
  Agriculture is a basic industry in my country. The stable and sustainable development of agriculture is of great significance to promoting the sustained growth of the national economy and maintaining social stability. There are many circulation links, information asymmetry, high supply chain operation costs, and lack of traceability management of agricultural products in China's current agricultural product supply chain. The integration of ideas, diversification ideas, platform ideas and new agricultural product supply chain models under customer needs are imminent.

  With the continuous development and popularization of Internet technology, the development of agricultural product e-commerce platforms can not only drive farmers' income, but also provide new opportunities for agricultural modernization. Agricultural product e-commerce platforms provide farmers with new sales channels, reduce sales costs and information asymmetry problems, drive rural economic development, promote the optimization and improvement of agricultural products, and promote the process of agricultural modernization.

  **CnOpenData launches agricultural product wholesale purchase commodity and merchant data, including commodity and merchant information, covering commodity name, commodity category, commodity price, commodity label, merchant name, merchant business, merchant address and other field information **, which can provide strong data support for research on China's agricultural economy, agricultural management and other aspects.

Time interval

Cross-section data: 2023.06

Field display

Commodity information table Merchant information table
Commodity ID Merchant ID
Product name Merchant name
Major category Merchant address
Subcategory Province
Original price of product City
Product price District
Product unit name Business
Minimum sales quantity Certification label
Platform label Introduction
Product order information Honor label
Product label Signed Visitor
Product label-image link Communication
Product image Bought
Merchant ID Order total
Merchant name
Merchant tag
Merchant tag-image link
Merchant address

Sample Data

Product Information Table

Product ID Product name Major category Subcategory Original price Product price Product unit name Minimum quantity Platform label Product order information Product label Product label-image link Product image Merchant ID Merchant name Merchant label Merchant label-image link Merchant address Province City District Longitude Latitude
64393941 黄杨条黄杨球50球产地发货一手货源量大从优 绿化苗木-乔灌木 黄杨 1.10 1.10 20棵起售 精选 http://img.yimutian.com/sells/64255911b827730a886b1ae403200320.png 3130904 风采园林 search_list-bull2022-1年 http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/search_list-bull2022-1%E5%B9%B4.png 江苏沭阳县 江苏省 宿迁市 沭阳县 34.15 118.86
51132920 黄杨床苗高度8-15公分左右上车价0.11元一颗 绿化苗木-乔灌木 黄杨 0.11 0.11 1万棵起售 精选 支持在线下单,2人已买,包邮 hotlabel-jxld http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/hotlabel-jxld.png http://img.yimutian.com/sells/645a98fa2d211f7102b9f23605000500.jpeg 001138 沭阳县龙泽绿化苗木公司 2021_bull-sousuoshili,2021_bull-year_7,purchase-bao http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/2021_bull-sousuoshili.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/2021_bull-year_7.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/purchase-bao.png 江苏沭阳县 江苏省 宿迁市 沭阳县 34.15 118.86
64418877 高度60厘米大叶黄叶球 绿化苗木-乔灌木 黄杨 3.50 3.50 100棵起售 精选 支持在线下单 activity-mjd http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/activity-mjd.png http://img.yimutian.com/sells/641898d7b827730a885818c806540654.jpeg 8880993 周凯 search_list-bull2022-1年 http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/search_list-bull2022-1%E5%B9%B4.png 江苏沭阳县 江苏省 宿迁市 沭阳县 34.15 118.86
64489612 精品北海道黄杨苗圃基地直发技术指导品质好抗性强 绿化苗木-乔灌木 黄杨 9 9 1000棵起售 推荐 支持在线下单 activity-mjd http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/activity-mjd.png http://img.yimutian.com/misc/643a96efb827730a888a096b02ee02ee.jpeg 591464479195109 洛阳奕帆苗木种植有限公司 2021_bull-sousuoshili,search_list-bull2022-1年 http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/2021_bull-sousuoshili.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/search_list-bull2022-1%E5%B9%B4.png 河南偃师区 34.63 112.73
59259961 江苏黄杨树独杆黄杨树1一3公分高杆黄杨树黄杨球 绿化苗木-乔灌木 黄杨 18 18 50棵起售 推荐 支持在线下单 activity-koubei-5月口碑商家,activity-mjd http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/activity-koubei-5%E6%9C%88%E5%8F%A3%E7%A2%91%E5%95%86%E5%AE%B6.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/activity-mjd.png http://img.yimutian.com/sells/5e83f8b72d211f714f79171450898fe0.jpeg 003146 沭阳县百度花木 2021_bull-sousuoshili,search_list-bull2022-3年 http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/2021_bull-sousuoshili.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/search_list-bull2022-3%E5%B9%B4.png 江苏沭阳县 江苏省 宿迁市 沭阳县 34.15 118.86
64552594 基地直销瓜子黄杨小苗 绿化苗木-乔灌木 黄杨 0.12 0.12 1万棵起售 推荐 支持在线下单 activity-mjd http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/activity-mjd.png http://img.yimutian.com/sells/645a0a5a2d211f7102b9653c04380438.jpeg 164689 沭阳县春王花卉园艺场 2021_bull-sousuoshili,search_list-bull2022-3年 http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/2021_bull-sousuoshili.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/search_list-bull2022-3%E5%B9%B4.png 江苏沭阳县 江苏省 宿迁市 沭阳县 34.15 118.86
57809678 北海道黄杨四季常青绿篱基地直发量大从优 绿化苗木-乔灌木 黄杨 2.50 2.50 1000棵起售 推荐 支持在线下单,包邮 activity-mjd http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/activity-mjd.png http://img.yimutian.com/sells/5d3ee9ab7960423e112f7e74ebcf1944.jpeg 7844765 青州市天辰花卉苗木合作社 2021_bull-sousuoshili,search_list-bull2022-5年 http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/2021_bull-sousuoshili.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/search_list-bull2022-5%E5%B9%B4.png 山东青州市 山东省 潍坊市 青州市 36.68 118.47
62649804 黄杨,瓜子黄杨产地直发,货源充足,欢迎电话选购 绿化苗木-乔灌木 黄杨 0.15 0.15 1万棵起售 新店推荐 包邮 http://img.yimutian.com/sells/622048d7b827730a884dd27303bf03bf.jpeg 8007920 张龙杰 江苏沭阳县 江苏省 宿迁市 沭阳县 34.15 118.86
63864979 瓜子黄杨。欢迎咨询选购。中杯苗。小杯苗 绿化苗木-乔灌木 黄杨 0.45 0.45 1万棵起售 推荐 hotlabel-jxld http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/hotlabel-jxld.png http://img.yimutian.com/sells/63114944b827730a88d1501805000500.jpeg 561537284616127 成仕苗木种植园 2021_bull-year_2 http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/2021_bull-year_2.png 云南宜良县 云南省 昆明市 宜良县 24.94 103.19
55923735 北海道,北海道黄杨。基地直销,常年供应各种绿化苗木 绿化苗木-乔灌木 黄杨 0.80 0.80 9万棵起售 推荐 hotlabel-jxld http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/hotlabel-jxld.png http://img.yimutian.com/sells/5bd821256ef1433be5547a10e1ec4594.jpeg 2408485 青州浩泽花卉苗木 2021_bull-year_3,purchase-bao http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/2021_bull-year_3.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/purchase-bao.png 山东青州市 山东省 潍坊市 青州市 36.68 118.47
64407471 小叶栀子 绿化苗木-乔灌木 栀子花 0.50 0.50 5000棵起售 精选 http://img.yimutian.com/sells/64129da8b827730a884ffe3e04fc04fc.jpeg 5103180 湖北虎强绿化基地 2021_bull-year_4 http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/2021_bull-year_4.png 湖北襄城区 湖北省 襄阳市 襄城区 32.02 112.18
