
  Under the background of reform and opening up and building a socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics, market entities of all industries and economic natures have actively participated in market activities, providing a steady stream of dynamic support for the development of the market economy in China and even the world. However, some market operators have certain price violations in the actual operation process, which greatly weakens the role of price in rationally allocating resources, affects the stability of the overall market price level, infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of consumers or other operators, and is not conducive to the healthy development of the socialist market economy.

  Common price violations mainly include fabricating and spreading price increase information, and significantly raising prices for the purpose of making huge profits without significant changes in production costs or purchase costs.

  CnOpenData has compiled the administrative penalty information on price violations of Chinese enterprises in recent years, including fields such as enterprise name, penalty date, penalty reason, and penalty unit, to help related research.

Time interval


Data scale

Administrative penalty data for price violations of Chinese enterprises

Field display

Field table of administrative penalty data for price violations of Chinese enterprises
Date of disclosure
Name of the penalized party
District (city) county
Penalty type
Penalty result/content
Penalty date
Handling agency
Currency of fine
Amount of fine (10,000 yuan)
Type of related party
Related entity
Contact number
Type of violation
Illegal matter
Content of violation
File number
Related laws and regulations
Credit type
Industry category
Industry category
Industry category
Industry subcategory

Sample data

Overdue financial accounting system filing td> fine fine RMB Administrative penalties < td>Xiqing District0.1 < td>Wholesale and retail industry td> < td>Issuing a bad check < /tr> td> td> < td>Tianjin Branch of the People's Bank of China < td>Tianjin City < td>Tianjin Hongxuanda Technology Co., Ltd. td> Real estate industry 2017-03-22 < td>RMBZhaotong City
Date of publication Name of the party being punished Province City District (city) county Type of punishment Result/content of punishment Date of punishment Handling agency Currency of fine Fine Amount (10,000 yuan) Related party type Related entity Contact number Violation type Violation matter Violation content File number Related laws and regulations Credit type Industry category Industry category Industry category Industry category Industry category
2017-03-31 Hunan Zhexiang Concrete Co., Ltd. Hunan Province Huaihua City Chenxi County Fines 200 2017-03-30 Chenxi County State Taxation Bureau RMB 0.02 18358699277 Fund Illegal Category Financial Accounting Report Illegal Category Chenxi State Taxation Simple Penalty (2017) No. 3 Article 60 of the "Tax Collection and Management Measures of the People's Republic of China" Administrative penalties Manufacturing Non-metallic mineral products Gypsum, cement products and similar products manufacturing Concrete structural component manufacturing
2017-03-31 Shandong Keer Trading Co., Ltd. Shandong Province Dongying City Kenli District Fines Administrative penalty content: fine of 5,000 yuan 2017-03-30 Central Dongying City Central Branch RMB 0.5 7083770 Fund Illegal Category Issuing Bad Checks Issuing Bad Checks Dongyin Penalty No. [2017] K007 < /td> Administrative penalties Wholesale and retail industry Retail industry Stalls, non-store and other retail industries Other unlisted retail industries
