
Time interval


Field display

Consumption and Investment-English Field Consumption and Investment-Chinese Field Indicator description
Country/Area Country
Code Code
ContinentCode Continental Plate Code
Year Year
Month Month
Household consumption, billion currency units Household consumption, 1 billion Definition: The market value of all goods and services, including durable products, purchased by households.
Consumption as percent of GDP Consumption as a percentage of GDP Definition: Household Consumption as percent of GDP
Consumption growth Consumption growth, year-on-year Definition: The percent change in Household Consumption from the same quarter last year.
Investment, billion currency units Investment amount, 1 billion Definition: Gross fixed capital formation including land improvements; plant, machinery, and equipment purchases; and the construction of roads, railways, and the like, including schools, offices, hospitals, private residential dwellings, and commercial and industrial buildings.
Investment as percent of GDP Investment as a percentage of GDP Definition: Gross fixed capital formation including land improvements; plant, machinery, and equipment purchases; and the construction of roads, railways, and the like, including schools, offices, hospitals, private residential dwellings, and commercial and industrial buildings as percent of GDP
Investment growth Investment growth, year-on-year Definition: The percent change in investment (Physical Capital Accumulation) from the same quarter last year.

Sample data

Country/Area Code ContinentCode Year Month Household consumption, billion currency units Consumption as percent of GDP Consumption growth Investment, billion currency units Investment as percent of GDP Investment growth
Country Code Continental Plate Code Year Month Household consumption, 1 billion Consumption as a percentage of GDP Consumption growth, year-on-year Investment amount, 1 billion Investment as a percentage of GDP Investment growth, year-on-year
Albania ALB EU 2008 3 211.14 88.75 69.01 29.01
Albania ALB EU 2008 6 245.59 88.06 83.96 30.1
Albania ALB EU 2008 9 216.78 78.63 94.98 34.45
Albania ALB EU 2008 12 224.46 77.89 118.94 41.28
Albania ALB EU 2009 3 214.85 84.12 1.76 79.28 31.04 14.89
Albania ALB EU 2009 6 259.22 83.98 5.55 104.96 34.01 25.02
Albania ALB EU 2009 9 237.08 81.88 9.36 94.36 32.59 -0.64
Albania ALB EU 2009 12 213.37 73.5 -4.94 95.56 32.92 -19.66
Albania ALB EU 2010 3 224.63 82.79 4.55 68.14 25.11 -14.05
Albania ALB EU 2010 6 266.98 81.84 3 87.78 26.91 -16.37
Albania ALB EU 2010 9 239 76.24 0.81 91.82 29.29 -2.69
Albania ALB EU 2010 12 237.66 72.32 11.38 104.67 31.85 9.54
Albania ALB EU 2011 3 242.96 81.92 8.16 74.62 25.16 9.51
Albania ALB EU 2011 6 279.42 85.4 4.66 89.26 27.28 1.69
Albania ALB EU 2011 9 250.4 77.27 4.77 95.8 29.56 4.34
Albania ALB EU 2011 12 245.6 69.61 3.34 122.27 34.65 16.81
Albania ALB EU 2012 3 244.68 81.91 0.71 69.64 23.31 -6.68
Albania ALB EU 2012 6 279.79 80.67 0.13 86.43 24.92 -3.17
Albania ALB EU 2012 9 264.65 78.91 5.69 89.46 26.67 -6.62
Albania ALB EU 2012 12 250.04 71.06 1.81 107.53 30.56 -12.06
Albania ALB EU 2013 3 260.62 83.71 6.51 70.61 22.68 1.4
Albania ALB EU 2013 6 294.18 81.94 5.15 90.65 25.25 4.88
Albania ALB EU 2013 9 263.75 80.94 -0.34 75.28 23.1 -15.85
Albania ALB EU 2013 12 261.89 74.01 4.74 115.56 32.66 7.47
Albania ALB EU 2014 3 272.95 86.61 4.73 64.61 20.5 -8.49
Albania ALB EU 2014 6 314.15 84.79 6.79 76.36 20.61 -15.75
Albania ALB EU 2014 9 276.98 79.45 5.02 79.15 22.7 5.15
Albania ALB EU 2014 12 263.14 72.89 0.48 116.96 32.4 1.21
Albania ALB EU 2015 3 274.13 86 0.43 65.33 20.5 1.11
Albania ALB EU 2015 6 307.93 80.26 -1.98 84.88 22.12 11.14
Albania ALB EU 2015 9 290.31 80.6 4.81 82.3 22.85 3.98
Albania ALB EU 2015 12 285.04 76.69 8.32 117.66 31.66 0.6
Albania ALB EU 2016 3 280.27 84.17 2.24 65.58 19.69 0.38
Albania ALB EU 2016 6 324.55 84.23 5.4 85.65 22.23 0.92
Albania ALB EU 2016 9 295.39 80.7 1.75 87.71 23.96 6.57
Albania ALB EU 2016 12 291.94 75.21 2.42 119.87 30.88 1.88
Albania ALB EU 2017 3 288.75 82.18 3.03 71.5 20.35 9.02
Albania ALB EU 2017 6 335.28 81.73 3.31 95.8 23.35 11.84
Albania ALB EU 2017 9 306.48 79.56 3.75 90.52 23.5 3.2
Albania ALB EU 2017 12 303.93 75.26 4.11 123.28 30.53 2.85
Albania ALB EU 2018 3 301.03 80.37 4.25 74.39 19.86 4.04
Albania ALB EU 2018 6 352.2 81.53 5.04 98.03 22.69 2.33
Albania ALB EU 2018 9 321.71 78.61 4.97 93.56 22.86 3.37
Albania ALB EU 2018 12 319.85 75.98 5.24 124.58 29.6 1.05
Albania ALB EU 2019 3 317.6 82.5 5.51 77.39 20.1 4.04
Albania ALB EU 2019 6 370.97 82.82 5.33 97.93 21.86 -0.11
Albania ALB EU 2019 9 340.99 79.15 5.99 91.51 21.24 -2.19
Albania ALB EU 2019 12 323.97 75.65 1.29 110.69 25.85 -11.16
Albania ALB EU 2020 3 337.3 88.39 6.2 65.39 17.13 -15.51

Data update frequency

Annual Update