017-03-29 08:00:06.510
525 2017-03-20 2017-03-24 2 1401.0000 1452.0000 461.0000 541.0000 -80.0000 2017-03-29 08:00:06.810
526 2017-03-20 2017-03-24 3 55.4200 57.7400 6.7500 8.8300 -2.0800 2017-03-29 08:00:06.817
527 2017-03-27 2017-03-31 1 11532.0000 12410.0000 5478.0000 5569.0000 -91.0000 3月31日(清明节前最后一个交易日)净转出702.15亿元。 2017-04-06 08:00:18.373
528 2017-03-27 2017-03-31 2 1342.0000 1414.0000 465.0000 650.0000 -185.0000 3月31日(清明节前最后一个交易日)净转出100.09亿元。 2017-04-06 08:00:19.757
529 2017-03-27 2017-03-31 3 55.2200 55.3800 4.9300 4.8700 0.0600 3月31日(清明节前最后一个交易日)净转出0.27亿元。 2017-04-06 08:00:19.760
530 2017-03-01 2017-03-01 1 11532.0000 13243.0000 23280.0000 22933.0000 347.0000 2017-04-06 08:00:19.760
531 2017-03-01 2017-03-01 2 1342.0000 1463.0000 2132.0000 2463.0000 -331.0000 2017-04-06 08:00:19.760
532 2017-03-01 2017-03-01 3 55.2200 56.9000 25.4800 23.1400 2.3400 2017-04-06 08:00:19.767
533 2017-04-05 2017-04-07 1 13944.0000 13633.0000 3896.0000 3070.0000 826.0000 4月5日(清明节后第一个交易日)净转入1,137.96亿元。 2017-04-12 08:00:26.827

Block Transaction Table

自增ID 序号 交易日期 证券内部ID 货币种类 成交价 成交金额 成交量 买方营业部 卖方营业部 更新时间
921422 3800165 2023-10-11 2073 CNY 10.2500 1278.0200 124.6900 华鑫证券有限责任公司上海凯旋北路证券营业部 长城证券股份有限公司杭州民心路证券营业部 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921423 3800166 2023-10-11 2073 CNY 10.2500 218.4800 21.3200 华鑫证券有限责任公司上海凯旋北路证券营业部 长城证券股份有限公司杭州民心路证券营业部 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921424 3800167 2023-10-11 2274 CNY 4.6800 395.2700 84.4600 海通证券股份有限公司深圳滨河大道证券营业部 机构专用 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921425 3800168 2023-10-11 2230 CNY 1.7500 3235.2400 1848.7100 中信证券股份有限公司北京总部证券营业部 中国银河证券股份有限公司北京亮马桥路证券营业部 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921426 3800169 2023-10-11 2373 CNY 11.6200 2482.8500 213.6700 机构专用 机构专用 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921427 3800170 2023-10-11 2373 CNY 11.6200 1489.6800 128.2000 机构专用 机构专用 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921428 3800171 2023-10-11 2674 CNY 5.5500 210.9000 38.0000 华创证券有限责任公司贵阳北京路证券营业部 华安证券股份有限公司芜湖分公司 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921429 3800172 2023-10-11 2674 CNY 5.5500 166.5000 30.0000 机构专用 华安证券股份有限公司芜湖分公司 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921430 3800173 2023-10-11 2771 CNY 10.8000 1490.4000 138.0000 光大证券股份有限公司宁波柳汀街证券营业部 南京证券股份有限公司杭州新塘路证券营业部 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921431 3800174 2023-10-11 2524 CNY 10.5500 1000.0000 94.7900 长江证券股份有限公司胶州北京东路证券营业部 招商证券股份有限公司北京安外大街证券营业部 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921432 3800175 2023-10-11 2524 CNY 10.5500 999.0900 94.7000 长江证券股份有限公司胶州北京东路证券营业部 招商证券股份有限公司北京安外大街证券营业部 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921433 3800176 2023-10-11 3286 CNY 43.3300 687.2100 15.8600 华福证券有限责任公司上海分公司 中国中金财富证券有限公司佛山南海桂城灯湖东路证券营业部 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921434 3800177 2023-10-11 3415 CNY 11.8000 424.8000 36.0000 华泰证券股份有限公司北京西三环国际财经中心证券营业部 机构专用 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921435 3800178 2023-10-11 3498 CNY 6.1000 549.0000 90.0000 海通证券股份有限公司台州市府大道证券营业部 海通证券股份有限公司台州市府大道证券营业部 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921436 3800179 2023-10-11 10023643 CNY 0.8300 3332.0000 4000.0000 机构专用 机构专用 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921437 3800180 2023-10-11 10019367 CNY 