
Time interval


Field display

Economic Freedom Index-English Field Economic Freedom Index-Chinese Field Indicator description
Country/Area Country
Code Code
ContinentCode Continental Plate Code
Year Year
Property rights index (0-100) Property Rights Index (0-100) Definition: The property rights index measures the degree to which a country's laws protect private property rights and the degree to which its government enforces those laws. It also assesses the likelihood that private property will be expropriated and analyzes the independence of the judiciary , the existence of corruption within the judiciary, and the ability of individuals and businesses to enforce contracts. Higher index values ​​denote more certain legal protection of property.
Freedom from corruption index (0-100) Corruption Perception Index (0-100) Definition: The score for the Freedom of corruption index is derived primarily from Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index. For countries that are not covered in the CPI the freedom from corruption score is determined by using information from internationally recognized and reliable sources. Higher index values ​​denote lower level of corruption.
Fiscal freedom index (0-100) Fiscal Freedom Index (0-100) Definition: The Fiscal freedom index measures the tax burden imposed by government. It is composed of three quantitative factors: the top marginal tax rate on individual income, the top marginal tax rate on corporate income, and the total tax burden as a percentage of GDP.
Business freedom index (0-100) Business Freedom Index (0-100) Definition: The Business freedom index is based on 10 indicators, using data from the World Bank's Doing Business study: Starting a business-procedures (number), time (days), cost (% of income per capita), and minimum capital (% of income per capita); Obtaining a license—procedures (number), time (days), and cost (% of income per capita); Closing a business—time (years), cost (% of estate), and recovery rate (cents on the dollar).
Labor freedom index (0-100) Labor freedom index (0-100) Definition: The Labor freedom index is composed of six quantitative factors: ratio of minimum wage to the average value added per worker, hindrance to hiring additional workers, rigidity of hours, difficulty of firing redundant employees, legally mandated notice period, and mandatory severance pay. The index is based on data collected in connection with the World Bank's Doing Business study.
Monetary freedom index (0-100) Monetary Freedom Index (0-100) Definition: The score for the Monetary freedom index is based on two factors: the weighted average inflation rate for the most recent three years and price controls. Higher index values ​​denote price stability without microeconomic intervention.
Trade freedom index (0-100) Trade freedom index (0-100) Definition: The Trade freedom index is based on two indicators: the trade-weighted average tariff rate and non-tariff barriers (including quantity, price, regulatory, customs and investment restrictions, and direct government intervention).
Investment freedom index (0-100) Investment Freedom Index (0-100) Definition: The Investment freedom index evaluates a variety of investment restrictions (burdensome bureaucracy, restrictions on land ownership, expropriation of investments without fair compensation, foreign exchange controls, capital control, security problems, a lack of basic investment infrastructure, etc. ). Points are deducted from the ideal score of 100 for each of the restrictions found in a country's investment regime.
Financial freedom index (0-100) Financial Freedom Index (0-100) Definition: The Financial freedom index evaluates: the extent of government regulation of financial services, the degree of state intervention in banks and other financial firms through direct and indirect ownership, the extent of financial and capital market development, government influence on the allocation of credit and openness to foreign competition. Higher index values ​​denote banking efficiency and independence from government control and interference in the financial sector.
Economic freedom, overall index (0-100) Economic freedom, total index (0-100) Definition: The Overall index of economic freedom has ten components grouped into four broad categories: Rule of Law; Limited Government; Regulatory Efficiency and Open Markets. The overall economic freedom is scored on a scale of 0 to 100, where 100 represents the maximum freedom.

