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Banking System Efficiency and Stability - English Field Banking System Efficiency and Stability - English Field Indicator description
Country/Area Country
Code Code
ContinentCode Continental Plate Code
Year Year
Bank lending-deposit interest rate spread Bank loan-deposit interest rate spread Definition: Difference between the lending rate and the deposit rate. The lending rate is the rate charged by banks on loans to the private sector and the deposit interest rate is the rate offered by commercial banks on three-month deposits.
Bank cost to income ratio, in percent Bank cost to income ratio, percentage Definition: Operating expenses of a bank as a share of the sum of net-interest revenue and other operating income. The numerator and denominator are first aggregated on the country level before division. Note that banks used in the calculation might differ between indicators. Calculated from underlying bank-by-bank unconsolidated data from Bankscope.
Non-performing loans as percent of all bank loans Nonperforming loans as a percentage of all bank loans Definition: Bank nonperforming loans to total gross loans are the value of nonperforming loans divided by the total value of the loan portfolio (including nonperforming loans before the deduction of specific loan-loss provisions). The loan amount recorded as nonperforming should be the gross value of the loan as recorded on the balance sheet, not just the amount that is overdue.
Bank overhead costs, percent of total assets Bank administrative expenses, as a percentage of total assets Definition: Operating expenses of a bank as a share of the value of all assets held. Total assets include total earning assets, cash and due from banks, foreclosed real estate, fixed assets, goodwill, other intangibles, current tax assets, deferred tax assets, discontinued operations and other assets. The numerator and denominator are first aggregated on the country level before division. Note that banks used in the calculation might differ between indicators. Calculated from underlying bank-by-bank unconsolidated data from Bankscope.< /td>
Bank interest revenue, percent of interest-bearing assets Bank interest income as a percentage of interest-earning assets Definition: Accounting value of bank's net interest revenue as a share of its average interest-bearing (total earning) assets. The numerator and denominator are aggregated on the country level before division. Note that banks used in the calculation might differ between indicators. Calculated from underlying bank-by-bank unconsolidated data from Bankscope.
Bank credit as percent of bank deposits Bank credit as a percentage of bank deposits Definition: The financial resources provided to the private sector by domestic money banks as a share of total deposits. Domestic money banks comprise commercial banks and other financial institutions that accept transferable deposits, such as demand deposits. Total deposits include demand, time and saving deposits in deposit money banks.
Banking system regulatory capital to risk-weighted assets Proportion of banking system regulatory capital to risk-weighted assets Definition: The capital adequacy of deposit takers. It is a ratio of total regulatory capital to its assets held, weighted according to the risk of those assets.
Bank return on assets, in percent Bank return on assets, percentage Definition: Commercial banks' pre-tax income to yearly averaged total assets. The numerator and denominator are first aggregated on the country level before division. Note that banks used in the calculation might differ between indicators. Calculated from underlying bank-by -bank unconsolidated data from Bankscope.
Bank return on equity, in percent Bank return on equity, percentage Definition: Commercial banks' pre-tax income to yearly averaged equity. The numerator and denominator are first aggregated on the country level before division. Note that banks used in the calculation might differ between indicators. Calculated from underlying bank-by- bank unconsolidated data from Bankscope.
Banking system z-scores Banking system z-score Definition: The index captures the probability of default of a country's banking system. Z-score compares the buffer of a country's banking system (capitalization and returns) with the volatility of those returns. It is estimated as (ROA+(equity/ assets))/sd(ROA); sd(ROA) is the standard deviation of ROA. ROA, equity, and assets are country-level aggregate figures. Calculated from underlying bank-by-bank unconsolidated data from Bankscope.
Bank liquid assets to deposits and short-term funding The ratio of bank liquid assets to deposits and short-term funds Definition: The ratio of the value of liquid assets (easily converted to cash) to short-term funding plus total deposits. Liquid assets include cash and due from banks, trading securities and at fair value through income, loans and advances to banks, reverse repos and cash collaterals. Deposits and short term funding includes total customer deposits (current, savings and term) and short term borrowing (money market instruments, CDs and other deposits).
