
Time interval


Field display

Banking System Availability and Depth - English Field Banking System Availability and Depth - Chinese Field Indicator description
Country/Area Country
Code Code
ContinentCode Continental Plate Code
Year Year
ATMs per 100,000 adults Number of ATMs per 100,000 adults Definition: Number of ATMs per 100,000 adults. Automated teller machines are computerized telecommunications devices that provide clients of a financial institution with access to financial transactions in a public place.
Bank accounts per 1000 adults Number of bank accounts per 1,000 adults Definition: Number of depositors with commercial banks per 1,000 adults.
Bank branches per 100,000 people Bank branches per 100,000 people Definition: Number of commercial bank branches per 100,000 adults.
Firms using bank credit to finance investment, percent of all firms Companies that use bank credit to finance investment, as a percentage of all companies Definition: Percentage of firms using banks to finance purchases of fixed assets.
Small firms with bank credit, percent of all small Small companies with bank credit, % of all small companies Definition: Percentage of small firms (5-19 workers) in the formal sector with a line of credit or a loan from a (formal) financial institution, such as a bank, credit union, microfinance institution, or cooperative.< /td>
Percent of people aged 15+ who have a credit card Percentage of people over 15 who have a credit card Definition: The percentage of visitors with a credit card (% age 15+). The data are from the World bank Global Financial Inclusion survey.
Percent of people aged 15+ who have a debit card Percentage of people over 15 who have a debit card Definition: The percentage of visitors with a debit card (% age 15+). Data are from the World Bank Global Financial Inclusion survey.
Domestic credit to the private sector, percent of GDP Domestic credit to private sector, % of GDP Definition: Domestic credit to private sector refers to financial resources provided to the private sector, such as through loans, purchases of nonequity securities, and trade credits and other accounts receivable, that establish a claim for repayment. For some countries these claims include credit to public enterprises.
Bank credit to the private sector as percent of GDP Bank credit to the private sector as a percentage of GDP Definition: Domestic credit to private sector by banks refers to financial resources provided to the private sector by other depository corporations (deposit taking corporations except central banks), such as through loans, purchases of nonequity securities, and trade credits and other accounts receivable, that establish a claim for repayment. For some countries these claims include credit to public enterprises.
Liquid liabilities, percent of GDP Current liabilities, % of GDP Definition: Ratio of liquid liabilities to GDP. Liquid liabilities are also known as broad money, or M3. They are the sum of currency and deposits in the central bank (M0), plus transferable deposits and electronic currency (M1), plus time and savings deposits, foreign currency transferable deposits, certificates of deposit, and securities repurchase agreements (M2), plus travelers checks, foreign currency time deposits, commercial paper, and shares of mutual funds or market funds held by residents.
Bank assets, percent of GDP Bank assets, % of GDP Definition: Bank credit is the amount of credit available to the government sector. It consists of the total amount of combined funds that are provided to the government by the bank sector.
Financial system deposits, percent of GDP Financial system deposits, % of GDP Definition: Demand, time and saving deposits in deposit money banks and other financial institutions as a share of GDP.
Bank credit to government and public enterprises, percent of GDP Bank credit to governments and public enterprises, % of GDP Definition: Bank credit is the amount of credit available to the government sector. It consists of the total amount of combined funds that are provided to the government by the bank sector.
Bank concentration: percent of bank assets held by top three banks Bank credit to governments and public enterprises, % of GDP Definition: Raw data are from Bankscope. (Sum(data2025) for three largest banks in Bankscope) / (Sum(data2025) for all banks in Bankscope). Only reported if number of banks in Bankscope is 3 or more. Calculated from underlying bank-by-bank unconsolidated data from Bankscope.
Foreign bank assets as percent of the total bank assets Foreign bank assets as a percentage of total bank assets Definition: Percentage of the total banking assets that are held by foreign banks. A foreign bank is a bank where 50 percent or more of its shares are owned by foreigners.
People with bank accounts, percent of the population over 14 years of age People with a bank account, as a percentage of the population aged 14 and over Definition: The percentage of visitors with an account (self or together with someone else) at a bank, credit union, another financial institution (e.g., cooperative, microfinance institution), or the post office (if applicable) including visitors who reported having a debit card (% age 15+).