2017-03-31 Zhoushan Putuo Transportation and Tourism Group Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Province Zhoushan City Putuo District Fines, ordered to correct An administrative penalty of "ordering you (the unit) to return the illegally occupied sea area, restore the sea area to its original state, and impose a fine of RMB 26,468" is imposed on you (the unit) 2017-03-31 Putuo District Ocean and Fisheries Bureau RMB 2.6468 0580-6206115 Fund violations, market supervision Fund occupation, illegal land occupation Puhai Execution Penalty [2017] No. 003 Law of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Sea Area Use, Notice on Strengthening the Administration of Collection of Sea Area Use Fees, Standards for Discretionary Power of Administrative Penalties for Oceans and Fisheries in Zhejiang Province, Administrative Penalty Law of the People's Republic of China Administrative penalties, administrative supervision measures Leasing and business services Business services Other business services Travel agencies and related services
2017-03-31 Huaihua Hongshun Building Admixture Co., Ltd. Hunan Province Huaihua City Chenxi County Fine 200 2017-03-30 Chenxi County State Taxation Bureau RMB 0.02 15717519889 Fund Illegal Category Financial Accounting Report Illegal Category Overdue Financial Accounting System Registration Chenxi State Taxation Simple Penalty (2017) No. 3 Tax Law of the People's Republic of China Article 60 of the Collection and Management Measures Administrative Penalties Manufacturing Industry Non-metallic Mineral Products Industry Gypsum, Cement Products and Similar Products Manufacturing Other Cement Similar Products Manufacturing
2017-03-29 Kunming Encounter Hotel Co., Ltd. > Yunnan Province Kunming City Guandu District Fine Fine of RMB 1,200.00 2017-03-20 Guandu District Branch of the Central Bank RMB 0.12 13759434935 Fund violations Issuing bad checks Issuing bad checks Official Bank Penalty [2017] No. 7 Administrative penalties Accommodation and catering industry Accommodation industry I General hotel Other general hotels
2017-03-29 Yueyang County Tongchi Automobile Service Co., Ltd. Hunan Province Yueyang City Yueyang County Fine 100 2017-03- 29 Yueyang County State Taxation Bureau RMB 0.01 13607402035 Fund Illegal Category Financial Accounting Report Illegal Category Overdue Financial Accounting System Registration Yue County State Taxation Bureau Simple Penalty 〔2017〕No. 29 Article 60, Paragraph 1, Item (3) of the Tax Collection and Management Law of the People's Republic of China Administrative Penalty Residential Services, Repairs and Other Services Motor Vehicle, Electronic Products and Daily Products Repair Industry Automobile, Motorcycle, etc. Repair and Maintenance
2017-03-28 Liaoning Yinhai Sigma General Boiler Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Liaoning Province Anshan City Haicheng City Fines A fine of 10,000 yuan at a rate of "5% of the face value but not less than 1,000 yuan" 2017-03-2 4 Central Bank of China Anshan City Branch RMB 1 0412-3772172 Fund Illegal Category Issuing Bad Checks Issuing Bad Checks (Anyin Branch) Penalty Word [2017 ] No. 5 Administrative Penalty Manufacturing Special Equipment Manufacturing
2017-03-28 Liaoning Yinhai Sigma General Boiler Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Liaoning Province Anshan City Haicheng City Fine Fine of 10,000 yuan at the rate of 5% of the face value but not less than 1,000 yuan 2017-03-24 Central Bank of China Anshan City Branch RMB 1 0412-3772172 Fund violations Issuing bad checks Issuing bad checks (Anyin Branch) Penalty [2017] No. 6 Administrative penalties Manufacturing Special equipment manufacturing
2017-03-27 Hebei Xingtai Decoration Group Co., Ltd. Tianjin Branch Tianjin City Wuqing District Fines Administrative penalty content: Administrative penalty of a fine of 1,614 yuan 2017-03-22 Central Bank of China Tianjin Branch RMB 0.1614 18501060526 Fund Illegal Category Issuing Bad Checks Issuing Bad Checks (Jinyin Payment) Penalty No. 00149 [2017] Administrative Penalty Construction Industry Architectural Decoration, Renovation and Other Construction Industries Architectural Decoration and Renovation Industry Residential Decoration and Renovation
2017-03-27 Tianjin Jinxi Jinping Hardware Wire Factory Tianjin City Xiqing District Fine Administrative penalty content: Administrative penalty of a fine of 1,000 yuan 2017-03-23 Central Bank of China Tianjin Branch RMB 0.1 13132267899 Fund violations Issuing bad checks Issuing bad checks (Jinyin Payment) Penalty No. [2017] 00151 Administrative penalties Manufacturing Metal products Metal wire rope and its products Metal wire rope and its products