8.8500 1504.5000 170.0000 机构专用 华泰证券股份有限公司成都蜀金路证券营业部 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921438 3800181 2023-10-11 236 HKD 117.6800 8002.2400 68.0000 华鑫证券有限责任公司上海茅台路证券营业部 中国国际金融股份有限公司北京建国门外大街证券营业部 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921439 3800182 2023-10-11 2735 CNY 15.1000 238.5800 15.8000 渤海证券股份有限公司天津水上公园东路证券营业部 国都证券股份有限公司北京中关村南大街证券营业部 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921440 3800183 2023-10-11 3264 CNY 2.6200 503.0400 192.0000 中信证券股份有限公司湖南分公司 中国中金财富证券有限公司北京建国门外大街证券营业部 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921441 3800184 2023-10-11 3354 CNY 39.0000 253.8900 6.5100 中泰证券股份有限公司济南泺源大街证券营业部 中信建投证券股份有限公司济南经四路证券营业部 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921442 3800185 2023-10-11 3422 CNY 3.0600 98.1000 32.0600 中信建投证券股份有限公司北京京西分公司 东方财富证券股份有限公司拉萨金融城南环路证券营业部 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921443 3800186 2023-10-11 3779 CNY 11.5800 741.1200 64.0000 中信证券股份有限公司河北分公司 安信证券股份有限公司北京阜成门证券营业部 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921444 3800187 2023-10-11 3779 CNY 11.5800 231.6000 20.0000 兴业证券股份有限公司河北分公司 安信证券股份有限公司北京阜成门证券营业部 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921445 3800188 2023-10-11 3779 CNY 11.5800 231.6000 20.0000 华创证券有限责任公司上海分公司 安信证券股份有限公司北京阜成门证券营业部 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921446 3800189 2023-10-11 4555 CNY 109.7300 1975.1400 18.0000 国泰君安证券股份有限公司武汉徐东大街证券营业部 机构专用 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921447 3800190 2023-10-11 4555 CNY 109.7300 658.3800 6.0000 招商证券股份有限公司上海世纪大道证券营业部 中信证券股份有限公司浙江分公司 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921448 3800191 2023-10-11 29612 CNY 40.2000 470.3400 11.7000 国联证券股份有限公司昆山前进东路证券营业部 中泰证券股份有限公司苏州干将路证券营业部 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921449 3800192 2023-10-11 75257 CNY 62.9000 4906.2000 78.0000 五矿证券有限公司湖南分公司 机构专用 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921450 3800193 2023-10-11 74780 CNY 16.3600 1636.0000 100.0000 华泰证券股份有限公司南京宁双路证券营业部 中国国际金融股份有限公司北京建国门外大街证券营业部 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921451 3800194 2023-10-11 74780 CNY 16.3600 1636.0000 100.0000 国泰君安证券股份有限公司南京太平南路证券营业部 中国国际金融股份有限公司北京建国门外大街证券营业部 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921452 3800195 2023-10-11 74721 CNY 18.6100 4098.9000 220.2500 机构专用 长城证券股份有限公司青岛龙城路证券营业部 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921453 3800196 2023-10-11 76098 CNY 58.0000 3549.6000 61.2000 机构专用 申万宏源西部证券有限公司霍尔果斯亚欧路证券营业部 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921454 3800197 2023-10-11 76098 CNY 62.0200 2500.6500 40.3200 机构专用 机构专用 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921455 3800198 2023-10-11 76098 CNY 62.0200 1500.2600 24.1900 机构专用 机构专用 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921456 3800199 2023-10-11 76098 CNY 62.0200 999.7600 16.1200 机构专用 机构专用 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921457 3800200 2023-10-11 77192 CNY 26.3700 3032.5500 115.0000 五矿证券有限公司湖南分公司 机构专用 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921458 3800201 2023-10-11 77837 CNY 12.6000 4536.0000 360.0000 国元证券股份有限公司合肥长江路证券营业部 海通证券股份有限公司上海临港分公司 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921459 3800202 2023-10-11 77972 CNY 91.5600 998.0000 10.9000 申万宏源证券有限公司深圳福华一路证券营业部 申万宏源西部证券有限公司霍尔果斯亚欧路证券营业部 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921460 