
Time interval

As of 2024.03.31

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Sample data

Quick report of performance of A-share listed companies
Securities code
Reporting period
Announcement date
Operating income for this period (10,000 yuan)
Operating income for the same period last year (10,000 yuan)
Operating income growth rate (%)
Operating profit for this period (10,000 yuan)
Operating profit for the same period last year (10,000 yuan)
Operating profit growth rate (%)
Total profit for this period (10,000 yuan)
Total profit for the same period last year
Profit Total profit growth rate (%)
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company for this period (10,000 yuan)
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company for the same period last year (10,000 yuan)
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company for the same period last year (10,000 yuan)
Net profit growth rate attributable to shareholders of the parent company (%)
Basic earnings per share for this period
Basic earnings per share in the same period last year
Basic earnings per share growth rate (%)
Weighted average return on net assets for this period (%)
Weighted average return on net assets for the same period last year (%)
Total assets for this period (10,000 yuan)
Total assets in the same period of the previous year (10,000 yuan)
Total asset growth rate (%)
Net assets in this period (10,000 yuan)
Net assets in the same period of the previous year (10,000 yuan)
Net asset growth rate (%)
0.59 < td>98943 < td>19871 d>-1 < td>9648.06 < td>1527480002276 < td>17121.33 d>4.22 < td>-1667 < td>166338 < td>26 < td>-2 < td>-54 -64 < td>2690141 < td>688068 d>-221569803 < td>5466471 688362 47250 -21
Securities code Reporting period Announcement date Operating income for this period Operating income for the same period last year Operating income growth rate (%) Operating profit for this period Operating profit for the same period last year Operating profit growth rate (%) Total profit for this period Total profit for the same period last year Total profit growth rate (%) Net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company for this period Net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company for the same period last year Net profit growth rate attributable to shareholders of the parent company (%) Basic per share for this period Revenue Basic EPS in the same period last year Basic EPS growth rate (%) Weighted average return on net assets for the current period (%) Weighted average return on net assets for the same period last year (%) Total assets for the current period Total assets for the same period last year Total assets growth rate (%) Net assets for the current period Net assets in the same period last year Net assets growth rate (%)
000028 2022-03-31 2022-04-20 1715085.69 1604996.63 6 .86 37507.83 47134.37 -20.42 37676.61 47714.38 -21.04 25236.19 328 80.06 -23.25 0.77 -23.38 1.68 2.33 4484410.33 4278368.24 4.82 1517718.35 1492493.81 1.69
000049 2022-12-31 2023-04-21 2174913 1947085 12 98707 95284 4 95027 4 86621 79377 9 3 3 9 23 26 12 51455 1077694< /td> 16 408824 342934 19
000430 2022-12-31 2023-04-15 13247 -33 -27210 -16137 -69 -27551 -16422 -68 -26005 -13518 -92 0 - 94 -21 -9 286168 284086 1 110838 136730 -19
000554 2022-12-31 2023-04-15 306989 279950 10 3127 2445 28 2337 1880 24 937 823< /td> 14 0 0 12 1 1 195832 150910 30 93426 92110 1