Sample data

Country/Area Code ContinentCode Year Property rights index (0-100) Freedom from corruption index (0-100) Fiscal freedom index (0-100) Business freedom index (0-100) Labor freedom index (0-100) Monetary freedom index (0-100) Trade freedom index (0-100) Investment freedom index (0-100) Financial freedom index (0-100) Economic freedom, overall index (0-100)
Country Code Continental Plate Code Year Property Rights Index (0-100) Corruption Perception Index (0-100) Fiscal Freedom Index (0-100) Business Freedom Index (0-100) Labor freedom index (0-100) Monetary Freedom Index (0-100) Trade freedom index (0-100) Investment Freedom Index (0-100) Financial Freedom Index (0-100) Economic freedom, total index (0-100)
Afghanistan AFG AS 2013 15 60 76 69.5 65
Afghanistan AFG AS 2014 10 91 63 75 74.3 65
Afghanistan AFG AS 2015 8 92 61 68 72.6 55
Afghanistan AFG AS 2016 12 92 57 63 55
Afghanistan AFG AS 2017 13 28 92 54 60 69.3 66 49
Afghanistan AFG AS 2018 18 26 92 53 57 77.8 66 10 10 51
Afghanistan AFG AS 2019 20 25 92 49 60 76.7 66 10 10 52
Afghanistan AFG AS 2020 48 25 91 55 62 81 66 10 10 55
Afghanistan AFG AS 2021 30 29 91 54 60 80.8 69 10 10 53
Albania ALB EU 1995 50 10 82 70 22.1 59 70 50 50
Albania ALB EU 1996 50 10 82 70 42.6 59 70 50 54
Albania ALB EU 1997 50 10 82 70 62.9 59 70 30 55
Albania ALB EU 1998 30 10 82 70 67.7 59 70 30 54
Albania ALB EU 1999 30 10 83 70 57.8 58 70 30 53
Albania ALB EU 2000 30 10 80 70 59.7 58 70 30 54
Albania ALB EU 2001 30 23 80 70 71.8 64 70 30 57
Albania ALB EU 2002 30 10 79 55 86 63 70 50 57
Albania ALB EU 2003 30 10 84 55 85.8 56 70 50 57
Albania ALB EU 2004 30 25 84 55 79.6 61 70 50 59
Albania ALB EU 2005 30 25 83 55 49 85 60 70 50 58
Albania ALB EU 2006 30 25 81 54 50 84.5 62 70 70 60
Albania ALB EU 2007 30 24 87 64 50 80.3 73 60 70 61
Albania ALB EU 2008 30 26 90 56 50 80.4 76 70 70 62
Albania ALB EU 2009 30 29 93 67 47 79.6 76 70 70 64
Albania ALB EU 2010 35 34 93 68 52 78.7 86 70 70 66
Albania ALB EU 2011 35 32 92 67 50 79.9 80 65 70 64
Albania ALB EU 2012 35 33 91 78 51 78.6 80 65 70 65
Albania ALB EU 2013 30 31 93 81 49 78.4 80 65 70 65
Albania ALB EU 2014 30 30 93 78 50 80 88 75 70 67
Albania ALB EU 2015 30 31 87 71 53 80.8 88 70 70 66
Albania ALB EU 2016 35 33 88 68 52 81.7 88 70 70 66
Albania ALB EU 2017 54 40 87 79 51 81.4 88 70 70 64
Albania ALB EU 2018 54 40 85 69 50 82.4 88 70 70 65
Albania ALB EU 2019 55 40 86 69 53 81.5 88 70 70 67
Albania ALB EU 2020 57 39 86 66 52 81.2 88 70 70 67
Albania ALB EU 2021 46 41 89 66 52 82 83 70 70 65
Albania ALB EU 2022 56 36 71 71 51 82 83 70 70 67
Algeria DZA AF 1995 50 50 49 70 59.2 54 50 50 56
Algeria DZA AF 1996 50 50 49 70 57 54 50 50 55
Algeria DZA AF 1997 50 50 49 70 56 54 50 50 55
Algeria DZA AF 1998 50 50 49 70 60.1 54 50 50 56
Algeria DZA AF 1999 50 50 49 70 69 54 50 50 57
Algeria DZA AF 2000 50 50 65 70 74 40 50 50 57
Algeria DZA AF 2001 30 50 65 70 78.2 60 50 50 57
Algeria DZA AF 2002 30 50 65 70 82.8 60 70 50 61
Algeria DZA AF 2003 30 50 65 70 78.9 50 70 30 58
Algeria DZA AF 2004 30 50 74 70 81.1 55 70 30 58
Algeria DZA AF 2005 30 26 74 70 56 80.1 54 50 30 53

Data update frequency

Annual Update