
Time interval

By reporting period: as of 2022.12.31

Field display

Financial indicator table of securities institutions
Securities code
Company abbreviation
Reporting Period
Operating income (yuan)
Operating revenue growth (%)
Net profit (yuan)
Net profit growth (%)
Deduction of non-net profit (yuan)
Year-on-year growth in net profit after non-profit (%)
Earnings per share (yuan)
Net assets per share (yuan)
Capital reserve fund per share (yuan)
Retained profit per share (yuan)
Operating cash flow per share (yuan)
Return on equity (%)
Return on Equity - Diluted (%)
Return on total assets (%)
Return on labor investment (%)
Gross sales profit margin (%)
Net sales profit margin (%)
Asset-liability ratio (%)
Current Ratio (%)
Quick Ratio (%)
Equity Multiplier (%)
Equity ratio (%)
Shareholders’ equity ratio (%)
Cash flow ratio (%)
Inventory turnover days (days)
Accounts receivable turnover days (days)
Accounts payable turnover days (days)
Cash cycle (days)
Business cycle (days)
Total asset turnover rate (times)
Inventory turnover rate (times)
Accounts receivable turnover rate (times)
Accounts payable turnover rate (times)
Current asset turnover rate (times)
Fixed asset turnover rate (times)

Sample data

Securities code Company abbreviation Reporting Period Operating income (yuan) Year-on-year growth in operating income (%) Net profit (yuan) Net profit growth (%) Deduction of non-net profit (yuan) Year-on-year growth after non-net profit (%) Earnings per share (yuan) Net assets per share (yuan) Capital reserve fund per share (yuan) Retained profit per share (yuan) Operating cash flow per share (yuan) Return on equity (%) ROE - Diluted (%) Return on total assets (%) Return on labor investment (%) Gross sales profit margin (%) Net sales profit margin (%) Asset-liability ratio (%) Current Ratio (%) Quick Ratio (%) Equity Multiplier (%) Equity Ratio (%) Shareholders’ Equity Ratio (%) Cash flow ratio (%) Inventory turnover days (days) Accounts receivable turnover days (days) Accounts payable turnover days (days) Cash cycle (days) Business cycle (days) Total asset turnover rate (times) Inventory turnover rate (times) Accounts receivable turnover rate (times) Accounts payable turnover rate (times) Current asset turnover rate (times) Fixed asset turnover rate (times)
600030 中信证券 2023一季报 15348206851 0.8672 5417237420 3.5984 5329928863 3.1145 0.36 16.5106 6.1357 6.1011 -0.1488 2.07 2.096 0.4097 9.3661 36.6834 81.7246 5.4718 4.5539 18.2754 -0.0019 0.0112
600030 中信证券 2022年报 65108507999 -14.9172 21317422282 -7.7153 20948320173 -10.1464 1.42 16.1503 6.1358 5.7508 5.2982 8.67 8.4219 1.7139 51.4656 34.049 80.2512 5.0636 4.1479 19.7488 0.0748 0.0503
600030 中信证券 2022三季报 49821498122 -13.8208 16567546038 -6.1071 16217783087 -7.4917 1.11 15.8585 6.1359 5.7705 4.1665 6.8 6.6591 1.3159 65.7408 34.5204 80.9915 5.2608 4.3467 19.0085 0.0571 0.0381