000600 2022-12-31 2023-04-15 1830583 1504080 22 12531 -336212 104 24260 -323450 108 10299 -221030 105 0 -1 105 1 -20 3654217 3852787 -5 975233 959318 2
000627 2022-12-31 2023-04-15 4961570 4958319 0 24559 38220 -36 22478 34312 -34 27405 47071 -42 0 0 -40 1 2 28859869 26390397 9 2141196 2255333 -5
000719 20 22-03-31 2022 -04-19 176303.66 188747.98 -6.59 10837.53 10152.13 6.75 10784.60 10 070.95 7.09 9592.39 0.58 0.09 0.09 0.00 1.01 1.07 1499141.60 >1490741.04 0.56 957979.91 948331.85 1.02
000767 2022-12-31 2023-04-15 2021975 32 -78957 -9586 -724 -63052 2655 -2475 -68256 384 -17872 0 0 -345 7 -11 0 6296141 6149092 2 1075016 916610 17
000823 2022-12-31 2023-04-15 667288 673116 -1 54015 49350 9 53616 48810 1 0 41679 37570 11 1 1 11 10 9 858536 833035 3 448507 4 15987 8
000937 2022-12-31 2023-04-15 3603636 3142424 15 722157 479566 51 701304 464485 51 444413 273935 62 1 1 62 21 14 5147 857 4993699 3 2110652 2081760 1
000966 2022-12-31 2023-04-15 1466192 1216397 21 23678 -8366 383 26421 -5291 599 12283 -2535 585 0 0 552 1 0 3085879 2335437 32 959453 944747 2
002066 2022-03-31 20 22-04-12 122559.32 112787.78 8.66 4576.30 4415.32 3.65 4546.05 447 3.13 1.63 1807.63 1422.98 27.03 0.08 0.06 27.11 3.31 2.92 435393.28 3 87880.77 12.25 55582.43 53774.80 3.36
002212 2022-03-31 2022-04-26 37841.72 2 6499.43 42.80 -9827.91 -13096.00 24.95 -9801.14 -13096.23 25.16 -6473.59 -9539.20 32.14 -0.06 -0.08 25.00 -0.69 -1.03 1100861.36 1159134.93 -5.03 934386.05 947713.26 -1. 41
002258 2022-03-31 2022-04-07 261293.57 148193.39 76.32 70054.07 28323.32 147.34 69757.60 28348.45 146.07 53433.17 22078.14 142.02 1.01 0.42 140.93 10 .19 5.41 1120310.48 1023216.72 9.49 527372.65 497723.07 5.96
2022-03 -31 2022-04-18 312812.09 229782.64 36.13 4616.12 -4088.43 212.91 45 13.88 -4110.86 209.80 4064.43 -4074.10 199.76 0.04 -0.04 198.78 0.89 -0.91 1096505.97 1142086.34 -3.99 459022.26 453867.77 1.14
002386 2022-03-31 2022-0 4-13 389003.48 440477.61 -11.69 21743.02 16353.89 32.95 21266.62 15767.76 34.87 12123. 36 41.23 0.22 0.16 37.50 2.96 2.37 1599088.69 1590119.63 0. 56 591014.54 565170.58 4.57
002422 2022-03-31 2022-04-19 448203.25 415133.10 7.97 33518.58 17707.74 89.29 32573.58 17177.63 89.63 29137.90 17543.90 66.09 0.20 0.12 66.67 2.08 1.30 3395289.79 3153991.08 7.65 1444212.37 1385682.79
0 02564 2022-12-31 2023-06-29 359067 680679 -47 -358925 -85550 -320 -358108 -8 5798 -317 -394516 -69332 -469 -5 -1 -469 -32 237969 0 2847236 -213851 181030 -218
002792 2022-12-31 2023-04-25 140678 138673 1 7951 4462 78 7930 4364 82 8153 4112 98 0 0 3 2 357247 382113 -7 275899 270707 2
300427 2022-12-31 2023-04-21 139437 19 7939 -63831 112 7840 -63853 112 6582 -63585 110< /td> 0 -2 110 4 -30 429531 388682 11 174625 169312 3
300587 2022-12-31 2023-04-19 172043 171327 0 50548 39229 29 48157 39242 23 41564 30241 37 0 0 30 15 18 512938 408199 298876< /td> 252202 19
300842 2022-12-31 2023-04-21 376667 281446 34 -3653 9133 -140 -3341 10061 -133 -1732 9394 -118 0 1 -118 11 335519 226533 48 91902 93192 -1
300962 2022-03-31 2022-0 4-06 7883.40 6855.13 15.00 3448.70 2717.96 26.89 3451.24 2717.62 26.99 28 48.26 2289.01 24.43 0.11 0.09 22.34 3.31 3.63 103399.47 100123.55 3.27 87403.60 84555. 34 3.37
600297 2022-12-31 2023-04-18 13354388 15843669 -16 -228942 290579 -179 -237625 291528 -182 -266888 160852 -266 0 0 -26 5 -7 4 12633447 14244053 -11 3891972 4179691 -7
