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Price Index-English Field Price Index-Chinese Field Indicator description
Country/Area Country
Code Code
ContinentCode Continental Plate Code
Year Year
Cost of living index, world average = 100 Cost of living index, world average=100 Definition: The cost of living index summarizes the level of prices paid by households and non-profit organizations that provide services to households. It incorporates all goods and services in the average consumption basket with appropriate weights. The data are from the World Bank International Comparison Program.
Food price index, world average = 100 Food price index, world average=100 Definition: Broad based food price index. The world average food price level is set at 100. Higher values ​​for a country indicate more expensive food prices relative to the world and other countries.
Fruit price index, world average = 100 Fruit price index, world average=100 Definition: Broad-based fruit price index with world average set at 100. Higher values ​​indicate greater prices.
Vegetable price index, world average = 100 Vegetable price index, world average=100 Definition: Broad-based vegetable price index with world average set at 100. Higher values ​​indicate greater prices.
Bread and cereal prices, world average = 100 Bread and cereal prices, world average = 100 Definition: The index measures the cost of bread and cereals with a world average set at 100. Higher values ​​indicate more expensive bread and cereals relative to other countries.
Milk, cheese, and eggs price index, world average = 100 Milk, cheese and egg price index, world average = 100 Definition: Index of milk, cheese, and eggs prices with a world average set at 100. Higher values ​​indicate higher prices.
Meat price index, world average = 100 Meat price index, world average = 100 Definition: The index measures the cost of meat and allows international price comparison.
Fish and seafood prices, world average = 100 Fish and seafood prices, world average=100 Definition: Index of fish and seafood prices with a world average set at 100. Higher values ​​of the index indicate higher fish and seafood prices.
Alcohol beverage price index, world average = 100 Alcoholic beverage price index, world average = 100 Definition: The index measures the cost of in-store retail alcoholic beverage purchases. The world average is set at 100 with greater values ​​indicating more expensive alcohol.
Clothing and footwear prices, world average = 100 Clothing and footwear prices, world average=100 Definition: A broad-based index of the cost of clothing and footwear designed to allow international comparison.
Housing and utilities price index, world average = 100 Housing and utility price index, world average=100 Definition: The index reflects the cost of housing, gas, electricity and other fuels. The world average price level is set at 100. Higher values ​​indicate more expensive housing and utilities prices relative to the world average and other countries.
Furniture and household maintenance prices, world average = 100 Furniture and home repair prices, world average=100 Definition: The index measures the cost of furniture, household equipment, and household maintenance services.
Healthcare price index, world average = 100 Health care price index, world average = 100 Definition: A broad-based healthcare cost index that allows comparison between countries. The world average is set at 100 and higher index values ​​indicate higher a healthcare cost.
Transport prices, world average = 100 Transportation price, world average=100 Definition: The transport price index is a broad measure of the cost of road, rail, and air transport. The values ​​across countries can be compared to determine relative price levels.
Hotel and restaurant price index, world average = 100 Hotel and restaurant price index, world average = 100 Definition: The hotel and restaurant price index shows the relative prices of those services across countries. Greater values ​​indicate higher prices.
Vehicle prices, world average = 100 Car price, world average = 100 Definition: The index summarizes the cost of vehicle purchases by country to allow international price comparison. The world average is set at 100.
Communication price index, world average = 100 Communication price index, world average = 100 Definition: The index measures the prices of communication services including mobile phone plans and internet connections.
Recreation and culture price index, world average = 100 Entertainment and culture price index, world average = 100 Definition: The index measures the cost of recreation and culture services such as the prices of books and tickets for movies, theatre, museums and sporting events.
Education service price index, world average = 100 Education services price index, world average = 100 Definition: The index measures the cost of education services across all levels of education.
Machinery and equipment prices, world average = 100 Machine and equipment prices, world average = 100 Definition: The index measures the general price level for machinery and equipment by country with a world average set at 100.

