
 Since the reform and opening up, China's insurance industry has grown rapidly and played an important role in compensating for disaster losses, maintaining social stability, and supporting China's economic construction. The rapid development of the entire industry is reflected in three aspects:

  • First, the number of insurance institutions is growing rapidly. The number of insurance companies in China has increased rapidly from 1 in 1980 to more than 200.
  • Second, premium income has grown rapidly. In 1980, the national premium income was 460 million yuan. In 2021, the insurance industry achieved a cumulative original premium income of 4.49 trillion yuan. In 40 years, premium income has doubled several times.
  • Third, insurance assets are growing rapidly. As of 2021, the total assets of China's insurance industry are 24,887.4 billion yuan, an increase of 11.5% from the beginning of the year, maintaining a high asset growth rate.

   In order to regulate the domestic insurance market, the China Insurance Regulatory Commission uniformly designs and prints insurance licenses and authorizes them to insurance holding companies and insurance group companies, insurance companies, insurance asset management companies, The licenses of insurance brokerage companies and insurance adjusters shall be coded nationwide, and the insurance license must be stamped with the seal of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission to be valid. Insurance holding companies, insurance group companies and their subsidiaries that do not engage in insurance business or insurance asset management business are not required to obtain an insurance license.

   CnOpenData’s complete set of data on China’s insurance institutions collects information on three aspects: Insurance institution’s outlet distribution, loss of control, and exit, including: institution name, code, business scope, and address information before and after changes, etc. Relevant research on Chinese insurance institutions provides reliable data support.

Time interval

Deadline: 2020.05

Data scale

Comprehensive data of China's insurance institutions' outlets

Field display

China Insurance Institutions Network Distribution Information Table Information table of out-of-control outlets of Chinese insurance institutions China Insurance Institution Outlet Exit Information Form
Organization code Organization code Organization code
Organization name Organization name Organization name
abbreviation abbreviation Institutional residence
English name Institutional residence Postal code
Institutional residence Postal code Certification date
Postal code Certification date Approval date
Certification date Approval date Issuing authority
Approval date Issuing authority Serial number
Issuing authority Serial number Business Scope
Serial number Business Scope Exit date
Business Scope Cause of loss of control abbreviation
Serial number (before change) Out of control date English name
Organization code (before change) English name
Organization name (before change)
Organization address (before change)