3800203 2023-10-11 77972 CNY 91.5600 915.6000 10.0000 申万宏源证券有限公司深圳福华一路证券营业部 申万宏源西部证券有限公司霍尔果斯亚欧路证券营业部 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921461 3800204 2023-10-11 77972 CNY 91.5600 915.6000 10.0000 申万宏源证券有限公司深圳福华一路证券营业部 申万宏源西部证券有限公司霍尔果斯亚欧路证券营业部 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921462 3800205 2023-10-11 79026 CNY 79.1800 1583.6000 20.0000 机构专用 海通证券股份有限公司北京知春路证券营业部 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921463 3800206 2023-10-11 78889 CNY 15.3200 200.6900 13.1000 中信证券股份有限公司常州高新科技园证券营业部 中信证券(山东)有限责任公司荣成成山大道证券营业部 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921464 3800207 2023-10-11 77964 CNY 11.6200 1162.0000 100.0000 中信建投证券股份有限公司北京东城分公司 海通证券股份有限公司上海种德桥路证券营业部 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921465 3800208 2023-10-11 78010 CNY 29.8900 3825.9200 128.0000 广发证券股份有限公司珠海横琴环岛东路证券营业部 东北证券股份有限公司晋江世纪大道证券营业部 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921466 3800209 2023-10-11 79036 CNY 20.4900 1024.5000 50.0000 机构专用 中信建投证券股份有限公司河北分公司 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921467 3800210 2023-10-11 78386 CNY 23.9800 239.8000 10.0000 广发证券股份有限公司杭州富春路证券营业部 广发证券股份有限公司晋江崇德路证券营业部 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921468 3800211 2023-10-11 79022 CNY 12.6000 1059.9100 84.1200 东北证券股份有限公司上海永嘉路证券营业部 兴业证券股份有限公司连云港分公司 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921469 3800212 2023-10-11 78669 CNY 44.1000 882.0000 20.0000 中国中金财富证券有限公司深圳分公司 国泰君安证券股份有限公司岳阳南湖大道证券营业部 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290
921470 3800213 2023-10-11 78669 CNY 44.1000 882.0000 20.0000 中国中金财富证券有限公司深圳分公司 中信证券(山东)有限责任公司寿光农圣东街证券营业部 2023-10-11 16:30:17.290

Block Transaction Intention Declaration Form

lihaiqin 13762936406
Information code Serial number Declaration date Securities ID Transaction code Currency type Buy and sell direction Price Quantity Remarks Update time
19907 19907 2023-06-01 39011 601108 CNY 1 6.8000 1.6900 2023-06-01 17:10:08.070
19908 19908 2023-06-01 1034 600460 CNY 1 31.6700 9.1000 U 2023-06-01 17:10:08.073
19909 19909 2023-06-02 1541 600887 CNY 1 28.700 0 10.0000 Mr. Bi 15801025650 2023-06-02 17:10:09.523
19910 19911 2023-06-02 10019123 513130 CNY 1 0. 5070 200.0000 Accept exclusive lock 15300028455 2023-06-02 17:10:09.530
19911 19910 2023-06-02 10019123 513130 CNY 1 0. 5070 200.0000 Accept exclusive lock 15300028455 2023-06-02 17:10:09.530
19912 19912 2023-06-05 786 600221 CNY 1 1.5300 30.0100 Qian Zhengli 13396547282 2023-06-05 17:10:03.693
19913 19913 2023-06-06 10019123 513130 CNY 2 0. 4620 442.0600 Restricted sale 15300028455 2023-06-06 17:10:04.980
19914 19914 2023-06-07 786 600221 CNY 1 1.5800 386.6920 Wang 18682329932 2023-06-07 17:10:06.857
19915 19915 2023-06-07 77631 688256 CNY 1 208.0 000 1.3652 Mr. Cai 13946288661 2023-06-07 17:10:06.860
19916 19916 2023-06-08 786 600221 CNY 1 1.5800 386.7115 Wang 18682329932 2023-06-08 17:10:07.860
19917 19917 2023-06-08 1454 600808 CNY 1 2.3700 700.0000 Jia Zhixiang-15021079175 2023-06-08 17:10:07.863
19918 19918 2023-06-12 1980 601006 CNY 2 8.5100 7.1500 Bai Haiying 13096915871 2023-06-12 17:10:03.603
19919 19919 2023-06-13 79701 688177 CNY 1 20.00 00 30.0000 Sun Yonggang 13903406780 2023-06-13 22:10:05.230
19920 19920 2023-06-13 786 600221 CNY 1 1.5800 380.0000 T 2023-06-13 19.91 00 20.1000 Gu Zhonghua 18980081414 2023-06-13 17:10:05.720
