
Time interval


Field display

Convertible bond premium and discount information-English field Convertible bond premium and discount information-Chinese field
ID Auto-increment ID
SECURITY_ID Convertible bond securities code
TICKER_SYMBOL_BOND Convertible bond trading code
CLOSE_PRICE_BOND Convertible bond closing price
TRADE_DATE Transaction date
TICKER_SYMBOL_EQU Underlying stock trading code
Closing price of underlying stock
CONV_PRICE Conversion price of convertible bonds
BOND_PREM_DISC Convertible bond discount and premium
UPDATE_TIME Update time

Sample data

Self-increment ID Convertible bond securities code Convertible bond trading code Convertible bond closing price Trading date Underlying stock trading code Underlying stock closing price Convertible bond conversion price Convertible bond discount and premium Update time
611886 158916 128017 110.4000 2023-10-09 002597 22.590 20.5400 0.4195 2023-10-09 16:01:02.867
612558 158916 128017 108.9990 2023-10-10 002597 22.05 0 20.5400 1.6475 2023-10-10 16:01:25.107
613014 158916 128017 108.8330 2023-10-11 002597 22.21 0 20.5400 0.7025 2023-10-11 16:01:46.867
613635 158916 128017 109.8300 2023-10-12 002597 22.47 0 20.5400 0.4337 2023-10-12 16:00:57.767
611885 162639 123002 106.2750 2023-10-09 300388 6.670 8.0600 23.5207 2023-10-09 16:01:02.757
612553 162639 123002 106.2330 2023-10-10 300388 6.640 8.0600 23.8509 2023-10-10 16:01:24.863
613040 162639 123002 106.1190 2023-10-11 300388 6.560 8.0600 24.7294 2023-10-11 16:01:48.623
613663 162639 123002 106.3580 2023-10-12 300388 6.650 8.0600 23.8518 2023-10-12 16:00:59.967
611877 163068 128021 108.6850 2023-10-09 002562 4.100 4.2500 12.2144 2023-10-09 16:01:01.677
612443 163068 128021 107.6650 2023-10-10 002562 4.040 4.2500 12.6062 2023-10-10 16:00:38.503
613013 163068 128021 107.6000 2023-10-11 002562 4.090 4.2500 11.3647 2023-10-11 16:01:14.333
613586 163068 128021 108.1200 2023-10-12 002562 4.150 4.2500 10.4729 2023-10-12 16:00:53.390
611887 163784 128023 111.2000 2023-10-09 002284 9.810 10.2400 15.3992 2023-10-09 16:01:03.007
612559 163784 128023 111.8000 2023-10-10 002284 9.980 10.2400 14.3391 2023-10-10 16:01:25.150
613045 163784 128023 110.5570 2023-10-11 002284 9.740 10.2400 15.4398 2023-10-11 16:01:48.803
613672 163784 128023 110.5640 2023-10-12 002284 10.08 0 10.2400 12.1265 2023-10-12 16:01:00.463
611888 164143 128025 178.3420 2023-10-09 002728 15.47 0 8.9300 5.1057 2023-10-09 16:01:03.127
612560 164143 128025 174.3000 2023-10-10 002728 15.03 0 8.9300 5.9909 2023-10-10 16:01:25.200
613015 164143 128025 175.8250 2023-10-11 002728 15.28 0 9.2100 9.9184 2023-10-11 16:01:46.897
613673 164143 128025 176.5000 2023-10-12 002728 15.62 0 9.2100 6.9017 2023-10-12 16:01:00.720
611878 165153 128026 107.4400 2023-10-09 002772 8.610 11.1200 30.0119 2023-10-09 16:01:01.757
612444 165153 128026 107.4360 2023-10-10 002772 8.550 11.1200 30.5475 2023-10-10 16:01:15.300
613026 165153 128026 107.5620 2023-10-11 002772 8.560 11.1200 30.5836 2023-10-11 16:01:47.783
613587 165153 128026 107.5990 2023-10-12 002772 8.580 11.1200 30.4407 2023-10-12 16:00:53.487
611872 166986 123004 106.5420 2023-10-09 300197 2.330 2.4400 11.0502 2023-10-09 16:00:31.257
612445 166986 123004 106.5420 2023-10-10 300197 2.330 2.4400 11.0502 2023-10-10 16:01:16.277
613018 166986 123004 106.3890 2023-10-11 300197 2.330 2.4400 10.8972 2023-10-11 16:01:47.440
613706 166986 123004 106.6000 2023-10-12 300197 2.360 2.4400 9.8787 2023-10-12 16:01:03.783
611889 167782 128030 203.8870 2023-10-09 002100 6.800 7.1800 109.1795 2023-10-09 16:01:03.220
612776 167782 128030 189.1990 2023-10-10 002100 6.800 7.1800 94.4915 2023-10-10 16:01:36.270
613016 167782 128030 177.7770 2023-10-11 002100 6.750 7.1800 83.7659 2023-10-11 16:01:46.937
613674 167782 128030 186.5000 2023-10-12 002100 6.810 7.1800 91.6532 2023-10-12 16:01:00.803
611893 168305 113017 106.0280 2023-10-09 601929 1.880 2.1100 16.9285 2023-10-09 16:01:03.517
612748 168305 113017 106.2100 2023-10-10 601929 1.900 2.1100 16.1626 2023-10-10 16:01:34.183
613017 168305 113017 106.1000 2023-10-11 601929 1.910 2.1100 15.5787 2023-10-11 16:01:46.950
613644 168305 113017 106.0310 2023-10-12 601929 1.910 2.1100 15.5097 2023-10-12 16:00:58.297
611879 168307 128033 113.6900 2023-10-09 002658 7.540 7.8700 17.8831 2023-10-09 16:01:01.827
612454 168307 128033 112.3010 2023-10-10 002658 7.490 7.8700 17.1295 2023-10-10 16:01:17.087
613027 168307 128033 111.0400 2023-10-11 002658 7.490 7.8700 15.8685 2023-10-11 16:01:47.823
613717 168307 128033 110.1110 2023-10-12 002658 7.460 7.8700 15.3207 2023-10-12 16:01:04.553
611892 171638 110043 107.7480 2023-10-09 600908 5.510 5.4300 6.2747 2023-10-09 16:01:03.420
612743 171638 110043 108.0600 2023-10-10 600908 5.540 5.4300 6.0342 2023-10-10 16:01:33.920
613052 171638 110043 107.8890 2023-10-11 600908 5.480 5.4300 6.9682 2023-10-11 16:01:48.887
613687 171638 110043 108.4070 2023-10-12 600908 5.550 5.4300 6.1971 2023-10-12 16:01:01.643
611890 171719 128034 106.8900 2023-10-09 002807 3.770 3.9600 11.6880 2023-10-09 16:01:03.287
612777 171719 128034 106.9000 2023-10-10 002807 3.760 3.9600 11.9505 2023-10-10 16:01:36.333
613046 171719 128034 106.8060 2023-10-11 002807 3.700 3.9600 13.3717 2023-10-11 16:01:48.813
613675 171719 128034 106.9900 2023-10-12 002807 3.740 3.9600 12.5456 2023-10-12 16:01:00.867
611880 173401 128035 104.1700 2023-10-09 002008 23.24 0 51.5900 59.1225 2023-10-09 16:01:01.897
612455 173401 128035 104.1990 2023-10-10 002008 23.09 0 51.5900 59.4423 2023-10-10 16:01:17.153

Data update frequency

Annual update, please contact us for special needs