2017-03-27 Tianjin Hongxuanda Technology Co., Ltd. Tianjin City Xiqing District Administrative penalty content: administrative penalty of a fine of 5,000 yuan 2017-03-22 Central Bank of China Tianjin Branch RMB 0.5 022-24316884 Fund violation category< /td> Issuing a bad check Issuing a bad check (Jinyin Payment) Penalty No. 00143 [2017] Administrative penalty Scientific research and technical services Technology promotion and application services Technology promotion services Other technologies Technology promotion services
2017-03-27 Tianjin Risheng Tiancheng Electronics Co., Ltd. Tianjin City Jinnan District Fines Administrative penalty content: Administrative penalty of a fine of 1,000 yuan 2017-03 -20 Central Bank of China Tianjin Branch RMB 0.1 13821362646 Fund Illegal Category Issuing Bad Checks Issuing Bad Checks (Tianjin Bank Payment) Penalty No.〔201 7〕No. 00131 Administrative penalty Manufacturing Computer, communication and other electronic equipment manufacturing Electronic components and electronic special materials manufacturing Other electronic components manufacturing
2017-03-27 Xiangyang Fang (Tianjin Binhai New Area) Food Sales Co., Ltd. Tianjin City Binhai New Area Fines Administrative penalty content: Administrative penalty of a fine of 776 yuan 2017-03-20 Central Bank of China Tianjin Branch RMB 0.0776 13602039258 Fund violations Issuing bad checks Issuing bad checks (Jinyin Payment) Penalty No. 00133 [2017] Administrative penalties Wholesale and retail industry Retail industry Specialized retail of food, beverages and tobacco products
2017-03-27 Tianjin Yipeng Municipal Engineering Co., Ltd. Tianjin City Dongli District Administrative penalty content: administrative penalty of 10,000 yuan fine 2017-03-22 Central Bank of China Tianjin Branch RMB 1 022-24316884 Fund violation category Issuing a bad check Issuing a bad check (Jinyin Payment) Penalty No. 00141 [2017] Administrative penalty Construction industry Civil engineering construction industry
2017-03-27 Tianjin Jinxi Jinping Hardware Wire Factory Tianjin City Xiqing District Fines Administrative penalty content: Administrative penalty of a fine of 1,000 yuan 2017-03-23 Central Bank of China Tianjin Branch 0.1 13132267899 Fund Illegal Category Issuing Bad Checks Issuing Bad Checks (Jinyin Payment) Penalty No.〔2017〕00155 Manufacturing Metal products Metal wire rope and its products Metal wire rope and its products
2017-03-27 Tianjin Hongxuanda Technology Co., Ltd. Tianjin Fine Administrative penalty content: Administrative penalty of a fine of 12,500 yuan 2017-03-22 Central Bank of China Tianjin Branch RMB 1.25 022-24316884 Fund violations Issuing bad checks Issuing bad checks (Jinyin Payment) Penalty No. 00146 [2017] Administrative penalties Scientific research and technical services Science and technology promotion and application services Technology promotion Other technical promotion services
2017-03-27 Hebei Xingtai Decoration Group Co., Ltd. Tianjin Branch Tianjin City Wuqing District Fines Administrative penalty content: A fine of 2,500 yuan Administrative punishment 2017-03-22 Central Bank Tianjin Branch RMB 0.25 18501060526 Fund violation Issuing a bad check Issuing a bad check< /td> (Jinyin Payment) Penalty No. 00147 [2017] Administrative Penalty Construction Industry Architectural Decoration, Renovation and Other Construction Industries Architectural Decoration and Renovation Industry Residential Decoration and Renovation
2017-03-2 7 Tianjin Guotai Pharmacy Tianjin City Hedong District Fines Administrative penalty content: Administrative penalty of a fine of 1,000 yuan 2017-03-23 Central Bank of China Tianjin Branch RMB 02224492698 Fund violations Issuing bad checks Issuing bad checks (Jinyin Payment) Penalty No. [2017] 00150 Administrative penalties Retail industry Specialized retail of medicines and medical equipment
