
  Customs data refers to data information collected, collated, counted and released by national customs authorities on import and export goods and their transportation, price, quality, origin, etc. These data usually reflect the import and export trade situation, trade structure, trading partners and other information of a country or region. China Customs import and export data is an important data source for understanding the import and export trade situation of Chinese enterprises. It has the characteristics of comprehensiveness, detail, credibility and customizability, and is of great value for enterprises and research institutions to formulate import and export trade strategies and market analysis.

  **CnOpenData matches the list of tax investigation enterprises with the business unit name field in China Customs import and export data to obtain the customs import and export data of tax investigation enterprises. This data covers fields such as taxpayer identification number, enterprise name, fuzzy matching name, deadline, year, import and export classification code, HS commodity code, amount_US dollars, business unit name, production and consumption area name, etc., which can provide data support for related research. **

Time interval


Data scale

Tax investigation enterprise customs import and export data-statistics by year

Field display

Tax investigation enterprise customs import and export data field table
Taxpayer identification number
Deadline< /td>
Import and export classification code
Import and export classification name
HS commodity code
HS commodity name
Amount_US dollars
Business unit code
Producer and consumer country representative Code
Name of producing and consuming country
Trade method code
Name of trade method

Sample data

td> < td>4590211 < td>1 < td>Imported < td>305 < td>Imported td>
Taxpayer identification number Year Deadline Period Import and export classification code Import and export classification name HS commodity code HS commodity name Amount_US dollars Business unit code Producer and consumer country code Producer and consumer country name Trade mode code Trade mode name
11010110000018X 2016 2016-12-31 0 Export 90292090 Other speedometers and tachometers, stroboscopic observation instruments 195 1101919191 111 India3 Total except general trade and processing trade (code correction)
110101100000403 2016 2016-12-31 1 Import 6011091 Durant bulbs, tubers, tuberous roots, corms, root collars and rhizomes for seed use 1101919004 309 Netherlands 1 General Trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-1 2-31 1 Import 6022 010 Edible fruit or nut seedlings 22346 1101919004 116 Japan 1 General trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-12-31 Import 6022010 Edible fruit or nut seedlings 2276965 1101919004 307 Italy 1 General trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-12-31 1 Import 6029010 Mushroom mycelium 420783 1101919004 502 United States 1 General trade
1 10101100000403 2016 2016-12-31 1 Imported 6029091 Other seedlings 1199 1101919004 429 Mexico 1 One General trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-12-31 1 Import 6029091 Other seedlings 90648 1101919004 116 Japan 1 General trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-12-31 1 Import 6029099 Unlisted living plants 2006 110191900 4 502 United States 1 General trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-12-31 1 Import 6031100 Fresh rose flower arrangements and flowers for bouquets or decoration Lei 11226 1101919004 419 Ecuador 1 General trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-12-31 1 Import 6031100 Fresh roses and buds for bouquets or decoration 31 1101919004 304 Germany 1 General trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-1 2-31 1 Import 6031100 Fresh rose flower arrangements and buds for bouquets or decoration 255 1101919004 217 Ethiopia 1 General trade
11010110 0000403 2016 2016-12-31 1 Imported 6031100 Fresh roses and buds for bouquets or decorations 1322 1101919004 309 Netherlands 1 General trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-12-31 1 Import 6031100 Fresh rose flower arrangements and buds for bouquets or decoration 113 1101919004 4 13 Colombia 1 General trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-12-31 1 Import 6031100 Fresh rose flower arrangements and buds for bouquets or decorations 2934 1101919004 224 Kenya 1 General trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-12-31 1 Import 6031100 Fresh rose flower arrangements and buds for bouquets or decorations 351 1101919004 116 Japan 1 General trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-12-31 Imports 6031200 Fresh carnations and buds for bouquets or decorations 6548 1101919004 413 Colombia 1 General trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-12-31 1 Import 6031400 Fresh chrysanthemum flower arrangements and buds for bouquets or decorations 824 1101919004 309 Netherlands 1 General trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-12-31 1 Imported 6031400 Fresh chrysanthemum flower arrangements and buds for bouquets or decorations 59 1101919004 116 Japan 1 General trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-12-31 1 Import 6031400 Fresh chrysanthemum flower arrangements and buds for bouquets or decorations 72 1 101919004 307 Italy 1 General trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-12-31 1 Import 6031500 Fresh bouquets or Decorative lilies (Lilium) flower arrangements and buds 83 1101919004 309 Netherlands 1 General trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-12-31 1 6031500 Fresh lilies (Lilium) cut flowers and buds for bouquets or decoration 57 1101919004 116 Japan 1 General trade
