
Time interval


Field display

Currency-English field Currency-Chinese Field Indicator description
Country/Area Country
Code Code
ContinentCode Continental Plate Code
Year Year
Month Month
Money supply, billion currency units Money supply, billion Definition: The money supply is the total amount of currency and other liquid instruments circulating in the economy. The indicator represents the broad money that include currency outside banks; demand, time, saving, and foreign currency deposits of resident sectors other than the central government; bank and traveler's checks; and other securities such as certificates of deposit and commercial paper.
Consumer Price Index (CPI) Consumer Price Index (CPI) Definition: The Consumer Price Index (CPI) measures the changes in the cost of a basket of goods and services consumed by the average urban household.
Inflation, monthly percent change in the CPI Inflation, monthly percentage change in CPI Definition: The percentage change in the CPI from one month to the next.
Inflation, annual percent change in the CPI Inflation, annual percentage change in CPI Definition: Percent change in the CPI from the same month last year.
Private sector credit, billion currency units Private sector credit, 1 billion Definition: Private sector credit refers to the credit extended by commercial banks and other deposit-taking institutions (excluding central banks) to private non-financial firms and households. Included are all credit institutions: domestic and foreign owned as well as private and public ones.
Business credit, billion currency units Business credit, 1 billion Definition: Business credit includes credit extended by commercial banks and other deposit-taking institutions (excluding central banks) to private non-financial firms. Included are all credit institutions: domestic and foreign owned as well as private and public ones.< /td>
Household credit, billion currency units Home credit, 1 billion Definition: Household credit includes credit extended by commercial banks and other deposit-taking institutions (excluding central banks) to households. Included are all credit institutions: domestic and foreign owned as well as private and public ones.
Mortgage credit, billion currency units Mortgage loan, 1 billion Definition: Loans provided by commercial banks for the purchase of non-commercial real estate. In billion local currency units.
Consumer credit, billion currency units Consumer credit, 1 billion Definition: Loans provided by commercial banks to households and individuals for the purchase of goods and services, excluding real estate. In billion local currency units.
Bank deposit interest rate, percent Bank deposit interest rate, percentage Definition: The deposit interest rate is the average interest rate on one year term deposits offered by the commercial banks to the household sector.
Business credit interest rate, percent Business credit interest rate, percentage Definition: The business credit interest rate is the average interest rate on the loan products offered by commercial banks to non-financial corporations. The business credit is a credit specifically intended for business purposes including secured and unsecured business loans to small or large business with variable or fixed interest rate.
Mortgage credit interest rate, percent Mortgage interest rate, percentage Definition: The mortgage credit interest rate is the average interest rate on mortgage loan products offered to individuals and households by the commercial banks in the country. The mortgage credit is a loan used to finance the purchase of real estate.
Policy rate, percent Policy rate, percentage Definition: The interest rate which best captures the monetary authorities' policy intentions. Different countries have different policy interest rates. The most common are the overnight lending rate, discount rate and repurchase rate (of different maturities). In the USA the policy rate is the federal funds rate. The federal funds rate is the interest rate at which depository institutions trade federal funds (balances held at Federal Reserve Banks) with each other overnight. The federal funds rate is essentially determined by the market but is influenced by the Federal Reserve through open market operations to reach the federal funds rate target. In the Euro area the policy rate is the main refinancing operations rate. The main refinancing operations (MRO) rate is the interest rate banks pay when they borrow money from the ECB for one week. When they do this, they have to provide collateral to guarantee that the money will be paid back. The policy interest rates determine the levels of the rest of the interest rates in the economy, since it is the price at which private agents (mostly private banks) obtain money from the central bank.
Household debt to GDP, in percent Household debt share, percentage Definition: The total outstanding debt of households to banks and other financial institutions as percent of GDP.
Debt service ratios for private non-financial sector Debt Service Ratio of Private Non-Financial Sector Definition: Debt service ratio - comprising interest payments and debt amortizations as a proportion of the income of the private non-financial sector. The DSR is a measure of the financial constraints imposed by indebtedness.
Exchange rate, USD Exchange rate, USD Definition: The amount of local currency units that can be exchanged for one USD. An increase (decrease) means USD appreciation (depreciation).

