
  China's high-quality nighttime light data is a database jointly developed by CnOpenData and Jilin High-resolution Remote Sensing Application Research Institute Co., Ltd. It is based on multi-source nighttime light satellite remote sensing images. The data is denoised, corrected, analyzed and counted by scientific means. It is updated annually and monthly, and the three-level administrative divisions of provinces, cities and counties are used as statistical units to produce high-quality nighttime light data. The data includes two forms: Excel statistical tables and Shp vector files, including: + total brightness value, total number of pixels, average brightness value, number of luminous pixels, average value of luminous pixels, and proportion of luminous pixels.

  High-quality nighttime light data can provide valuable information about human activities and urban development, and has important significance and role in urban planning, economic research and disaster monitoring:

  • Urban planning and management: Data can provide the spatial distribution and expansion of cities, helping urban planners understand the development of cities and optimize urban layout and facility construction.
  • Economic research: Data can be used to assess the level of economic activity and economic growth trends. By comparing nighttime lights in different regions, we can understand the differences in economic activities in different regions and provide decision makers with reference to resource allocation and economic policy making.
  • Environmental monitoring: Data can be used to monitor environmental changes and urban pollution. By observing nighttime lights in cities, environmental indicators such as energy use, air quality and population density can be evaluated.
  • Disaster monitoring and response: Data can be used to monitor and assess the scope and extent of natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods and fires. This helps to take timely response measures and carry out disaster relief work.
  • Social science research: Data can be used to study urban population distribution, mobility, and social activities. By analyzing nighttime light data, we can understand the spatial and temporal patterns of human activities and reveal the social structure and cultural characteristics of the city.

Time interval

April 2012-December 2023 (data spatial resolution 500 meters)