Sample data

Country/Area Code ContinentCode Year ATMs per 100,000 adults Bank accounts per 1000 adults Bank branches per 100,000 people Firms using bank credit to finance investment firms, percent of all firms Small firms with bank credit, percent of all small firms Percent of people aged 15+ who have a credit card Percent of people aged 15+ who have a debit card Domestic credit to the private sector, percent of GDP Bank credit to the private sector as percent of GDP Liquid liabilities, percent of GDP Bank assets, percent of GDP Financial system deposits, percent of GDP Bank credit to government and public enterprises, percent of GDP Bank concentration: percent of bank assets held by top three banks People with bank accounts, percent of the population over 14 years of age
Country Code Continental Plate Code Year Number of ATMs per 100,000 adults Number of bank accounts per 1,000 adults Bank branches per 100,000 people Companies that use bank credit to finance investment, as a percentage of all companies Small companies with bank credit, % of all small companies Percentage of people over 15 who have a credit card Percentage of people over 15 who have a debit card Domestic credit to private sector, % of GDP Bank credit to the private sector as a percentage of GDP Current liabilities, % of GDP Bank assets, % of GDP Financial system deposits, % of GDP Bank credit to governments and public enterprises, % of GDP Bank credit to governments and public enterprises, % of GDP People with a bank account, as a percentage of the population aged 14 and over
Afghanistan AFG AS 1960 9.27 4.6 13.45 4.6 0.75
Afghanistan AFG AS 1961 8.75 4.64 14.53 4.64 1.1
Afghanistan AFG AS 1962 7.15 4.66 17.2 4.66 1.51
Afghanistan AFG AS 1963 5.07 3.44 14.46 3.44 1.09
Afghanistan AFG AS 1964 5.19 3.73 16.69 3.73 1.7
Afghanistan AFG AS 1965 4.97 3.9 15.57 3.9 2.14
Afghanistan AFG AS 1966 3.8 2.8 11.21 2.8 1.47
Afghanistan AFG AS 1967 3.25 2.57 9.34 2.57 1.33
Afghanistan AFG AS 1968 4.03 2.95 13.29 2.95 1.7
Afghanistan AFG AS 1969 4.87 3.14 15.29 3.14 2.52
Afghanistan AFG AS 1970 4.55 3.26 13.2 3.26 2.15
Afghanistan AFG AS 1971 3.83 2.82 14.04 2.82 2.61
Afghanistan AFG AS 1972 5.55 3.89 18.35 3.89 3.41
Afghanistan AFG AS 1973 5.49 3.87 18.18 3.87 2.99
Afghanistan AFG AS 1974 5.38 3.62 16.59 3.62 2.72
Afghanistan AFG AS 1975 4.71 2.58 16.99 2.58 2.57
Afghanistan AFG AS 1976 5.43 2.23 19.55 2.23 2.56
Afghanistan AFG AS 1977 4.13 2.05 21.65 2.05 2.86
Afghanistan AFG AS 1978 4.56 2.45 22.53 2.45 2.51
Afghanistan AFG AS 1979 6.06 2.67 24.54 2.67 2.67
Afghanistan AFG AS 1980 5.98 2.86 28.86 2.86 3.08
Afghanistan AFG AS 1981 5.84 2.44 31.61 2.44 3.59
Afghanistan AFG AS 2004 0.02 0.37
Afghanistan AFG AS 2005 0.06 0.58
Afghanistan AFG AS 2006 0.12 0.92 4.84 4.84 23.49 5.09 9.21 97.32
Afghanistan AFG AS 2007 0.21 1.24 6.84 6.84 27.74 8.39 13.07 89.18
Afghanistan AFG AS 2008 0.3 36.4 1.48 1.4 2.3 9.39 9.39 29.29 10.26 15.5 92.72
Afghanistan AFG AS 2009 0.45 87.49 2.23 10.58 10.58 33.3 10.66 18.71 73.06
Afghanistan AFG AS 2010 0.53 105.89 2.39 11.58 11.58 36.07 11.81 19.15 59.74
Afghanistan AFG AS 2011 0.62 139.44 2.22 0.83 4.71 4.96 4.96 37.24 5.04 19.31 66.52 9.01
Afghanistan AFG AS 2012 0.64 166.11 2.13 4.47 4.18 32.76 4.16 18.09 63.82
Afghanistan AFG AS 2013 0.71 155.78 2.25 4.32 4.11 33.33 4.19 17.72 57.8
Afghanistan AFG AS 2014 0.75 172.81 2.3 2 3.6 1.39 1.66 3.94 3.73 34.02 3.72 17.2 63.73 9.96
Afghanistan AFG AS 2015 0.92 181.09 2.16 3.98 3.79 33.82 3.79 17.12 53.38
Afghanistan AFG AS 2016 1.06 182.15 2.11 3.89 3.78 37.22 3.79 18.96 51.83
Afghanistan AFG AS 2017 1.21 166.17 2.04 1.06 2.71 3.84 3.71 36.86 3.72 19.08 55.65 14.55
Afghanistan AFG AS 2018 1.61 174.3 1.96 3.51 3.44 36.61 3.45 18.88 60.7
Afghanistan AFG AS 2019 1.64 183.29 1.87 3.23 3.17 34.96 3.21 16.92 60.24
Afghanistan AFG AS 2020 3.07 2.97 37.21 2.98 17.65 58.74
Afghanistan AFG AS 2021 0 2.6 65.1 9.65
Albania ALB EU 1994 4.05 39.76 54.5 24.24 50.45
Albania ALB EU 1995 3.76 48.44 54.08 29.55 50.32
Albania ALB EU 1996 3.26 46.22 46.9 31.92 43.64
Albania ALB EU 1997 3.93 59.93 37.47 37.98 33.54
Albania ALB EU 1998 3.86 62.24 37.2 44.49 33.33
Albania ALB EU 1999 4.11 66.02 37.7 47.69 33.59
Albania ALB EU 2000 4.87 65.46 36.32 45.66 31.45 100
Albania ALB EU 2001 6.2 69.82 36.72 48.69 30.52 100
Albania ALB EU 2002 6.48 66.85 35.46 45.42 28.99 94.63

Data update frequency

Annual Update