
  The United States established the initial information disclosure system of the securities market in the Securities Act of 1933, and the continuous information disclosure system of the securities market in the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. With the development of economic globalization, the information disclosure system has also been widely used in the capital market rules of various countries, playing a huge role in safeguarding the rights and interests of investors and the order of the capital market.

  The quality of financial information disclosure of listed companies directly affects the investment decisions of investors and the operation of the market. Only on the basis of full disclosure of financial information can investors make wise investment decisions and the market can operate more fairly and stably; on the contrary, if the financial information disclosure of listed companies is inaccurate and insufficient, it will seriously affect investors' investment judgments and cause stock market fluctuations.

  CnOpenData refers to scientific calculation methods and sorts out the quality information of financial report disclosure of US listed companies from 1950 to 2017, which helps related research.

  • Reference article: Shuping Chen, Bin Miao, Terry Shevlin: A New Measure of Disclosure Quality: The Level of Disaggregation of Accounting Data in Annual Reports. Journal of Accounting Research.

Time interval


Data size

U.S. listed companies financial report information disclosure quality data

Field display

Field table of data on the quality of information disclosure in financial reports of listed companies in the United States
Enterprise identification number-1
Enterprise identification number-2
Financial report closing date
Income statement information disclosure quality
Balance sheet information disclosure quality

Sample data

12/31/1970 12/31/1977 13592 < tr> 354100 < td>360206 < td>215420.7718695
Enterprise identification number- 1 Enterprise Identification Number-2 Financial Report Closing Date Income Statement Information Disclosure Quality Balance Sheet Information Disclosure Quality
23052 21303 06/30/1991 0.50324 67 0.7967278
23052 21303 06/30/1992 0.6103896 0.8273064
230 52 21303 06/30/1993 0.5411255 0.8277944
23052 21303 06/30/1994 0.4772727 0. 8093268
23 052 21303 06/30/1995 0.75 0.8144317
23052 21303 06/30/1996 0.6082252 0.748959
23052 21303 06/30/1997 0.6071429 0.4874918
1000 32102 0.32 25108 0.5412456
1000 32102 12/31/1971 0.4880953 0.5036798
1 000 32102 12/31/1972 0.3712121 0.4686013
1000 32102 12/31/1973 0.4426407 0.4 89704
100 0 32102 12/31/1974 0.2164502 0.649516
1000 32102 12/31/1975 0.4945888 0.6177025
1000 32102 12/31/1976 0.4945888 0.5808503
1000 32102 0.3 885281 0.5758033
1001 165100 12/31/1983 0.5422078 0.4190725
1001 165100 12/31/1984 0.5822511 0.7517225
1001 165100 12/31/1985 0.4274892 0.6695833
209106 12/31/1987 0.5941558 0.4999881
13592 209106 12/31/1 988 0.5941558 0.5567815
13592 209106 12/31/1989 0.3106061 0.5029169
13592 209106 12/31/199 0 0.2748918 0.5173907
13592 209106 12/31/1991 0.5703463 0.5211188
13592 209106 12/31/1992 0.7132034 0.48636
178698 307108 12/31/2014 0. 6233767 0.8469308
178698 307108 12/31/2015 0.6103896 0.8825766
178698 307108 12/31/2016 0.7186147 0.8637702
178698 307108 12/31/2017 0.3290043 0.3859496
1002 352104< /td> 12/31/1972 0.4426407 0.3563992
1003 354100 12/31/1983 0.5909091 0.6515349
1003 354100 12/31/1984 0.6428571 0.6419591
1003 354100 01/31/1 986 0.7738095 0.6905664
1003 354100 01/31/1987 0.7738095 0.6748492
1003 01/31/19 88 0.5324675 0.6496198
1003 354100 01/31/1989 0.461039 0.6719915
21542 12/31/1991 0.54329 0.8601332
21542 360206 12/31/1992 0.5 551948 0.8512993
21542 360206 12/31/1993 0.3484848 0.8455463
21542 360206 12/31/1994 0.47 94372 0.7744523
21542 360206 12/31/1995 0.4794372 0.7576852
21542 360206 12/31/1996 0.4805195 0.7505718
21542 360206 12/31/1997 0.4794372 0.7717032
360206 12/31/1998 0.4794372 0.7630935
21542 360206 12/31/ 1999 0.4805195
21542 360206 12/31/2000 0.45671 0.7704882
21542 360206 12/31/2001 0.45671 0.8655782
21542 360206 12/31/2002 0.4675325 0.9155362
21542 360206 12/31/2003 0.4675325 0.9218999
21542 360206 12/31/2004 0.65 90909 0.8667225
21542 360206 12/31/2005 0.6590909 0.867733

Related literature

  • Sh uping Chen, Bin Miao, Terry Shevlin: A New Measure of Disclosure Quality: The Level of Disaggregation of Accounting Data in Annual Reports. Journal of Accounting Research.
  • Theodore E. Christensen, Karson E. Fronk, Joshua A. Lee, Karen K. Nelson,Data visualization in 10-K filings,Journal of Accounting and Economics,Volume 77, Issues 2–3,2024,101631,ISSN 0165-4101,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jacceco.2023.101631.
  • Cyrus Aghamolla, Kevin Smith,Strategic complexity in disclosure,Journal of Accounting and Economics,Volume 76, Issues 2–3,2023,101635,ISSN 0165-4101,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jacceco.2023.101635.
  • li>Robert Hills, Matthew Kubic, William J. Mayew,State sponsors of terrorism disclosure and SEC financial reporting oversight,Journal of Accounting and Economics,Volume 72, Issue 1,2021,101407,ISSN 0165-4101,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jacceco.2021.101407

Data update frequency

Annual update