Sample data

Country/Area Code ContinentCode Year Month Money supply, billion currency units Consumer Price Index (CPI) Inflation, monthly percent change in the CPI Inflation, annual percent change in the CPI Private sector credit, billion currency units Business credit, billion currency units Household credit, billion currency units Mortgage credit, billion currency units Consumer credit, billion currency units Bank deposit interest rate, percent Business credit interest rate, percent Mortgage credit interest rate, percent Policy rate, percent Household debt to GDP, in percent Debt service ratios for private non-financial sector Exchange rate, USD
Country Code Continental Plate Code Year Month Money supply, billion Consumer Price Index (CPI) Inflation, monthly percentage change in CPI Inflation, annual percentage change in CPI Private sector credit, 1 billion Business credit, 1 billion Home credit, 1 billion Mortgage loan, 1 billion Consumer credit, 1 billion Bank deposit interest rate, percentage Business credit interest rate, percentage Mortgage interest rate, percentage Policy rate, percentage Household debt share, percentage Debt Service Ratio of Private Non-Financial Sector Exchange rate, USD
Afghanistan AFG AS 2009 1
Afghanistan AFG AS 2009 2
Afghanistan AFG AS 2009 3
Afghanistan AFG AS 2009 4
Afghanistan AFG AS 2009 5
Afghanistan AFG AS 2009 6
Afghanistan AFG AS 2009 7 47.5496
Afghanistan AFG AS 2009 8 47.5551
Afghanistan AFG AS 2009 9 47.5576
Afghanistan AFG AS 2009 10 47.5528
Afghanistan AFG AS 2009 11 47.1472
Afghanistan AFG AS 2009 12 45.5611
Afghanistan AFG AS 2010 1 45.5193
Afghanistan AFG AS 2010 2 45.3745
Afghanistan AFG AS 2010 3 46.1539
Afghanistan AFG AS 2010 4 46.1
Afghanistan AFG AS 2010 5 45.8956
Afghanistan AFG AS 2010 6 45.4868
Afghanistan AFG AS 2010 7 44.7991
Afghanistan AFG AS 2010 8 44.3851
Afghanistan AFG AS 2010 9 44.1112
Afghanistan AFG AS 2010 10 43.4981
Afghanistan AFG AS 2010 11 45.1127
Afghanistan AFG AS 2010 12 45.0799
Afghanistan AFG AS 2011 1 45.0799
Afghanistan AFG AS 2011 2 45.0799
Afghanistan AFG AS 2011 3 43.0356
Afghanistan AFG AS 2011 4 43.0261
Afghanistan AFG AS 2011 5 43.0327
Afghanistan AFG AS 2011 6 43.0386
Afghanistan AFG AS 2011 7 43.0209
Afghanistan AFG AS 2011 8 43.0204
Afghanistan AFG AS 2011 9 43.2227
Afghanistan AFG AS 2011 10 43.1142
Afghanistan AFG AS 2011 11 43.1449
Afghanistan AFG AS 2011 12 43.1045
Afghanistan AFG AS 2012 1 43.9804
Afghanistan AFG AS 2012 2 46.9006
Afghanistan AFG AS 2012 3 48.4088
Afghanistan AFG AS 2012 4 48.3252
Afghanistan AFG AS 2012 5 48.3395
Afghanistan AFG AS 2012 6 48.3178
Afghanistan AFG AS 2012 7 48.3377
Afghanistan AFG AS 2012 8 48.4134
Afghanistan AFG AS 2012 9 49.3597
Afghanistan AFG AS 2012 10 51.0093
Afghanistan AFG AS 2012 11 51.7168
Afghanistan AFG AS 2012 12 51.2026
Afghanistan AFG AS 2013 1 51.2232

Data update frequency

Annual Update