Sample data

China Insurance Institutions Branch Distribution Information Table

Organization Code Organization name Abbreviation English name Institutional Residence Postal code Certification date Approval Date Issuing authority Serial number Business Scope Serial number (before change) Organization code (before change) Organization name (before change) Organization address (before change)
000241 大家保险集团有限责任公司 大家保险集团 DaJiaInsuranceGroupCo.,Ltd. 北京市朝阳区建国门外大街6号18层1801 100022 2022-06-10 2019-07-08 银保监会 00000142 (一)投资并持有保险机构和其他金融机构的股份;(二)监督管理控股投资企业的各种国内、国际业务;(三)国家法律法规允许的投资业务及保险资金运用业务;(四)经中国银保监会批准的保险业务;(五)经中国银保监会及国家有关部门批准的其他业务。 0001079 000241 大家保险集团有限责任公司 北京市朝阳区建国门外大街6号18层1801
000194 华夏久盈资产管理有限责任公司 华夏久盈 HuaEverwinAssetManagementCo.,Ltd 深圳市前海深港合作区前湾一路1号A栋201室(入驻深圳市前海商务秘书有限公司) 2022-04-02 2015-04-10 银保监会 00000138 受托管理委托人委托的人民币、外币资金;管理运用自有人民币、外币资金;开展保险资产管理产品业务;中国银保监会批准的其他业务;国务院其他部门批准的业务。 0000040 000194 华夏久盈资产管理有限责任公司 深圳市前海深港合作区前湾一路1号A栋201室(入驻深圳市前海商务秘书有限公司)#
000250 国寿投资保险资产管理有限公司 国寿投资保险资产 ChinaLifeInvestmentManagementCompanyLimited 北京市朝阳区景华南街5号17层(14)1703单元 2021-09-16 2021-01-07 银保监会 00000042 受托管理委托人委托的人民币、外币资金,开展另类投资业务;管理运用自有人民币、外币资金;开展债权投资计划、股权投资计划等保险资产管理产品业务;与资产管理相关的咨询业务;中国银保监会批准的其他业务;国务院其他部门批准的业务。 0000106 000250 国寿投资保险资产管理有限公司 北京市朝阳区景华南街5号17层(14)1703单元
000005120110001 中国人寿保险股份有限公司天津市东丽区支公司第一营销服务部 中国人寿保险股份有限公司天津市东丽区支公司第一营销服务部 天津市东丽区福山路-4号 300399 2022-03-04 2003-06-30 天津银保监局 00001989 对营销员开展培训及日常管理;收取营销员代收的保险费、投保单等单证;分发保险公司签发的保险单、保险收据等相关单证;接受客户的咨询、投诉。 0245582 000005120110001 中国人寿保险股份有限公司天津市东丽区支公司第一营销服务部 天津市东丽区福山路-4号
000002150125004 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司武川支公司哈乐镇营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市武川县哈乐镇旧政府对面联通营业厅 010010 2022-03-31 2016-04-08 内蒙古银保监局 00125362 财产损失保险;责任保险;信用保险和保证保险;短期健康保险和意外伤害保险;经保险监督管理机构批准的其他保险业务。 0163976 000002150125004 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司武川支公司哈乐镇营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市武川县哈乐镇旧政府对面联通营业厅
000002150123003 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司和林格尔支公司盛乐镇营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市和林格尔县盛乐镇公喇嘛村新街吴香兰联通收费站 011500 2022-03-31 2015-05-05 内蒙古银保监局 00125370 财产损失保险;责任保险;信用保险和保证保险;短期健康保险和意外伤害保险;经保险监督管理机构批准的其他保险业务。 0163310 000002150123003 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司和林格尔支公司盛乐镇营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市和林格尔县盛乐镇公喇嘛村新街吴香兰联通收费站
000002150121003 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司土默特左旗支公司善岱镇营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市土默特左旗善岱镇大岱村土托西线路西移动营业厅 010100 2022-03-31 2015-05-05 内蒙古银保监局 00125378 财产损失保险;责任保险;信用保险和保证保险;短期健康保险和意外伤害保险;经保险监督管理机构批准的其他保险业务。 0163305 000002150121003 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司土默特左旗支公司善岱镇营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市土默特左旗善岱镇大岱村土托西线路西移动营业厅
000002150104 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司呼和浩特市玉泉支公司 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市玉泉区石西路5号 010010 2022-03-31 2003-07-10 内蒙古银保监局 00125386 财产损失保险;责任保险;信用保险和保证保险;短期健康保险和意外伤害保险;经保险监督管理机构批准的其他保险业务。 0095342 000002150104 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司呼和浩特市分公司玉泉支公司 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市玉泉区呼市玉泉区石西路5号
000002150103 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司呼和浩特市回民支公司 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市回民区中山西路新亚太商厦7楼 010030 2022-03-31 2003-07-10 内蒙古银保监局 00125395 财产损失保险;责任保险;信用保险和保证保险;短期健康保险和意外伤害保险;经保险监督管理机构批准的其他保险业务。 0095333 000002150103 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司呼和浩特市分公司回民支公司 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市回民区呼市回民区中山西路新亚太商厦7楼
000002150102003 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司呼和浩特市新城支公司奋进营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市回民区光明西路内蒙古大商城斜对面一楼102室 010030 2022-03-31 2015-04-09 内蒙古银保监局 00125403 财产损失保险;责任保险;信用保险和保证保险;短期健康保险和意外伤害保险;经保险监督管理机构批准的其他保险业务。 0242565 000002150102003 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司呼和浩特市新城支公司奋进营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市回民区光明西路内蒙古大商城斜对面一楼102室
000002150122001 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司托克托支公司新营子营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市托克托县新营子镇十字路北加油站对面路东30米 010010 2022-03-31 2007-09-24 内蒙古银保监局 00125363 财产损失保险;责任保险;信用保险和保证保险;短期健康保险和意外伤害保险;经保险监督管理机构批准的其他保险业务。 0242724 000002150122001 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司托克托支公司新营子营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市托克托县新营子镇十字路北加油站对面路东30米
000002150124 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司清水河支公司 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市清水河县城关镇绿玉朝小区1号商业楼9号商铺 010010 2022-03-31 2003-07-10 内蒙古银保监局 00125371 财产损失保险;责任保险;信用保险和保证保险;短期健康保险和意外伤害保险;经保险监督管理机构批准的其他保险业务。 0253439 000002150124 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司清水河支公司 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市清水河县城关镇绿玉朝小区1号商业楼9号商铺
000002150121004 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司土默特左旗支公司只几梁乡营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市土默特左旗只几梁乡站村110国道北刑警四中队门口 010100 2022-03-31 2015-05-05 内蒙古银保监局 00125379 财产损失保险;责任保险;信用保险和保证保险;短期健康保险和意外伤害保险;经保险监督管理机构批准的其他保险业务。 0163306 000002150121004 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司土默特左旗支公司只几梁乡营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市土默特左旗只几梁乡站村110国道北刑警四中队门口
000002150103003 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司呼和浩特市回民支公司东苑营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市回民区内蒙古车虎汽车销售服务有限公司(国通物流园内)400号房屋 010030 2022-03-31 2015-04-23 内蒙古银保监局 00125387 财产损失保险;责任保险;信用保险和保证保险;短期健康保险和意外伤害保险;经保险监督管理机构批准的其他保险业务 0230811 000002150103003 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司呼和浩特市回民支公司东苑营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市回民区内蒙古车虎汽车销售服务有限公司(国通物流园内)400号房屋
000233120103001 北京人寿保险股份有限公司天津市河西营销服务部 北京人寿天津市河西营销服务部 天津市河西区增进道28号33层01、02单元 2022-03-04 2020-12-18 天津银保监局 00001958 普通型保险(包括人寿保险和年金保险)、健康保险、意外伤害保险、分红型保险、万能型保险;经保险监督管理机构批准,且经总公司授权同意的其他业务。 0269357 000233120103001 北京人寿保险股份有限公司天津市河西营销服务部 天津市河西区增进道28号33层01、02单元
000002150103004 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司呼和浩特市分公司回民支公司中山路营销服务部 人保财险呼和浩特市分公司回民支公司中山路营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市回民区中山西路新亚太商厦7楼 010030 2022-03-31 2015-11-16 内蒙古银保监局 00125396 财产损失保险;责任保险;信用保险和保证保险;短期健康保险和意外伤害保险;经保险监督管理机构批准的其他保险业务。 0163599 000002150103004 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司呼和浩特市分公司回民支公司中山路营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市回民区中山西路新亚太商厦7楼
000002150102004 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司呼和浩特市新城支公司海藤营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市回民区金海大街刀刀板村南同创机械设备市场C区营业厅 010030 2022-03-31 2015-04-09 内蒙古银保监局 00125404 财产损失保险;责任保险;信用保险和保证保险;短期健康保险和意外伤害保险;经保险监督管理机构批准的其他保险业务。 0231035 000002150102004 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司呼和浩特市新城支公司海藤营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市回民区金海大街刀刀板村南同创机械设备市场C区营业厅
000002150122002 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司托克托支公司古城镇营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市托克托县古城镇政府大门北100米王利平门脸 010200 2022-03-31 2015-05-05 内蒙古银保监局 00125364 财产损失保险;责任保险;信用保险和保证保险;短期健康保险和意外伤害保险;经保险监督管理机构批准的其他保险业务。 0163301 000002150122002 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司托克托支公司古城镇营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市托克托县古城镇政府大门北100米王利平门脸
000002150124001 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司清水河支公司王桂夭营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市清水河县王桂夭村 010010 2022-03-31 2007-09-24 内蒙古银保监局 00125372 财产损失保险;责任保险;信用保险和保证保险;短期健康保险和意外伤害保险;经保险监督管理机构批准的其他保险业务。 000002150124001 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司清水河支公司王桂夭营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市清水河县王桂夭村
000002150121002 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司土默特左旗支公司金山营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市土默特左旗金山开发区金山管委会 010100 2022-03-31 2007-09-24 内蒙古银保监局 00125380 财产损失保险;责任保险;信用保险和保证保险;短期健康保险和意外伤害保险;经保险监督管理机构批准的其他保险业务。 0230993 000002150121002 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司土默特左旗支公司金山营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市土默特左旗土左旗金山开发区金山管委会
