
  China's listed companies' market derivative data is a database jointly developed by CnOpenData and Tonglian Data, which contains 1 table, namely:

  • China's listed companies' AH price comparison data: Get the daily AH stock price comparison information, including the closing price of A shares, the closing price of H shares, and the proportion of H shares to A shares.

Time interval


Field display

Chinese listed companies AH price comparison data - English field Chinese listed companies AH price comparison data - Chinese field
ID Auto-increment ID
PARTY_ID Institution ID
A_SECURITY_ID A-share securities internal ID
TRADE_DATE Trading day
A_TICKER_SYMBOL A-share securities code
H_TICKER_SYMBOL H-share securities code
A_SEC_SHORT_NAME A-share securities Securities abbreviation
H_SEC_SHORT_NAME H-share securities abbreviation
A_CLOSE_PRICE A-share closing price
H_CLOSE_PRICE H-share closing price
HA_CLOSE_PRICE H-share closing price (exchange rate conversion)
A_CHG_PCT A-share price fluctuation
H_CHG_PCT H-share price fluctuation
A_H_RATIO AH closing price ratio
A_TURNOVER_VOL A-share trading volume
H_TURNOVER_VOL H-share trading volume
UPDATE_TIME Update time

Sample data

th> td> td> td> td> td> td> td> td>
Self-incremented ID Institution ID A-share securities Internal ID Trading day A-share securities code H-share securities code A-share securities abbreviation H-share securities abbreviation A-share closing price H-share closing price H-share closing price (exchange rate conversion) A-share increase or decrease H-share increase or decrease AH closing price ratio A-share trading volume H-share trading volume Update time
369361 3 4 2023-10-11 000002 02202 Vanke A Vanke Enterprise 12.770 8.500 7. 803 -0.004 0.022 61.1000 52314028 17013240 2023-10-11 17:30:19.530
369494 3 4 2023-10-12 000002 02202 万科A 万科企业 12.840 8.510 7.809 0.006 0.001 60.8000 38131705 12340415 2023-1 0-12 17:30:14.903
369247 40 65 2023-10-11 000039 02039 中集集团 中集集团 6.770 4.140 3.800 -0.003 -0.014 56.1000 10151052 978730 2023 -10-11 17:30:19.323
369404 40 65 2023-10-12 000039 02039 CIMC CIMC6.870 4.200 3.854 0.015 0.015 56.1000 10195036 578026 2023- 10-12 17:30:14.710
369248 57 86 2023-10-11 000063 00763 ZTE ZTE 33.920 23.750 21.802 0.030 0.039 64.3000 80007662 5432331 2023 -10-11 17:30:19.327
369405 57 86 2023-10-12 000063 00763 ZTE ZTE 33.730 23.600 21.655 -0.006 -0.006 64.2000 49302784 4018671 202 3-10-12 17:30:14.720
369348 75 104 2023-10-11 000157 01157 Zoomlion Zoomlion 6.700 4.030 3.699 -0.002 -0.015 55.2000 30654576 4193393 202 3-10-11 17:30:19.497
369495 75 104 2023-10-12 000157 01157 Zoomlion Zoomlion6.720 4.180 3.835 0.003 0.037 57.1000 19445503 5877600 2023 -10-12 17:30:14.907
369359 109 137 2023-10-11 000488 01812 Chenming Paper Chenming Paper< /td> 4.410 2.220 2.038 -0.007 -0.005 46.2000 8851000 353500 2023 -10-11 17:30:19.527
369497 109 137 2023-10-12 000488 01812 Chenming Paper Chenming Paper< /td> 4.510 2.260 2.074 0.023 0.018 46.0000 12334987 151000 2023- 10-12 17:30:14.907
369249 122 152 2023-10-11 000513 01513 Livzon Group Livzon Pharmaceutical 35.760 24.650 22.628 -0.015 -0.018 63.3000 7977480 1555600 2 023-10-11 17:30:19.330
369406 122 152 2023-10-12 000513 01513 Livz Group Livz Pharmaceuticals36.100 24.750 22.710 0.010 0.004 62.9000 5968374 1585404 20 23-10-12 17:30:14.720
369250 326 358 2023-10-11 000756 00719 Xinhua Pharmaceutical Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 20.280 5.470 5.021 0.043 0.038 24.8000 28435488 3962000 20 23-10-11 17:30:19.330
369407 326 358 2023-10-12 000756 00719 Xinhua Pharmaceutical Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 20.570 5.550 5.093 0.014 0.015 24.8000 20716419 1078198 20 23-10-12 17:30:14.727
369328 339 370 2023-10-11 000776 01776 GF Securities GF Securities 14.580 10.180 9.345 -0.003 0.002 64.1000 24119896 2607758 20 23-10-11 17:30:19.460
369485 339 370 2023-10-12 000776 01776 GF Securities GF Securities14.720 10.260 9.414 0.010 0.008 64.0000 26593266 4117200 20 23-10-12 17:30:14.887