2017-03-27 Tianjin Jinxi Jinping Hardware Wire Factory Tianjin City Xiqing District FinesAdministrative penalty content: Administrative penalty of a fine of 2,500 yuan 2017-03-23 Central Bank of China Tianjin Branch RMB 0.25 13132267899 Fund violation category Issuing a bad check (Jinyin Payment) Penalty No. 00153 [2017] Administrative penalty Manufacturing Metal products Manufacturing of metal wire ropes and their products Manufacturing of metal wire ropes and their products
2017-03-27 Tianjin Jinxi Jinping Hardware Wire Factory Tianjin City Xiqing District Fines Administrative penalty content: Administrative penalty of a fine of 12,000 yuan 2017-03-23 Tianjin Branch of the People's Bank of China RMB 1.2 13132267899 Fund Illegal Category Issuing Bad Checks Issuing Bad Checks (Tianjin Bank Payment) Penalty No. [2017] 00154 Administrative penalties Manufacturing Metal products Metal wire rope and its products Metal wire rope and its products
2017-03-27 Tianjin Shunyang Labor Protection Products Co., Ltd. Tianjin Shunyang Labor Protection Products Co., Ltd. Jinshi Hebei District Fine Administrative penalty content: Administrative penalty of a fine of 400 yuan 2017-03-21 Central Bank of China Tianjin Branch RMB 0.04 18812673871 Fund violations Issuing a bad check Issuing a check that does not match the reserved signature (Jinyin Payment) Penalty No. [2017] 00135 Administrative penalties Wholesale and retail industry Retail industry /td> Comprehensive retail Convenience store retail
2017-03-27 Tianjin Shilin Steel Trading Co., Ltd. Tianjin City Dongli District Fines Administrative penalty content: A fine of 1,000 yuan Administrative penalty 2017-03-24 Central Bank of China Tianjin Branch RMB 0.1 15122685518 Fund violation Issuing a bad check Issuing a bad check (Jinyin Payment) Penalty No. 00158 [2017] Administrative Penalty Wholesale and Retail Wholesale Wholesale of Mineral Products, Building Materials and Chemical Products Wholesale of Metals and Metal Minerals
2017-03-2 7 Tianjin Qianglian Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Tianjin Jinghai District Fines Administrative penalty content: Administrative penalty of a fine of 1,863 yuan 2017-03-24 Central Bank of China Tianjin Branch RMB 0.1863 15602006929 Fund violations Issuing bad checks Issuing bad checks (Jinyin Payment) Penalty No. [2017] 00159 Administrative penalties Manufacturing Metal products Structural metal products Metal structure manufacturing
2017-03-27 Tianjin Lunjie Technology Co., Ltd. Tianjin Beichen District fine Administrative penalty content: administrative penalty of a fine of 1,718 yuan 2017-03-20 Central Bank of China Tianjin Branch RMB 0.1718 13820675572 Capital Financial Violations Issuing Bad Checks Issuing Bad Checks (Jinyin Payment) Penalty No. 00134 [2017] Administrative Penalties Scientific Research and Technical Services Technology Promotion and Application Services Technology Promotion Services
2017-03-27 Tianjin Mingte Shun Technology Development Co., Ltd. Tianjin Wuqing District Fines Administrative penalty content: Administrative penalty of a fine of 1,269 yuan 2017-03-21 Central Bank of China Tianjin Branch RMB 0.1269 13102195390 Fund Illegal Category Issuing Bad Checks Issuing Bad Checks (Tianjin Bank Payment) Penalty No.〔201 7〕No. 00137 Administrative penalty Scientific research and technical services Technology promotion and application services Technology promotion services New energy technology promotion services
2017-03-27 Hebei Xingtai Decoration Tianjin Branch of the Group Co., Ltd. Tianjin City Wuqing District Fine Administrative penalty content: Administrative penalty of a fine of 2,500 yuan 2017-03-22 Central Bank of China Tianjin Branch RMB 0.25 18501060526 Fund violations Issuing bad checks Issuing bad checks (Jinyin Payment) Penalty No. 00148 [2017] Administrative penalties Construction industry< /td> Architectural decoration, renovation and other construction industries Architectural decoration and renovation industry Residential decoration and renovation