60567873 栀子花免费包邮全部现挖现卖基地直销 绿化苗木-乔灌木 栀子花 18.80 18.80 1棵起售 精选 支持在线下单,4人已买,包邮 activity-mjd http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/activity-mjd.png http://img.yimutian.com/sells/602f7a4bb827730a888950cf02580258.jpeg 3029863 胡方军 search_list-bull2022-6年,purchase-bao http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/search_list-bull2022-6%E5%B9%B4.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/purchase-bao.png 江苏沭阳县 江苏省 宿迁市 沭阳县 34.15 118.86
58084317 90#栀子花盆栽四季开花植物庭院常绿小盆栽 绿化苗木-乔灌木 栀子花 3 3 63棵起售 精选 支持在线下单,9个好评,23人已买 activity-nongyedawangzhouguan,activity-mjd http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/activity-nongyedawangzhouguan.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/activity-mjd.png http://img.yimutian.com/sells/5d7464f77960423e1149c31fa97dabf3.jpeg 1989956 清翠山种苗 2021_bull-year_5,purchase-bao http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/2021_bull-year_5.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/purchase-bao.png 广东荔湾区 广东省 广州市 荔湾区 23.09 113.23
57719850 小叶栀子花栀子花高20到30厘米福建漳州苗木基地 绿化苗木-乔灌木 栀子花 0.35 0.35 2000棵起售 推荐 支持在线下单,3人已买 activity-mjd http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/activity-mjd.png http://img.yimutian.com/sells/617cbb5f2d211f71028cf32e06540870.jpeg 6703505 闽景园艺 2021_bull-sousuoshili,search_list-bull2022-7年,purchase-bao http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/2021_bull-sousuoshili.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/search_list-bull2022-7%E5%B9%B4.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/purchase-bao.png 福建漳浦县 福建省 漳州市 漳浦县 24.13 117.69
63552601 栀子花中杯苗1.5元。10杯苗0.45元。工程绿化苗 绿化苗木-乔灌木 栀子花 0.45 0.45 1000棵起售 推荐 hotlabel-jxld http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/hotlabel-jxld.png http://img.yimutian.com/sells/62a17de22d211f710217e57e06000600.jpeg 561537284616127 成仕苗木种植园 2021_bull-year_2 http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/2021_bull-year_2.png 云南宜良县 云南省 昆明市 宜良县 24.94 103.19
64163312 栀子花 绿化苗木-乔灌木 栀子花 1 1 1000棵起售 新店推荐 http://img.yimutian.com/sells/638584f32d211f71029478e505000500.jpeg 566759510256154 肖艳义 湖南新邵县 湖南省 邵阳市 新邵县 27.43 111.47
56421505 小叶栀子高度30-50公分包邮绿化工程苗 绿化苗木-乔灌木 栀子花 0.98 0.98 100棵起售 推荐 支持在线下单,3人已买,包邮 hotlabel-jxld http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/hotlabel-jxld.png http://img.yimutian.com/sells/5c25c9a46400816b262204cc6340fc45.jpeg 001138 沭阳县龙泽绿化苗木公司 2021_bull-sousuoshili,2021_bull-year_7,purchase-bao http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/2021_bull-sousuoshili.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/2021_bull-year_7.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/purchase-bao.png 江苏沭阳县 江苏省 宿迁市 沭阳县 34.15 118.86
62821374 四季栀子花,茉莉花,苞多,周期长,有盆栽,袋装,欢迎选购 绿化苗木-乔灌木 栀子花 4 4 200棵起售 推荐 包邮 http://img.yimutian.com/sells/625801532d211f71029ab21e04380438.jpeg 5241334 兵哥农副产品团队 search_list-bull2022-3年 http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/search_list-bull2022-3%E5%B9%B4.png 四川犍为县 四川省 乐山市 犍为县 29.23 103.98
52558844 栀子花栀子苗园林绿化大叶栀子花苗自产自销批发价【包邮】 绿化苗木-乔灌木 栀子花 0.40 0.40 500棵起售 推荐 支持在线下单,55个好评,118人已买,包邮 activity-mjd http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/activity-mjd.png http://img.yimutian.com/sells/5de8eaf0b827736e3b33829e7f334bc1.jpeg 667909 桂花源苗圃 search_list-bull2022-5年,purchase-bao http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/search_list-bull2022-5%E5%B9%B4.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/purchase-bao.png 湖北咸安区 湖北省 咸宁市 咸安区 29.85 114.39
59361591 (新货上市)桅子花,四川乐山栀子花,火爆接单中质优价廉 绿化苗木-乔灌木 栀子花 5 5 500棵起售 推荐 支持在线下单,3人已买 activity-mjd,ranking-jgbq-火爆热卖 http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/activity-mjd.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/ranking-jgbq-%E7%81%AB%E7%88%86%E7%83%AD%E5%8D%96.png http://video.yimutian.com/sells/606fe0012d211f27ba17a6dab4cff432.jpeg 8062064 夏伦俊家庭种植 search_list-bull2022-1年,purchase-bao http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/search_list-bull2022-1%E5%B9%B4.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/purchase-bao.png 四川犍为县 四川省 乐山市 犍为县 29.23 103.98
64586355 湖北基地出售百慕大,有需要的老板可以联系我。 绿化苗木-地被草坪 草坪草 6.50 6.50 平方米 50平方米起售 精选 支持在线下单 activity-koubei-5月口碑商家,activity-mjd,ranking-jgbq-新品上市 http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/activity-koubei-5%E6%9C%88%E5%8F%A3%E7%A2%91%E5%95%86%E5%AE%B6.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/activity-mjd.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/ranking-jgbq-%E6%96%B0%E5%93%81%E4%B8%8A%E5%B8%82.png http://img.yimutian.com/sells/646c366cb827730a88d0373803200320.jpeg 1906721 增彩草坪基地 search_list-bull2022-2年 http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/search_list-bull2022-2%E5%B9%B4.png 湖北嘉鱼县 湖北省 咸宁市 嘉鱼县 30.01 113.97
64285641 四季青草坪基地种植货源充足量大从优欢迎来电咨询选购 绿化苗木-地被草坪 草坪草 24 24 平方米 100平方米起售 精选 http://img.yimutian.com/sells/63d9ee972d211f71020032de03200320.jpeg 466366314546151 兰欣苗木场 search_list-bull2022-1年 http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/search_list-bull2022-1%E5%B9%B4.png 江苏沭阳县 江苏省 宿迁市 沭阳县 34.15 118.86
64255312 湖南精品马尼拉草坪草马尼拉草皮工程绿化草皮直供 绿化苗木-地被草坪 草坪草 6 6 平方米 1000平方米起售 精选 http://img.yimutian.com/misc/64585fbd2d211f7102b65b4f02ee02ee.jpeg 541586650376199 绿湘园艺草场 search_list-bull2022-1年 http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/search_list-bull2022-1%E5%B9%B4.png 湖南华容县 广西壮族自治区 玉林市 容县 29.49 112.65
64386693 精品百慕大草坪产地发货承接各种绿化建设工程项目 绿化苗木-地被草坪 草坪草 6.50 6.50 平方米 100平方米起售 推荐 支持在线下单 activity-mjd http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/activity-mjd.png http://img.yimutian.com/sells/64089a3eb827730a88416a8b06c006c1.png 653638243676142 远枫园林绿化工程有限公司 2021_bull-sousuoshili,search_list-bull2022-1年 http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/2021_bull-sousuoshili.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/search_list-bull2022-1%E5%B9%B4.png 安徽南谯区 安徽省 滁州市 南谯区 32.31 118.27
62121204 草坪草自有2000余亩各类草坪,沙坪为主,可成块成卷 绿化苗木-地被草坪 草坪草 3.20 3.20 平方米 500平方米起售 推荐 支持在线下单,1人已买 activity-mjd http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/activity-mjd.png http://img.yimutian.com/sells/61679c9bb827730a887766f404380200.jpeg 669419971436174 草毯绿波草坪基地 2021_bull-sousuoshili,search_list-bull2022-1年 http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/2021_bull-sousuoshili.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/search_list-bull2022-1%E5%B9%B4.png 江苏句容市 江苏省 镇江市 句容市 31.93 119.21
64424156 百慕大混播果岭草,基地直发,货源充足,欢迎咨询下单! 绿化苗木-地被草坪 草坪草 7 7 平方米 500平方米起售 推荐 支持在线下单 activity-mjd http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/activity-mjd.png http://img.yimutian.com/crm/641bf4db2d211f71025faa9903200320.jpeg 783525492866192 利陈园林绿化 2021_bull-sousuoshili,search_list-bull2022-1年 http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/2021_bull-sousuoshili.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/search_list-bull2022-1%E5%B9%B4.png 安徽肥东县 安徽省 合肥市 肥东县 32 117.58
64344826 马尼拉草坪工程直供草皮,量大从优,欢迎咨询 绿化苗木-地被草坪 草坪草 3 3 平方米 1平方米起售 新店推荐 包邮 http://img.yimutian.com/sells/63f47a1ab827730a8823f55c03970397.jpeg 332719846456130 泉朗草坪 2021_bull-year_1 http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/2021_bull-year_1.png 山东莘县 山东省 聊城市 莘县 36.14 115.55
