
Time Range


Field Display

Foreign Investor Shareholding Information Table - English Fields Foreign Investor Shareholding Information Table - Chinese Fields
ID Auto-increment ID
TRADE_DATE Transaction Date
EXCHA NGE_CD Trading market code
SECURITY_ID Securities internal ID
TICKER_SYMBOL Securities code
SEC_SHORT_NAME Securities abbreviation
A_SHARE_HOLD_SUM Number of A shares held
HOLD_PCT_T Percentage of total company shares
UPDAT E_TIME Update time

Sample data

25.58 25.57 25.56 25.59
Self-increment ID Transaction date Trading market code Securities internal ID Securities code Securities abbreviation Number of A shares held Percentage of total company capital Update time
7730 2023-10-09 XSHG 1539 600885 Hongfa Shares 284234753 27.26 2023- 10-10 10:05:06.223
7727 2023-10-09 XSHE 2752 300012 Chinese Testing 467000000 27.80 2023-10-10 10:05:06.217
7728 2023-10-09 XSHE 3302 300124 Inovance Technology 650000000 24.39 2023-10-10 10:05:06.217
7729 2023-10-09 XSHE 4130 300285 National Porcelain Materials 244000000 24.40 2023-10-10 10:05:06.223
7726 2023-10-09 XSHE 10937 000333 Midea Group 1798000000 2023-10-10 10:05:06.207
7731 2023-10-09 XSHG 43145 603605 Proya 103516589 26.09 2023-10-10 10:05:06.223
7736 2023-10-10 XSHG 1539 600885 Hongfa Shares 284859177 27.32 2023-10-11 10:05:07.040
7733 2023-10-10 XSHE 2752 300012 China Testing 467000000 27.80 2023-10-11 10:05:07.040
7734 2023-10-10 XSHE 3302 300124 Inovance Technology 649000000 24.36 2023-10-11 10:05:07.040
7735 2023-10-10 XSHE 4130 300285 National Porcelain Materials 244000000 24.37 2023-10-11 10:05:07.040
7732 2023-10-10 XSHE 10937 000333 Midea Group 1797000000 2023-10-11 10:05:07.037
7737 2023-10-10 XSHG 43145 603605 Proya 103124981 25.99 2023-10-11 10:05:07.040
7742 2023-10-11 XSHG 1539 600885 Hongfa Shares 284553188 27.29 2023-10-12 10:05:07.903
7739 2023-10-11 XSHE 2752 300012 China Testing 467000000 27.76 2023-10-12 09:05:06.957
7740 2023-10-11 XSHE 3302 300124 Inovance Technology 648000000 24.32 2023-10-12 09:05:06.957
7741 2023-10-11 XSHE 4130 300285 National Porcelain Materials 244000000 24.32 2023-10-12 09:05:06.957
7738 2023-10-11 XSHE 10937 000333 Midea Group 1797000000 2023-10-12 09:05:06.953
7743 2023-10-11 XSHG 43145 603605 Proya 103707933 26.14 2023-10-12 10:05:07.907
7748 2023-10-12 XSHG 1539 600885 Hongfa Shares 284536682 27.29 2023-10-13 09:05:08.380
7745 2023-10-12 XSHE 2752 300012 Chinese Testing 467000000 27.77 2023-10-13 09:05:08.380
7746 2023-10-12 XSHE 3302 300124 Inovance Technology 647000000 24.28 2023-10-13 09:05:08.380
7747 2023-10-12 XSHE 4130 300285 National Porcelain Materials 243000000 24.29 2023-10-13 09:05:08.380
7744 2023-10-12 XSHE 10937 000333 Midea Group 1799000000 2023-10-13 09:05:08.377
7749 2023-10-12 XSHG 43145 603605 PROYA 104321445 26.29 2023-10-13 09:05:08.380

Data update frequency

Annual update, please contact for special needs