Banking system capital, percent of assets Banking system capital, % of assets Definition: Ratio of bank capital and reserves to total assets. Capital and reserves include funds contributed by owners, retained earnings, general and special reserves, provisions, and valuation adjustments. Capital includes tier 1 capital (paid-up shares and common stock), which is a common feature in all countries' banking systems, and total regulatory capital, which includes several specified types of subordinated debt instruments that need not be repaid if the funds are required to maintain minimum capital levels (these comprise tier 2 and tier 3 capital). Total assets include all nonfinancial and financial assets. Reported by IMF staff. Note that due to differences in national accounting, taxation, and supervisory regimes, these data are not strictly comparable across countries.
Bank non-interest income to total income, in percent Proportion of bank non-interest income to total income, percentage Definition: Bank's income that has been generated by noninterest related activities as a percentage of total income (net-interest income plus noninterest income). Noninterest related income includes net gains on trading and derivatives, net gains on other securities, net fees and commissions and other operating income. The number is only calculated when net-interest income is not negative. Note that banks used in the calculation might differ between indicators. Calculated from underlying bank-by-bank unconsolidated data from Bankscope.
Interest rates on bank credit to the private sector Interest rates for bank credit to the private sector Definition: Lending rate is the bank rate that usually meets the short- and medium-term financing needs of the private sector. This rate is normally differentiated according to creditworthiness of borrowers and objectives of financing. The terms and conditions attached to these rates differ by country, however, limiting their comparability.
Real interest rate: Bank lending rate minus inflation Real interest rate: bank loan interest rate minus inflation rate Definition: Real interest rate is the lending interest rate adjusted for inflation as measured by the GDP deflator. The terms and conditions attached to lending rates differ by country, however, limiting their comparability.
Index of legal rights for creditors and borrowers (0 = weak to 12 = strong) Legal rights index of creditors and debtors (0=weak to 12=strong) Definition: The strength of legal rights index measures whether certain features that facilitate lending exist within the applicable collateral and bankruptcy laws. The index ranges from 0 to 12 based on the methodology in the Doing Business 15-20 studies.
Credit information sharing index, 0 (low) - 8 (high) Credit information sharing index, 0 (low)-8 (high) Definition: The strength of legal rights index measures whether certain features that facilitate lending exist within the applicable collateral and bankruptcy laws. The index ranges from 0 to 12 based on the methodology in the Doing Business 15-20 studies.

Sample data

Country/Area Code ContinentCode Year Bank lending-deposit interest rate spread Bank cost to income ratio, in percent Non-performing loans as percent of all bank loans Bank overhead costs, percent of total assets Bank interest revenue, percent of interest-bearing assets Bank credit as percent of bank deposits Banking system regulatory capital to risk-weighted assets Bank return on assets, in percent Bank return on equity, in percent Banking system z-scores Bank liquid assets to deposits and short-term funding Banking system capital, percent of assets Bank non-interest income to total income, in percent Interest rates on bank credit to the private sector Index of legal rights for creditors and borrowers (0 = weak to 12 = strong) Credit information sharing index, 0 (low) - 8 (high)