000002150103005 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司内蒙古自治区分公司呼和浩特市金川开发区营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市回民区西二环路18号内蒙古金海国际五金机电城D座D-04-08、D-04-09、D-04-10、D-04-11 010010 2022-03-31 2013-06-04 内蒙古银保监局 00125388 财产损失保险;责任保险;信用保险和保证保险;短期健康保险和意外伤害保险;经保险监督管理机构批准的其他保险业务 0252976 000002150103005 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司内蒙古自治区分公司呼和浩特市金川开发区营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市回民区西二环路18号内蒙古金海国际五金机电城D座D-04-08、D-04-09、D-04-10、D-04-11
000002150105002 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司呼和浩特市赛罕支公司富瑞营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市玉泉区南二环华美汽配城二期十七栋M22-23-24 010010 2022-03-31 2015-03-18 内蒙古银保监局 00125397 财产损失保险;责任保险;信用保险和保证保险;短期健康保险和意外伤害保险;经保险监督管理机构批准的其他保险业务。 0165276 000002150105002 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司呼和浩特市赛罕支公司富瑞营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市呼和浩特市玉泉区南二环华美汽配城二期十七栋M22-23-24
000002150102002 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司呼和浩特市分公司非车险营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市新城区北街49号保险大厦 010010 2022-03-31 2005-10-11 内蒙古银保监局 00125405 财产损失保险;责任保险;信用保险和保证保险;短期健康保险和意外伤害保险;经保险监督管理机构批准的其他保险业务。 0253223 000002150102002 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司呼和浩特市分公司非车险营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市新城区北街49号保险大厦
000002150122004 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司托克托支公司五申镇营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市托克托县五申镇农村信用社对面路西10米 010200 2022-03-31 2015-05-05 内蒙古银保监局 00125365 财产损失保险;责任保险;信用保险和保证保险;短期健康保险和意外伤害保险;经保险监督管理机构批准的其他保险业务。 0242716 000002150122004 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司托克托支公司五申镇营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市托克托县五申镇农村信用社对面路西10米
000002150105001 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司呼和浩特市赛罕支公司金河营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市赛罕区金河镇格尔图村一层103号 010070 2022-03-31 2015-03-18 内蒙古银保监局 00125373 财产损失保险;责任保险;信用保险和保证保险;短期健康保险和意外伤害保险;经保险监督管理机构批准的其他保险业务。 0097826 000002150105001 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司呼和浩特市赛罕支公司金河营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市赛罕区金河镇格尔图村一层103号房屋
000005120114006 中国人寿保险股份有限公司天津市武清区支公司河西务营销服务部 河西务营销部 HexiwuMarketingDepartmentofChinalifeInsuranceCompanyLimitedTianjin-WuqingBranch 天津市武清区河西务镇京津公路东侧 301714 2022-03-04 2003-06-30 天津银保监局 00001966 对营销员开展培训及日常管理;分发保险公司签发的保险单、保险收据等相关单证;接受客户的咨询、投诉。 0245595 000005120114006 中国人寿保险股份有限公司天津市武清区支公司河西务营销服务部 天津市武清区河西务镇京津公路东侧
000002150122 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司托克托支公司 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市托克托县城关镇新建中路87号 010010 2022-03-31 2003-07-10 内蒙古银保监局 00125381 财产损失保险;责任保险;信用保险和保证保险;短期健康保险和意外伤害保险;经保险监督管理机构批准的其他保险业务。 0095340 000002150122 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司托克托支公司 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市托克托县托县城关镇新建中路87号
000002150105 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司呼和浩特市赛罕支公司 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市赛罕区新华东街26号万达广场商业综合体楼7层B座701室,702室,703室,704室,705室,713室 010020 2022-03-31 2003-07-10 内蒙古银保监局 00125389 财产损失保险;责任保险;信用保险和保证保险;短期健康保险和意外伤害保险;经保险监督管理机构批准的其他保险业务。 0272893 000002150105 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司呼和浩特市赛罕支公司 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市赛罕区新华东街26号万达广场商业综合体楼7层B座701室,702室,703室,704室,705室,713室
000002150105006 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司呼和浩特市赛罕支公司绿房子营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市回民区安居就业小区10号楼9单元18号门脸房 010030 2022-03-31 2015-04-23 内蒙古银保监局 00125398 财产损失保险;责任保险;信用保险和保证保险;短期健康保险和意外伤害保险;经保险监督管理机构批准的其他保险业务 0165491 000002150105006 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司呼和浩特市赛罕支公司绿房子营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市回民区安居就业小区10号楼9单元18号门脸房
000002150124002 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司清水河支公司北堡乡营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市清水河县北堡乡阳湾村客运站对面门脸房 011600 2022-03-31 2015-05-05 内蒙古银保监局 00125406 财产损失保险;责任保险;信用保险和保证保险;短期健康保险和意外伤害保险;经保险监督管理机构批准的其他保险业务。 0163307 000002150124002 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司清水河支公司北堡乡营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市清水河县北堡乡阳湾村客运站对面门脸房
000002150125001 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司武川支公司营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市武川县耗赖山乡耗赖山村加油站北100米 010010 2022-03-31 2007-09-24 内蒙古银保监局 00125358 财产损失保险;责任保险;信用保险和保证保险;短期健康保险和意外伤害保险;经保险监督管理机构批准的其他保险业务。 0253438 000002150125001 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司武川支公司营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市武川县耗赖山乡耗赖山村加油站北100米
000002150123 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司和林格尔支公司 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市和林格尔县盛乐南街路西 011500 2022-03-31 2003-07-10 内蒙古银保监局 00125366 财产损失保险;责任保险;信用保险和保证保险;短期健康保险和意外伤害保险;经保险监督管理机构批准的其他保险业务。 0097374 000002150123 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司和林格尔支公司 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市和林格尔县盛乐南街路西
000002150102800 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司呼和浩特市分公司青城营业部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市新城区哲里木路天骄年华小区20号综合楼三楼北区 010010 2022-03-31 2003-07-10 内蒙古银保监局 00125374 财产损失保险;责任保险;信用保险和保证保险;短期健康保险和意外伤害保险;经保险监督管理机构批准的其他保险业务。 0242730 000002150102800 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司呼和浩特市分公司青城营业部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市新城区哲里木路天骄年华小区20号综合楼三楼北区
000002150122003 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司托克托支公司燕山营乡营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市托克托县工业园区金隆大道与S103线交汇处丁字路东10米 010200 2022-03-31 2015-05-05 内蒙古银保监局 00125382 财产损失保险;责任保险;信用保险和保证保险;短期健康保险和意外伤害保险;经保险监督管理机构批准的其他保险业务。 0242723 000002150122003 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司托克托支公司燕山营乡营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市托克托县工业园区金隆大道与S103线交汇处丁字路东10米
000002150105005 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司呼和浩特市赛罕支公司大台营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市赛罕区黄合少镇南地村农村信用社往南第四家 010020 2022-03-31 2015-04-23 内蒙古银保监局 00125390 财产损失保险;责任保险;信用保险和保证保险;短期健康保险和意外伤害保险;经保险监督管理机构批准的其他保险业务 0164688 000002150105005 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司呼和浩特市赛罕支公司大台营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市赛罕区黄合少镇南地村农村信用社往南第四家
000002150105004 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司呼和浩特市新城支公司新希望营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市赛罕区如意工业园区远五路北万通路东伊泰华府世家2号楼A座1楼 010010 2022-03-31 2015-03-18 内蒙古银保监局 00125399 财产损失保险;责任保险;信用保险和保证保险;短期健康保险和意外伤害保险;经保险监督管理机构批准的其他保险业务。 0165312 000002150105004 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司呼和浩特市新城支公司新希望营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市赛罕区如意工业园区远五路北万通路东伊泰华府世家2号楼A座1楼
000005120221005 中国人寿保险股份有限公司天津市宁河区支公司俵口乡营销服务部 中国人寿宁河区俵口乡营销服务部 天津市宁河区俵口乡解放村 301500 2022-03-04 2003-06-30 天津银保监局 00001974 对营销员开展培训及日常管理;收取营销员代收的保险费、投保单等单证;分发保险公司签发的保险单、保险收据等相关单证;接受客户的咨询、投诉。 0005244 000005120221005 中国人寿保险股份有限公司天津市宁河区支公司俵口乡营销服务部 天津市宁河区俵口乡解放村
000002150124003 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司清水河支公司窑沟乡营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市清水河县窑沟乡派出所北50米门脸房 011600 2022-03-31 2015-05-05 内蒙古银保监局 00125407 财产损失保险;责任保险;信用保险和保证保险;短期健康保险和意外伤害保险;经保险监督管理机构批准的其他保险业务。 0163312 000002150124003 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司清水河支公司窑沟乡营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市清水河县窑沟乡派出所北50米门脸房
000017150121 中国平安财产保险股份有限公司土默特左旗支公司 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市土默特左旗察素齐镇呼包路北高速公路出口西金方大厦12号 010100 2022-03-30 2011-05-31 内蒙古银保监局 00125324 财产损失保险;责任保险;信用保险和保证保险;短期健康保险和意外伤害保险;经保险监督管理机构批准的其他保险业务。 0097437 000017150121 中国平安财产保险股份有限公司土默特左旗支公司 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市土默特左旗察素齐镇呼包路北高速公路出口西金方大厦12号
000005150122006 中国人寿保险股份有限公司托克托县支公司五申镇营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市托克托县五申镇莎凉路 010200 2022-03-30 2008-04-07 内蒙古银保监局 00125332 人寿保险、健康保险、意外伤害保险等各类人身保险业务;经营上级机构在保险监督管理机构批准业务范围内授权的其他业务。 0253285 000005150122006 中国人寿保险股份有限公司托克托县支公司五申镇营销服务部 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市托克托县五申镇莎凉路