600030 中信证券 2022中报 34885387538 -7.5164 11196326780 -8.2117 10939773750 -9.8887 0.76 16.38 6.1359 5.4251 6.9671 4.64 4.6111 0.8659 59.9653 33.2828 82.3624 5.6697 4.7596 17.6376 0.0893 0.026
600030 中信证券 2022一季报 15216257791 -7.2002 5229072057 1.2444 5168940449 1.6641 0.36 15.5567 6.1358 5.5773 5.224 2.26 2.1403 0.4104 71.7434 35.6131 81.7393 5.4762 4.5571 18.2607 0.0695 0.0115
600030 中信证券 2021年报 76523716527 40.7133 23099624928 55.0069 23313845884 56.4726 1.77 15.3483 5.0767 6.0077 2.2015 12.07 11.0434 2.0591 41.1514 31.3695 83.2788 5.9804 5.0908 16.7212 0.0267 0.0656
600030 中信证券 2021三季报 57811543805 37.6642 17645144597 39.3682 17531167755 39.6076 1.36 14.9385 5.0767 5.9421 2.2184 9.34 8.6549 1.6153 50.5266 31.6473 82.8199 5.8207 4.925 17.1801 0.0286 0.051
600030 中信证券 2021中报 37720623459 41.0457 12197983849 36.6587 12140291864 37.0984 0.94 14.5 5.0768 5.5358 0.1725 6.52 6.5089 1.1336 42.8689 33.3885 83.6137 6.1027 5.2163 16.3863 0.0023 0.034
600030 中信证券 2021一季报 16396868531 27.5786 5164799333 26.727 5084330303 25.0981 0.4 14.3847 5.077 5.3988 -1.3705 2.81 2.7776 0.4854 61.2045 32.5871 83.466 6.0481 5.1559 16.534 -0.0185 0.0149
600030 中信证券 2020年报 54382730242 26.0619 14902324216 21.8644 14899634550 22.6686 1.16 14.06 5.0769 5.0103 7.8771 8.43 8.2011 1.6823 13.3144 28.5321 82.3467 5.6647 4.7717 17.6533 0.1174 0.059
600030 中信证券 2020三季报 41994620928 28.1343 12660811987 20.3246 12557455683 19.9627 0.99 13.9049 5.0676 5.1124 4.823 7.17 7.0437 1.4285 6.8831 31.2243 82.3982 5.6812 4.7865 17.6018 0.0725 0.0457
600030 中信证券 2020中报 26743555666 22.7265 8925877417 38.4797 8855166211 38.1551 0.7 13.62 5.0676 4.8301 2.3903 5.07 5.0703 1.0437 -0.1736 34.4766 81.5393 5.4169 4.5162 18.4607 0.0389 0.0303
600030 中信证券 2020一季报 12852369127 22.1425 4075530541 -4.2763 4064273789 -4.4696 0.32 13.7199 5.0677 4.9591 2.3631 2.38 2.298 0.4928 -5.0156 32.8598 80.3544 5.0902 4.1788 19.6456 0.0412 0.015
600030 中信证券 2019年报 43139697642 15.9024 12228609724 30.2316 12146253698 34.9947 1.01 13.3388 4.4691 4.9603 1.8137 7.76 7.566 1.7508 2.4626 29.3197 79.1026 4.7853 3.8748 20.8974 0.0351 0.0597
600030 中信证券 2019三季报 32773899543 20.4511 10522213380 43.8524 10467799956 43.501 0.87 13.2114 4.4723 5.0556 0.8592 6.68 6.573 1.57 27.0851 33.1152 77.552 4.4547 3.5336 22.448 0.0184 0.0474
600030 中信证券 2019中报 21791181444 8.9965 6445621808 15.8211 6409585209 15.6508 0.53 12.87 4.4929 4.7276 3.2827 4.11 4.1318 0.9679 25.2182 30.5812 77.9334 4.5317 3.6162 22.0666 0.0705 0.0317
600030 中信证券 2019一季报 10522437260 8.3499 4257600288 58.2899 4254429307 59.0998 0.35 13.0329 4.4915 4.9025 2.1381 2.74 2.6961 0.6569 21.0089 41.4069 75.9871 4.1644 3.24 24.0129 0.0506 0.0159
600030 中信证券 2018年报 37220708075 -14.0233 9389895990 -17.8721 8997577184 -21.4155 0.77 12.6386 4.4915 4.5554 4.7581 6.2 6.1315 1.5448 34.6252 26.5348 75.9878 4.1646 3.2408 24.0122 0.1162 0.0582
600030 中信证券 2018三季报 27209287878 -4.5283 7314589126 -7.7259 7294583305 -8.3516 0.6 12.6098 4.4914 4.5484 3.6834 4.81 4.7873 1.2394 32.6797 28.2354 74.5398 3.9277 2.9961 25.4602 0.0975 0.0439
