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Reddit community WSB section comment information table
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street >wallstreetbetsstreet street street wallstreetbets td> < td>wallstreetbets < td>wallstreetbets street wallstreetbets wallstreet betsstreet street wallstreet betsstreet < td>wallstreetbetswallstreetbets wallstreetbets street td> td>t1_f5tcns4street
id comment_id parent_id created_utc subreddit subreddit_id body score author author_id
f5td5t1 t3_dp9g5s t1_f5td0hj 2019-10-31 wallbets t5_2th52 Then congratulations 1 Anthrogic t2_yw35d
f5td5oq t3_dp574l t3_dp574l 2019-10-31 wallstreetbets t5_2th52 just want to say fuck GE and their fake cash flows 1 Elna_Fybbg t2_frjkb
f5td5og t3_dp9euq t3_dp9euq 2019-10-31wallbets t5_2th52 Ni ce 1 RoidMonkey123 t2_gd2zm
f5td59o t3_dp574l t3_dp574l 2019-10-31 t5_2th52 Is there a Trading Options Anonymous?Wait isn’t that WSB? 1 kilonova17 t2_lvyjztv
f5td4x3 t3_dow8nz t1_f5tctnb 2019-1 0-31 wallstreetbets t5_2th52 No worriesI'd say wait til 3 before placing any trades so the FED decision doesn't affect you 1 baddoubled t2_4aviayq6
f5td4q2 t3_dp574l t3_dp574l 2019-10-31wallbet s t5_2th52 Opened RH exactly a week ago with $150. Sitting on $3600 today. 150 to 15k I less than a month or bust 🚀🚀🚀 1 BillPuertas1 t2_4ia97myt
f5td4b4 t3_dp70f0 t1_f5tce4f 2019-1 0-31 wallstreetbets t5_2th52 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sq_Fm7qfRQk 1 GoldenKaze t2_2l70mi7h
f5td45m t 3_dp7wfs t3_dp7wfs 2019-10-31 wallstreetbets t5_2th52 I'm telling you right now, stonk is going to tank, by puts. Thank me later. 1 PeeshPro t2_z3jrawf
f5td3du t3_dp9g5s t1_f5tctip 2019-10-31wallbets t5_2th52 as long as you learn something along the way, it might work out 1 marimano t2_4z61j
f5td36r t3_dp574l t1_f5tbaqt 2019-10-31wallbets t5_2th52 Probably an idiotic idea to buy calls after a 2% increase but fuck it, I’m going long anyways 1 black_and_shredded t2_3crah6lt
f5td36d t3_dp574l t1_f5td18z 2019-10-31 t5_2th52 Lmao fuck So simple I didn’t even think about it 1 TaylorLH t2_e7lr2
f5td34d t3_dot6xv t3_dot6xv 2019-10-31 wallbetst5_2th52 Morningstar predicts a 1.8% return on stocks and GMO is calling for -3.6% return over the next 10 years. 1 Networking4Eyes t2_169wg5yw
f5td292 t3_dp574l t1_f5tcuh0 2 019-10-31 wallstreetbets t5_2th52 I don't think it will be dove-ish, as much as it will be typical "monitor the economy and make adjustments as needed, etc.." 1 Dimeskis t2_2azznubv
f5td22n t3_dp7wfs t3_dp7wfs 2019-10-31 wallstreetbets t5_2th52 Yeah sure I'll take a flaccid pic 1 LongJNUG t2_39hfvh83
f5td21s t3_dp574l t1_f5tczv5 2019-10-31 wallstreetbets t5_2th52 Some people like sour baby🍇 1 ATastyGrape t2_4t3mb4dr
f5td1z2 t3_dp574l t3_dp574l 2019-10-31 t5_2th52 Can someone explain to me the 57k margin guy. I get how he got it but how does he lose money and what's his max risk? 1 spanishgalacian t2_r24z7
f5td1ya t3_dp574l t1_f5tcmt3 2019-10-31 wall streetbets t5_2th52 Stri ke? 1 BreadedoftheToast t2_11jyi0l