Information table on out-of-control outlets of Chinese insurance institutions

Organization Code Organization name Abbreviation Institutional Residence Postal code Certification date Approval Date Issuing authority Serial number Business Scope Cause of loss of control Date of loss of control English name
000142210800 国任财产保险股份有限公司营口中心支公司 国任保险营口中心支公司 辽宁省营口市鲅鱼圈区港生活区01-港5#楼-4#门市 115000 2018-05-10 2012-09-18 辽宁银保监局 0193284 财产损失保险;责任保险;信用保险和保证保险;短期健康保险和意外伤害保险;上述业务的再保险业务;中国保监会批准并经总公司授权的其他业务。 遗失 2022-06-09
000002610522 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司潼关支公司 人保财险潼关支公司 陕西省渭南市潼关县开发区兴龙街西十字 714300 2009-09-07 2003-06-30 陕西银保监局 0075642 财产保险、责任保险、信用保险(出口信用险除外)、货物运输保险、意外伤害保险、短期健康保险、保证保险等保险业务,经保监局批准的其他保险业务 遗失 2022-06-07 \
000002620502005 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司天水市秦州区五里铺营销服务部 人保财险天水分公司五里铺营销服务部 甘肃省天水市秦州区五里铺 741000 2012-06-26 1996-05-10 甘肃银保监局 0078862 财产损失险、责任保险、信用保险、意外伤害保险、短期健康保险、保证保险等人民币或外币保险业务;与上述业务相关的再保险业务;国家法律法规规定的或国家保险监管机构批准的其他业务。 遗失 2022-06-02
000002411082001 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司长葛支公司八七路营销服务部 人保财险长葛支公司八七路营销服务部 河南省许昌市长葛市八七路134号 461400 2007-08-01 2003-06-30 河南银保监局 对营销员开展培训及日常管理,收取营销员代收的保险费、投保单等单证;分发保险公司签发的保险单、保险收据等相关单证;接受客户咨询和投诉;经保险公司核保,营销服务部可以打印保单。# 遗失 2022-06-01
000002410721003 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司新乡支公司古固寨镇营销服务部 人保财险新乡支公司古固寨镇营销服务部 河南省新乡市新乡县新长线古固寨段259号附1号 453000 2015-11-26 2007-05-11 河南银保监局 0145993 对营销员开展培训及日常管理;收取营销员代收的保险费、投保单等单证;分发保险公司签发的保险单、保险收据等相关单证;接受客户咨询和投诉;经保险公司核保,营销服务部可以打印保单。 遗失 2022-06-01
000020120110002 泰康人寿保险有限责任公司天津军粮城营销服务部 泰康人寿天津军粮城营销服务部 天津市东丽区广福商业中心2-111、112 300301 2017-10-24 2008-05-08 天津银保监局 0005352 对营销员开展培训及日常管理;收取营销员代收的保险费、投保单等单证;分发保险公司签发的保险单、保险收据等相关单证;接受客户的咨询、投诉。 遗失 2022-05-31 TAIKANGLIFEINSURANCECo.,Ltd.TIANJINJUNLIANGCHENGAGENTSADMINISTRATIONSECTION
000002210124 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司法库支公司 人保财险法库支公司 辽宁省沈阳市法库县法库镇正阳街兴法路207号 110003 2007-08-01 2003-06-23 辽宁银保监局 财产损失保险、责任保险、信用保险、意外伤害保险、短期健康保险、保证保险、等人民币或外币保险业务;与上述业务相关的再保险业务;各类财产保险、意外伤害保险、短期健康保险及其再保险的服务与咨询业务;代理保险机构办理有关业务;国家法律法规规定的或国家保险监管机构批准的其他业务。 遗失 2022-05-31
000005510113 中国人寿保险股份有限公司成都市青白江区支公司 中国人寿成都市青白江区支公司 四川省成都市青白江区安居路4号 610300 2021-11-03 2003-06-30 四川银保监局 00088143 人寿保险、健康保险、意外伤害保险等各类保险业务;各类人身保险服务、咨询和代理业务;经营上级机构在银行保险监督管理机构批准业务范围内授权的其他业务。 遗失 2022-05-31
000093360725 阳光财产保险股份有限公司赣州中心支公司崇义支公司 阳光财产保险崇义支公司 江西省赣州市崇义县阳岭大道(瑞丰小区E栋) 341000 2016-01-27 2016-01-07 江西银保监局 0167302 财产损失保险;责任保险;信用保险和保证保险;短期健康保险和意外伤害保险;上述业务的再保险业务;经中国保监会批准的其他业务 遗失 2022-05-27
000005430321016 中国人寿保险股份有限公司湘潭支公司青山营销服务部 中国人寿湘潭支公司青山营销服务部 湖南省湘潭市湘潭县青山桥镇 411100 2009-07-03 2003-06-30 湖南银保监局 0066282 1、对营销员开展培训及日常管理;2、收取营销员代收的投保单等单证;3、分发保险公司签发的保险单、保险收据等相关单证;4、接收客户的咨询和投诉;5、经公司授权,可以从事部分险种的查勘理赔。 遗失 2022-05-27
000005430321006 中国人寿保险股份有限公司湘潭支公司易俗河营销服务部 中国人寿湘潭支公司易俗河营销服务部 湖南省湘潭市湘潭县易俗河镇 411100 2007-12-29 2003-06-30 湖南银保监局 0067190 对营销员开展培训及日常管理;收取营销员代收的保险费、投保单等单证;分发保险公司签发的保险单、保险收据等相关单证;接受客户的咨询、投诉;经保险公司授权,可以从事部分险种的查勘理赔。 遗失 2022-05-27
000005430321010 中国人寿保险股份有限公司湘潭支公司中路铺营销服务部 中国人寿湘潭支公司中路铺营销服务部 湖南省湘潭市湘潭县中路铺镇 411100 2009-07-03 2003-06-30 湖南银保监局 0066281 1、对营销员开展培训及日常管理;2、收取营销员代收的投保单等单证;3、分发保险公司签发的保险单、保险收据等相关单证;4、接收客户的咨询和投诉;5、经公司授权,可以从事部分险种的查勘理赔。 遗失 2022-05-27
000127210811 阳光人寿保险股份有限公司老边支公司 阳光人寿老边支公司 辽宁省营口市老边区龙山大街62号1楼101室 115100 2020-08-21 2011-10-26 营口银保监分局 0252648 人身保险、健康保险、意外伤害保险等各类人身保险业务;上述业务的再保险业务;经中国银保监会批准的其他业务。 遗失 2022-05-26
000152320982 利安人寿保险股份有限公司盐城分公司大丰支公司 利安人寿盐城分公司大丰支公司 江苏省盐城市大丰市人民北路东侧人防大厦1幢601室 224100 2012-05-23 2012-05-23 江苏银保监局 0123882 人寿保险、健康保险、意外伤害保险等各类人身保险业务 遗失 2022-05-25 LIANLIFEINSURANCECO.,LTDYANCHENGBRANCH
000005430122001 中国人寿保险股份有限公司望城支公司白若营销服务部 望城支公司白若营销服务部 湖南省长沙市望城县雷锋镇 410200 2007-08-01 2003-06-30 湖南银保监局 0067801 对营销员开展培训及日常管理;收取营销员代收的保险费、投保单等单证;分发保险公司签发的保险单、保险收据等相关单证;接受客户的咨询、投诉;经保险公司授权,可以从事部分险种的查勘理赔。 遗失 2022-05-24
000195150823 中原农业保险股份有限公司乌拉特前旗支公司 中原农险乌拉特前旗支公司 内蒙古巴彦淖尔市乌拉特前旗乌拉山镇西山咀农场丽馨家园小区5号商业楼8号底店 2022-03-10 2020-01-13 巴彦淖尔银保监分局 00127042 财产损失保险、责任保险、短期健康保险和意外伤害保险、信用保险和保证保险,其中农业保险及其他涉农保险保费收入总和占全部保费收入的比例不低于60%;上述业务的再保险业务;国家法律、法规允许的资金运用业务;经保险监督管理机构批准的其他业务。 遗失 2022-05-20
000048210281801 中荷人寿保险有限公司大连分公司复州城营销服务部 中荷人寿大连复州城营销服务部 大连市瓦房店市复州城镇新城街41号 116314 2018-09-30 2006-11-22 大连银保监局 0090204 对营销员开展培训及日常管理,收取营销员代收的保费,投保单等单证;分发保险公司签发的保险单、保险收据等相关单证;接受客户的咨询和投诉*** 遗失 2022-05-18
000091411700 信泰人寿保险股份有限公司驻马店中心支公司 信泰人寿驻马店中支 河南省驻马店市驻马店市雪松大道西段北侧和谐小区1号楼(南楼)1至2层01-0207、1至2层01-0208、1至2层01-0209、1至2层01-0210、1至2层01-0211、1至2层01-0212、1至2层01-0213、1至2层01-0214、1至2层01-0215 463000 2017-09-08 2008-11-19 河南银保监局 0196030 人寿保险、健康保险、意外伤害保险各类人身保险业务;经中国保监会批准的其他业务。 遗失 2022-05-17
000002411726 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司泌阳支公司 人保财险泌阳支公司 河南省驻马店市泌阳县迎宾路北段东侧 463700 2007-08-01 2003-06-30 河南银保监局 由中国人民财产保险股份有限公司河南省分公司授权决定 遗失 2022-05-17
000017654322 中国平安财产保险股份有限公司富蕴支公司 平安产险富蕴支公司 新疆维吾尔自治区阿勒泰地区富蕴县四区迎宾西路21号122栋写字楼601号 836100 2021-11-10 2012-04-27 阿勒泰银保监分局 00134222 许可该机构经营中国银行保险监督管理委员会依照有关法律、行政法规和其他规定批准的业务,业务范围以批准文件所列的为准。 遗失 2022-05-16