Country Code Continental Plate Code Year Bank loan-deposit interest rate spread Bank cost to income ratio, percentage Nonperforming loans as a percentage of all bank loans Bank administrative expenses, as a percentage of total assets Bank interest income as a percentage of interest-earning assets Bank credit as a percentage of bank deposits Proportion of banking system regulatory capital to risk-weighted assets Bank return on assets, percentage Bank return on equity, percentage Banking system z-score The ratio of bank liquid assets to deposits and short-term funds Banking system capital, % of assets Proportion of bank non-interest income to total income, percentage Interest rates for bank credit to the private sector Legal rights index of creditors and debtors (0=weak to 12=strong) Credit information sharing index, 0 (low)-8 (high)
Afghanistan AFG AS 1960 615.47
Afghanistan AFG AS 1961 420.96
Afghanistan AFG AS 1962 308.33
Afghanistan AFG AS 1963 316.03
Afghanistan AFG AS 1964 219.44
Afghanistan AFG AS 1965 182.35
Afghanistan AFG AS 1966 190.41
Afghanistan AFG AS 1967 193.59
Afghanistan AFG AS 1968 174.31
Afghanistan AFG AS 1969 124.73
Afghanistan AFG AS 1970 151.48
Afghanistan AFG AS 1971 108.31
Afghanistan AFG AS 1972 114.01
Afghanistan AFG AS 1973 129.33
Afghanistan AFG AS 1974 133.16
Afghanistan AFG AS 1975 100.34
Afghanistan AFG AS 1976 87.08
Afghanistan AFG AS 1977 71.66
Afghanistan AFG AS 1978 97.29
Afghanistan AFG AS 1979 99.88
Afghanistan AFG AS 1980 92.77
Afghanistan AFG AS 1981 67.79
Afghanistan AFG AS 2006 61.61 52.91 49 74.29 39.05 17.97
Afghanistan AFG AS 2007 98.08 7.62 8.21 59.41 -0.55 -2.27 31.97 42.16 20.91 18.14
Afghanistan AFG AS 2008 58.7 5.5 10.39 60.27 2.76 19.4 19.95 42 15.73 14.92
Afghanistan AFG AS 2009 63.03 6.04 11.03 56.99 1.6 11.36 26.69 54.16 21.33 15
Afghanistan AFG AS 2010 64.52 49.9 3.48 5.59 61.69 0.8 5.1 24.95 62.56 42.81 15.61
Afghanistan AFG AS 2011 80.15 4.7 4.53 6.45 26.12 -0.62 1.6 18.98 60.82 29.52 15.15
Afghanistan AFG AS 2012 85.91 4.96 4.21 5.89 23 0.58 14.64 18.89 65.1 48.6 15
Afghanistan AFG AS 2013 75.5 4.85 3.84 6.19 23.64 0.81 10.86 18.99 61.28 40.8 15.08 0
Afghanistan AFG AS 2014 75.86 7.78 3.62 5.26 21.58 0.61 8.11 16.59 60.43 42.08 15 9 0
Afghanistan AFG AS 2015 73.97 12.05 3.05 4.5 22.07 -0.04 -0.24 16.87 66.62 45.61 15 9 0
Afghanistan AFG AS 2016 53.75 11.07 3.18 4.68 19.91 1.93 18.34 19.56 67.37 61.89 15 9 0
Afghanistan AFG AS 2017 79.78 12.2 3.23 3.85 19.45 0.88 8.06 17.73 66.06 53.94 14.84 9 0
Afghanistan AFG AS 2018 68.5 8.89 2.75 2.97 18.23 0.9 8.51 17 65.63 59.16 9 0
Afghanistan AFG AS 2019 70.77 2.97 3.07 18.76 1.15 10.52 19.32 66.25 57.2 10 0
Afghanistan AFG AS 2020 76.37 3.09 2.96 16.83 0.4 3.57 17.68 66.31 60.56 10
Afghanistan AFG AS 2021 64.39 2.68 1.72 1.37 11.05 24.92 72.38 79.01
Albania ALB EU 1986 1
Albania ALB EU 1987 1
Albania ALB EU 1988 1
Albania ALB EU 1989 1
Albania ALB EU 1990 1
Albania ALB EU 1991 1
Albania ALB EU 1992 2.08 20.58
Albania ALB EU 1993 2.25 29.58
Albania ALB EU 1994 3.83 16.69 23.67
Albania ALB EU 1995 4.35 12.74 19.65
Albania ALB EU 1996 7.18 10.2 23.96

Data update frequency

Annual Update