f5td1ge t3_dp574l t3_dp574l 2019-10-31 t5_2th52 This volume is hilariously pitiful 1 Desertbears t2_1790z7
f5td18z t3_dp574l t1_f5tci7x 2019-10-31 wallstreetbets t5_2th52 Melt the silver and throw your phone in while it’s melting. Once it’s cooled your silver will be in the app to trade 1 VacationLover1 t2_dko0ars
f5td15f t3_dp574l t1_f5tcv0b 2019-10-31 wall streetbets t5_2th52 No 1 Wrong_Bread t2_2ntieqrh
f5td14m t3_dp574l t3_dp574l 2019-10-31wallbets t5_2th52 Bogdanoff? they bought se puts!!Pomp it! 10-31 wallstreetbets t5_2th52 When do the boomers wake up and buy up ge, every time i hold i lose, every time i panic sell i miss out on profit. Fuck me. 1 Fallen1331 t2_927rvsp
f5td0yd t3_dp574l t3_dp574l 2019-10-31 t5_2th52 For all my people that day trade options what dates and strikes do you usually look at? Is there any reason to not do the earliest expiration available? 1 1se t2_m6nk9
f5td0wi t3_dp70f0 t1_f5tce4f 2019-10-31 wallbets t5_2th52 If only. Boomers would riot and they vote the most 1 avgazn247 t2_wt27i
f5td0i6 t3_dp9mse t3_dp9mse 2019-10-31 t5_2th52 Keep dreaming 1 nudeinmylivingroom t2_elszc
f5td0hj t3_dp9g5s t1_f5tce6p 2019-10-31 wall streetbets t5_2th52 but what about the thousands I lost following WSB advice that got me here? 1 CMFETCU t2_at0lb
f5tczv5 t3_dp574l t1_f5tcq6a 2019-10-31wallbets t5_2th52 You a Sour Grape! 1 Wrong_Bread t2_2ntieqrh
f5tczil t3_dp574l t3_dp574l 2019-10-31 wallstreetbets t5_2th52 It always brings itself to flat right before the announcement 1 galactictaco42 t2_12g8zy
f5tczif t3_dp574l t1_f5tcrcu 2019-10-31wallbet s t5_2th52 I’d be cashing out my account and taking a long break if it happened. It would put me basically back into break even. I am definitely not that lucky though. This shit market is gonna go up. He will cut cause he will cut . The market will dip and it will be 310 next week. 1 streetvoyager t2_awil8
f5tcza7 t3_dp9g5s t1_f5tckwz 2019-10-31 wallbets t5_2th52 know something I don't? 1 CMFETCU t2_at0lb
f5tcz6e t3_dp70f0 t1_f5tb79f 2019-10-31 t5_2th52 Yes healthcare is by far the most expensive. The total non healthcare welfare amount is like 500 bil which is less than the military. 1 avgazn247 t2_wt27i
f5tcz00 t3_dp574l t1_f5tcpzr 2019-10-31 wallstreetbets t5_2th52 Man, I’m asking the same question 1 BraveLittlePene t2_jtoj0
f5tcym1 t3_dp574l t3_dp574l 2019-10-31wallbets t5_2th52 I’m not gonna lie. Seeing Spy 304 is no joke. I think we will actually break out of this flat cycle once the FOMC is done today. Whether it be 270s or high 310s in the next two months 1 ATastyGrape t2_4t3mb4dr
f5tcxdu t3_dp574l t1_f5tb62p 2019-10-31 wall streetbets t5_2th52 Sorry if I was confusing.If I have the 140/139 put debit spread tomorrow morning. I dont have to close both positions at the same time? usually on normal trading days all being neutral with fundamentals, Msft does the usual bounce in morning and then dips by noon. I can Buy to close 139 put that I sold when stock goes up in morning. Then wait for afternoon and cash in the put in afternoon when stock dips. d> 2019-10-31 wallstreetbets t5_2th52 Don't they know how much great shitposting is in store? 1 corey_trevorr t2_47v7tz0c