000005210100001 中国人寿保险股份有限公司法库县支公司登仕堡营销服务部 中国人寿登仕堡营销服务部 辽宁省沈阳市法库县吉祥街道办事处晓东街16号2层206号 110400 2018-12-19 2009-09-29 辽宁银保监局 0193678 对营销员开展培训及日常管理;分发保险公司签发的保险单、保险收据等相关单证;接受客户的咨询、投诉。 遗失 2022-05-11
000005210124005 中国人寿保险股份有限公司法库县支公司卧牛石营销服务部 中国人寿卧牛石营销服务部 辽宁省沈阳市法库县卧牛石乡# 110014 2007-08-01 2004-06-22 辽宁银保监局 对营销员开展培训及日常管理;分发保险公司签发的保险单、保险收据等相关单证;接受客户的咨询、投诉。# 遗失 2022-05-11
000074430223001 合众人寿保险股份有限公司株洲中心支公司攸县营销服务部 湖南省株洲市攸县联星街道永佳社区进站路张外生私房1、2楼 412300 2021-10-15 2008-03-25 株洲银保监分局 00068357 由上级公司授权决定。 遗失 2022-04-29
000017210204001 中国平安财产保险股份有限公司大连分公司辰熙营销服务部 平安产险大连辰熙营销服务部 大连市沙河口区中山路682号辰熙大厦5层(526-527) 116031 2007-07-01 2011-01-30 大连银保监局 个人消费信贷保证保险;企业财产损失保险、家庭财产损失保险、短期健康保险、意外伤害保险、建筑工程保险、安装工程保险、货物运输险、机动车辆保险、船舶保险、能源保险、法定责任保险、一般责任保险、保证保险、信用保险、种植保险、养殖保险以及经中国保险监督管理委员会批准的其他业务。 遗失 2022-04-29
000017210201003 中国平安财产保险股份有限公司大连分公司金马营销服务部 金马营销服务部 大连市经济技术开发区金马路128号祐玛国际金融中心[10]层[06]号 116100 2007-07-01 2010-09-08 大连银保监局 0089362 个人消费信贷保证保险;企业财产损失保险、家庭财产损失保险、短期健康保险、意外伤害保险、建筑工程保险、安装工程保险、货物运输险、机动车辆保险、船舶保险、能源保险、法定责任保险、一般责任保险、保证保险、信用保险、种植保险、养殖保险以及经中国保险监督管理委员会批准的其他业务。 遗失 2022-04-29
000018210204800 中国平安人寿保险股份有限公司大连市嘉兴支公司 平安人寿大连市嘉兴支公司 大连市沙河口区黄河路620号20层整层。 116021 2021-03-10 2011-01-18 大连银保监局 0249538 对营销员开展培训及日常管理;收取营销员代收的保险费、投保单等单证;分发保险公司签发的保险单、保险收据等相关单证;接受客户的咨询和投诉;经保险公司核保,支公司可以打印保单;经保险公司授权,支公司可以从事现行开办险种的查勘理赔 遗失 2022-04-27
000074420106002 合众人寿保险股份有限公司湖北分公司江南第二营销服务部 湖北省武汉市武昌区武珞路456号新时代商务中心主楼32层8号 430080 2021-09-10 2005-06-23 湖北银保监局 00061752 在武汉市行政辖区内开展以下业务人寿保险、健康保险、意外伤害保险等各类人身保险业务;经保险监督管理机构批准的其他业务。 遗失 2022-04-22
000020410883002 泰康人寿保险有限责任公司河南焦作南庄营销服务部 泰康人寿焦作中支南庄服务部 河南省焦作市孟州市南庄镇南庄三村商贸大道7号 454600 2018-09-30 2009-09-25 河南银保监局 0197008 对营销员开展培训及日常管理;收取营销员代收的保险费、投保单等单证;分发保险公司签发的保险单、保险收据等相关单证;接受客户咨询、投诉;经公司授权,从事部分险种的查勘理赔。 遗失 2022-04-22
000020411025002 泰康人寿保险有限责任公司河南许昌范湖营销服务部 许昌中支范湖服务部 河南省许昌市襄城县范湖乡政府对面 452600 2016-12-27 2008-04-01 河南银保监局 0147106 对营销员开展培训及日常管理;收取营销员代收的保险费、投保单等单证;分发保险公司签发的保险单、保险收据等相关单证;接受客户咨询、投诉;经公司授权,从事部分险种的查勘理赔。 遗失 2022-04-22
000002411082003 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司长葛支公司大周镇营销服务部 人保财险长葛支公司大周镇营销服务部 河南省许昌市长葛市大周镇红绿灯向南20米路西 461400 2009-05-07 2006-05-31 河南银保监局 0058284 对营销员开展培训及日常管理,收取营销员代收的保险费、投保单等单证;分发保险公司签发的保险单、保险收据等相关单证;接受客户咨询和投诉;经保险公司核保,营销服务部可以打印保单。# 遗失 2022-04-22
000002411681008 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司项城支公司秣陵营销服务部 人保财险项城支公司秣陵营销服务部 河南省周口市项城市秣陵镇S217省道政府便民服务大厅对面 466200 2019-06-17 2007-05-23 河南银保监局 0234894 对营销员开展培训及日常管理;收取营销员代收的保险费、投保单等单证;分发保险公司签发的保险单、保险收据等相关单证;接受客户咨询和投诉;经公司核保,营销服务部可以打印保单 遗失 2022-04-22 .
000010441900800 中国大地财产保险股份有限公司东莞分公司樟木头支公司 大地财险东莞樟木头支公司 广东省东莞市樟木头镇金薇花园3号首层 523007 2021-07-28 2015-05-11 东莞银保监分局 00071262 企业财产损失保险、家庭财产损失保险、建筑工程保险、安装工程保险、货物运输保险、机动车辆保险、船舶保险、飞机保险、航天保险、核电站保险、能源保险、法定责任保险、一般责任保险、保证保险、信用保险、种植业保险、养殖业保险、短期健康保险、意外伤害保险;经中国银保监会批准的其他业务。 遗失 2022-04-21
000014370982001 中国太平洋财产保险股份有限公司泰安中心支公司新汶营销服务部 太平洋产险泰安新汶营销服务部 山东省泰安市新泰市泰安新泰市新汶办事处新建二路中段路北 271219 2015-11-25 2011-03-15 山东银保监局 0150389 在泰安新泰市经营企业财产损失保险;家庭财产损失保险;建筑工程保险;安装工程保险;货物运输保险;机动车辆保险;船舶保险;能源保险;一般责任保险;保证保险;信用保险;短期健康保险;意外伤害保险;与中国太平洋人寿保险股份有限公司分支机构建立代理关系和业务往来关系;经中国保监会批准的其他财产保险业务。 遗失 2022-04-19 ChinaPacificPropertyInsuranceCo.,Ltd.TaianXinwenMarketingServiceDepartment
000014370982 中国太平洋财产保险股份有限公司新泰支公司 新泰太保产险 山东省泰安市新泰市泰安新泰市开发区顺达路公岭村回迁拐角门头房 271000 2018-11-21 2004-02-02 山东银保监局 0211155 在泰安新泰市经营企业财产损失保险;家庭财产损失保险;建筑工程保险;安装工程保险;货物运输保险;机动车辆保险;船舶保险;能源保险;一般责任保险;保证保险;信用保险;短期健康保险;意外伤害保险;与中国太平洋人寿保险股份有限公司分支机构建立代理关系和业务往来关系;经中国保监会批准的其他财产保险业务。 遗失 2022-04-19 CHINAPACIFICPROPERTYINSURANCECO.,LTD.XINTAI
000086440608001 华夏人寿保险股份有限公司高明营销服务部 华夏保险高明营服 广东省佛山市高明区荷城街道文昌路83号3层305、306、307、308室 528500 2021-11-17 2016-03-23 广东银保监局 00074199 人身险。 遗失 2022-04-11
000185410106 燕赵财产保险股份有限公司上街支公司 燕赵财险上街支公司 河南省郑州市上街区中心路55号院33幢4层1单元411号 2020-12-25 2020-12-23 河南银保监局 0254477 机动车保险(包括机动车交通事故责任强制保险和机动车商业保险);企业/家庭财产保险及工程保险(特殊风险保险除外);责任保险;船舶/货运保险;短期健康/意外伤害保险;经中国银行保险监督管理委员会批准的其他业务。 遗失 2022-04-07
000002410102003 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司郑州市分公司五龙口营销服务部 人保财险郑州市分公司五龙口营销服务部 河南省郑州市中原区桐柏北路100号院14号楼1层04号 450000 2014-10-31 2006-08-28 河南银保监局 0115084 对营销员开展业务培训及日常管理,收取营销员代收的保费、投保单等单证;分发保险公司签发的保险单、保险收据等相关单证;接受客户咨询和投诉;经公司核保,营销服务部可以打印保单。 遗失 2022-04-07
000005361021061 中国人寿保险股份有限公司南城县支公司天井源营销服务部 中国人寿保险股份有限公司南城县支公司天井源营销服务部 江西省抚州市南城县天井源乡胜利路127号 344700 2018-08-09 2008-08-18 江西银保监局 0168466 对业务员开展培训及日常管理,收取营销员代收的保险单,投保单等单证,分发保险公司签发的保险单,保险收据等相关单证,接受客户咨询投诉。 遗失 2022-04-06
000010620105 中国大地财产保险股份有限公司安宁区支公司 中国大地保险安宁区支公司 甘肃省兰州市安宁区安宁西路加莱印象5栋16层(16、17、18号房) 730070 2013-08-08 2013-07-08 甘肃银保监局 0080848 企业财产损失保险、家庭财产损失保险、建筑工程保险、安装工程保险、货物运输保险、机动车辆保险、船舶保险、飞机保险、航天保险、核电站保险、能源保险、法定责任保险、一般责任保险、保证保险、信用保险、种植业保险、养殖业保险、短期健康保险、意外伤害保险等 遗失 2022-04-02
000002210211004 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司大连市甘井子支公司华南广场营销服务部 人保财险大连市甘井子支公司华南广场营销服务部 大连市甘井子区西北路872号亿丰汽车城C区1005-1006号 116400 2015-10-12 2015-09-24 大连银保监局 0089922 由中国人民财产保险股份有限公司大连市分公司在核准的范围内授权决定 遗失 2022-04-02