369251 428 457 2023-10-11 000898 00347 Ansteel Co., Ltd. Ansteel Co., Ltd.2.650 1.850 1.698 -0.008 0.005 64.1000 35370898 2441225 202 3-10-11 17:30:19.330
369408 428 457 2023-10-12 000898 00347 Ansteel Co., Ltd. Ansteel Co., Ltd. /td> 2.690 1.900 1.743 0.015 0.027 64.8000 29166706 4238850 2023 -10-12 17:30:14.727
369252 448 477 2023-10-11 000921 00921 Hisense Home Appliances Hisense Home Appliances 22.640 19.080 17.515 -0.018 -0.004 77.4000 5497017 3282000 2 023-10-11 17:30:19.333
369409 448 477 2023-10-12 000921 00921 Hisense Home Appliances Hisense Home Appliances 24.600 21.500 19.728 0.087 0.127 80.2000 23329479 6022437 20 23-10-12 17:30:14.727
369253 614 596 2023-10-11 600011 00902 Huaneng International Huaneng International Power Co., Ltd. 7.650 3.720 3.415 -0.008 0.019 44.6000 43379467 22159897 2 023-10-11 17:30:19.333
369410 614 596 2023-10-12 600011 00902 Huaneng International Huaneng International Power Co., Ltd. 7.810 3.660 3.358 0.021 -0.016 43.0000 46756421 28444000 2 023-10-12 17:30:14.727
369254 615 597 2023-10-11 600012 00995 Anhui Expressway Anhui Expressway 10.780 8.240 7.564 -0.009 -0.001 70.2000 6611448 2660448 2 023-10-11 17:30:19.337
369411 615 597 2023-10-12 600012 00995 Anhui Expressway Anhui Expressway 10.830 8.230 7.552 0.005 -0.001 69.7000 3989016 3066000 20 23-10-12 17:30:14.733
369255 617 601 2023-10-11 600016 01988 Minsheng Bank Minsheng Bank3.710 2.590 2.378 0.016 0.008 64.1000 83380011 18269543 202 3-10-11 17:30:19.337
369412 617 601 2023-10-12 600016 01988 Minsheng Bank Minsheng Bank3.740 2.650 2.432 0.008 0.023 65.0000 88519470 26957380 202 3-10-12 17:30:14.733
369256 622 608 2023-10-11 600026 01138 COSCO Energy COSCO Hai Neng 12.850 7.740 7.105 -0.015 -0.013 55.3000 30830752 6873786 20 23-10-11 17:30:19.337
369413 622 608 2023-10-12 600026 01138 COSCO SHIPPING ENGINEERING COSCO SHIPPING ENGINEERING12.700 7.940 7.286 -0.012 0.026 57.4000 22330545 4858000 20 23-10-12 17:30:14.737
369257 623 609 2023-10-11 600028 00386 Sinopec Sinopec Corp. /td> 5.800 4.160 3.819 -0.022 0.012 65.8000 171252962 113606621 2023-10-11 17:30:19.337
369414 623 609 2023-10-12 600028 00386 Sinopec Sinopec Corp. /td> 5.820 4.210 3.863 0.003 0.012 66.4000 113105504 138554507 2 023-10-12 17:30:14.737
369258 624 610 2023-10-11 600029 01055 China Southern Airlines China Southern Airlines Co., Ltd. 5.980 3.730 3.424 -0.007 -0.005 57.3000 31136466 4227538 2 023-10-11 17:30:19.340
369415 624 610 2023-10-12 600029 01055 China Southern Airlines China Southern Airlines Shares 6.070 3.830 3.514 0.015 0.027 57.9000 31754991 6744877 20 23-10-12 17:30:14.743
369259 625 612 2023-10-11 600030 06030 CITIC Securities CITIC Securities 21.510 15.300 14.045 0.004 0.007 65.3000 39384579 5289897 20 23-10-11 17:30:19.340
369416 625 612 2023-10-12 600030 06030 CITIC Securities CITIC Securities 21.760 15.600 14.314 0.012 0.020 65.8000 57707114 5851577 20 23-10-12 17:30:14.747
369260 629 619 2023-10-11 600036 03968 China Merchants Bank China Merchants Bank 32.450 32.000 29.375 -0.004 -0.009 90.5000 37609124 17754121 2 023-10-11 17:30:19.340
369417 629 619 2023-10-12 600036 03968 China Merchants Bank China Merchants Bank 33.070 33.400 30.647 0.019 0.044 92.7000 61745963 31326250 2 023-10-12 17:30:14.750
369261 698 691 2023-10-11 600115 00670 China Eastern Airlines China Eastern Airlines Co., Ltd. /td> 4.290 2.650 2.433 -0.025 -0.015 56.7000 50976862 10341447 2 023-10-11 17:30:19.343
369418 698 691 2023-10-12 600115 00670 China Eastern Airlines China Eastern Airlines shares Shares 4.340 2.670 2.450 0.012 0.008 56.5000 34640008 9098000 20 23-10-12 17:30:14.750
369262 761 755 2023-10-11 600188 01171 Yankuang Energy Yankuang Energy 19.900 14.300 13.127 -0.017 -0.014 66.0000 31067012 7887725 20 23-10-11 17:30:19.343
369419 761 755 2023-10-12 600188 01171 Yankuang Energy Yankuang Energy 19.760 14.060 12.901 -0.007 -0.017 65.3000 26326629 16421571 2023-10-12 17:30:14.753

Data update frequency

Annual update, please contact us for special needs