2017-03-27 Tianjin Jinxi Jinping Hardware Wire Factory Tianjin City Xiqing District fine Administrative penalty content: administrative penalty of 7,500 yuan fine 2017-03-23 Central Bank of China Tianjin Branch RMB 0.75 13132267899 Fund violation categoryIssuing a bad check Issuing a bad check (Jinyin Payment) Penalty No. 00152 [2017] Administrative penalty Manufacturing Metal products Manufacturing of metal wire ropes and their products Manufacturing of metal wire ropes and their products
2017-03-27 Tianjin Qianglian Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Tianjin Jinghai District Fines Administrative penalty content: Administrative penalty of a fine of 900 yuan 2017-03-24 RMB 0.09 15602006929 Fund violations Issuing a bad check Issuing a check that does not match the reserved signature (Tianjin Bank Payment) Penalty [2017] No. 00160 Administrative penalty Manufacturing Metal products Structural metal products Metal structure manufacturing
2017-03-27 Tianjin Yipeng Municipal Engineering Co., Ltd. Dongli District Fine Administrative penalty content: Administrative penalty of a fine of 10,000 yuan 2017-03-22 Central Bank of China Tianjin Branch RMB 1 022-24316884 Fund violations Issuing bad checks Issuing bad checks (Jinyin Payment) Penalty No. 00139 [2017] Administrative penalties Construction industry Civil engineering construction industry
2017-03-27 Tianjin Hongxuanda Technology Co., Ltd. Tianjin City Xiqing District Fines Administrative penalty content: Administrative penalty of a fine of 10,000 yuan 2017-03-22 Central Bank of China Tianjin Branch RMB 1 022-24316884 Fund Illegal Category Issuing Bad Checks Issuing Bad Checks (Tianjin Bank Payment) Penalty No. 〔2017〕00144 Administrative Penalty Scientific Research and Technical Services Technology Promotion and Application Services Technology Promotion Services Other Technology Promotion Services
2017-03-27 Tianjin City Xiqing District Fines Administrative penalty content: Administrative penalty of a fine of 5,000 yuan 2017-03-22 Central Bank of China Tianjin Branch RMB 0.5< /td> 022-24316884 Fund violations Issuing bad checks Issuing bad checks (Jinyin Payment) Penalty No. 00145 [2017] Administrative penalties Science Research and technical services Technology promotion and application services Technology promotion services Other technology promotion services
2017-03-27 Tianjin Hongxuanda Technology Co., Ltd. Tianjin City Xiqing District fine Administrative penalty content: administrative penalty of 10,000 yuan fine 2017-03-22 Central Bank of China Tianjin Branch RMB 1 022-24316884 Fund violation Category Issuing a bad check Issuing a bad check (Jinyin Payment) Penalty No. 00142 [2017] Administrative penalty Scientific research and technical services Science and technology promotion and application services Technology promotion services Other Technology promotion services
2017-03-27 Tianjin Mingte Shun Technology Development Co., Ltd. Tianjin Wuqing District Fines Administrative penalty content: Administrative penalty of a fine of 2,980 yuan 2017- 03-21 Central Bank of China Tianjin Branch RMB 0.298 13102195390 Fund Illegal Category Issuing Bad Checks Issuing Bad Checks (Tianjin Bank Payment) Penalty 〔2017〕No. 00136 Administrative Penalty Scientific Research and Technical Services Technology Promotion and Application Services Technology Promotion Services New Energy Technology Promotion Services
2017-03-27 Tianjin Mingte Shun Technology Development Co., Ltd. Tianjin City Wuqing District Fines Administrative penalty content: Administrative penalty of a fine of 1,123 yuan 2017-03-21 Central Bank of China Tianjin Branch RMB 0.1123 13102195390 Fund violations Issuing bad checks Issuing bad checks (Jinyin Payment) Penalty No. 00138 [2017] Administrative penalties Science Research and technical services Technology promotion and application services Technology promotion services New energy technology promotion services