64442997 毛冠草10杯苗大量供货。欢迎来电咨询 绿化苗木-地被草坪 草坪草 0.70 0.70 平方米 1万平方米起售 推荐 hotlabel-jxld http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/hotlabel-jxld.png http://img.yimutian.com/sells/64246374b827730a8869a02505000500.jpeg 561537284616127 成仕苗木种植园 2021_bull-year_2 http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/2021_bull-year_2.png 云南宜良县 云南省 昆明市 宜良县 24.94 103.19
61277340 草坪批发,草坪基地,山东泰安草坪 绿化苗木-地被草坪 草坪草 9 9 平方米 100平方米起售 推荐 支持在线下单 hotlabel-jxld http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/hotlabel-jxld.png http://img.yimutian.com/sells/607d71e0b827730a88c97c6d03210590.jpeg 065500 季卫忠 2021_bull-year_5 http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/2021_bull-year_5.png 山东岱岳区 山东省 泰安市 岱岳区 36.19 117.05
63890287 精品草皮产地草皮批发百慕大草皮马尼拉草皮供应 绿化苗木-地被草坪 草坪草 3 3 平方米 500平方米起售 推荐 支持在线下单,3人已买 http://img.yimutian.com/sells/631ae37d2d211f7102dfe81404350435.jpeg 6895542 来安县万园绿化苗木场 search_list-bull2022-5年,purchase-bao http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/search_list-bull2022-5%E5%B9%B4.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/purchase-bao.png 安徽来安县 安徽省 滁州市 来安县 32.47 118.54
58010890 三角梅多色品种多彩三角梅带杯带土发货支持搭品种 绿化苗木-乔灌木 三角梅 1.40 1.40 5000棵起售 精选 支持在线下单,112个好评,186人已买,包邮 activity-koubei-5月口碑商家,activity-mjd http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/activity-koubei-5%E6%9C%88%E5%8F%A3%E7%A2%91%E5%95%86%E5%AE%B6.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/activity-mjd.png http://img.yimutian.com/sells/602fe2422d211f710289bebc025803f0.png 5804118 兴智园花卉种苗批发 2021_bull-ssslsj-2年,search_list-bull2022-7年,purchase-bao http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/2021_bull-ssslsj-2%E5%B9%B4.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/search_list-bull2022-7%E5%B9%B4.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/purchase-bao.png 云南呈贡区 云南省 昆明市 呈贡区 24.87 102.87
63589014 【货源充足】山西优质三角梅产地直发质量保证来电优惠 绿化苗木-乔灌木 三角梅 35 35 1棵起售 精选 1人已买 http://img.yimutian.com/misc/62cbffe52d211f71026110ae02ee02ee.jpeg 679411276536195 新天地园艺 search_list-bull2022-2年,purchase-bao http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/search_list-bull2022-2%E5%B9%B4.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/purchase-bao.png 福建漳浦县 福建省 漳州市 漳浦县 24.13 117.69
64530154 【精品】三角梅产地现挖现发成活率高花型好 绿化苗木-乔灌木 三角梅 2.80 2.80 500棵起售 推荐 支持在线下单,包邮 activity-mjd http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/activity-mjd.png http://img.yimutian.com/sells/645481a72d211f7102b186550492048a.jpeg 319549995286195 云南星辉花卉苗圃 2021_bull-sousuoshili,search_list-bull2022-1年 http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/2021_bull-sousuoshili.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/search_list-bull2022-1%E5%B9%B4.png 云南呈贡区 云南省 昆明市 呈贡区 24.87 102.87
64041553 福建漳州花卉苗圃基地多色花三角梅长期供货量大从优 绿化苗木-乔灌木 三角梅 35 35 5棵起售 推荐 支持在线下单,包邮 activity-mjd http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/activity-mjd.png http://img.yimutian.com/sells/63626d13b827730a885547e603200320.jpeg 9495038 景日园艺 2021_bull-sousuoshili,search_list-bull2022-1年 http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/2021_bull-sousuoshili.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/search_list-bull2022-1%E5%B9%B4.png 福建漳浦县 福建省 漳州市 漳浦县 24.13 117.69
56325218 三角梅高度30到40厘米福建漳州三角梅基地品种齐全多色 绿化苗木-乔灌木 三角梅 0.90 0.90 1000棵起售 推荐 支持在线下单,39个好评,95人已买 activity-mjd,ranking-jgbq-新用户专享 http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/activity-mjd.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/ranking-jgbq-%E6%96%B0%E7%94%A8%E6%88%B7%E4%B8%93%E4%BA%AB.png http://img.yimutian.com/sells/630e0c162d211f7102cd93e903d403d4.jpeg 6703505 闽景园艺 2021_bull-sousuoshili,search_list-bull2022-7年,purchase-bao http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/2021_bull-sousuoshili.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/search_list-bull2022-7%E5%B9%B4.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/purchase-bao.png 福建漳浦县 福建省 漳州市 漳浦县 24.13 117.69
64438923 三角梅大量现货支持视频看货也可线下验货品质保证 绿化苗木-乔灌木 三角梅 3 3 5000棵起售 推荐 支持在线下单,3人已买 activity-mjd http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/activity-mjd.png http://img.yimutian.com/sells/6427bc84b827730a886e38a705000500.jpeg 5526054 云南晨晨花卉苗圃基地 2021_bull-sousuoshili,search_list-bull2022-1年 http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/2021_bull-sousuoshili.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/search_list-bull2022-1%E5%B9%B4.png 云南呈贡区 云南省 昆明市 呈贡区 24.87 102.87
64459657 精品安格斯三角梅带花带盆发货,两年生成活率高苗圃直发 绿化苗木-乔灌木 三角梅 2.80 2.80 500棵起售 推荐 支持在线下单,2人已买,包邮 activity-mjd http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/activity-mjd.png http://img.yimutian.com/sells/642d038c2d211f710278428f06000600.jpeg 3169840 清媛花卉苗圃 2021_bull-sousuoshili,search_list-bull2022-1年 http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/2021_bull-sousuoshili.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/search_list-bull2022-1%E5%B9%B4.png 云南呈贡区 云南省 昆明市 呈贡区 24.87 102.87
64600548 苗木 绿化苗木-乔灌木 三角梅 10 10 1棵起售 新店推荐 http://img.yimutian.com/sells/6472c1a52d211f7102dd236b06540870.jpeg 209162316836149 吕康乐 甘肃静宁县 甘肃省 庆阳市 宁县 35.43 105.68
63431953 盆景三角梅。多资多彩 绿化苗木-乔灌木 三角梅 160 160 2棵起售 推荐 包邮 hotlabel-jxld http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/hotlabel-jxld.png http://img.yimutian.com/sells/627d2790b827730a88dacfb006000600.jpeg 561537284616127 成仕苗木种植园 2021_bull-year_2 http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/2021_bull-year_2.png 云南宜良县 云南省 昆明市 宜良县 24.94 103.19
55924858 三角梅,基地直销常年常年供应各种绿化苗木 绿化苗木-乔灌木 三角梅 5 5 9万棵起售 推荐 hotlabel-jxld http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/hotlabel-jxld.png http://img.yimutian.com/sells/5bd34a4664008157d94ef9353e03c08b.jpeg 2408485 青州浩泽花卉苗木 2021_bull-year_3,purchase-bao http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/2021_bull-year_3.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/purchase-bao.png 山东青州市 山东省 潍坊市 青州市 36.68 118.47
57700662 美国红枫8到15公分苏北产地可以打号选树挖树 绿化苗木-乔灌木 枫树 78.80 78.80 5棵起售 精选 支持在线下单,4人已买,包邮 http://img.yimutian.com/sells/5d2a96f7885b930e0b03655d181c9db7.jpeg 5480147 李海峰 2021_bull-sousuoshili,search_list-bull2022-5年,purchase-bao http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/2021_bull-sousuoshili.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/search_list-bull2022-5%E5%B9%B4.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/purchase-bao.png 江苏邳州市 江苏省 徐州市 邳州市 34.4 117.9
59217079 专业培育精品红冠红枫,自家苗圃,无中介,欢迎采购 绿化苗木-乔灌木 枫树 80 80 10棵起售 精选 支持在线下单,13人已买 ranking-jgbq-新品上市 http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/ranking-jgbq-%E6%96%B0%E5%93%81%E4%B8%8A%E5%B8%82.png http://img.yimutian.com/sells/5fe18e692d211f71025edc2406c80908.jpeg 8290426 邳州市亚硕苗木种植农场 search_list-bull2022-4年,purchase-bao http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/search_list-bull2022-4%E5%B9%B4.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/purchase-bao.png 江苏邳州市 江苏省 徐州市 邳州市 34.4 117.9
55315549 五角枫1到12公分种植批发!元宝枫基地货源充足 绿化苗木-乔灌木 枫树 0.60 0.60 50棵起售 精选 7人已买 http://img.yimutian.com/sells/5b71922164008157d91288a909fd578f.jpeg 2931184 富源法桐树苗批发 search_list-bull2022-4年 http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/search_list-bull2022-4%E5%B9%B4.png 河北清苑区 河北省 保定市 清苑区 38.74 115.49