600030 中信证券 2018中报 19992553276 6.9444 5565152037 12.9634 5542186025 9.0292 0.46 12.38 4.4918 4.4081 2.9584 3.65 3.7089 0.9075 44.4847 29.1247 76.6687 4.2861 3.3607 23.3313 0.0711 0.0312
600030 中信证券 2018一季报 9711536103 12.7369 2689748826 16.9055 2674062825 8.5381 0.22 12.5216 4.4938 4.5741 1.2473 1.78 1.7728 0.4354 49.2857 28.8137 76.4792 4.2516 3.3252 23.5208 0.03 0.0151
600030 中信证券 2017年报 43291634081 13.9203 11433264546 10.3047 11449551584 10.7054 0.94 12.3628 4.4934 4.2921 -8.599 7.82 7.6324 1.9587 30.1884 27.6669 75.5197 4.0849 3.1538 24.4803 -0.2205 0.0708
600030 中信证券 2017三季报 28499832569 5.3968 7927026700 -0.1753 7959311858 -0.2517 0.65 12.1348 4.4872 4.1984 -6.2918 5.45 5.3912 1.3567 48.9273 29.258 76.1761 4.1975 3.2731 23.8239 -0.1584 0.0464
600030 中信证券 2017中报 18694346790 2.9455 4926508889 -6.0209 5083213502 -3.946 0.41 11.86 4.4872 3.9551 -4.0579 3.39 3.4283 0.8614 45.4129 27.7241 75.7318 4.1206 3.1932 24.2682 -0.1072 0.0311
600030 中信证券 2017一季报 8614337887 13.3574 2300788702 40.1795 2463708374 51.1631 0.19 12.0196 4.4883 4.0872 -3.1313 1.6 1.5798 0.398 45.2747 28.2255 76.1635 4.1952 3.2663 23.8365 -0.0798 0.0141
600030 中信证券 2016年报 38001695917 -32.1557 10365168588 -47.6501 10342364843 -48.486 0.86 11.7766 4.4944 3.8947 -4.0763 7.36 7.2638 1.8098 50.7039 28.8963 75.5977 4.098 3.1651 24.4023 -0.1094 0.0626
600030 中信证券 2016三季报 27040087385 -36.2388 7940947373 -50.3255 7979397854 -50.005 0.66 11.5106 4.4936 3.8428 -4.6332 5.66 5.6935 1.4351 67.8631 30.8896 74.0059 3.847 2.9072 25.9941 -0.1385 0.0465
600030 中信证券 2016中报 18159324638 -41.6313 5242131128 -57.963 5292036133 -57.5336 0.43 11.24 4.4936 3.6216 -3.4302 3.73 3.8483 0.9264 60.3956 30.2563 75.6203 4.1018 3.1646 24.3797 -0.0964 0.0306
600030 中信证券 2016一季报 7600171888 -23.486 1641316389 -57.0003 1629834279 -57.2938 0.14 11.4759 4.4937 3.8267 -1.1967 1.18 1.1804 0.2983 53.0969 23.5596 75.7398 4.122 3.1842 24.2602 -0.0328 0.0127
600030 中信证券 2015年报 56013436033 91.8431 19799793374 74.6446 20076797281 107.8586 1.71 11.4829 4.4937 3.6962 7.1178 16.63 14.2303 3.7163 49.313 36.349 76.9948 4.3468 3.4094 23.0052 0.1818 0.1022
600030 中信证券 2015三季报 42408377775 144.0268 15985958005 151.1614 15960406645 240.1247 1.4 11.0135 4.4861 3.7532 7.7051 14.11 11.979 2.9183 63.6157 38.6667 78.8323 4.7242 3.8053 21.1677 0.1839 0.0755
600030 中信证券 2015中报 31111400608 195.3198 12470273746 205.9725 12461707496 416.9544 1.13 10.75 4.4857 3.4322 11.2127 11.79 9.571 2.0304 58.413 40.957 82.8821 5.8418 4.9332 17.1179 0.2114 0.0496
600030 中信证券 2015一季报 9933044181 109.5027 3817045867 191.2983 3816385847 192.34 0.35 9.4392 3.097 3.3104 1.8027 3.76 3.6706 0.7519 40.0812 39.6757 81.3266 5.3552 4.4472 18.6734 0.0429 0.019
600030 中信证券 2014年报 29197531133 81.1793 11337193825 116.1971 9658872151 83.3561 1.03 9 3.097 2.9691 2.7623 12.18 11.4403 3.1589 50.8028 40.625 78.9145 4.7426 3.8194 21.0855 0.0804 0.0778