2017-03-27 Tianjin Yipeng Municipal Engineering Co., Ltd. Tianjin Dongli Districtfine Administrative penalty content: administrative penalty of a fine of 3,500 yuan 2017-03-22 Central Bank of China Tianjin Branch RMB 0.35 022-24316884 Fund violation category Issuing a bad check Issuing a bad check (Jinyin Payment) Penalty No. 00140 [2017] Administrative penalty Construction industry Civil engineering construction industry
2017-03-27 Tianjin Jinxi Jinping Hardware Wire Factory Tianjin City Xiqing District Fines Administrative penalty content: Administrative penalty of a fine of 1,000 yuan 2017-03-23 Central Bank Tianjin Branch Bank RMB 0.1 13132267899 Fund Illegal Category Issuing Bad Checks Issuing Bad Checks (Jinyin Payment) Penalty No.〔2017〕00156 Administrative punishment Manufacturing Metal products Metal wire rope and its products Metal wire rope and its products
2017-03-27 Tianjin Jinxi Jinping Hardware Wire Factory Tianjin Xiqing District Fine Administrative penalty content: Administrative penalty of a fine of 1,000 yuan 2017-03-23 Central Bank of China Tianjin Branch RMB 0.1 1313 2267899 Fund violations Issuing bad checks Issuing bad checks (Jinyin Payment) Penalty No. [2017] 00157 Administrative penalties Manufacturing Metal products Wire ropes and their products Manufacturing Metal wire rope and its products manufacturing
2017-03-27 Tianjin Hengda Adhesive Products Co., Ltd. Tianjin City Beichen District Fines Administrative penalty content: Administrative penalty of a fine of 2,369 yuan 2017-03-20 Central Bank of China Tianjin Branch RMB 0.2369 022-26973068 Fund Illegal Category Issuing Bad Checks Issuing Bad Checks< /td> (Jinyin Payment) Penalty No. 00132 [2017] Administrative Penalty Manufacturing Rubber and Plastic Products Plastic Products Plastic Artificial Leather and Synthetic Leather Manufacturing
2017-03-24 Changzhou Branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Co., Ltd. Jiangsu Province Changzhou City Tianning District Fine Fine 380,000 2017-03-24 Changzhou Central Branch of the Central Bank RMB 38 Branches Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited 0519-88123654 Fund Illegal Category Violation of Anti-Money Laundering Law 1. Failure to perform customer identification obligations in accordance with regulations; 2. Conducting transactions with unidentified customers Changyin Penalty No. [2017] No. 2 Article 32, Paragraph 1 of the Anti-Money Laundering Law of the People's Republic of China Administrative penalties Financial industry Monetary financial services Monetary banking services Commercial banking services
2017-03-23 Xinjiang Jiangteng Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Aksu Prefecture Aksu City Fines Penalty content: a fine of 78,500 yuan; Penalty type: fine 2017-03-23 Aksu Regional Central Branch of the People's Bank of China RMB< /td> 7.85 15199212691 Fund violations Issuing bad checks Issuing bad checks Ayin Penalty No. [2017] 1 Administrative penalties Real estate industry Real estate development and operation Real estate development and operation
2017-03-23 Kunming Xishan District Chuangfu Interior Decoration Materials Business Department Fines< /td> A fine of 1888.00 yuan was imposed 2017-03-21 Xishan District Branch of the Central Bank RMB 0.1888 Fund violations Issuance of bad checks Issuing a bad check Xiyin Penalty [2017] No. 4 Administrative penalty
2017-03-22 Yunnan Manleqi Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd. fine fine of 2500.00 yuan 2016-04-11 Central Bank Xishan Branch RMB 0.25 Fund violations Issuing a bad check Issuing a bad check Xiyin Penalty [2016] No. 18 Administrative penalties
Yunnan Keliti Technology Co., Ltd. Yunnan Province Kunming City Guandu District Fine Fine of 15,000.00 yuan 2016-04-14 Kunming Central Branch of the People's Bank of China 1.5 *********** Fund Illegal Category Issuing Bad Checks Issuing Bad Checks Kunming Yinfazi (2016) No. 19 Administrative Penalty Information Transmission, Software and Information Technology Services Software and Information Technology Services Other Information Technology Services Other Unlisted Information Technology Services