Data products

Brightness map

Data description


Time dimension

Field display

SumCell tr> < /table>

Sample data

China night light data - provincial level

China night light data - provincial level China night light data - municipal level China night light data - district and county level
province PAC pro_code
type NAME province
code province city_code
SumDN Pcode city
Ccode type
MeanDN city SumDN
LightCell type SumCell
LightMean DN SumDN MeanDN
Percentage SumCell LightCell
tif MeanDN LightMeanDN
LightCell Percentage
LightMeanDN tif
th> < td>43940 < td>Province < td>Province < td>SVDNB_npp_20200901-20200930_outed_Kriging.tif < /tr> >3.149005952 td> 905070 < td>0.0113842828.64164678 < td>33.30% >398973
province type code SumDN SumCell MeanDN LightCellLightMeanDN Percentage tif
Beijing Municipality 110000 517954.0799 99920 5.1836 87749 5736 9 9.028466243 57.41% SVDNB_npp_20200901-20200930_outed_Kriging.tif
Tianjin City Municipality 120000 460973.6699 71711 6 .42821422 60797 7.582177902 84.78% SVDNB_npp_20200901-20200930_outed_Kriging.tif
Hebei Province Province 130000 1200412.102 1135419 1.057241514 469869 2.554780379 41.38% SVDNB_npp_20200901-20200930_outed_Kriging.tif
Shanxi Province Province 140000 709973.3297 921177 0.770724117 264293 2.686311517 28.69% SVDNB_npp_20200901 -20200930_outed_Kriging.tif
Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Autonomous Region 150000 636916.8854 7434962 0.085665116 343396 1.854759186 4.62 % SVDNB_npp_20200901-20200930_outed_Kriging.t if
Liaoning Province Province 210000 840829.5401 908900 0.925106767 285921 2.94077 5739 31.46% SVDNB_npp_20200901- 20200930_outed_Kriging.tif
Jilin Province Province 220000 434503.69 1228053 0.353815096 1901 55 2.284997449 15.48% SVDNB_npp_20200901-20200930_outed_Kriging.tif
Heilongjiang Province Province 230000 442165.96 3137278 0.1 40939362 266569 1.6587298 6 8.50% SVDNB_npp_20200901-20200930_outed_Kriging.tif
Shanghai City Municipality 310000 550903.7481 12.53763651 38 057 14.47575342 86.61% SVDNB_npp_20200901-20200930_outed_Kriging.tif
Jiangsu Province Province 320000 2262718.505 570038 3.96941696 360518 6.276298285 63.24% SVDNB_npp_20200901-20200930_outed_Kriging.tif
Zhejiang Province 330000 898112.56 561461 1.599599188 228839 3.924648159 40.76% SVDNB_npp_20200901-20200930_outed_Kriging.tif
Anhui Province Province 340000< /td> 820040.29 769059 1.06629048 209746 3.909682616 27.27% SVDNB_npp_20200901-202 00930_outed_Kriging.tif
Fujian Province 350000 711346.6099 635750 1.118909335 180720 3.936180887 28.43%
Jiangxi Province Province 360000 204972.5899 879356 0.23309398 108509 1.888991603 12.34% SVDNB_npp_20200901-20200930_o uted_Kriging.tif
Shandong Province Province 370000 1741079.093 898037 1.938760978 552898 61.57% SVDNB _npp_20200901-20200930_outed_Kriging.tif
Henan Province Province 410000 1157250.99 930028 1.24431844 375734 3.079974103 40.40% SVDNB_npp_20200901-20200930_outed_Kriging.tif
Hubei Province Province 420000 363310.2099 101132 0 0.359243573 132868 2.734369524 13.14% SVDNB_npp_20200901-20200930_outed_Kriging.tif
Hunan Province Province 430000 18 0455.1699 1115757 0.1617 33397 125272 1.440506816 11.23% SVDNB_npp_20200901-20200930_outed_Kriging.tif
Guangdong Province Province440000 1897700.467 2.096744414 370910 5.116336758 40.98% SVDNB_npp_20200901-20200930_outed_Kriging.tif
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Autonomous Region 45000 0 365810.1598 1207121 0.303043489 155007 2.359958969 12.84% SVDNB_npp_202009 01-20200930_outed_Kriging.tif
Hainan Province< /td> Province 460000 181955.33 168163 1.082017626 60037 3.030719889 35.70% SVDNB_npp_20200901-20200930_outed_Kriging.tif
Chongqing City Municipality 500000 223724.29 443922 0.503972072 56114 3.986960296 12.64% SVDNB_npp_20200901-2020093 0_outed_Kriging.tif
Sichuan Province Province 510000 833212.8331 2635604 0.316137338 162494 5.127652917 6.17% SV DNB_npp_20200901-20200930_outed_Kriging.tif