China Insurance Institution Outlet Exit Information Form

Organization Code Organization name Institutional Residence Postal code Certification date Approval Date Issuing authority Serial number Business Scope Exit date Abbreviation English name
000015320922006 China Pacific Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Yancheng Central Branch Binhai County Yujian Marketing Service Department Room 513, fifth floor, No. 15 Commercial and Residential Building, No. 16 Commercial Office, Ludu Jiayuan, east of Jinghu Road, Binhai County, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province. 320922 2021-12-16 2002-09-09 Yancheng Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission Branch 00022319 The institution is allowed to operate the business approved by the insurance regulatory agency in accordance with relevant laws, administrative regulations and other provisions. The business scope shall be as listed in the approval document and the authorization document of the superior management unit. 2022-06-12
000242430903003 Chaoyang Marketing Service Department, Yiyang Central Branch, Hunan Branch of DaJia Property Insurance Co., Ltd. 4008, 4th Floor, Jinhai Building, Haitang West Road, High-tech Zone, Yiyang City, Hunan Province 2021-12-16 2020-01-22 Yiyang Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission Branch 00066563 Property damage insurance; liability insurance; credit insurance and guarantee insurance; short-term health insurance and accidental injury insurance; reinsurance business for the above businesses; insurance fund utilization business permitted by national laws and regulations; other businesses approved by the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission. 2022-06-10
000242430903002 Heshan Marketing Service Department, Yiyang Central Branch, Hunan Branch of JiaJia Property Insurance Co., Ltd. Room 403, 4th Floor, Jinhai Building, Haitang West Road, High-tech Zone, Yiyang City, Hunan Province 2021-12-16 2020-01-22 Yiyang Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission Branch 00066561 Property damage insurance; liability insurance; credit insurance and guarantee insurance; short-term health insurance and accidental injury insurance; reinsurance business for the above businesses; insurance fund utilization business permitted by national laws and regulations; other businesses approved by the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission. 2022-06-10
000242430903001 New Car Marketing Service Department, Yiyang Central Branch, Hunan Branch of DaJia Property Insurance Co., Ltd. Room 402, 4th Floor, Jinhai Building, Haitang West Road, High-tech Zone, Yiyang City, Hunan Province 2021-12-16 2020-01-22 Yiyang Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission Branch 00066562 Property damage insurance; liability insurance; credit insurance and guarantee insurance; short-term health insurance and accidental injury insurance; reinsurance business for the above businesses; insurance fund utilization business permitted by national laws and regulations; other businesses approved by the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission. 2022-06-10
000242450722001 Qinbei District Marketing Service Department of Qinzhou Central Branch of Dajia Property Insurance Co., Ltd. Room 1715, Building 10, Jiangbin Haoyuan, No. 268 Xinhua Road, Qinbei District, Qinzhou City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 535300 2021-08-05 2020-02-03 Qinzhou Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission Branch 00078502 Carry out training and daily management for salesmen; collect insurance premiums, insurance policies and other documents collected by salesmen; distribute insurance policies, insurance receipts and other relevant documents issued by insurance companies; receive inquiries and complaints from customers; For company underwriting, the marketing service department can print insurance policies; with authorization from the company, the marketing service department can engage in investigation and claim settlement of corporate property insurance, motor vehicle insurance, freight insurance, home property insurance, credit and liability insurance, accident insurance, health insurance and other insurance types. (Projects that require approval according to law can only be carried out with approval from relevant departments.) 2022-06-10 DaJia Property & Casualty Insurance Qinzhou Zhongzhi Qinbei District Marketing Service Department
000076330825 Huatai Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Branch Longyou Branch No. 17, 17-1, 19, 19-1, Qingying Road, Longzhou Street, Longyou County, Quzhou City, Zhejiang Province 324400 2019-04-30 2008-12-26 Zhejiang Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau 0232715 Operates various personal insurance businesses such as life insurance, health insurance, accident insurance, and other businesses approved by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission. 2022-06-10 Huatai Life Insurance Zhejiang Branch Longyou Branch
000076330723 Wuyi Branch, Zhejiang Branch of Huatai Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Room 501, 5th Floor, Jintian Building, No. 126 Hushanxia Street, Wuyi County, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province 321200 2014-12-12 2008-12-26 Zhejiang Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau 0144326 Operates various personal insurance businesses such as life insurance, health insurance, accident insurance, and other businesses approved by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission. 2022-06-10 Huatai Life Insurance Zhejiang Branch Wuyi Branch
000020610926801 Taikang Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Shaanxi Ankang Lao County Sales Department No. 1440, Xinzheng Street, Pingli County, Ankang City, Shaanxi Province 725500 2016-12-08 2008-11-27 Shaanxi Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau 0138648 Individual accident insurance; individual term death insurance; individual endowment insurance; individual whole life insurance; individual annuity insurance; individual short-term health insurance; individual long-term health insurance; group bodily injury insurance; group term life insurance; group whole life insurance ;Group annuity insurance;Group short-term health insurance;Group long-term health insurance;Other personal insurance business approved by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission. 2022-06-10 Taikang Life Ankang County Sales Department
000068451200 Yongcheng Property Insurance Co., Ltd. Hechi Center Branch No. 18, Baiwang Road, Jinchengjiang District, Hechi City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 547000 2021-07-22 2009-03-23 Hechi Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission Branch 00079106 Property damage insurance, liability insurance, credit insurance and guarantee insurance, short-term health insurance and accidental injury insurance; other businesses approved by the insurance regulatory agency. 2022-06-10 Yongcheng Insurance Hechizhong Branch ALLTRUSTINSURANCECOMPANYOFCHINALIMITEDHECHIBRANCH
000068341521 Shou County Marketing Service Department, Huainan Central Branch of Yongcheng Property Insurance Co., Ltd. Shops No. 301, 302 and 303 on the 3rd floor of Building 23 in Yaohai Comprehensive Market, Shouxian County, Huainan City 237000 2021-12-06 2016-07-26 Huainan Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission Branch 00033088 The institution is permitted to operate businesses approved by the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission in accordance with relevant laws, administrative regulations and other provisions. The scope of business shall be subject to the approval documents. 2022-06-10
000030330783001 Dongyang Marketing Service Department, Zhejiang Branch of China-Germany Allianz Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Room 902, East Building, Building C, No. 23, Guangfu East Street, Jiangbei Street, Dongyang City, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province 322100 2018-02-06 2008-04-01 Zhejiang Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau 0179683 1. Carry out training and daily management of salesmen; 2. Collect insurance premiums, insurance policies and other documents collected by salesmen; 3. Distribute insurance policies, insurance receipts and other related documents issued by insurance companies; 4. Accept customer inquiries and complaints 2022-06-10 Sino-German Allianz Dongyang Marketing Service Department
000030330782001 Sino-German Allianz Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Branch Yiwu Marketing Service Department Room 2706, No. 18, Danxi North Road, Choucheng, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province 322000 2015-06-08 2008-06-18 Zhejiang Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau 0144625 1. Carry out training and daily management of salesmen; 2. Collect insurance premiums, insurance policies and other documents collected by salesmen; 3. Distribute insurance policies, insurance receipts and other related documents issued by insurance companies; 4. Accept customer inquiries and complaints 2022-06-10 Sino-German Allianz Yiwu Marketing Service Department
000018330185002 China Ping An Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Branch Linping District Qiaosi Marketing Service Department Room 407, Building 4, No. 18 Boka Road, Qiaosi Street, Linping District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province 311100 2021-12-10 2011-06-28 Zhejiang Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau 00031167 Various personal insurance businesses such as life insurance, health insurance, accident insurance, etc.; operate other businesses authorized by superior agencies within the scope of business approved by the banking and insurance regulatory agencies. 2022-06-10 Ping An Life Insurance Linping District Qiaosi Marketing Service Department