f5tcx8w t3_dp574l t1_f5tbi56 2019-10-31 t5_2th52 👍 1 warren_buffoon t2_2r4tmszg
f5tcwu9 t3_dp574l t1_f5t6av0 2019-10-31 wallstreetbets t5_2th52 Just do it bro, let the tism flow thru you 1 BedRiddenWizard t2_2ze3zu2o
f5tcwln t3_dp574l t1_f5tbirs 2019-1 0-31 wallstreetbets t5_2th52 Wizdaddy is the shit 1 warren_buffoon t2_2r4tmszg
f5tcwgo t3_dp574l t1_f5sza9e 2019-10-31 wallstreetbets t5_2th52 I hope you didnt buy at 20 lol...19 seems ok right now for Jan calls! 1 Wrong_Bread t2_2ntieqrh
f5tcwbl t3_dp5wbt t1_f5tcifl 2019-10-31 wall streetbets t5_2th52 Went free to play October 1st. Technically it’s freemium and Forsaken and Shadowkeep are still separate, though optional, purchases. It’s also available through Steam now, so there’s that. First mission of Shadowkeep is also free, the new area (the moon) is free to everyone, and the new strikes and multiplayer maps are also free to everyone. Can’t argue with free, kill some time with it and have some fun. Level doesn’t matter for most activities, it’s an even playing field, other than loot. 1 RapidBattery t2_2rvm9o2p
f5tcw6l t3_dp574l t3_dp574l 2019-10-31 wallstreetbets t5_2th52 Who is ready for the traditional Trump tweets after Powell talks? Get your popcorn and robinhood trigger fingers ready. 1 The_Sly_Cooper t2_1jzu9wml
f5tcvsl t3_dp70f0 t1_f5t4jog 2019-10-31 t5_2th52 This could work. I think it'd also be illegal, but when has that ever stood in the way of high finance. 1 TiredOfDebates t2_2xzup3qn
f5tcv5h t3_dp9g5s t1_f5tcjld 2019-10-31 t5_2th52 may my blood grease the wheels of change for your tendie machine. 1 CMFETCU t2_at0lb
f5tcv0b t3_dp574l t1_f5tcpdg 2019-10-31wallbet s t5_2th52 Y es. 1 M0ngoos t2_4gyisp4y
f5tcuh0 t3_dp574l t1_f5tcmht 2019-10-31 wallstreetbets t5_2th52 Why you think they will be dovish? 1 nubface1001 t2_yhexyhv
f5tcu91 t3_dp574l t1_f5tcf9l 2019-10-31 wallstreetbets t5_2th52 We rally if no cut in December foreseen 1 eavesly t2_b2mq7
f5tctxg t3_dp2yhs t1_f5svide 2019-10-31 wallbetst5_2th52 Absolutely. No one disagrees. Relax. 1 LizLemon_015 t2_noo2m
f5tctnb t3_dow8nz t1_f5svm1k 2019-10-31 wallstreetbets t5_2th52 Thanks for asking! Despite the extremely poor job I did optimizing the execution of the sale this morning (which led me to miss out on a few thousand), I netted +$11k on my positions. I’ve been trading for about 5 weeks now without ever risking more than $10k at a time, and my net realized gains have been around $16k, so I’m happy. I don’t have any open positions now, though, so not sure where to go from here haha. Thanks again for all your help and advice. Really appreciate it. 2019-10-31 wallstreetbets t5_2th52 I mean... it is what is left. The account had 5 digits in it at one point. Fucking WSB. 1 CMFETCU t2_at0lb
f5tcsks t3_dp81kj t1_f5t2o28 2019-10-31wallbet s t5_2th52 I have aota except beating a super computer lol 1 Jakester1495 t2_i1v85

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