Guizhou Province Province 520000 144226.8417 920930 0.156609 994 100252 1.438643036 10.89% SVDNB_npp_20200901-20200930_outed_Kriging.tif
Yunnan Province Province 530000 328984.5998 1974419 0.166623498 20313 4 1.619544733 10.29% SVDNB_npp_20200901-20200930_outed_Kriging.tif
Tibet Autonomous Region Autonomous Region 540000 74873.57992 6576926 43189 1.733626153 0.66% SVDNB_npp_20200901-20200930_outed_Kriging.tif
Shaanxi Province Province 610000 729586.5397< /td> 1172449 0.622275715 237342 3.073988336 20.24% SVDNB_npp_20200901-20200930_outed_Kriging.tif
Gansu Province Province 62 0000 332751.0599 2512088 0.132459954 171605 1.939052241 6.83% SVDNB_npp_2020 0901-20200930_outed_Kriging.tif
Qinghai Province Province 630000 121963.1599 3996534 0.030517233 60396 2.019391349 1.51% SVDNB_npp_20200901-20200930_outed_Kriging.tif
Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Autonomous Region 640000 219469.41 304105 0.721689581 70315 3.121231743 23.12% SVDNB_npp_20200901 -20200930_outed_Kriging.tif
Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Autonomous Region 650000 1025139.426 10086580 0.101633995 405099 2.530589871 4.02% SVDNB_npp_20200901-20200930_outed_Kriging.tif
Taiwan Province Province 710000 878449.3201 184705 4.755958529 101653 55.04% SVDNB_npp_20200901-20200930_outed_Kriging.tif
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Special Administrative Region 810000 98311.83001 5650 17.400 3239 5286 18.59853008 93.56% SVDNB_npp_20200901-20200930_outed_Kriging.tif
Macao Special Administrative Region Special Administrative Region 820000 12827.73004 169 75.90372807 164 78.21786612 97.04% SVDNB_npp_20200901-20200930_outed_Kriging.tif
Beijing City Municipality 110000 591637.2897 99920 5.921109785 45992 12.86391741 46.03% SVDNB_npp_20210501-20210 531_outed_Kriging.tif
Tianjin Municipality 120000 323008.39 71711 4.504307429 38207 8.454167823 53.28% SVD NB_npp_20210501-20210531_outed_Kriging.tif
Hebei Province Province 130000 1148783.42 1135419 1.011770474 378104 3.038273649 SVDNB_npp_20210501-20210531_oute d_Kriging.tif
Shanxi Province Province 140000 709402.861 921177 0.770104834 245496 2.889671771 26.65% SVDNB_np p_20210501-20210531_outed_Kriging.tif
Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Autonomous Region 150000 123304.8055 7434962 0.0165844 57 52748 2.337620488 0.71% SVDNB_npp_20210501-20210531_outed_Kriging.tif
Liaoning Province Province 210000 127040.7699 9089 00 0.139774199 16563 7.670154556 1.82% SVDNB_npp_20210501-20210531_outed_Kriging.tif
Jilin Province Province 220000 0 1228053 0 0 0.00% SVDNB_npp_20210501-20210531_outed_Kriging.tif
Heilongjiang Province Province 230000 0 31372 78 0 0 0.00% SVDNB_npp_20210501-20210531_outed_Kriging.tif
Shanghai City Municipality 310000 665290.7401 439 40 15.14089076 39345 16.90915593 89.54% SVDNB_npp_20210501-20210531_outed_Kriging.tif
Jiangsu Province Province 320000 24 37858.797 570038 4.27666 0147 377038 6.46581723 66.14% SVDNB_npp_20210501-20210531_outed_Kriging.tif
Zhejiang Province Province 330000 1912634.335 561461 3.406531059 273144 7.002293058 48.65% SVDNB_npp_20210501-20210531_outed_Kriging.tif
Anhui Province Province 340000 998593.32 769059 1.298461262 269252 3.70876844 35.01% SVDNB_npp_20210501-2021053 1_outed_Kriging.tif
Fujian Province Province< /td> 350000 952835.1971 635750 1.498757683 195199 4.881352861 30.70% SVD NB_npp_20210501-20210531_outed_Kriging.tif
Jiangxi Province Province 360000 462177.37 879356 0.52558619 142948 3.233185284 16.26% SVDNB_npp_20210501-20210531_outed_Kr iging.tif
Shandong Province Province 370000 1971022.708 898037 2.19481236 579279 3.4 02544728 64.51% SVDNB_npp_202 10501-20210531_outed_Kriging.tif
Henan Province Province 410000 1367610.21 930028 1.47050434 3.42782647 42.90% SVDNB_npp_20210501-20210531_outed_Kriging.tif