19922 19922 2023-06-14 786 600221 CNY 1 1.5800 380.0000 T 2023-06-14 17:10:06.303
19923 19923 2023-06-15 786 600221 CNY 1 1.5800 380.0000 T 2023-06-15 17:10:08.033
19924 19924 2023-06-15 72333 603871 CNY 1 20.60 00 10.0000 Chen Sheng 13924208329 2023-06-15 17:10:08.033
19925 19925 2023-06-16 79701 688177 CNY 1 20.00 00 25.0000 Sun Yonggang 13903406780 2023-06-16 17:10:09.340
19926 19926 2023-06-19 1379 600732 CNY 1 26.470 0 22.2200 T 2023-06-19 17:10:04.220
19927 19927 2023-06-20 1502 600848 CNY 2 11.210 0 18.1900 Song Xuelan-15921904268 2023-06-20 21:10:06.177
19928 19928 2023-06-20 1502 600848 CNY 2 11.210 0 18.1900 Song Xuelan-15921904268 2023-06-20 17:10:06.350
19929 19929 2023-06-21 2122 601318 CNY 1 43.500 0 5.0000 liu 18721399327 2023-06-21 17:10:06.967
19930 19930 2023-06-26 4684 603993 CNY 1 4.8100 2000.0000 U 2023-06-26 17:10:04.720
19931 19931 2023-06-28 2122 601318 CNY 1 45.120 0 5.0000 2023-06-28 17:10:06.643
19932 19932 2023-07-03 29459 603959 CNY 1 10.35 00 48.3000 2023-07-03 17:10:03.547
19933 19933 2023-07-03 29459 603959 CNY 1 10.35 00 48.3000 2023-07-03 17:10:03.547
19934 19934 2023-07-03 29459 603959 CNY 1 10.35 00 48.3000 2023-07-03 17:10:03.547
19935 19935 2023-07-05 1014 600438 CNY 2 37.000 0 22.9100 Zhang 18823528000 2023-07-05 17:10:06.380
19936 19936 2023-07-07 987 600415 CNY 2 36.0000 10.5700 Zhang Tianli 13932113624 2023-07-07 17:10:09.497
19937 19937 2023-07-10 1014 600438 CNY 2 37.000 0 25.0000 Zhang 18823528000 2023-07-10 17:10:04.540
19938 19938 2023-07-21 10005429 501000 CNY 1 0. 0020 10.0000 Ear 11111 2023-07-21 17:10:09.213
19939 19939 2023-07-24 4103 603001 CNY 1 5.3500 30.0000 Zheng Dong 13813860455 2023-07-24 17:10:03.777
19940 19940 2023-07-26 75283 603087 CNY 1 41.23 00 5.0000 T 2023-07-26 18:10:06.623
19941 19941 2023-07-27 30823 603727 CNY 2 11.60 00 44.7000 T 2023-07-27 17:10:08.050
19942 19942 2023-07-28 2296 601169 CNY 1 4.3800 30.0400 Mr. Wu 13767525183 2023-07-28 17:10:09.670
19943 19943 2023-07-28 75283 603087 CNY 1 40.48 00 17.2000 T 2023-07-28 17:10:09.673
19944 19944 2023-07-28 2056 601398 CNY 1 4.2400 31.0000 Mr. Wu 13767525183 2023-07-28 17:10:09.673
19945 19945 2023-08-01 2388 601099 CNY 1 4.3100 0.0100 T 2023-08-01 17:10:05.103
19946 19946 2023-08-08 1424 600777 CNY 1 2.5000 100.0000 0 Li Quanzhen 13151474242 2023-08-08 0.0010 199.0000 Active No. 1 buy test 15300028455 2023-08-10 17:10:08.670
19948 19947 2023-08-10 10019123 513130 CNY 1 0. 0010 200.0000 Trading desk authority activated 15300028455 2023-08-10 17:10:08.673
19949 19949 2023-08-15 79011 688312 CNY 1 13.00 00 20.0000 Liang Sheng18929012299 2023-08-15 17:10:05.893
19950 19950 2023-08-16 10001198 511880 CNY 2 99 9.0000 1.7900 李 15300028455 2023-08-16 17:10:06.997
19951 19951 2023-08-16 1014 600438 CNY 2 36.000 0 31.8300 Zhang 13531512735 2023-08-16 17:10:06.997
19952 19952 2023-08-17 1014 600438 CNY 2 36.000 0 31.7300 Little Fatty 13531512735 2023-08-17 17:10:08.183
19953 19953 2023-08-17 1014 600438 CNY 2 36.000 0 31.7300 Little Fatty 13531512735 2023-08-17 17:10:08.190
19954 19954 2023-08-21 3333 601288 CNY 1 3.1400 79.0000 Xin 15040768333 2023-08-21 17:10:04.953
19955 19955 2023-08-22 3333 601288 CNY 1 3.1300 79.0000 Xin Hai 15040768333 2023-08-22 17:10:05.917

Data update frequency

Annual update, please contact us for special needs