Sample data

Country/Area Code ContinentCode Year Cost of living index, world average = 100 Food price index, world average = 100 Fruit price index, world average = 100 Vegetable price index, world average = 100 Bread and cereal prices, world average = 100 Milk, cheese, and eggs price index, world average = 100 Meat price index, world average = 100 Fish and seafood prices, world average = 100 Alcohol beverage price index, world average = 100 Clothing and footwear prices, world average = 100 Housing and utilities price index, world average = 100 Furniture and household maintenance prices, world average = 100 Healthcare price index, world average = 100 Transport prices, world average = 100 Vehicle prices, world average = 100 Recreation and culture price index, world average = 100 Machinery and equipment prices, world average = 100
Country Code Continental Plate Code Year Cost of living index, world average=100 Food price index, world average=100 Fruit price index, world average=100 Vegetable price index, world average=100 Bread and cereal prices, world average = 100 Milk, cheese and egg price index, world average = 100 Meat price index, world average = 100 Fish and seafood prices, world average=100 Alcoholic beverage price index, world average = 100 Clothing and footwear prices, world average=100 Housing and utility price index, world average=100 Furniture and home repair prices, world average=100 Health care price index, world average = 100 Transportation price, world average=100 Car price, world average = 100 Entertainment and culture price index, world average = 100 Machine and equipment prices, world average = 100
Albania ALB EU 2017 60.79 81.51 82.59 72.08 78.6 87.03 83.05 111.37 83.85 105.12 49.965 83.72 24.17 95.5 85.47 56.64 86.72
Algeria DZA AF 2017 49.36 84.511 82.09 96.18 64.65 73.09 121.76 140.53 106 67.86 26.374 42.11 33.2 44.22 113.96 47.04 122.17
Angola AGO AF 2017 92.68 166.187 141.8 209.27 186.65 186.75 128.18 185.81 108.63 81.32 46.683 92.76 81.24 95.87 163.86 77.13 192.26
Antigua and Barbuda ATG NA 2017 131.03 168.613 339.87 318.68 143.93 188.47 112.49 139.36 181.22 93.19 110.028 130 95.32 140.48 162.28 118.38 166.03
Argentina ARG SA 2017 93.54 122.409 139.56 160.13 136.98 142.74 84.52 162.49 101.2 144.01 84.004 86.25 67.49 101.83 105.57 101.92 164.11
Armenia ARM AS 2017 49.68 76.102 92.45 80.92 65.54 90.58 86.96 80.74 50 94.91 27.374 81.64 33.24 64.05 57.79 63.33 91.34
Aruba ABW NA 2017 118.56 148.766 174.7 226.43 162.13 153.35 108.58 146.45 200.32 120.78 94.679 114.99 106.78 114.71 114.59 102.95 93.71
Australia AUS OC 2017 168.02 153.54 146.44 208.06 173.38 144.57 140.67 163.18 184.6 129.27 257.057 130.79 163.44 132.55 95.54 129.86 110
Austria AUT EU 2017 134.56 144.994 153.6 175.08 158.8 104.69 179.24 192.78 89.61 132.19 150.281 126.51 136.98 143.7 110.51 126.38 96.18
Azerbaijan AZE AS 2017 40.56 55.135 58.45 52.96 56.5 70.22 58.45 70.25 42.06 74.75 22.43 69.61 26.68 52.79 46.42 51.31 90.62
Bahamas BHS NA 2017 158.09 156.742 268.52 183.11 195.61 204.57 99.92 101.47 226.76 184.2 129.749 208.34 170.78 138.57 136.57 161.29 119.11
Bahrain BHR AS 2017 77.81 110.878 150.81 117.69 117.22 104.67 108.77 75.68 444.9 95.06 61.304 72.06 78.14 58.36 85.41 83.14 100.85
Bangladesh BGD AS 2017 52.6 79.094 88.45 54.59 79.41 93.78 85.14 73.52 54.66 36.09 61.51 33.09 64.48 123.16 43.06 131.2
Barbados BRB NA 2017 169.9 182.578 305.29 308.21 186.54 146.9 155.65 155.37 200.39 138.84 162.409 157.42 146.66 143.79 188.08 139.79 153.34
Belarus BLR EU 2017 45.75 64.894 82.97 63.15 63.26 65.82 66.37 74.08 49.54 82.98 26.102 76.51 26.83 59.62 50.41 56.55 85.69
Belgium BEL EU 2017 136.89 129.24 146.4 132.85 133.3 107.31 154.94 159.72 93.48 132.84 169.215 123.41 128.34 141.05 113.55 116.88 92.95
Belize BLZ NA 2017 105.86 119.772 72.6 174.43 138.3 114.47 99.87 121.98 207.8 107.68 97.035 82.28 76.59 122.29 153.49 102.79 149.09
Benin BEN AF 2017 54.05 81.566 59.99 91.19 82.03 145.57 67.34 73.7 90.7 58.41 33.312 47.14 42.63 67.21 115.19 56.75 123.7
Bermuda BMU NA 2017 225.86 181.645 165.41 238.9 322.79 192.98 107.14 137.92 242.13 199.25 279.748 143.19 228.75 157.65 165.98 177.78 162.1