2017-03-22 Kunming Qianheng Carton Packaging Co., Ltd. Yunnan Province Kunming City Panlong District Fine Fine of RMB 2,500.00 2016-04-07 Chenggong Branch of the Central Bank RMB 0.25 *** ******** Fund violations Issuing bad checks Issuing bad checks (Cheng) Silver Penalty [2016] No. 04 Administrative penalties Manufacturing Paper and paper products Paper products manufacturing Other paper products manufacturing
2017-03-21 Yitong Auto Parts Business Department, Panlong District, Kunming City Yunnan Province Kunming City Panlong District Fines A fine of 4784.40 yuan 201 7-03-15 Central Bank of China Kunming Branch RMB 0.47844 13987659155 Fund Illegal Category Issuing Bad Checks Issuing Bad Checks Kunming Yinfazi [2017] No. 2 Administrative Penalty Wholesale and Retail Retail Automobile, Motorcycle, Spare Parts and Fuel and Other Power Sales Automobile Spare Parts Retail
2017-03-21 China Postal Savings Bank of China Zhaotong Branch Yunnan Province Zhaotong City Zhaoyang District Fine Fine of RMB 450,000 2017-03-15 Zhaotong Banking Regulatory Bureau RMB 45 Branch Postal Savings Bank of China *********** Fund Illegal Operation, Staff Embezzled, Misappropriated, and Appropriated Bank or Customer Funds Illegal Loan Grant, Employees and Their Associates Misappropriated Customer Loan Funds; Counter Business Operation Risk Management Was Not in Place Zhaoyinjianfajuezi〔2017〕No. 10 Article 46, Item (5) of the Banking Supervision and Administration Law of the People's Republic of China, Article 27, Paragraph 1, Item (1) of the Administrative Penalty Law of the People's Republic of China Administrative Penalty Financial Industry Monetary Financial Services Monetary Banking Services Commercial Banking Services
2017-03-21 Zhaotong Zhaoyang Fudian Village Bank Co., Ltd. Yunnan Province Zhaoyang District Fine Fine of RMB 250,000 2017-03-16 Zhaotong Banking Regulatory Bureau RMB 25 *********** Fund Illegal Category Providing Guarantees and Financial Assistance Illegal Failure to Strictly Review and Implement Guaranteed Working Capital Loans Created Risks Zhaoyinjian Penalty Decision [2017] No. 18 Article 46, Item (5) of the Banking Supervision and Administration Law of the People's Republic of China Administrative penalties Financial industry Monetary financial services Monetary banking services Other monetary banking services
2017-03-20 Tianjin Youfa Steel Pipe Group Co., Ltd. First Branch Tianjin City Jinghai District Fines Administrative penalties: 14 Administrative penalty of 97 yuan fine 2017-03-14 Central Bank of China Tianjin Branch RMB 0.1497 022-68588598 Fund violation category Issuing a bad check Issuing a check that does not match the reserved signature (Tianjin Bank Payment) Penalty No. [2017] 00113 Administrative penalty Manufacturing Ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing industry Steel rolling processing Steel rolling processing
2017-03-20 Tianjin Shuangwei Machinery Processing Factory Tianjin City Wuqing District Fines Administrative penalty content: Administrative penalty of a fine of 1,000 yuan 2017-03-15 Central Bank of China Tianjin Branch RMB 0.1 13512028095 Fund violation category Issuing a bad check Issuing a bad check (Jinyin Payment) Penalty No. 00119 [2017] Administrative penalty Manufacturing General equipment manufacturing General parts manufacturing
2017-03-20 Tianjin Liyuan Express International Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd. Tianjin City Binhai New Area Fine Administrative penalty content: Administrative penalty of a fine of 1,000 yuan 2017-03-17 Central Bank of China Tianjin Branch RMB 0.1 18622595123 Fund violation category Issuance of a bad check Issuance of a signature that does not match the reserved signature (Jinyin Payment) Penalty No. 00130 [2017] Administrative Penalty Transportation, Warehousing and Postal Industry Multimodal Transport and Transport Agency Transport Agency Cargo Transport Agency

Related Literature

  • Yu Yongze, Xia Longlong, Duan Shenglan, 2023: "Market Supervision and Enterprise Growth-An Empirical Analysis Based on Administrative Penalty Data", "China Industrial Economy" No. 8.

Data Update Frequency

Annual Update