58299582 美国红枫秋火焰红点红冠十月光辉价格超低苗圃直发 绿化苗木-乔灌木 枫树 700 700 10棵起售 推荐 支持在线下单 activity-mjd http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/activity-mjd.png http://img.yimutian.com/misc/5f4f57592d211f710207328e02ee02ee.png 5817798 江苏苗管家园林有限公司 2021_bull-sousuoshili,search_list-bull2022-4年 http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/2021_bull-sousuoshili.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/search_list-bull2022-4%E5%B9%B4.png 江苏邳州市 江苏省 徐州市 邳州市 34.4 117.9
63381317 【热销】美国红枫店家推荐易成活可全国发货欢迎咨询 绿化苗木-乔灌木 枫树 100 100 50棵起售 推荐 支持在线下单,包邮 activity-mjd http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/activity-mjd.png http://img.yimutian.com/sells/626dfabf2d211f7102bf4e800226016c.jpeg 114303 梅光涛 2021_bull-sousuoshili,search_list-bull2022-1年 http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/2021_bull-sousuoshili.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/search_list-bull2022-1%E5%B9%B4.png 江苏邳州市 江苏省 徐州市 邳州市 34.4 117.9
58076305 【红枫】美国红枫3~8公分*诚信经营【全国发货】包邮 绿化苗木-乔灌木 枫树 7 7 100棵起售 推荐 支持在线下单,23个好评,36人已买 http://img.yimutian.com/sells/5f4c2c412d211f7102051bdf03200320.jpeg 5480147 李海峰 2021_bull-sousuoshili,search_list-bull2022-5年,purchase-bao http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/2021_bull-sousuoshili.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/search_list-bull2022-5%E5%B9%B4.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/purchase-bao.png 江苏邳州市 江苏省 徐州市 邳州市 34.4 117.9
64604457 丛生五角枫 绿化苗木-乔灌木 枫树 3000 3000 1棵起售 新店推荐 http://img.yimutian.com/sells/647483f32d211f7102e04237033a044e.jpeg 689348936126127 严浩 江苏新沂市 江苏省 徐州市 新沂市 34.28 118.34
63911167 鸡爪槭5到8分苗。欢迎来电咨询。实地考察。 绿化苗木-乔灌木 枫树 260 260 100棵起售 推荐 hotlabel-jxld http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/hotlabel-jxld.png http://img.yimutian.com/sells/63234e3d2d211f7102ec556404f304f3.jpeg 561537284616127 成仕苗木种植园 2021_bull-year_2 http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/2021_bull-year_2.png 云南宜良县 云南省 昆明市 宜良县 24.94 103.19
63926715 丛生五角枫价格,丛生五角枫基地 绿化苗木-乔灌木 枫树 200 200 20棵起售 推荐 支持在线下单 hotlabel-jxld http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/hotlabel-jxld.png http://img.yimutian.com/sells/63292b2bb827730a88f4bf6505b805b8.jpeg 065500 季卫忠 2021_bull-year_5 http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/2021_bull-year_5.png 山东岱岳区 山东省 泰安市 岱岳区 36.19 117.05
64093518 官方推荐【红冠红枫10公分】精品5-15公分红冠红枫! 绿化苗木-乔灌木 枫树 199 199 20棵起售 推荐 http://img.yimutian.com/sells/636b77da2d211f710265f67505580558.jpeg 815282222316139 郯城俊兰苗木有限公司 2021_bull-year_1,purchase-bao http://badge.yimutian.com/v1/2021_bull-year_1.pnghttp://badge.yimutian.com/v1/purchase-bao.png 山东郯城县 山东省 临沂市 郯城县 34.65 118.32

Product Information Table

Tancheng County, Linyi, Shandong < td>1 personHebei Province
Merchant ID Merchant Name Merchant Address Province City District Business Certification Label Introduction Honor Label Visitor Communication Purchased Total order amount
5170132 Wei Fengying Mudan District, Heze, Shandong Shandong Province Heze City Mudan District Peony, peony, canna, dahlia Real-name authentication, internship market information officer, general procurement level 1 Integrity management, only by doing business can you get the long-term planting of Heze peony and peony. We plant oil peony, ornamental peony, various varieties of ornamental peony, dahlia, and canna for many years. Welcome to consult and purchase! Give me a trust, and you will be worry-free! Wangpu Level 3 5747 711 12 people 6506 yuan
161673 Chenzhou Huangjing turf seedlings Suxian District, Chenzhou, Hunan Hunan Province Chenzhou City Suxian District Manila turf, red saplings, red-leafed photinia, hairy azalea, privet and other engineering greening seedlings. Real-name authentication, market information officer, general purchase level 1 Main business: Photinia fraseri, turf, azalea, creeper, red genista, Ligustrum lucidum, Ligustrum lucidum, small-leaf gardenia, large-leaf gardenia, Ophiopogon japonicus, Jade dragon grass, rose, Camellia sasanqua, etc. 2 years of business experience, prosperous shop level 6 3144 454 6 people 8140 yuan
108104590426196 Wang Guangtang Real-name authentication, ordinary purchase level 1 1 year of business, prosperous shop level 4 5802 741 5 people 1770 yuan
699867901406120 Jinbian Jixiang Jingzhou District, Jingzhou, Hubei Hubei Province Jingzhou City Jingzhou District Real-name authentication, ordinary procurement level 5 Golden-edged wheat, winter auspicious grass, canna, rose, loquat tree, bauhinia, poplar, planted at home, good price Bull trader for 1 year, prosperous shop level 5 905 380 3 people 300 yuan
6487471 Yongxin Water Anxin County, Baoding, Hebei Province Hebei Province Baoding City Anxin County Lotus seedlings, water lily seedlings, reed seedlings and other aquatic plants Cooperative, trainee market information officer, margin merchant, ordinary procurement level 2, silver buyer Anxin County Yongxin Aquatic Plant Planting Professional Cooperative mainly sells and plants: lotus seedlings, potted lotus, reed seedlings, water lily seedlings, loosestrife seedlings, iris seedlings, water hyacinth, cattail seedlings, calamus seedlings and other aquatic plant seedlings and undertakes artificial ecological floating island planting. Welcome new and old customers. Niu Shang 7 years, Wang Pu 9th level, 2 certifications 41,000 1643 163 people 117,900 yuan
164186 Lin Cheng Ecological Agriculture Real-name certification, ordinary procurement level 1 A large amount of Lanyin No. 3 grass, Hawaiian grass, Taiwan grass, Manila grass, big leaf oil grass, golf grass, etc., slope spraying grass seed engineering. 1 year of business experience, 4th level of Wangpu 1115 320 5 people 479 yuan
7162347 Hou Honghai Wuxuan County, Laibin, Guangxi Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Laibin City Wuxuan County Wild Chinese medicine Real-name certification, ordinary purchase level 5, silver buyer Operating the following varieties! 1 year of business experience, 9th level of store 9339 1967 111 people 66,000 yuan
7900409 Gui'an New District Gaofeng Turf Base Pingba District, Anshun, Guizhou Guizhou Province Anshun City Pingba District Manila turf Merchant, ordinary purchase level 1 Specialized in planting Manila turf. Engaged in lawn planting for many years. The turf is green, weed-free, and has thick soil Bull merchant 1 year, prosperous shop level 4 927 254 1 person 100 yuan
49953625045616 9 Li Liang Chongqing Yongchuan District Chongqing City Chongqing City Yongchuan District Real-name authentication, ordinary purchase level 1 Wangpu Level 3 36 46
783525492866192 Li Chen Landscaping Feidong County, Hefei, Anhui Anhui Province Hefei City Feidong County Merchant, General Purchasing Level 1 With a lawn base of 1,600 acres, it mainly operates various green lawns such as Baimuda, Baimuda mixed, Evergreen, Manila, Bentgrass, and Chinese Zoysia. It supplies various greening seedlings all year round. In addition, it has a mature and experienced greening team, which undertakes various greening lawn laying, maintenance, seedling cultivation and other businesses! Based on the business philosophy of quality first and integrity-based, welcome all greening colleagues to come to guide and cooperate! One cooperation, lifelong friends! 1 year of experience as a business owner, 4th level of Wangpu 289 170 1 person 3500 yuan