600030 中信证券 2014三季报 17378576340 68.1508 6364814413 72.1757 4692516255 27.0366 0.58 8.4193 3.1196 2.7389 1.2071 7.05 6.862 2.0856 44.492 38.8269 74.8204 3.9715 3.0306 25.1796 0.0473 0.0537
600030 中信证券 2014中报 10534815536 74.3787 4075619673 93.1872 2410600878 14.6548 0.37 8.1448 3.0435 2.5357 0.0179 4.56 4.542 1.4183 48.0584 41.1351 73.086 3.7155 2.7672 26.914 0.0008 0.0345
600030 中信证券 2014一季报 4741247813 60.5805 1310356263 34.3506 1305461331 34.3922 0.12 8.01 3.0184 2.4384 0.29 1.48 1.484 0.4838 29.675 30.1202 71.7883 3.5446 2.5935 28.2117 0.0139 0.0161
600030 中信证券 2013年报 16115272157 37.8094 5243916979 23.7526 5267820120 25.7036 0.48 7.96 3.0947 2.3266 -1.69 6.02 5.9802 2.4135 23.5441 32.938 67.0534 3.0352 2.075 32.9466 -0.1023 0.0733
600030 中信证券 2013三季报 10335116051 26.8494 3696696746 26.5822 3693829191 27.8172 0.34 7.8861 3.1433 2.3247 -1.9775 4.24 4.2549 1.7064 13.4037 36.0226 67.0037 3.0306 2.0658 32.9963 -0.1214 0.0474
600030 中信证券 2013中报 6041342352 4.3736 2109673580 -6.1845 2102485966 -5.4378 0.19 7.659 3.0553 2.1807 -1.6896 2.42 2.5002 1.1485 8.234 34.9414 57.5142 2.3537 1.357 42.4858 -0.1626 0.0329
600030 中信证券 2013一季报 2952567401 23.586 975325826.1 12.9823 971381484.4 14.6238 0.09 7.93 3.1154 2.3777 -0.49 1.12 1.1168 0.5612 5.6752 34.033 53.8613 2.1674 1.1692 46.1387 -0.0529 0.0165
600030 中信证券 2012年报 11693881926 -53.2865 4237418476 -66.3068 4190666924 -66.6392 0.38 7.85 3.1217 2.2892 -1.73 4.9 4.9007 2.719 37.6019 36.8295 48.5576 1.9439 0.9463 51.4424 -0.2335 0.0738
600030 中信证券 2012三季报 8147546876 -13.7818 2920392432 -12.3898 2889931444 -13.2542 0.27 7.66 3.045 2.2719 -1.21 3.39 3.461 1.9553 46.0056 35.788 43.5047 1.7701 0.7732 56.4953 -0.2048 0.0546
600030 中信证券 2012中报 5788191323 -22.9084 2248748386 -24.3715 2223388571 -25.2281 0.2 7.64 3.0884 2.211 -0.66 2.56 2.6721 1.5107 42.4719 38.8266 43.3763 1.766 0.7692 56.6237 -0.1131 0.0389
600030 中信证券 2012一季报 2389079331 -30.6904 863255136.3 -36.3944 847452004.2 -37.5589 0.08 7.94 3.088 2.5152 0.08 0.99 0.9868 0.5804 37.3504 36.1816 41.2737 1.7028 0.7058 58.7263 0.0137 0.016
600030 中信证券 2011年报 25033193810 -9.936 12576482780 11.1847 12561642675 11.4067 1.23 7.86 3.0848 2.4368 -2.44 17 14.5246 8.3624 4.7637 50.3511 41.334 1.7046 0.7078 58.666 -0.4393 0.1661
600030 中信证券 2011三季报 9449919983 -23.9204 3333392815 -17.1454 3331494117 -16.2436 0.34 6.6 2.3437 1.8916 -2.9 4.92 5.0794 2.4444 113.0089 35.3307 44.9892 1.8178 0.8226 55.0108 -0.5342 0.0692
600030 中信证券 2011中报 7508196462 -5.024 2973413091 13.1226 2973560597 15.2062 0.3 6.8 2.5777 1.8622 -2.14 4.25 4.394 2.0932 91.4913 39.7281 48.364 1.9366 0.9422 51.636 -0.3344 0.0527
600030 中信证券 2011一季报 3446968326 -15.1688 1357200798 -9.4516 1357201682 -8.9038 0.14 7.24 2.6739 2.207 -1.36 1.91 1.8842 0.9247 101.2654 39.4768 48.6668 1.9481 0.9535 51.3332 -0.1973 0.0234
600030 中信证券 2010年报 27794902051 26.303 11311343211 25.905 11275485529 26.1214 1.14 7.08 2.646 2.0775 -1.79 17.28 16.0593 6.7425 100.3271 43.6629 53.748 2.1621 1.1689 46.252 -0.2157 0.1544

Data update frequency

Annual Update