000002230804005 Jiamusi Agricultural Reclamation Marketing Service Department, Heilongjiang Branch of PICC Property & Casualty Co., Ltd. No. 268, Guangfu East Road, Qianjin District, Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province (second floor) 154002 2022-03-18 2003-06-23 Jiamusi Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission Branch 00017764 Decision is authorized by your company's parent company. 2022-06-10
000098130425002 Cheng'an Marketing Service Department of Bohai Property Insurance Co., Ltd. The first house on the north side of Dexinyuanmenkou Road, Fukang South Street, Cheng'an County, Handan City, Hebei Province 056700 2022-03-03 2017-07-13 Handan Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission Branch 00008609 Property damage insurance; liability insurance; credit insurance and guarantee insurance; short-term health insurance and accident insurance; other businesses approved by the insurance regulatory agency. 2022-06-09 Bohai Property & Casualty Insurance Chengan Marketing Service Department
000242429005 Qianjiang Branch of JiaJia Property Insurance Co., Ltd. Yucai Road, Qianjiang City Garden Office, Hubei Province 430000 2021-09-24 2020-06-01 Hubei Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau 00061813 Carry out the following businesses within the administrative jurisdiction of Qianjiang City: property damage insurance; liability insurance, credit insurance and guarantee insurance; short-term health insurance and accidental injury insurance; reinsurance business for the above insurance businesses; other businesses approved by the insurance regulatory agency . 2022-06-09
000096360200 Jingdezhen Central Branch of Dubang Property Insurance Co., Ltd. Store 7-8, Building 6, Lujinchangjiangfu, Xinfeng Road, Changjiang District, Jingdezhen City, Jiangxi Province 333000 2020-09-07 2008-02-26 Jingdezhen Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission Branch 0264819 Property damage insurance, liability insurance, credit insurance and guarantee insurance; short-term health insurance; other businesses approved by the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission. 2022-06-09 Dubang Insurance Jingdezhen Middle Branch
000096331081001 Wenling Marketing Service Department, Taizhou Central Branch of Dubang Property Insurance Co., Ltd. 1F, No. 452, Shuguang East Road, Chengdong Street, Wenling City, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province 317500 2019-08-07 2007-06-25 Zhejiang Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau 0244505 1. Carry out training and daily management of salesmen; 2. Collect insurance premiums, insurance policies and other documents collected by salesmen; 3. Distribute insurance policies, insurance receipts and other related documents issued by insurance companies; 4. Accept customer inquiries and complaints; 5. After underwriting by the company, the marketing service department can print insurance policies; 6. With authorization from the company, the marketing service department engages in investigation and claim settlement of vehicle insurance, property insurance, water insurance, etc. 2022-06-09 Dubon Insurance Wenling Marketing Department
000036110113001 Shunyi Marketing Service Department, Beijing Branch of Sun Life Everbright Life Insurance Co., Ltd. 701,703,705, Floor 7, Building 1, No. 8 Zhanqian Street, Shunyi District, Beijing 101399 2021-07-28 2004-10-13 Beijing Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau 00000895 Decision is authorized by the head office within the approved business scope. 2022-06-09
000102330102 Guohua Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Jianggan Branch Company Room 1501-1, Building 1, Xincheng Times Square, No. 189 Fengqi East Road, Jianggan District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province 310020 2019-07-19 2009-05-08 Zhejiang Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau 0232965 Various personal insurance businesses such as life insurance, health insurance, accident insurance, and other businesses approved by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission. 2022-06-09 Guohua Life Insurance Hangzhou Jianggan Branch Company JiangganSub-branch,GuohualifeInsuranceCo.ltd
000102330326 Guohua Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Wenzhou Pingyang Branch Room 401, No. 72-78, Xinhe Middle Road, Aojiang Town, Pingyang County, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province 325000 2019-06-28 2009-02-23 Zhejiang Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau 0232909 Operates various personal insurance businesses such as life insurance, health insurance, accident insurance, and other businesses approved by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission. 2022-06-09 Guohua Life Pingyang Branch
000102330382 Guohua Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Branch Yueqing Branch Room 1201, Transportation Building, Lecheng Street, Yueqing City, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province 325600 2016-03-09 2016-03-02 Zhejiang Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau 0145263 Life insurance, health insurance, accident insurance and other personal insurance businesses, and other businesses approved by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission 2022-06-09 Guohua Life Lok Clearing Branch Company
000076430112001 Wangcheng Marketing Service Department, Hunan Branch of Huatai Life Insurance Co., Ltd. No. 409, Guoliang Middle Road, Gaotangling Town, Wangcheng District, Changsha City, Hunan Province 410200 2022-04-15 2011-04-01 Hunan Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau 00069972 (1) Various personal insurance businesses such as life insurance, health insurance, and accident insurance; (2) Other businesses approved by the insurance regulatory agency. 2022-06-09
000076330424001 Huatai Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Branch Haiyan Marketing Service Department Room 1006, Building A, Zhaojun Lane, Henglong Plaza, Wuyuan Town, Haiyan County, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province 314300 2017-03-27 2014-03-07 Zhejiang Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau 0179032 Carry out training and daily management of salespersons; collect insurance premiums, insurance policies and other documents collected by salespersons; distribute insurance policies, insurance receipts and other relevant documents issued by insurance companies; accept inquiries and complaints from customers. 2022-06-09 Haitai Life Insurance Zhejiang Branch Haiyan Marketing Service Department
000052131182001 Shenzhen Marketing Service Department, Hebei Branch of Minsheng Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Room A-34, Yulongwan, Shunxing Street, Shenzhou City, Hengshui City, Hebei Province 053800 2022-02-22 2004-09-07 Hengshui Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission Branch 00006307 Individual accident insurance, individual term death insurance, individual endowment insurance, individual whole life insurance, individual annuity insurance, individual short-term health insurance, individual long-term health insurance, group accident insurance, group term life insurance, group whole life insurance, group Annuity insurance, group short-term health insurance, group long-term health insurance, and other businesses approved by the insurance regulatory agency. 2022-06-09 Minsheng Life Insurance Hebei Branch Shenzhen Marketing Service Department
000052370921001 Minsheng Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Tai'an Central Branch Ningyang Marketing Service Department The annex building of the new bus station west of Haili Avenue and north of Xinglong Street, Ningyang County, Tai'an City, Shandong Province 271200 2021-10-20 2007-06-18 Taian Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission Branch 00048543 Operating personal accident insurance, personal term death insurance, personal endowment insurance, personal lifetime insurance, personal annuity insurance, personal short-term health insurance, personal long-term health insurance, group accidental injury, group term life insurance in Ningyang County, Tai'an City , group lifetime insurance, group annuity insurance, group short-term health insurance, group long-term health insurance, and other personal insurance businesses approved by the insurance regulatory agency. 2022-06-09 Minsheng Life Insurance Ningyang Marketing Service Department
000052370725 Minsheng Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Weifang Changle Branch Building 1, No. 231, Zhanqian Street, Changle County, Weifang City, Shandong Province 250000 2022-03-28 2010-06-30 Weifang Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission Branch 00049161 Operating personal accident insurance, personal term death insurance, personal endowment insurance, personal lifetime insurance, personal annuity insurance, personal short-term health insurance, personal long-term health insurance, group accident insurance, group term insurance in Changle County, Weifang City Life insurance, group whole life insurance, group annuity insurance, group short-term health insurance, group long-term health insurance, and other personal insurance businesses approved by the insurance regulatory agency. 2022-06-09
000025150781 Manzhouli Branch of Yongan Property Insurance Co., Ltd. Shop No. 2#3, Xinjia Xiyuan Community, Manzhouli City, Hulunbuir City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region 2022-03-02 2021-02-23 Hulunbuir Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission Branch 00126048 Property damage insurance; liability insurance; credit insurance and guarantee insurance; short-term health insurance and accidental injury insurance; reinsurance business for the above businesses; other insurance businesses approved by the insurance regulatory agency. 2022-06-09 Yongan Property & Casualty Insurance Manzhouli Branch
