
Time Range

Cross-section Data: End of 2023

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Work Task Field Table
Occupation ID

Sample data

changes groups. td>Identify and evaluate pilot projects or programs to enhance the sustainability research agenda. < td>Core
Professional id Importance Category Work
11-1011.00 88 Core Direct or coordinate an organization's financial or budget activities to fund operations, maximize investments, or increase efficiency.
11-1011.00 83 Core Confer with board members, organization officials, or staff members to discuss issues, coordinate activities, or resolve problems.
11-1011.00 83 Core Prepare budgets for approval, including those for funding or implementation of programs.
11-1011.00 81 Core Direct, plan, or implement policies, objectives, or activities of organizations or businesses to ensure continuing operations, to maximize returns on investments, or to increase productivity.
11-1011.00 79 Core Prepare or present reports concerning activities, expenses, budgets, government statutes or rulings, or other items affecting businesses or program services.
11-1011 .00 79 Core Implement corrective action plans to solve organizational or departmental problems.
11-1011.00 78 Core Analyze operations to evaluate performance of a company or its staff in meeting objectives or to determine areas of potential cost reduction, program improvement, or policy change.
11-1011.00 78 Core Direct or coordinate activities of businesses or departments concerned with production, pricing, sales, or distribution of products.
11-1011.00 78 Core Direct human resources activities, including the approval of human resource plans or activities, the selection of directors or other high-level staff, or establishment or organization of major departments.
11-1011.00 77 Core Appoint department heads or managers and assign or delegate responsibilities to them.
11-1011.00 77 Core Interpret and explain policies, rules, regulations, or laws to organizations, government or corporate officials, or individuals.
11-1011.00 77 Core Review reports submitted by staff members to recommend approval or to suggest
11-1011.00 77 Core Negotiate or approve contracts or agreements with suppliers, distributors, federal or state agencies, or other organizational entities.
11-1011.00 75Co re Establish departmental responsibilities and coordinate functions among departments and sites.
11-1011.00 74 Core Deliver speeches, write articles, or present information at meetings or conventions to promote services, exchange ideas, or accomplish objectives.
11-1011.00 73 Core Serve as liaisons between organizations, shareholders, and outside organizations.
11-1011.00 70 Core Coordinate the development or implementation of budgetary control systems, recordkeeping systems, or other administrative control processes.
11-1011.00 70 Core Preside over, or serve on, boards of directors, management committees, or other governing boards.
11-1011.00 65 Core Attend and participate in meetings of municipal councils or council committees.
11-1011.00 64 Core Organize or approve promotional campaigns.
11-1011.00 77 Supplemental Nominate citizens to boards or commissions.
11-1011.00 75 Supplemental Conduct or direct investigations or hearings to resolve complaints or violations of laws, or testify at such hearings.
11-1011.00 73 Supplemental Direct or coordinate activities of businesses involved with buying or selling investment products or financial services.
11-1011.00 72 Supplemental Prepare bylaws approved by elected officials, and ensure that bylaws are enforced.
11-1011.00 70 Supplemental Make presentations to legislative or other government committees regarding policies, programs, or budgets.
11-1011.00 70 Supplemental Review and analyze legislation, laws, or public policy and recommend changes to promote or support interests of the general population or special groups.
11-1011.00 70 Supplemental Direct non-merchandising departments, such as advertising, purchasing, credit, or accounting.
11-1011.00 68 Supplemental Refer major policy matters to elected representatives for final decisions.
11-1011.00 67 Supplemental Direct or conduct studies or research on issues affecting areas of responsibility.
11-1011.00 63 Supplemental Administer programs for selection of sites, construction of buildings, or provision of equipment or supplies.
11-1011.00 61 Supplemental Represent organizations or promote their objectives at official functions, or delegate representatives to do so.
11-1011.03 85 Core Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of sustainability programs.
11-1011.03 84 Core Develop or execute strategies to address issues such as energy use, resource conservation, recycling, pollution reduction, waste elimination, transportation, education, and building design.
11-1011.03 83 Core Develop, or oversee the development of, sustainability evaluation or monitoring systems.
11-1011.03 81 Core Super vise employees or volunteers working on sustainability projects.
11-1011.03 76 Core Develop sustainability reports, presentations, or proposals for supplier, employee, academia, media, government, public interest, or other
11-1011.03 73 Core Develop, or oversee the development of, marketing or outreach media for sustainability projects or events.
11-1011.03 72 Core
11-1011.03 71 Core Create and maintain sustainability program documents, such as schedules and budgets.
11-1011.03 69 Core Formulate or implement sustainability campaign or marketing strategies.
11-1011.03 69 Core Research environmental sustainability issues, concerns, or stakeholder interests.
11-1011.03 66 Core Direct sustainability program operations to ensure compliance with environmental or governmental regulations.
11-1011.03 63 Core Evaluate and approve proposals for sustainability projects, considering factors such as cost effectiveness, technical feasibility, and integration with other initiatives.
11-1011.03 63 Develop methodologies to assess the viability or success of sustainability initiatives.
11-1011.03 62 Core Review sustainability program objectives, progress, or status to ensure compliance with policies, standards, regulations, or laws.
11-1011.03 58 Core Write and distribute financial or environmental impact reports.
11-1011.03 58 Core Write project proposals, grant applications, or other documents to pursue funding for environmental initiatives.
11-1011.03 55 Core Identify educational, training, or other development opportunities for sustainability employees or volunteers.
11-1011.03 53 Core Conduct risk assessments related to sustainability and the environment.

Data update frequency

Annual update