China Nighttime Lighting Data - Prefecture Level

NAME province Pcode city type SumDN SumCell MeanDN LightCell LightMeanDN Percentage tif
110101 东城区 北京市 110000 110000 北京市 市辖区 9473.010001 253 37.44272728 253 37.44272728 100.00% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
110102 西城区 北京市 110000 110000 北京市 市辖区 11278.48999 317 35.57883277 317 35.57883277 100.00% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
110105 朝阳区 北京市 110000 110000 北京市 市辖区 66303.48999 2815 23.55363765 2815 23.55363765 100.00% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
110106 丰台区 北京市 110000 110000 北京市 市辖区 30842.13728 1843 16.73474622 1840 16.76203113 99.84% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
110107 石景山区 北京市 110000 110000 北京市 市辖区 8053.410011 522 15.42798853 521 15.45760079 99.81% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
110108 海淀区 北京市 110000 110000 北京市 市辖区 36850.47002 2599 14.17871105 2519 14.62900755 96.92% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
110109 门头沟区 北京市 110000 110000 北京市 市辖区 6009.900006 8807 0.682400364 1945 3.089922882 22.08% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
110111 房山区 北京市 110000 110000 北京市 市辖区 18550.64999 12087 1.534760485 6026 3.078435113 49.86% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
110112 通州区 北京市 110000 110000 北京市 市辖区 29119.18999 5484 5.309845001 5325 5.468392486 97.10% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
110113 顺义区 北京市 110000 110000 北京市 市辖区 36365.1 6153 5.910141394 5814 6.254747161 94.49% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
110114 昌平区 北京市 110000 110000 北京市 市辖区 26887.88001 8173 3.289842165 5263 5.108850468 64.39% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
110115 大兴区 北京市 110000 110000 北京市 市辖区 32013.71001 6249 5.123013283 5365 5.967140728 85.85% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
110116 怀柔区 北京市 110000 110000 北京市 市辖区 8082.5 12998 0.621826435 3018 2.678098078 23.22% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
110117 平谷区 北京市 110000 110000 北京市 市辖区 5444.420002 5780 0.941941177 3061 1.778640968 52.96% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
110118 密云区 北京市 110000 110000 北京市 市辖区 6991.459995 13607 0.513813478 4031 1.734423219 29.62% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
110119 延庆区 北京市 110000 110000 北京市 市辖区 3781.23 12233 0.309100793 2700 1.400455556 22.07% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
120101 和平区 天津市 120000 120000 天津市 市辖区 3632.790005 60 60.54650008 60 60.54650008 100.00% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
120102 河东区 天津市 120000 120000 天津市 市辖区 8803.360001 240 36.68066667 240 36.68066667 100.00% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
120103 河西区 天津市 120000 120000 天津市 市辖区 8097.639977 229 35.36087326 229 35.36087326 100.00% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
120104 南开区 天津市 120000 120000 天津市 市辖区 7409.190001 227 32.63960353 227 32.63960353 100.00% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
120105 河北区 天津市 120000 120000 天津市 市辖区 6240.81999 177 35.25887 177 35.25887 100.00% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
120106 红桥区 天津市 120000 120000 天津市 市辖区 5478.209984 133 41.18954875 133 41.18954875 100.00% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
120110 东丽区 天津市 120000 120000 天津市 市辖区 35443.80004 2863 12.37995111 2857 12.40595031 99.79% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
120111 西青区 天津市 120000 120000 天津市 市辖区 31061.30002 3392 9.157222885 3341 9.297006892 98.50% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