Bhutan BTN AS 2017 45.07 69.481 86.07 78.31 71.63 82.44 63.87 61.96 94.28 45.5 27.241 59.73 18.71 62.61 92.49 43.12 123.42
Bolivia BOL SA 2017 53.79 68.3 60 81.67 90.3 70.83 52.87 77.02 86.99 61.79 35.969 58.84 48.48 52.08 105.54 55.59 95.58
Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH EU 2017 64.74 86.916 95.91 104.19 83.93 80.38 84.28 108.36 64.83 142.04 38.29 74.2 47.91 89.74 90.69 66.42 92.55
Botswana BWA AF 2017 69.39 98.008 89.96 126.66 88.99 111.15 72.68 143.97 117.92 60.44 55.27 70.11 48.25 74.45 116.56 74.22 141.16
Brazil BRA SA 2017 104.54 107.662 105.73 118.82 143.72 121.49 76.08 108.41 126.46 114.89 93.554 99.65 108.45 117.43 111.07 119.87 120.79
Brunei BRN AS 2017 72.31 103.366 143.05 166.8 91.69 121.49 98.83 81.58 111.12 39.29 63.69 68.67 102.26 210.83 75.23 124.92
Bulgaria BGR EU 2017 60.89 84.915 84.78 97.98 70.66 93.51 78.04 105.69 65.16 98.55 48.457 73.8 32.03 89.35 92.74 64.73 84.29
Burkina Faso BFA AF 2017 49.19 76.365 47.83 76.8 74.53 132.78 68.99 96.49 82.02 43.09 27.16 42.09 38.07 71.35 114.13 50.99 114.53
Burma (Myanmar) MMR AS 2017 41.08 66.501 67.91 69.81 68.24 86.1 67 56.02 107.32 43.77 22.258 46.08 22.18 61.59 111.77 37.71 84.67
Burundi BDI AF 2017 54.25 91.02 52.26 72.29 111.35 129.85 70.13 162.16 166.99 42.1 23.876 65.08 43.18 78.85 128.52 48.97 125.14
Cambodia KHM AS 2017 52.69 79.02 87.59 89.52 70.8 102.91 89.68 70.33 114.03 54.41 47.687 60.2 30.95 78.19 130.16 47.72 108.63
Cameroon CMR AF 2017 58.34 83.269 60.76 70.77 109.22 139.99 67.69 73.65 89.57 79.6 40.433 62.58 56.64 71.04 140.11 58.22 115.56
Canada CAN NA 2017 142.12 137.341 148.05 179.9 125.9 152.46 136.14 141.48 121.56 147.44 175.921 136.94 127.09 125.55 89.82 121.52 94.35
Cape Verde CPV AF 2017 69.79 93.118 143.1 150.66 85.41 88.63 85.77 98.57 113.7 78.74 48.58 77.64 46.67 98.82 122.88 74.04 133.82
Central African Republic CAF AF 2017 75.56 118.033 60.2 137.14 134.66 197.98 87.44 108.85 141.61 62.87 55.438 60.3 49.57 73.37 136.88 71.78 123.41
Chad TCD AF 2017 58.53 88.871 69.43 100.35 96.8 121.42 56.38 100.08 81.98 49.23 39.501 49.18 51.53 70.11 96.69 62.18 120.56
Chile CHL SA 2017 105.82 120.959 83.17 164.28 125.08 137.71 113.9 116.69 92.44 141.67 127.484 107.62 94.72 92.83 101.42 92.25 95.47
China CHN AS 2017 87.94 116.157 143.34 100.55 121.62 149.34 98.55 116.05 151.73 145.88 72.189 111.24 61.64 77.9 84.95 69.23 125.41
Colombia COL SA 2017 68.94 89.73 69.2 80.24 114.92 96.94 81.74 131.31 107.35 86.99 69.184 69.4 45.51 75.97 105.17 67.71 115.08
Comoros COM AF 2017 70.11 114.522 69.17 130.41 119.98 171.94 102.47 115.8 191.11 82.02 43.906 73.58 45.04 78.27 116.75 71.68 121.93
Costa Rica CRC NA 2017 94.13 128.254 132.22 180.81 140.1 134.49 108.9 162.94 132.67 107.66 85.381 80.98 131.92 92.31 134.16 82.57 114.01
Croatia HRV EU 2017 82.76 109.272 110.52 133.04 120.09 94.89 105.15 136.85 89.52 120.69 61.839 95.99 58.08 112.89 101.25 81.14 86.83
Cyprus CYP EU 2017 108.2 126.753 116.36 127.59 148.25 138.43 115.02 149.92 98.42 125.97 96.142 103.24 109.91 116.86 94.8 99.6 90.77
Czechia CZE EU 2017 83.97 93.819 99.06 112.27 91.43 85.81 90.96 133.75 69.98 123.91 89.812 94.89 46.54 97.56 87.81 76.23 89.57
Democratic Republic of the Congo COD AF 2017 61.73 93.419 51.5 84.92 106.05 145.85 90.89 104.49 96.26 58.06 45.677 49.31 45.22 72.09 103.86 52.11 138.78
Denmark DNK EU 2017 171.78 151.189 135.34 175.54 181.4 114.51 150.13 190.29 109.27 175.17 228.068 140.8 147.83 173.28 155.59 162.05 106.04
Djibouti DJI AF 2017 84.48 126.816 113.82 117.38 160.06 165.63 104.52 120.18 182.91 64.02 59.623 77.45 78.98 78.48 120.75 88.87 124.86
Dominica DMA NA 2017 99.61 142.201 178.15 236.25 162.11 146.87 109.26 103.27 169.71 87.14 72.97 108.78 74.92 125.62 123.79 110.3 108.89
Dominican Republic DOM NA 2017 73.55 104.939 105.11 132.46 122.71 117.01 76 106.77 154.61 78.75 45.149 60.52 56.62 81.09 108.42 83.75 115.21
Ecuador ECU SA 2017 82.35 103.177 76.37 86.84 119.7 110.77 95.55 122.39 169.36 126.05 54.991 86.32 67.88 72.85 133.85 85.32 105.17

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Annual Update