669419971436174 Grass carpet green wave lawn base Jiangsu Zhenjiang Jurong City Jiangsu Province Zhenjiang City Jurong City Real-name authentication , ordinary purchase level 1 Planting area 2,000 acres, all kinds of lawns Bull business 1 year, prosperous shop level 4 581 211 1 person 2,750 yuan
541586650376199 Luxiang Horticultural Grassland Huarong County, Yueyang, Hunan Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Yulin City Rong County Merchant, general purchase level 1 The origin is located in Huarong County, Yueyang City, Hunan Province. It mainly sells Manila lawn grass, Bermuda lawn grass, and various green seedlings such as azalea seedlings. It has its own nursery and first-hand supply. If you need it, you can call us for details. Once you cooperate, you will be friends for life 1 year of business, prosperous shop level 4 434 153
466366314546151 Lanxin Nursery Shuyang County, Suqian, Jiangsu Jiangsu Province Suqian City Shuyang County Real-name certification, ordinary procurement level 1 Person introduction: I have been engaged in the collection and agency of various lawn grasses and bamboo seedlings for many years. The main products of this place of origin are of various varieties and sufficient supply. I have been engaged in the agency business for many years. I have many years of experience in receiving and agency and a stable supply of goods, ensuring product quality and reasonable prices. Origin advantage: This origin has a planting base of 10,000 mu and a large trading market. There are electronic scales in the market, free trading, no forced buying and selling, and the interests of merchants are protected. There are all kinds of packaging, small workers, and distribution in the market. There are all kinds of high, medium and low-end hotels, snack restaurants, and supermarkets nearby. The price is affordable and convenient, and the transportation is convenient and extending in all directions. The products are sold well all over the country and are deeply loved and favored by the majority of merchants. Here I also thank new and old customers for their support and trust. With your support, I will try my best to do better. Provide services: assist in finding a car, including food and accommodation, packaging, packaging according to customer needs, etc. One-stop services, support video viewing, can be sent to the national market! Service tenet: Integrity management, customer first! We are willing to work with you for win-win and common development based on the principle of survival by quality and development by reputation. Do not seek unjust profits in the business world, but only seek honest wealth in the world! Warmly welcome guests from all over the world to visit our base for inspection and ordering. I hope we can become friends for life after one cooperation! 1 year of business experience, 4th level of Wangpu 1087 380
1906721 Colorful lawn base Jiayu County, Xianning, Hubei Hubei Province Xianning City Jiayu County Lawn, cabbage, Chinese cabbage Merchant, market information officer, general purchase 1st level Welcome new and old customers to negotiate, currently, pumpkin, winter melon, cabbage, lawn, each with tens of thousands of acres of land, if you need, please contact me, 2 years of experience as a business owner, 4th level of Wangpu 3903 2255 5 people 29,200 yuan
8581425 Nanyang Shengshi Rose Cooperative Wolong District, Nanyang, Henan Henan Province Nanyang City Wolong District Tree roses, large-flowered roses, climbing roses, European roses, florid roses, rose seedlings Merchant, trainee market information officer, margin merchant, 4th level of general procurement Honest management, reputation first! Nanyang Shengshi Rose Cooperative has been engaged in the breeding and planting of more than 500 acres of roses for many years, with many advantages such as large quantity, good quality, low price and high survival rate. 3 years of business experience, 4th level of store 25,000 2480 190 people 71,900 yuan
2255337 Yunxuan Seedlings and Gardening Base Tancheng County, Linyi, Shandong Shandong Province Linyi City Tancheng County Kiwi seedlings, grape seedlings, lawn seeds, blueberry seedlings, cherry seedlings Merchant, trainee market information officer, margin merchant, senior procurement level 2, gold buyer The base sells fruit tree seedlings, flower bonsai, forage seeds, lawn seeds, flower seeds, greening project seedlings, shed film, ground film, seedling pots, holes all year round pots, the company operates with integrity, welcome customers to buy Niu Shang 6 years, Wang Pu 11th level 280,000 17,000 2507 people 738,100 yuan
2060362 Xiao Chen Seedlings and Agricultural Materials Gardening Shandong Province Linyi City Tancheng County Lawn seeds, forage seeds, kiwi seedlings, blueberry seedlings, cherry seedlings Merchant, market information officer, margin merchant, super purchase level 2, senior silver buyer Main varieties: purple magnolia, wood fragrance vine, rose, rose flower, white magnolia, red magnolia, Jiaohongyi Magnolia, yellow magnolia, cherry blossom, crabapple, Sophora japonica, Koelreuteria paniculata, ginkgo, camphor, red plum, green plum, Euonymus, boxwood, boxwood, cypress, cypress, rose, lawn, bamboo, etc. Various cutting seedlings, flower and tree seeds, various engineering greening seedlings, welcome new and old customers to visit and purchase seedlings Niu Shang 6 years, Wang Pu 12th level 360,000 22,000 3234 people 1.2698 million Yuan
7524479 Hu Shi, a rose seedlings manufacturer in Yunnan Jinning District, Kunming, Yunnan Yunnan Province Kunming City Jinning District Real-name certification, ordinary purchase level 1 Quality required by customers It is my integrity 1 year of business, 4th level of Wangpu 1839 210
2234469 Zhang Xinyuan Sheqi County, Nanyang, Henan Henan Province Nanyang City Sheqi County Five-color osmanthus, four-season osmanthus, golden osmanthus, and red osmanthus Real-name authentication, market information officer, margin merchant, ordinary procurement level 5 Five-color osmanthus breeding and promotion Sheqi County Five-color osmanthus breeding base, established in 2014, produces 5 million high-quality seedlings every year. It is a seedling base that introduces demonstration breeding and promotion, with many national experts and professional technicians. The base has been driving local poor households to work in the base all year round, contributing its own strength to the construction of beautiful villages and poverty alleviation! Thornless rose, Photinia, Boxwood, etc. Prosperous shop level 9 31,000 3,604 214 people 56,500 yuan