110101100000403 201 6 2016-12-31 1 Import 6031900 Other fresh bouquets or decorative flowers and buds 13935 1101919004 309 Netherlands 1 General trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-12-31 1 Imported 6031900 Other fresh flowers and buds for bouquets or decoration 307 1101919004 254 Zimbabwe 1 General trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-12-31 1 Import 6031900 Other fresh bouquets or decorative flowers and buds 223 11019 19004 413 Colombia 1 General trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-12-31 1 Import 6031900 Other fresh bouquets or decorations Decorative flower arrangements and buds 367 1101919004 415 Costa Rica 1 General trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-12-31 1 Import 6031900 Other fresh flowers and buds for bouquets or decoration 51 1101919004 410 Brazil 1 General trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-12-31 1 Import 6031900 Other fresh bouquets or decorative flowers and buds 108 1101919004 217 Ethiopia 1 General trade
110 101100000403 2016 2016-12-31 1 Imported 6031900 Other fresh flowers and buds for bouquets or decoration 39 1101919004 306 Ireland 1 General trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-12-31 1 Import 6031900 Other fresh bouquets or decorative flowers and buds 839 1101919004 France 1 General trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-12-31 1 Import 6031900 Other fresh bouquets or decorative flowers and buds 196 1101919004 419 Ecuador 1 General trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-1 2-31 1 Import 60319 00 Other fresh bouquets or decorative flowers and buds 122 1101919004 304 Germany 1 General trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-12-31 1 Imports 6031900 Other fresh bouquets or decorative flowers and buds 2230 1101919004 327 Poland 1 General trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-12-31 1 Import 6031900 Other fresh bouquets or decorative flowers and buds 104 1101919004 136 Thailand 1 General trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-12-31 1 Imported 6031900 Other fresh flowers and buds for bouquets or decoration 496 1101919004 247 Tanzania 1 General trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-12-31 1 Import 6031900 Other fresh bouquets or decorative flowers and buds 1653 1101919004 244 South Africa 1 General trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-12-31 1 Import 6031900 Other fresh 243 1101919004 311 Portugal 1 General trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-12-31 1 6031900 Other fresh bouquets or decorative flowers and buds 528 1101919004 116 Japan 1 General trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-12-31 1 Import 6031900 Other fresh flowers and buds for bouquets or decoration 42 1101919004 434 Peru 1 General trade
1 10101100000403 2016 2016-12-31 1 Imported 6031900 Other fresh flowers and buds for bouquets or decoration 22 1101919004 502 United States 1 General trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-12-31 1 Import 6031900 Other fresh flowers and buds for bouquets or decoration 2315 1101919004 224 Kenya 1 General trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-12-31 1 Import 6031900 Other fresh flowers and buds for bouquets or decoration 644 1101919004 115 Israel 1 General trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-12- 31 1 Import 603 1900 Other fresh flowers and buds for bouquets or decoration 229 1101919004 307 Italy 1 General trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-12-311 Imports 6031900 Other fresh bouquets or decorative flowers and buds 34 1101919004 312 Spain 1 General trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-12-31 1 Import 6031900 Other fresh flowers and buds for bouquets or decoration 345 1101919004 412 Chile 1 General trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-12-31 1 Imported 6042090 Fresh plant branches, leaves or other plants without flowers and buds for bouquets or decorations 942 1101919004 327 Poland 1 General trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-12-31 1 Import 6042090 Fresh plant branches, leaves or other items without flowers or buds for bouquets or decorations 24 1101919004 302 Denmark 1 General trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-12-31 1 Import 604209 0 Fresh branches, leaves or other plants without flowers and buds for bouquets or decoration 897 1101919004 304 Germany 1 General trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-12- 31 1 Import 6042090 Fresh branches, leaves or other plants without flowers and buds for bouquets or decoration 93 1101919004 305 France 1 General trade
110101 100000403 2016 2016-12-31 1 Imported 6042090 Fresh branches, leaves or other plants without flowers and buds for bouquets or decorations 27 1101919004 601 Australia 1 General trade
110101100000403 2016 2016-12-31 1 Import 6042090 Fresh plant branches, leaves or other without flowers and buds for bouquets or decoration 517 110 1919004 309 Netherlands 1 General trade


  • Pei Jiansuo, Fang Yongbiao, Jiang Jiatong, 2024: "Embedding the global value chain to help enterprises green development: an explanation of the effect of input structure transformation", "China Industrial Economy", No. 2.
  • Wei Hao, Tu Yue, 2024: "Import experience and the mystery of the high probability of enterprises exiting the export market", "World Economy", No. 1.
  • Qian Xuefeng, Fang Mingpeng, 2023: "Transnational related external demand uncertainty and enterprise export quality - based on the perspective of demand-side quality improvement costs", "China Industrial Economy", No. 11.

Data update frequency

Update not supported