601028 2022-12-31 2023-04-17 1093586 1135195 -4 39443 36924 7 37581 37105 1 29132 36433 -20 0 0 -21 11 15 592230 364927 62 278705 254750 9
60 3008 2022-12-31 2023-04-26 783873 777184 1 33940 71828 -53 32226 70725 23755 55876 -57 1 1 -57 7 18 904235 831114 9 349643 319957 9
603026 2022-12-31 2023-04-25 831610 705621 18 99440 1490 06 -33 102428 150236 -32 89053 117841 -24 4 6 -24 25 46 640556 468961 37 394065 310438 27
603082 2022-12-31 202 3-08-18 158744 13057 1 27 344659 312367 10 53690 46710 15
603108 2022-12-31 2023-04-20 10 49442 886011 18 81637 77780 5 81965 78046 5 41775 38 023 10 1 1 9 11 11 1451886 1201654 21 388841 346273 12
603507 2022-12-31 2023-04-18 290409 242466 20 13150 23365 -44 12635 21475 -4 1 9460 17925 -47 1 1 -49 5 12 546800 486886 1 2 223944 161634 39
688010 2022-12-31 2023-04-25 78097 67464 16 18 21 5054 1747 5030 -65 2925 4504 -35 0 0 -37 2 3 280966 4 179178 177426 1
688022 2022-12-31 2023-04-25 11 4280 75797 51 7531 5896 28 7327 6311 16 7351 6080 21 1 21 8 7 300577 212168 42 102997 93379 10
688048 2022- 12-31 2023-04 -18 38626 42909 -10 12279 12222 0 12254 12214 0 12512 11532 8 1 1 -13 5 20 349732 98335 256 324231 63734 409
2022-12-31 2023-04-22 355655 536920 -34 109085 258442 -5 8 107522 25 8181 -58 94474 218576 -57 10 24 -57 30 118 389927 364484 7< /td> 333522 284352 17
688141 2022-12-31 2023-04-25 144768 104156 39 136 38 14122 -3 13645 14145 -4 13716 14198 -3 0 0 -10 14 24 436049 117178 272 314235 93716 235
688147 2022-12-31 2023-04-20 68451 42792 60 4356 4049 8 4625 4059 14 5415 4611 17 0 0 15 6 6 381974 135691 182 196279 88350 122
688189 2022-12-31 2023-04-26 69883 68468 2 -7346 -22133 67 -7401 67 -7883 -16689 53 0 -1 53 -6 -11 196822 213087 -8 132684 139320 -5
688193 2022-12-31 2023-04-26 30385 29231 4 2751 7219 -6 2 2668 7244 -63 2333 6462 -64 1 2 -71 3 26 108872 37861 188 96138 28775 234
688225 2022-12-31 2023-04-28 1720 95 166747 3 9569 21226 -55 9556 21227 -55 9855 17869 -45 0 0 -50< /td> 4 13 368153 248953 48 264602 145808 81
688228 2022-12-31 2023-04-22 55494 46059 20 12065 7875 53 12050 7894 53 6086 61 1 1 60 8 5 184530 156047 18 127955 121682
688275 2022-12-31 2023-04-18 1235145 222940 454 96257 44056 118 97023 38 580 151 95870 35259 172 14 6 145 27 29 1990969 327 859023 148738 478
688298 2022-12-31 2023-04-26 876794 10169 17 -14 2 52821 577640 -56 247075 576997 -57 206771 492019 -58 12 41 -70 25 105 1070374 897697 19 816285 685717 19
688329 2022-12-31 2 023-04-19 47735 38932 23 11629 10962 6 11573 10962 6 10240 9559 7 1 1 1 12 14 141375 113969 24 83814 80313 4
2022-12-31 2023-04-19 217699 205462 6 15588 36215 -57 13727 35579 -61 13813 32207 -57 0 1 -63 9 34 831870 46321 9 80 2 55385 137309 86
688561 2022-12-31 2023-04-27 622279 580908 7 -2040 -55606 96 -2268 -55461 96 5701 -55475 110 0 -1 110 1 -6 1375854 1348292 2 995315 989610 1
688590 2022-12-31 2 023-04-24 1315 42 128248 3 -5917 16885 -135 -5874 16742 -135 -5194 14122 -137 0 1 -128 -5 13 238020 199247 19 127216 115655 10
6887 93 2022-12-31 2023-04-21 89586 118954 -25 -14720 10586 -239 -14707 10590 -239 -12443 9186 -235 -2 2 -216 -22 22 79902 9608 8 -17 65533 -28
833075 2022-12-31 2023-04-26 48884 42635 15 4061 4222 -4 1 1 -4 17 20 56 698 41534 37 38754 21458 81
837092 2022-12-31 2023-04-21 15203 27163 -44 -1168 4841 -124 0 1 -120 -3 20 63550 62242 2 35912 39217 -8
837344 2022-12-31 2023-04-21 17100 2 0160 -15 3179 4041 -21 0 0 6 8 93036 65027 43 57554 54317 6

Data update frequency

Annual update