120112 津南区 天津市 120000 120000 天津市 市辖区 22142.54999 2317 9.556560204 2311 9.581371698 99.74% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
120113 北辰区 天津市 120000 120000 天津市 市辖区 21535.56 2859 7.532549842 2843 7.574941962 99.44% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
120114 武清区 天津市 120000 120000 天津市 市辖区 19544.10001 9495 2.058357031 7100 2.752690142 74.78% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
120115 宝坻区 天津市 120000 120000 天津市 市辖区 10102.48 9116 1.108214129 5237 1.929058621 57.45% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
120116 滨海新区 天津市 120000 120000 天津市 市辖区 93621.70353 14312 6.541482919 11566 8.094561952 80.81% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
120117 宁河区 天津市 120000 120000 天津市 市辖区 8018.510003 7804 1.027487186 4442 1.805157587 56.92% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
120118 静海区 天津市 120000 120000 天津市 市辖区 13974.21999 8810 1.586177071 6911 2.022025755 78.44% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
120119 蓟州区 天津市 120000 120000 天津市 市辖区 6949.729996 9677 0.718169887 4514 1.539594594 46.65% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
130102 长安区 河北省 130000 130100 石家庄市 市辖区 7850.409987 855 9.181766066 826 9.504128313 96.61% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
130104 桥西区 河北省 130000 130100 石家庄市 市辖区 7553.409997 392 19.26890305 392 19.26890305 100.00% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
130105 新华区 河北省 130000 130100 石家庄市 市辖区 5511.810004 535 10.30244861 535 10.30244861 100.00% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
130107 井陉矿区 河北省 130000 130100 石家庄市 市辖区 1068.129999 421 2.537125889 394 2.710989846 93.59% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
130108 裕华区 河北省 130000 130100 石家庄市 市辖区 10700.70001 629 17.01224166 629 17.01224166 100.00% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
130109 藁城区 河北省 130000 130100 石家庄市 市辖区 6049.170005 4816 1.256056895 3526 1.715589905 73.21% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
130110 鹿泉区 河北省 130000 130100 石家庄市 市辖区 8417.589996 3652 2.304926067 3069 2.742779406 84.04% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
130111 栾城区 河北省 130000 130100 石家庄市 市辖区 3428.659996 2062 1.662783703 1731 1.980739455 83.95% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
130121 井陉县 河北省 130000 130100 石家庄市 3573.539994 8127 0.43971207 3262 1.095505823 40.14% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
130123 正定县 河北省 130000 130100 石家庄市 5398.680004 2832 1.906313561 2503 2.156883741 88.38% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
130125 行唐县 河北省 130000 130100 石家庄市 1462.819999 5717 0.255871961 1982 0.738052471 34.67% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
130126 灵寿县 河北省 130000 130100 石家庄市 2187.709997 6269 0.348972723 2418 0.904760131 38.57% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
130127 高邑县 河北省 130000 130100 石家庄市 998.639999 1297 0.769961449 963 1.037009345 74.25% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
130128 深泽县 河北省 130000 130100 石家庄市 858.8999988 1756 0.489123006 1040 0.825865383 59.23% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
130129 赞皇县 河北省 130000 130100 石家庄市 1747.160002 4918 0.355258236 1676 1.042458235 34.08% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
130130 无极县 河北省 130000 130100 石家庄市 1610.329997 2958 0.544398241 1974 0.815770008 66.73% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
130131 平山县 河北省 130000 130100 石家庄市 5161.359997 15726 0.328205519 3905 1.321731113 24.83% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif
130132 元氏县 河北省 130000 130100 石家庄市 2400.550001 3975 0.60391195 2276 1.054723199 57.26% SVDNB_npp_20120401-20120430_outed_Kriging.tif