5,067,219 Zhongli Shuyang County, Suqian, Jiangsu Jiangsu Province Suqian City Shuyang County Greening project seedlings and cutting seedlings, fruit tree seedlings and flower seedlings Real-name authentication, market information officer, margin merchant, general procurement level 3 Sincerely do things This base is in Shuyang, a nationally famous beautiful flower and tree hometown. The base has more than 300 acres of greening and fruit tree seedlings, and also operates a 100-square-meter agricultural supply store, ground film, sunshade nets, seedling bags, rose seedlings, grape seedlings, cherry seedlings, osmanthus seedlings, walnut seedlings, kiwi seedlings, etc. We do things sincerely and welcome to buy. 3 years of experience as a business owner, 9th level of Wangpu 59,000 2,961 322 people 107,400 yuan
1,604,937 Nanyang Jingmei Rose Planting Co., Ltd. Wolong District, Nanyang, Henan Henan Province Nanyang City Wolong District Rose, rose tree, modeling rose, climbing rose, rose seedlings, etc. Merchant, market information officer, margin merchant, general purchase level 2 This base specializes in planting tree stump roses. Nanyang Jingmei Rose Planting Co., Ltd. has been engaged in rose planting for ten years. The base now has tree stump roses, ancient stump roses, bonsai roses, modeling roses, climbing roses, miniature roses and various rose seedlings. It provides after-sales rose planting services. Welcome new and old customers to visit, inspect, cooperate and order. Our company is sincere, honest in business, honest in life, and first in life before doing things. 4 years of experience as a business owner, 11th level of a popular shop 50,000 2,328 69 people 326,200 yuan
577697061086148 Laoma Rose Wholesale Wolong District, Nanyang, Henan Henan Province Nanyang City Wolong District Merchant, ordinary purchase level 1 Main business: rose tree stumps, potted roses, climbing roses, lollipop roses, shaped roses, can be viewed on site, can be viewed via video 2 years of experience as a skilled trader, 4th level of a prosperous shop 1360 258
4804016 Huayiyuan Greening Nursery Shuyang County, Suqian, Jiangsu Jiangsu Province Suqian City Shuyang County Merchant, 1st level of general purchase 1 year of experience as a skilled trader, 4th level of a prosperous shop 3763 218 4 people 10,000 yuan
3956762 Fujian Jincheng Flower Base Longhai District, Zhangzhou, Fujian Succulent, cactus, tiger skin orchid, bougainvillea, ginseng ficus Real-name authentication, market information officer, margin merchant, ordinary procurement level 5 Integrity management, quality assurance base direct sales, large quantity preferential, goods guaranteed fresh, full compensation for delivery death base is located in Jincheng Flower Base, Baihua Village, Zhangzhou, Fujian Province, base direct sales succulent, cactus, tiger skin orchid, bougainvillea box goods e-commerce supply large contact details 4 years of experience as a business owner, 11th level of Wangpu 180,000 8,854 1,171 people 926,200 yuan
7,376,399 Xuanxuan Gardening Wuxue City, Huanggang, Hubei Hubei Province Huanggang City Wuxue City Roses and potted plants, succulents Real-name authentication, market information officer, margin merchant, general procurement level 4 Hello everyone, I am Xuanxuan Gardening from Wuxue, Huanggang, Hubei, and welcome everyone to do business with me in Yimutian! 4 years of business experience, 9th level of Wangpu 21,000 1003 97 people 39,700 yuan
9298975 Sincerity Master Succulent Base Shan County, Heze, Shandong Shandong Province Heze City Shan County Succulent Master Real-name authentication, market information officer, margin merchant, ordinary purchase level 1 The lowest price in the whole network, planted in the rural greenhouse, sold at a low price, small profits but quick turnover, and guaranteed good condition. 3 years of business experience, 9th level of store 21,000 1,486 76 people 120,600 yuan
9,413,448 Wang Huanan Shan County, Heze, Shandong Shandong Province Heze City Shan County Succulent Master Merchant, market information officer, margin merchant, general purchase level 3, senior silver buyer, South China succulent master planting base welcomes new and old customers to purchase 3 years of business, prosperous shop level 7 26,000 1979 106 people 24,900 yuan
181996643636160 Wang Ying Merchant, ordinary purchase level 1 Place 3 66 16
7683212 Zhangzhou Zhixiang Flower Base Longhai District, Zhangzhou, Fujian Succulent plants. Small potted plants. Cactus. Etc. All year supply. Direct sales from base. Merchant, market information officer, margin merchant, general purchase level 2 Base planting. With 11 years of planting experience, located in the production area of Zhangzhou, Fujian, with a planting area of 25 mu, an annual output of 2 million pots, and year-round supply. At peak times, 20,000 pots are sold every day. Welcome everyone to follow me and do business with me in Yimutian! 5 years of business experience, 11th level of Wangpu 240,000 9675 2738 people 779,600 yuan
5871423 Fujian flower and green plant supply base Longhai District, Zhangzhou, Fujian Green plant gardening, small bonsai Real-name authentication, margin merchant, ordinary procurement level 2 Integrity-based Zhangzhou Flower Time Gardening Farm is located in Longhai City, Zhangzhou City, a famous "hometown of flowers and fruits". It is currently a company that integrates flower and bonsai cultivation, the introduction, planting, sales and distribution of new varieties of flowers. We rely on the advantages of Zhangzhou's flower industry to create a full range of multifunctional flower trading and distribution. With a unique business philosophy and management model, we integrate resources from all over the country, implement unified quality standards, and professionally form a complete flower industry chain. We hope to provide our customers with the best and most complete flower and green plant farms in Zhangzhou and even the whole country through our professional level and unremitting efforts. Niu Shang 2 years, Wang Pu 10th level 91,000 3823 759 people 225,200 yuan
8631091 Hua Jie Seed Industry Sucheng District, Suqian, Jiangsu Jiangsu Province Suqian City Sucheng District Real-name authentication, market information officer, margin merchant, senior purchasing level 4, senior silver buyer 3 years of business experience, prosperous shop level 9 150,000 5908 298 people 100,900 yuan
6226700 Xiao Wang German Orchid Iris Base Mian County, Hanzhong, Shaanxi Shaanxi Province Hanzhong City Mian County Greening Seedlings Real-name authentication, market information officer, general procurement level 2 Integrity is the basis. My family has been engaged in greening seedlings for more than 20 years, with nearly 100 acres of various seedlings 3 years of business experience, prosperous shop level 4 8444 782 8400 yuan