000017331004001 China Ping An Property & Casualty Insurance Co., Ltd. Taizhou Luqiao Jinqing Marketing Service Department Room 04, Building 11, Gold Coast, No. 399 West Jinqing Avenue, Jinqing Town, Luqiao District, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province 318050 2019-04-16 2016-02-22 Zhejiang Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau 0145256 Operating enterprise property damage insurance, household property damage insurance, construction project insurance, installation project insurance, cargo transportation insurance, motor vehicle insurance, ship insurance, energy insurance, statutory liability insurance, general liability insurance, guarantee insurance, credit insurance, (Except export credit insurance), short-term health insurance, accident insurance, and other businesses approved by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission, acting as an agent for inspections, claims settlements, recovery and other related matters entrusted by domestic and foreign insurance institutions. 2022-06-09 Ping An Property & Casualty Road & Bridge Jinqing Marketing Service Department
000005411328019 Dahetun Marketing Service Department, Tanghe Branch, China Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Dahetun Street, Dahetun Town, Tanghe County, Nanyang City, Henan Province 473400 2011-06-21 2003-06-30 Henan Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau 0111603 Carry out training and daily management of salespersons; collect insurance premiums, insurance policies and other documents collected by salespersons; distribute insurance policies, insurance receipts and other relevant documents issued by insurance companies; accept customer inquiries and complaints; For company underwriting, the marketing service department can print insurance policies; with authorization from the insurance company, the marketing department can engage in surveys of some types of insurance. 2022-06-09 Dahetun Marketing Department of China Life Tanghe Branch Company
000005411328018 Gucheng Marketing Service Department, Tanghe Branch, China Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Gucheng Street, Gucheng Township, Tanghe County, Nanyang City, Henan Province 473400 2011-06-21 2003-06-30 Henan Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau 0111607 Carry out training and daily management of salespersons; collect insurance premiums, insurance policies and other documents collected by salespersons; distribute insurance policies, insurance receipts and other relevant documents issued by insurance companies; accept customer inquiries and complaints; For company underwriting, the marketing service department can print insurance policies; with authorization from the insurance company, the marketing department can engage in surveys of some types of insurance. 2022-06-09 China Life Tanghe Branch Gucheng Marketing Department
000005411328012 Nange Road Marketing Service Department, Tanghe Branch, China Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Nange Road, Tanghe County, Nanyang City, Henan Province 473400 2011-06-21 2003-06-30 Henan Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau 0111605 Carry out training and daily management of salespersons; collect insurance premiums, insurance policies and other documents collected by salespersons; distribute insurance policies, insurance receipts and other relevant documents issued by insurance companies; accept customer inquiries and complaints; For company underwriting, the marketing service department can print insurance policies; with authorization from the insurance company, the marketing department can engage in surveys of some types of insurance. 2022-06-09 China Life Tanghe Branch Nange Road Marketing Department
000005411328006 Wangji Marketing Service Department, Tanghe Branch, China Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Wangji Street, Wangji Township, Tanghe County, Nanyang City, Henan Province 473400 2011-06-21 2003-06-30 Henan Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau 0111618 Carry out training and daily management of salespersons; collect insurance premiums, insurance policies and other documents collected by salespersons; distribute insurance policies, insurance receipts and other relevant documents issued by insurance companies; accept customer inquiries and complaints; For company underwriting, the marketing service department can print insurance policies; with authorization from the insurance company, the marketing department can engage in surveys of some types of insurance. 2022-06-09 China Life Tanghe Branch Wangji Marketing Department
000005411328005 Xinchun Road Marketing Service Department, Tanghe Branch, China Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Xinchun Road, Tanghe County, Nanyang City, Henan Province 473400 2011-06-21 2003-06-30 Henan Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau 0111614 Carry out training and daily management of salespersons; collect insurance premiums, insurance policies and other documents collected by salespersons; distribute insurance policies, insurance receipts and other relevant documents issued by insurance companies; accept customer inquiries and complaints; For company underwriting, the marketing service department can print insurance policies; with authorization from the insurance company, the marketing department can engage in surveys of some types of insurance. 2022-06-09 Xinchun Road Marketing Department of China Life Tanghe Branch
000132370785 China Coal Property Insurance Co., Ltd. Weifang Gaomi Branch Company Business Room No. 185, Building 14, No. 185, Zhanbei Street (West), Liquan Street, Gaomi City, Weifang City, Shandong Province 261500 2022-02-28 2018-03-08 Weifang Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission Branch 00049023 In Weifang Gaomi City, we operate various RMB and foreign currency property loss insurance; liability insurance; credit insurance and guarantee insurance; short-term health insurance and accident insurance; reinsurance business of the above businesses; other businesses approved by the insurance regulatory agency (Involving administrative licensing, with operating permits). 2022-06-09
000209110105 Chaoyang Branch, Beijing Branch of Everest Property Insurance Co., Ltd. Room A-705A, 6th Floor, Floor 01, Building 1, No. 59 Huagong Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100023 2021-07-14 2017-11-06 Beijing Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau 00000626 Decision is authorized by the head office within the approved business scope. 2022-06-09
000112371622 Binzhou Yangxin Branch of Changan Liability Insurance Co., Ltd. Rose - Taikoo Shing A-17, northeast corner of Daji Road, Yangcheng 3rd Road, Yangxin County, Binzhou City, Shandong Province 251800 2022-05-30 2017-06-12 Binzhou Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission Branch 00047689 Operates liability insurance; statutory liability insurance; property damage insurance; credit insurance and guarantee insurance; short-term health insurance and accidental injury insurance in Yangxin County, Binzhou City. 2022-06-08
000242421126001 Qichun Marketing Service Department, Hubei Branch of DaJia Property Insurance Co., Ltd. No. 72, Group 8, Fengshulin, Caohe Town, Caohe Town Industrial Park, Qichun County, Huanggang City, Hubei Province 435300 2021-09-13 2020-06-01 Huanggang Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission Branch 00065228 Carry out the following businesses within the administrative jurisdiction of Qichun County: property damage insurance; liability insurance, credit insurance and guarantee insurance; short-term health insurance and accidental injury insurance; reinsurance business for the above businesses; other businesses approved by the insurance regulatory agency. 2022-06-08
000061610116 Fude Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Xi'an Chang'an Branch Room 10807, Unit 1, Building 2, No. 28 Weiqu East Street, Chang'an District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province 710002 2022-03-10 2012-06-06 Shaanxi Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau 00098631 Individual accident insurance, individual term death insurance, individual endowment insurance, individual whole life insurance, individual annuity insurance, individual short-term health insurance, individual long-term health insurance, group accident insurance, group term insurance, group lifetime insurance, group Annuity insurance, group short-term health insurance, group long-term health insurance and other personal insurance businesses approved by the insurance regulatory agency and the head office 2022-06-08 Fude Life Insurance Xi'an Chang'an Branch SINOLIFEINSURANCECO.,LTD.XIANSHICHANGANSUBBRANCH
000061610104 Fude Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Xi'an Lianhu Branch Room 22708-22713, 27th Floor, Building B, Fortune Center, Building 1, Gaoxin 3rd Road, High-tech Zone, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province 710000 2022-03-10 2012-05-16 Shaanxi Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau 00098625 Individual accident insurance, individual term death insurance, individual endowment insurance, individual whole life insurance, individual annuity insurance, individual short-term health insurance, individual long-term health insurance, group accident insurance, group term insurance, group lifetime insurance, group Annuity insurance, group short-term health insurance, group long-term health insurance and other personal insurance businesses approved by the insurance regulatory agency and the head office 2022-06-08 Fude Life Insurance Xi'an Lianhu Branch FUNDESINOLIFEINSURANCECO.,LTD.XIANLIANHUBRANCH

Data update frequency

Annual Update