China Night Light Data - City Level

pro_code province city_code city type SumDN SumCell MeanDN LightCell LightMeanDN Percentage tif
120000 天津市 120000 天津市 直辖市 361100.8199 71711 5.035501107 52188 6.919230856 72.78% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
130000 河北省 130100 石家庄市 地级市 103851.8626 83188 1.24839956 42738 2.429965431 51.38% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
130000 河北省 130200 唐山市 地级市 183609.0063 83552 2.197541726 53058 3.460533874 63.50% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
130000 河北省 130300 秦皇岛市 地级市 51643.39002 47389 1.089775898 19055 2.710227763 40.21% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
130000 河北省 130400 邯郸市 地级市 76788.84239 69997 1.097030478 36807 2.086256484 52.58% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
130000 河北省 130500 邢台市 地级市 50856.23996 72744 0.699112504 34644 1.467966746 47.62% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
130000 河北省 130600 保定市 地级市 73151.40995 133004 0.54999406 54341 1.34615502 40.86% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
130000 河北省 130700 张家口市 地级市 55704.34997 226347 0.246101561 39050 1.426487835 17.25% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
130000 河北省 130800 承德市 地级市 37859.15999 244724 0.15470146 34364 1.101709929 14.04% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
130000 河北省 130900 沧州市 地级市 79588.94998 83875 0.948899553 46144 1.724795206 55.02% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
130000 河北省 131000 廊坊市 地级市 63236.40996 38568 1.639608224 27110 2.332586129 70.29% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
130000 河北省 131100 衡水市 地级市 24235.54999 52031 0.465790586 17634 1.374364863 33.89% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
140000 山西省 140100 太原市 地级市 84470.86994 40769 2.071938727 16882 5.003605612 41.41% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
140000 山西省 140200 大同市 地级市 62969.64995 85299 0.738222605 25572 2.462445251 29.98% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
140000 山西省 140300 阳泉市 地级市 18891.56999 26976 0.700310275 9576 1.972803883 35.50% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
140000 山西省 140400 长治市 地级市 52183.00208 80893 0.645086745 24012 2.173205151 29.68% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
140000 山西省 140500 晋城市 地级市 29148.14999 54013 0.539650639 17097 1.704869275 31.65% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
140000 山西省 140600 朔州市 地级市 50769.04999 64219 0.790561205 22269 2.279808253 34.68% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
140000 山西省 140700 晋中市 地级市 53589.89997 95859 0.559049228 28533 1.878172641 29.77% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
140000 山西省 140800 运城市 地级市 33206.06001 81124 0.409324738 22925 1.448464995 28.26% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
140000 山西省 140900 忻州市 地级市 53263.19998 150371 0.354211916 40102 1.328193107 26.67% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
140000 山西省 141000 临汾市 地级市 45654.48933 117270 0.389310901 31643 1.442799018 26.98% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
140000 山西省 141100 吕梁市 地级市 72114.15997 124384 0.579770388 36623 1.96909483 29.44% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
150000 内蒙古自治区 150100 呼和浩特市 地级市 83198.56997 105277 0.790282493 27052 3.075505322 25.70% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
150000 内蒙古自治区 150200 包头市 地级市 70514.04387 172401 0.409011803 21296 3.311140302 12.35% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
150000 内蒙古自治区 150300 乌海市 地级市 23189.22002 9978 2.324034879 5651 4.103560435 56.63% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
150000 内蒙古自治区 150400 赤峰市 地级市 48028.51002 554711 0.086582941 31958 1.502863446 5.76% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
150000 内蒙古自治区 150500 通辽市 地级市 27044.26001 379341 0.071292742 19656 1.375878104 5.18% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
150000 内蒙古自治区 150600 鄂尔多斯市 地级市 136022.0406 523452 0.259855804 58660 2.318821012 11.21% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
150000 内蒙古自治区 150700 呼伦贝尔市 地级市 42230.17998 1814107 0.02327877 29011 1.455660956 1.60% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
150000 内蒙古自治区 150800 巴彦淖尔市 地级市 33745.29999 403859 0.083557133 20899 1.614684912 5.17% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
150000 内蒙古自治区 150900 乌兰察布市 地级市 45581.81183 339141 0.134403719 29621 1.538834335 8.73% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
150000 内蒙古自治区 152200 兴安盟 14396.95001 370504 0.038857745 11419 1.260789036 3.08% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
150000 内蒙古自治区 152500 锡林郭勒盟 31660.98263 1296615 0.024418183 20375 1.553913258 1.57% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
150000 内蒙古自治区 152900 阿拉善盟 18026.57 1465576 0.01229999 10041 1.795296285 0.69% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
210000 辽宁省 210100 沈阳市 副省级市 155135.71 80674 1.922995142 32648 4.751767644 40.47% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
210000 辽宁省 210200 大连市 副省级市 124801.2252 79999 1.560034816 28459 4.385299034 35.57% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
210000 辽宁省 210300 鞍山市 地级市 45337.76511 56790 0.798340643 14827 3.057784118 26.11% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
210000 辽宁省 210400 抚顺市 地级市 40501.66568 70383 0.575446708 11707 3.459610974 16.63% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
210000 辽宁省 210500 本溪市 地级市 30213.86001 52059 0.580377265 11345 2.663187308 21.79% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
210000 辽宁省 210600 丹东市 地级市 23316.92001 89830 0.259567183 13247 1.760166076 14.75% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
210000 辽宁省 210700 锦州市 地级市 35149.00515 62051 0.566453484 17212 2.042122075 27.74% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
210000 辽宁省 210800 营口市 地级市 58603.58001 32587 1.798372971 13509 4.338113851 41.46% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
210000 辽宁省 210900 阜新市 地级市 17113.90003 64892 0.263728965 11177 1.531171158 17.22% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
210000 辽宁省 211000 辽阳市 地级市 41861.18001 29258 1.430760134 12963 3.229281803 44.31% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
210000 辽宁省 211100 盘锦市 地级市 42428.81997 22602 1.877215289 11669 3.636028792 51.63% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
210000 辽宁省 211200 铁岭市 地级市 23258.43999 82066 0.2834114 15391 1.511171463 18.75% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
210000 辽宁省 211300 朝阳市 地级市 32666.02999 122406 0.266866248 24720 1.321441343 20.20% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif
210000 辽宁省 211400 葫芦岛市 地级市 27676.68996 63303 0.437209768 15102 1.83265064 23.86% SVDNB_npp_20121001-20121031_outed_Kriging.tif

Data Update Frequency

Annual Update