7471502 Banmu Flower Field Succulent Botanical Garden Jinning District, Kunming, Yunnan Yunnan Province Kunming City Jinning District Succulent flowers Real-name authentication, deposit merchant, ordinary procurement level 2 Because of dedication, so professional! Professional succulents, there is no most beautiful, only more beautiful. We are professional in growing and raising succulents. We pay attention to the quality and shape of flowers. Each quality and shape is slowly cultivated over time. Each color is controlled by water. The base area is more than 200 acres, with more than 200 varieties! Finished products! Semi-finished products! Plug tray seedlings! Cut seedlings are all for sale. I have the source of goods! You have the market! Seeking sincere cooperation, national investment cooperation and win-win. There is no lack of beauty in life! What is lacking is discovery! Business is not lacking in courage, but in leaps and bounds! After doing sales for a long time, in the detailed discussions with customers, I gradually understand that every customer has a hard time, and the only thing we can do is to use our sincerity, kindness and professionalism to help every customer who trusts me! The best way to get along is: you understand my difficulties, and I understand your hardships! Win in cooperation! 2 years of business experience, 11th level of prosperous shop 130,000 4595 629 people 267,600 yuan
824782332366143 Zhiheng Flowers and Seedlings Qingzhou City, Weifang, Shandong Shandong Province Weifang City Qingzhou City Merchant, ordinary purchase level 1 Prosperous shop level 2 170 216< /td>
8457748 Tang Wenxue Zigui County, Yichang, Hubei Province Hubei Province Yichang City Zigui County Real-name authentication, ordinary procurement level 1, silver buyer Our store survives on quality reputation, takes customer satisfaction as its goal, and pursues common development. There are more than ten acres of land at home. There are several acres of orchards with plums, peaches, orchards, oranges, high mountain off-season vegetable bases, local specialties, and natural resources deep in the mountains. I am waiting for you at the place of origin. You place an order, I prepare the goods, and cooperate for mutual benefit and win-win results. 1 year of business experience, 7th level of store 4267 667 35 people 9698 yuan
399885514256173 Ninglin flowers and seedlings Qingzhou City, Weifang, Shandong Shandong Province Weifang City Qingzhou City Merchant, ordinary purchase level 1 Ninglin flowers and seedlings, own seedling planting base, first-hand supply, cheap price, complete variety. Tel: 15753670820 Main business: seasonal flowers and plants, perennial flowers. , greening seedlings, aquatic plants, ornamental grasses, etc. The planting area is over 100 acres, with an annual output of 5 million trees. We operate with integrity and welcome new and old customers to visit and order locally! Niu Shang 1 year, Wang Pu 5 level 7046 695 18 people 8000 yuan
7127755 Jiahe seedlings Qingzhou City, Weifang, Shandong Shandong Province Weifang City Qingzhou City Flower planting, greening seedlings, greening projects, greenhouse projects, etc. Real-name authentication, market information officer, margin merchant, senior purchasing level 1, senior silver buyer No matter how good it is to say, it is not as good as doing it with heart... Weifang Qingniao Greening Seedling Co., Ltd. is located in Qingzhou City, one of the ancient nine states. It is an important national production base for flowers, greening seedlings, fruits and vegetables, with convenient transportation. Our company's business scope involves the planting and sales of flowers and hedges, greenhouse engineering construction, greening construction and maintenance, flower sea design, construction and maintenance, etc. The company adheres to the business philosophy of honesty and responsibility and treats every customer seriously. Welcome everyone to visit and guide on the spot. Our company will sincerely look forward to your visit! Niu Shang 5 years, Wang Pu 9th level 140,000 5210 168 people 197,900 yuan
246986688776134 Weirong flowers and seedlings Qingzhou City, Weifang, Shandong Shandong Province Weifang City Qingzhou City Merchant, ordinary purchase level 1, silver buyer Mainly engaged in perennial ground cover, seasonal grass flowers, aquatic plants, greening seedlings, ornamental grasses, plug seedlings and other flowers, looking forward to win-win cooperation with you. Friends from all over the world are welcome to visit the base, select seedlings, purchase seedlings, take photos, inspect goods on site, and deliver goods by logistics. 1 year of business experience, 4th level of Wangpu 1617 308 9 people 31,300 yuan
2080255 Julin Agricultural Seedlings Hubei Iris, Hosta, Hemerocallis, Lycoris, Panax notoginseng, Auspicious Grass, Ophiopogon japonicus, etc. Real-name authentication, trainee market information officer, margin merchant, general procurement level 3 Integrity management ~ mutual benefit Enshi Julin Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. mainly deals in: iris, daylily, kidney, Lycoris, cattail grass, purple hosta, lucky grass, snakeberry, orchid, saxifrage, lily of the valley, calamus, water plantain, houttuynia, plantain, orchid Panax notoginseng, ophiopogon, dwarf ophiopogon, fine-leaved ophiopogon, medium-leaved ophiopogon, broad-leaved ophiopogon, water celery, myrsinum, moss, winter jasmine, tree-shaped rose piles, kiwi seedlings, etc. Welcome new and old friends to come for field investigation and guidance, we will serve you wholeheartedly! Niu Shang 4 years, Wang Pu 9th level 44,000 2507 122 people 90,200 yuan
7844765 Qingzhou Tianchen Flower and Seedling Cooperative Qingzhou, Weifang, Shandong Shandong Province Weifang City Qingzhou City Real-name certification, general procurement level 2 Our company specializes in supplying all kinds of perennial ground covers, seasonal grass flowers, aquatic plants, hedges, ornamental grasses, with complete varieties, high quality and low prices. We serve you wholeheartedly with the business philosophy of honesty and credibility first. Welcome all bosses to come for on-site inspection and business negotiation. Qingzhou Tianchen Flower and Seedling Professional Cooperative provides one-stop services including quarantine, invoice and transportation. Customer satisfaction is our service tenet! (Note: The price of seedlings fluctuates greatly, and the actual order quotation shall prevail) Niu Shang 5 years, Wang Pu 4th level 28,000 864 3 people 4,700 yuan
4812052 Hua Zhi Nong Ophiopogon japonicus Xiangcheng District, Xiangyang, Hubei Hubei Province Xiangyang City Xiangcheng District Ophiopogon japonicus Real-name certification, ordinary purchase level 1 Ophiopogon japonicus wholesale has many acres of Ophiopogon japonicus base! Source of goods, low price! Niu Shang 1 year, Wang Pu 4th level 768 111
7094940 Huinong Agriculture Xiangcheng District, Xiangyang, Hubei Hubei Province Xiangyang City Xiangcheng District (Large, Medium and Small) Leaf Ophiopogon japonicus Hosta Iris Allium orchid Red Flowers, grasses, lucky grasses... Agricultural product broker, margin merchant, senior purchasing level 1 Our company supplies (large, medium and small) leaf ophiopogon, golden-edged ophiopogon, jade dragon grass, red flower grass, hosta, iris, amaryllis, daylily, allium, lucky grass, Bermuda green grass, evergreen Manila and other ground cover plants all year round...I have 12 years of experience in planting leaf ophiopogon, etc., located in the production area of Xiangyang, Hubei, with a planting area of 1,000 acres and an annual output of 10,000 tons. We supply goods all year round from January to December every year, and sell 60 tons of goods every day during the peak period. Welcome everyone to follow me and do business with me in Yimutian! Six years of business experience, 9th level of prosperous shop 35,000 2487 113 people 460,600 yuan
169757817726156 Men Chuanyu Real-name authentication, deposit merchant, general purchase level 1 1 year of business, prosperous shop level 7 5197 755 89 people 5345 yuan
2035865 Wang Jiangkun Jize County, Handan, Hebei Handan City Jize County Real-name authentication, ordinary purchase level 1 Home-raised Pu level 3 186 112
795943153846193 Hunan cuisine Furong District, Changsha, Hunan Hunan Province Changsha City Furong District Prepared dishes and condiments Merchant, margin merchant, general procurement level 2 Focusing on Hunan preparatory dishes and specialties for ten years, own factory, can process and produce OEM, can also dropship, have its own professional e-commerce operation team, offline channels. 2 years of experience as a business owner, 10th level of a prosperous shop 27,000 2,683 663 people 140,300 yuan
1,354,683 Zhou Liang Qianjiang City, Hubei Province Hubei Province Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture Qianjiang City Crayfish Real-name authentication, trainee market information officer, senior purchasing level 2, silver buyer Be low-key in life, high-key in work. The daily quantity is more than 5,000, and the quantity is large. Welcome new and old customers to call for consultation. I have been engaged in agency for xx years, with a team of xx people, and the daily sales of xx million catties. From April to July, I mainly acted as an agent in xxx production area. From April to July, I mainly acted as an agent in xxx production area. Buyers are welcome to check the goods and provide free meals and accommodation. Welcome everyone to follow me and do business with me in Yimutian! I have been engaged in agency for xx years, with a team of xx people, and the daily sales of xx million catties. From April to July, I mainly acted as an agent in xxx production area. From April to July, I mainly acted as an agent in xxx production area. Buyers are welcome to check the goods and provide free meals and accommodation. Welcome everyone to follow me and do business with me in Yimutian! I have been engaged in agency for xx years, with a team of xx people, and I sell xx million jin of goods every day. From April to July, I mainly act as an agent for xx in xxx production area. From April to July, I mainly act as an agent for xx in xxx production area. Buyers are welcome to check out the goods, and free food and accommodation are provided. Welcome everyone to follow me and do business with me in Yimutian! I have been engaged in agency for xx years, with a team of xx people, and I sell xx million jin of goods every day. From April to July, I mainly act as an agent for xx in xxx production area. From April to July, I mainly act as an agent for xx in xxx production area. Buyers are welcome to check out the goods, and free food and accommodation are provided. Welcome everyone to follow me and do business with me in Yimutian! 3 years of experience in business, 8th level of prosperity 20,000 2929 59 people 72,200 yuan
2893688 Chongqing Hejian Food Co., Ltd. Chongqing Shapingba District Chongqing City Chongqing City Shapingba District Forget-me-not flowers, fungus, lactic acid bacteria, mosquito coil liquid Merchant, ordinary procurement level 3, gold buyer, Chongqing Hejian Trading Co., Ltd. has certain technical strength and supply chain system support in Sichuan braised dishes, Chongqing cured meats and Yunnan Dai cuisines. It can not only provide you with high-quality and low-cost food recommendations, but also provide corresponding technical services! 3 years of experience in business, 11th level of Wangpu 58,000 6,306 439 people 485,300 yuan
8,738,464 Xinqi Pickle Processing Factory Qi County, Kaifeng, Henan Henan Province Kaifeng City Qi County Sugar garlic, peppers, and other pickled products. Real-name authentication, market information officer, margin merchant, general purchase level 3 Our company: We have been engaged in the pickling industry for more than 20 years. Based on traditional craftsmanship and current characteristics, we create the taste of people now. With planting, production and processing as one of the business models, we produce high-quality and low-priced sugar garlic and peppers, which can provide supply for food processing plants and market wholesale all year round. The new garlic of 2020 is on sale. Welcome new and old customers to order. Thank you for your support. 3 years of experience as a business owner, 11th level of Wangpu 26,000 2,087 320 people 628,800 yuan
5,181,426 Xiangwei Grocery Store Shifeng District, Zhuzhou, Hunan Hunan Province Zhuzhou City Shifeng District Processed food, pickles, dry goods, condiments Real-name authentication, market information officer, margin merchant, general procurement level 3 The family has been professionally engaged in pickle and kimchi production for more than 40 years, and has its own pickle garden. Long-term supply of Hunan specialty pickles spicy papaya shreds raw materials low-temperature cold storage delivery Hunan specialty food: spicy papaya strips (10 kg vacuum packaging) traditional production, pickled in a jar, Hunan flavor fragrant, crisp, spicy, refreshing color golden not black Order before 10 o'clock every day for the next day delivery, after the order is delayed for one day delivery Buyers confirm the order 72 hours after the merchant to prepare the goods for delivery time! If there is any quality problem after the arrival of the goods, please take a good receipt date of the day, please contact the merchant within 24 hours to inform, expired at your own risk, no return or exchange! This product should not be exposed to the sun or heat, and should be stored in a cool place at low temperature. 6 years of business experience, 11th level of store 49,000 3,317 741 people 563,900 yuan
6556805 Hunan Upstream Food Processing Factory Furong District, Changsha, Hunan Hunan Province Changsha City Furong District Food Processing Wholesale Real-name authentication, deposit merchant, general purchase Level 2 Papaya shreds manufacturer, complete certificates, large-scale wholesale Niu Shang 5 years, Wang Pu 11th level 23,000 2458 420 people 307,400 yuan

Related literature

  • Zhang Ruilong, Yang Xiaoli, 2021: "Are wholesale prices of agricultural products affected by the closed control policy? Evidence from Beijing's wholesale market", "Agricultural Technology and Economy", No. 12.
  • Pan Jianwei, Zhang Lizhong, Hu Tianshi, 2018: "Research on the price transmission mechanism of agricultural products based on the circulation perspective", "Agricultural Technology and Economy", No. 6.

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